07/12/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:
as a non- SF fan, I've never heard of those particular fighters lol when Street Fighter comes to mind I think: Bison, Guile, Blanka, Cammy, Vega, Chun Li, Balrog etc

This is a result of Capcom screwing the pooch with Street Fighter III back in the day and it had nothing to do with its roster. When SF4 came out most of the mainstream wasn't even aware there had been a SF3.

Kaber Wrote:
Are we still pretending that Street Fighter 3 and Soul Calibur V would have been super successful if they only had characters in the first 2 to 3 games?

Evidently. I really wish we could stop, I don't like this game of pretend anymore. The bulk of the veteran Soulcalibur is still in SCV and it didn't do it any favors.
07/12/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
MK is way too old and established to be doing that. Think about it, what if somewhere in the next 2-3 years a movie gets made, all the characters Boon & Co. just got rid of play an integral part in the movie's story, said movie is a smash and brings in more new fans while stoking the fires of nostalgia in others, then said fans buy the new game that just released only to find that those characters from the movie aren't there anymore.

How would WB and NRS handle the inevitable backlash? Tell them all to go f___ themselves, accept change or go to hell, like you all want them too?

May I remind you all that the Soul Caliber series is on it's death bed because of the exact things NRS is planning for MK right now? Most casual fans will not accept Cassie Cage over Sonya, they'll just see a cheap imitation, that's what happened with SC5.

It's happened with Street Fighter, It's happened with DOA, and it's happened with Tekken. What makes you all think that MK is immune?

Most of the people who bought MK9 were people who either, like me, came of age during the arcade era and played MK1-4 as soon as they released, read the comics, watched the cartoon, saw the movies, and became attached to the characters. (And they were well developed characters) or grew up hearing about the old MK games from their big brother and got their hands on the 3d era crap only to be let down by the Hsu Haos and Nitaras of the series.

And I have a gut feeling that MKX will be packed full of Hsu Haos and Nitaras. Ferra/Torr is an obvious Master Blaster rip-off and seems wildly out of place (like "What game am I in?" out of place) ,D'vorah seems more like a low-rent Dc comics character than an MK character, and Cassie Cage should change her name to Sonya Lite. The only new guy so far who doesn't seem out of place or generic right now is Kotal Kahn.

Rant Overfurious

YOU my friend are a f***ing IDIOT


Do us and MK a favor and GET A DAMN LIFE, wash your hands of Mortal Kombat if you don't like it and quit bagging on MKX and just leave.

You have 9 F***ING GAMES that you can play if you wanna play as that vapid w***e Kitana or that f****t Smoke. Stay the f**k out of my Mortal Kombat.

NRS has proven that they can make new stars, we don't need THE ICONS anymore.

People like you who cannot accept change need to disappear fro the fandom, MK has to evolve to survive. Even if that means alienating pieces of sh** like you, then all the merrier.

Excuse me sir, allow me to suggest you consult to a psychologist regarding your anger issues.
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-sig by MINION

07/12/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
It's happened with Street Fighter, It's happened with DOA, and it's happened with Tekken. What makes you all think that MK is immune?
That pretty much all worked out though. The Street Fighter III characters have been successfully integrated in SF4, Tekken is still one of the most popular fighting games around and everyone loves the replacement characters, the only failing has been SCV because it's awful.

MK's problem with new characters is that they constantly introduce 7-8 new characters every game only to have them disappear the very next game with a few exceptions. In the MKD-MKA era NRS was limited by time and resources because MK was Midway's only money maker but that's not the case now so the new characters will be better than the last batch. If NRS can resist the urge to reboot their roster AGAIN then people will come around to these characters like they did with the T3 characters and the SFIII characters and the one or two replacement DOA characters.

Icebaby Wrote:
Wanna know what's funny? Mortal Kombat has always introduced new characters, new arenas, new features. Anyone who's starting to dislike the series or this game because of more new being added obviously haven't been paying attention for the last twenty something years.
Right? MK has never not had their roster change DRAMATICALLY from the game that came before it.

