The problem with getting rid of Old Characters.
posted07/13/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/13/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
MK is way too old and established to be doing that. Think about it, what if somewhere in the next 2-3 years a movie gets made, all the characters Boon & Co. just got rid of play an integral part in the movie's story, said movie is a smash and brings in more new fans while stoking the fires of nostalgia in others, then said fans buy the new game that just released only to find that those characters from the movie aren't there anymore.

How would WB and NRS handle the inevitable backlash? Tell them all to go f___ themselves, accept change or go to hell, like you all want them too?

May I remind you all that the Soul Caliber series is on it's death bed because of the exact things NRS is planning for MK right now? Most casual fans will not accept Cassie Cage over Sonya, they'll just see a cheap imitation, that's what happened with SC5.

It's happened with Street Fighter, It's happened with DOA, and it's happened with Tekken. What makes you all think that MK is immune?

Most of the people who bought MK9 were people who either, like me, came of age during the arcade era and played MK1-4 as soon as they released, read the comics, watched the cartoon, saw the movies, and became attached to the characters. (And they were well developed characters) or grew up hearing about the old MK games from their big brother and got their hands on the 3d era crap only to be let down by the Hsu Haos and Nitaras of the series.

And I have a gut feeling that MKX will be packed full of Hsu Haos and Nitaras. Ferra/Torr is an obvious Master Blaster rip-off and seems wildly out of place (like "What game am I in?" out of place) ,D'vorah seems more like a low-rent Dc comics character than an MK character, and Cassie Cage should change her name to Sonya Lite. The only new guy so far who doesn't seem out of place or generic right now is Kotal Kahn.

Rant Overfurious
07/12/2014 09:28 AM (UTC)

Scorpion and Sub-Zero were once new as well, so give D'vorah, Ferra/Torr, Cassie Cage and Kotal Kahn a chance please before bitching on them because they aren't using ice or spears.
07/12/2014 09:34 AM (UTC)
Soul Calibur did it the wrong way. Their engine is so cheap that all the characters somehow feels as if they share the same basic build, the newer generation resemble the older one in a much lesser way than Cassie does Johnny/Sonya. Oh and Cassie's reception has been good so far. Same can be said about the other new ones.

It's still too early to judge, we are told that only around half of the cast is new, the other half is composed of old characters, so old champs like us would find home in it too.

I obviously got tired of the whole MK1-3 loop that has been going ever since MKSM. I am tired of the super predictable roster and more importantly the arenas. I have a lot of old favorites, Sektor and Shang to name a few. Their chances to land on MKX are slim, but I'll take whatever they come up with.

My only problem is that, a character like Kitana who is so boring is gonna earn a spot that is much more deserved by another of em old favorites.
07/12/2014 09:47 AM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:

My only problem is that, a character like Kitana who is so boring is gonna earn a spot that is much more deserved by another of em old favorites.

OMG! So much truth in this! gringrin

Kitana isn't only ruining a spot for another more worthfull character that didn't die in MK9, she's also corrupting the storylines of mileena and jade again when she would appear alongside them.
07/12/2014 11:27 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
MK is way too old and established to be doing that. Think about it, what if somewhere in the next 2-3 years a movie gets made, all the characters Boon & Co. just got rid of play an integral part in the movie's story, said movie is a smash and brings in more new fans while stoking the fires of nostalgia in others, then said fans buy the new game that just released only to find that those characters from the movie aren't there anymore.

How would WB and NRS handle the inevitable backlash? Tell them all to go f___ themselves, accept change or go to hell, like you all want them too?

May I remind you all that the Soul Caliber series is on it's death bed because of the exact things NRS is planning for MK right now? Most casual fans will not accept Cassie Cage over Sonya, they'll just see a cheap imitation, that's what happened with SC5.

It's happened with Street Fighter, It's happened with DOA, and it's happened with Tekken. What makes you all think that MK is immune?

Most of the people who bought MK9 were people who either, like me, came of age during the arcade era and played MK1-4 as soon as they released, read the comics, watched the cartoon, saw the movies, and became attached to the characters. (And they were well developed characters) or grew up hearing about the old MK games from their big brother and got their hands on the 3d era crap only to be let down by the Hsu Haos and Nitaras of the series.

And I have a gut feeling that MKX will be packed full of Hsu Haos and Nitaras. Ferra/Torr is an obvious Master Blaster rip-off and seems wildly out of place (like "What game am I in?" out of place) ,D'vorah seems more like a low-rent Dc comics character than an MK character, and Cassie Cage should change her name to Sonya Lite. The only new guy so far who doesn't seem out of place or generic right now is Kotal Kahn.