ErmaSco Wrote:
My only problem is that, a character like Kitana who is so boring is gonna earn a spot that is much more deserved by another of em old favorites.
But are you mad?
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07/12/2014 04:14 PM (UTC)
Street fighter 3 even to this day is considered one of if not the best fighting game ever made. Its irrelevant to compare the crappy character designs that MK had during the DA and Deception days. Boon was given a shoe string budget by midway in those days now with warner brothers and deep pockets mk can have great new characters. Point is you can have a great game with mostly a new cast.
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-sig by MINION

07/12/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
NRS has proven that they can make new stars, we don't need THE ICONS anymore.
People like you who cannot accept change need to disappear fro the fandom, MK has to evolve to survive. Even if that means alienating pieces of sh** like you, then all the merrier.
You know it's interesting that again this is an MK exclusive problem.

I can't think of many other fighting games where roster is so much of an issue and point of contention. Most other fighting game franchises manage to stay around and be successful critically and financially without the roster overhauls that MK has. Most other franchises evolve by change their fighting engine not their roster.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/12/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
StrykerKombat Wrote:

as a non- SF fan, I've never heard of those particular fighters lol when Street Fighter comes to mind I think: Bison, Guile, Blanka, Cammy, Vega, Chun Li, Balrog etc

Well, doesn't mean they're bad characters, just means you haven't really followed SF since the 90's. :D SF4 has been all the rage over the past few years and these guys are getting all kinds of exposure nowadays. 3 may have slipped past the mainstream, but 4 has made sure people took notice.
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07/12/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
Do we old timers remember that most of MK cast was either palette swaps or bugs that got turned into characters. MK9 was a great game but there wasnt anything new. Im ready for an mk game with only a few classic characters and a ton of new ones.
07/12/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
I doubt that the series will ever be "rid" of the older generation of characters. It's just that for a series this old and established, it needs new life to it. Some people just have the nostalgia goggles on and don't appreciate the post-MK4 characters much or at all save for perhaps someone like Kenshi. It wasn't until the later games that several classic characters were revamped and fleshed out, such as Noob Saibot and Ermac. It's possible that we can see some of the post-MK4 characters revamped and overall improved.

We have yet to see everything regarding the new characters in MKX, and honestly, the introduction of many new characters is what has me more excited for this upcoming game compared to MK 2011.

Oh, and about vengeful Scorpion, I too am pissed at that. It's about time he actually develops into something more. It's clear enough that NRS cares about wanting to tell a real story, but the execution is not as good as it could be partially due to fans that are too stuck in the past.
07/12/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
If you hate what they've done so far just don't buy the freaggin game and stop ranting about it. You haven't even played with the new characters, you don't even know their storylines and you already hate them?!
They already made a reboot of the first 3 games with the original cast, I'd say it was about time for some change. There are gonna be returning characters, it's not like 90% of the roster will be newbies. I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return but I'm willing to give it a chance before I start bitching about how awful it is.

I hate stupid comments like these. Ohhh you haven't played as them or you haven't even known there storylines. What is the first attraction/turn off every human has to something. It's appearance. When it comes to movies, food or even dating. Your usually turned off by not what you try but what you see. So you just date anyone then is what your saying?

That's the most stupid comparison ever. How can you compare human beings and dating to MK?confused So I am supposed to hate a certain type of food just by its appearance before I even taste it?? I can't even@your way of thinking.
There are plenty of characters that I am not a great fan of, although I love their storylines and fighting styles which helped me warm up to them. Also I love how Jade looks but I still don't like her as a character. You point? Please refrain from calling other people's comments stupid while posting stuff like that...you know what they say about people in glass houses.
It makes perfect sense that we can't judge a character when we know almost nothing about them. If you are that narrow minded to be all like "I hate how they look boohoo this game sucks" then do yourself a favor and just don't buy the freaggin game! I am not the one complaining about everything, I just have a different opinion so deal with it.

PS.Learn to use several quotes in a single post instead of flooding threads.

Because most people won't play as someone who looks fucking stupid to them is my point. I honestly can care less about most characters background or story. I only care about what they can do and how they look. If you look bland I won't even bother looking at you or selecting you. wink
07/12/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
Street fighter 3 even to this day is considered one of if not the best fighting game ever made. Its irrelevant to compare the crappy character designs that MK had during the DA and Deception days. Boon was given a shoe string budget by midway in those days now with warner brothers and deep pockets mk can have great new characters. Point is you can have a great game with mostly a new cast.

Your comparing the 3rd game to a 10th game. Street fighter was still in it's early stages in the series. Mk has been around for over 20 years now. It already has a long time story and set standard.
07/12/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Your comparing the 3rd game to a 10th game. Street fighter was still in it's early stages in the series. Mk has been around for over 20 years now. It already has a long time story and set standard.

I'm going to make a sweeping assumption and assume you're not very familiar with Street Fighter. Street Fighter III is definitely not the "third game" literally speaking and the series has been around since 1987.
07/12/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
I am completely OK with changes in the roster, because I am tired of seeing the same characters over and over. In fact, it's my biggest gripe with many other fighting games.
07/12/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
If you hate what they've done so far just don't buy the freaggin game and stop ranting about it. You haven't even played with the new characters, you don't even know their storylines and you already hate them?!
They already made a reboot of the first 3 games with the original cast, I'd say it was about time for some change. There are gonna be returning characters, it's not like 90% of the roster will be newbies. I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return but I'm willing to give it a chance before I start bitching about how awful it is.

I hate stupid comments like these. Ohhh you haven't played as them or you haven't even known there storylines. What is the first attraction/turn off every human has to something. It's appearance. When it comes to movies, food or even dating. Your usually turned off by not what you try but what you see. So you just date anyone then is what your saying?

That's the most stupid comparison ever. How can you compare human beings and dating to MK?confused So I am supposed to hate a certain type of food just by its appearance before I even taste it?? I can't even@your way of thinking.
There are plenty of characters that I am not a great fan of, although I love their storylines and fighting styles which helped me warm up to them. Also I love how Jade looks but I still don't like her as a character. You point? Please refrain from calling other people's comments stupid while posting stuff like that...you know what they say about people in glass houses.
It makes perfect sense that we can't judge a character when we know almost nothing about them. If you are that narrow minded to be all like "I hate how they look boohoo this game sucks" then do yourself a favor and just don't buy the freaggin game! I am not the one complaining about everything, I just have a different opinion so deal with it.

PS.Learn to use several quotes in a single post instead of flooding threads.

Because most people won't play as someone who looks fucking stupid to them is my point. I honestly can care less about most characters background or story. I only care about what they can do and how they look. If you look bland I won't even bother looking at you or selecting you. wink

That says a lot about you then if you're that shallow. Most fans of the MK series fall in love with the characters because of their rich backgrounds and stories, not how cool their picture looks on the character select screen. If that's your standard then MK is definitely not for you. Lots of carbon copy fighting games out there with sequels that barely differ from each other, so sticking to those would make the most sense for you it sounds like. Good luck.wink
07/12/2014 07:57 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:

Because most people won't play as someone who looks fucking stupid to them is my point. I honestly can care less about most characters background or story. I only care about what they can do and how they look. If you look bland I won't even bother looking at you or selecting you. wink

Then I am sorry to say but you are the minority in this forum. Most people here care about the story and want the characters to have depth, originality and interesting storylines. If you only care about appearance go play DoA.
07/12/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
Most people won't play as someone who looks stupid? Ooooookay.
07/12/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:

Because most people won't play as someone who looks fucking stupid to them is my point. I honestly can care less about most characters background or story. I only care about what they can do and how they look. If you look bland I won't even bother looking at you or selecting you. wink

Then I am sorry to say but you are the minority in this forum. Most people here care about the story and want the characters to have depth, originality and interesting storylines. If you only care about appearance go play DoA.