Rant Overfurious

They can't just keep remaking Trilogy, friend. If they did, you'd just be complaining about how stale MK has become. I grew up with the old games like a lot of other folks here, and I actually support NRS going into uncharted territory with MKX.

Change is scary, I know. And I'm being genuine when I say that. It's a lot easier to stick with the familiar, because it's comfortable and something we can identify with. But if NRS just plays it safe and refuses to shake things up, MK will just die another long death...a death laced with tired re-tellings of the same old storyline and pitted with uninspired design decisions.

I'd rather MK take a leap into the unknown, fraught with risk and the chance of severe failure, than spend another decade slowly withering and fading from the public consciousness due to an absence of innovation and an unwillingness to *rock the boat*, so to speak.

That being said, I think NRS has a good handle on MKX, and I think MK overall is only going to benefit as a result of this shift into the unknown. smile
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

07/12/2014 11:36 AM (UTC)
Well don't buy the game then. Keep playing MK9, thats what MK9 was made for, to re-establish the franchise with the characters we all know and grew up with but with top notch fighting engine.

You can't remake UMK3 ad nauseaum. The last two MK games in Armageddon and MK9 have been a compilation and a reboot/remake. Let the franchise move forward and lets see the vision NRS has for it.

If you dont like it, you dont have to buy it, dont have to play it, dont have to follow its development, dont have to have anything to do with it
07/12/2014 12:42 PM (UTC)
MK has been known to change things up and add more things to every game. I respect the guys for taking chances. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, but through the years Ed and the NRS team has earned my faith. They will never truely "get rid" of the old characters because they are a huge part of the mythology of the MK universe. So even if they aren't playable they will no doubt play a role, big or small in future games. If the storyline sees fit to include them. MK Deception had 8 new characters out of the 24 and of all the 3D Mortal Kombats, that one was my favorite. Goes to show you that new can be better.
07/12/2014 12:57 PM (UTC)
Looks like someone didn't have his/her relaxing pills? Even during the MK9 buzz new fans were hoping "Oh that the next game would be re-introducing many of its characters since now that MK's became a tournament fighting game..." But it was never MK's style not to introduce a lot of new characters. especially each time a new generation consoles has arrived.

And i'm ok with that. As much as i don't mind Scorpion, Sub Zero, Raiden and a couple more of the biggest first 2 or 3 games characters having their granted spot every new game. Being used to what Boon and Co. have done along the years, i would soon get tired of always seeing the old faces and characters and then the dead potential such as Nitara, Li Mei, Bo never appear again. As for the new MKX characters. It's a new generation game so it was to be expected. I'm cool with that. Most of the rants at the time don't seem to realize that the familiar stuff is yet to come. And that the classic MK1-MK3 characters that died during MK9 aren't dead for good. Just so we have something new and with potential to be fed finally. Because as much as i loved Kabal back in MK3 and still do today, he's not moving anywhere at the time. Doesn't make the overall story go forward either.
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07/12/2014 01:17 PM (UTC)
MK is not art, so it's expected that popular characters will be brought back, because that is what sells.

Not that they could not reinvent the characters, hell Scorpion's schtick in MKD was that he would be reborn as an enforcer for the Elder Gods, but for some reason people cannot get detached from the iconic bullshit that is Scorpion's rage and vengeance. So they had to have him on a vendetta against the Elder gods and Quan Shit.

You know, because the Elder gods for no good reason made zombies out of his clan when ressurecting them. You have one of the most effective fighters as your ally, and you deliberately begin to fuck with him.

Because vengeance.

If the staff could finally get through this, and write a story, any kind of story that has arcs what have closure and consequence, then MK might actually have:

- perhaps some artistic merit from a storytelling prespective.

-a richer background what is more coherent.

-a chance to store and introduce new fighters. That is right, by allowing characters to complete their journey for once, they could have periods of relevance.

By this I mean that Vengeance Scorpion could be followed by enforcer Scorpion etc., and that doesn't diminish the character. People do not like Scorpion ebcause of his story. People like Scorpion because of the spear.

And you could actually give rest to characters, and then pull them back with new stuff to do.

Mortanius Wrote:
MK has been known to change things up and add more things to every game. I respect the guys for taking chances. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, but through the years Ed and the NRS team has earned my faith. They will never truely "get rid" of the old characters because they are a huge part of the mythology of the MK universe. So even if they aren't playable they will no doubt play a role, big or small in future games. If the storyline sees fit to include them. MK Deception had 8 new characters out of the 24 and of all the 3D Mortal Kombats, that one was my favorite. Goes to show you that new can be better.

Come to me my undead son, the stage is set for the grand finale!