And. Is this forum the only people who play mk? I bet you more people think like me that play than just story and background. And no im not playing doa.
07/12/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
Wow. That is the single stupidest argument for a status quo I've ever heard.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/12/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Street Fighter III threw out 90% of its roster. Yeah, people complained. But years later, most of the new generation are regarded as classic characters. Dudley, Elena, Hugo, Makoto, Ibuki, Yun & Yang have cemented their place, and people still hope to see Urien, Oro and Q again some day.

They play their cards right, the same could happen for MK.

07/12/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
If you think SF3 would have been a super success with only SF2 characters then you wrong.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/13/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
MK is way too old and established to be doing that. Think about it, what if somewhere in the next 2-3 years a movie gets made, all the characters Boon & Co. just got rid of play an integral part in the movie's story, said movie is a smash and brings in more new fans while stoking the fires of nostalgia in others, then said fans buy the new game that just released only to find that those characters from the movie aren't there anymore.

How would WB and NRS handle the inevitable backlash? Tell them all to go f___ themselves, accept change or go to hell, like you all want them too?

May I remind you all that the Soul Caliber series is on it's death bed because of the exact things NRS is planning for MK right now? Most casual fans will not accept Cassie Cage over Sonya, they'll just see a cheap imitation, that's what happened with SC5.

It's happened with Street Fighter, It's happened with DOA, and it's happened with Tekken. What makes you all think that MK is immune?

Rant Overfurious

Street Fighter.

Having characters from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike in Ultra/Super Street Fighter IV is proof enough that people accepted the new change in the SFIII series.
The thing about the game itself is that it consist of new characters that actually resembles past characters. So while the nostalgia is slightly there to the Vets, it also kept people open-minded of the new characters.
Which apparently lead to a good thing since characters like:


where DEMANDED to be in the Street Fighter IV game from the fans. The idea of characters wasn't amazingly a cash grab from Capcom, people WANTED these characters in the game. Which mean people liked the change.

Their character alienation is nothing near the likes of MK9.
I've played Tekken 6 and it seems like the only character missing is Eddie Gordo in which we have Christie, while everyone else worth a damn seems to be there. And at the same time, the new characters were also welcomed with open arms.
As for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, I don't need to play that game to know that everyone in the Tekken history is in that game.

As for the movie. I wouldn't bother too much of a movie with guaranteed inaccurate character background history and/or story line just for the sake of making a buck. If people become a fan of the series because of a movie, then LOL at them, for reals. They need to pay attention to the source and only go from there.
07/13/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
Wait till the game is released before getting to any conclusions. NRS listens to fans and they will not disappoint. Just have some faith and patience that's all.
07/13/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
MK9 was a great game but there wasnt anything new. Im ready for an mk game with only a few classic characters and a ton of new ones.

I wasn't around MKO in 2004, but I wonder if there was this same argument when Deception came out and 10 out of its 18 selectable characters were newcomers (including holdovers from Deadly Alliance).

I also wonder what would've happened had they all been properly developed over time instead of Midway basically throwing them all except Kenshi out like yesterday's newspaper.
07/13/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
I wasn't around MKO in 2004, but I wonder if there was this same argument when Deception came out and 10 out of its 18 selectable characters were newcomers (including holdovers from Deadly Alliance).

I also wonder what would've happened had they all been properly developed over time instead of Midway basically throwing them all except Kenshi out like yesterday's newspaper.

There was clear hype for new characters, but we also did not expect the end result. A lot of people had different expectations and assumptions leading up to release, since we never got any character info outside of partial names and concept art or screenshots. What our imaginations concocted were a lot more interesting than the reality, much to the dismay of many.

I remember many people not being very happy about Deception's roster once the game actually came out to stores. It axed all but six characters from Deadly Alliance (three of whom were debuts from Deadly Alliance: Li Mei, Kenshi and Bo Rai Cho), in favor of a whole slew of new ones and getting rid of a lot of the more prominent DA characters for the return of B-list characters pre-MK4, some obviously more popular than others.
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