07/12/2014 01:24 PM (UTC)
If you hate what they've done so far just don't buy the freaggin game and stop ranting about it. You haven't even played with the new characters, you don't even know their storylines and you already hate them?!
They already made a reboot of the first 3 games with the original cast, I'd say it was about time for some change. There are gonna be returning characters, it's not like 90% of the roster will be newbies. I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return but I'm willing to give it a chance before I start bitching about how awful it is.
07/12/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return

Here's my problem.

What the fuck is going to happen to the likes of Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Dairou, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, etc? Are they going to pretend those characters never happened? Creating new characters just to erase them later on is retarded.

Yeah they weren't the most original or exciting characters but they deserve a second chance.
07/12/2014 01:41 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MK is not art, so it's expected that popular characters will be brought back, because that is what sells.

Not that they could not reinvent the characters, hell Scorpion's schtick in MKD was that he would be reborn as an enforcer for the Elder Gods, but for some reason people cannot get detached from the iconic bullshit that is Scorpion's rage and vengeance. So they had to have him on a vendetta against the Elder gods and Quan Shit.

You know, because the Elder gods for no good reason made zombies out of his clan when ressurecting them. You have one of the most effective fighters as your ally, and you deliberately begin to fuck with him.

Because vengeance.

If the staff could finally get through this, and write a story, any kind of story that has arcs what have closure and consequence, then MK might actually have:

- perhaps some artistic merit from a storytelling prespective.

-a richer background what is more coherent.

-a chance to store and introduce new fighters. That is right, by allowing characters to complete their journey for once, they could have periods of relevance.

By this I mean that Vengeance Scorpion could be followed by enforcer Scorpion etc., and that doesn't diminish the character. People do not like Scorpion ebcause of his story. People like Scorpion because of the spear.

And you could actually give rest to characters, and then pull them back with new stuff to do.

Mortanius Wrote:
MK has been known to change things up and add more things to every game. I respect the guys for taking chances. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, but through the years Ed and the NRS team has earned my faith. They will never truely "get rid" of the old characters because they are a huge part of the mythology of the MK universe. So even if they aren't playable they will no doubt play a role, big or small in future games. If the storyline sees fit to include them. MK Deception had 8 new characters out of the 24 and of all the 3D Mortal Kombats, that one was my favorite. Goes to show you that new can be better.

Come to me my undead son, the stage is set for the grand finale!

I agree with you 100% Chrome on how they should handle the story.

Also... "You will have your vengeance"grin That quote is oddly fitting for Scorpion.
07/12/2014 01:59 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Scorpion and Sub-Zero were once new as well, so give D'vorah, Ferra/Torr, Cassie Cage and Kotal Kahn a chance please before bitching on them because they aren't using ice or spears.

When scorpion and sub were new MK AS A WHOLE WAS NEW. It didn't have a standard if identity yet. Now it's older than some of it's fans.
07/12/2014 02:01 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Well don't buy the game then. Keep playing MK9, thats what MK9 was made for, to re-establish the franchise with the characters we all know and grew up with but with top notch fighting engine.

You can't remake UMK3 ad nauseaum. The last two MK games in Armageddon and MK9 have been a compilation and a reboot/remake. Let the franchise move forward and lets see the vision NRS has for it.

If you dont like it, you dont have to buy it, dont have to play it, dont have to follow its development, dont have to have anything to do with it

Pretty sure that's his reason for complaints. You people act like mk was shift for gods and no one should criticize it at all. It isn't perfect. And when your paying for something you have the right to complain all you want.
07/12/2014 02:04 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
If you hate what they've done so far just don't buy the freaggin game and stop ranting about it. You haven't even played with the new characters, you don't even know their storylines and you already hate them?!
They already made a reboot of the first 3 games with the original cast, I'd say it was about time for some change. There are gonna be returning characters, it's not like 90% of the roster will be newbies. I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return but I'm willing to give it a chance before I start bitching about how awful it is.

I hate stupid comments like these. Ohhh you haven't played as them or you haven't even known there storylines. It really takes you all that to like someone or something. What is the first attraction/turn off every human has to something. It's appearance. When it comes to movies, food or even dating. Your usually turned off by not what you try but what you see. So you just date anyone then is what your saying?
07/12/2014 02:06 PM (UTC)
Mortanius Wrote:
MK has been known to change things up and add more things to every game. I respect the guys for taking chances. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, but through the years Ed and the NRS team has earned my faith. They will never truely "get rid" of the old characters because they are a huge part of the mythology of the MK universe. So even if they aren't playable they will no doubt play a role, big or small in future games. If the storyline sees fit to include them. MK Deception had 8 new characters out of the 24 and of all the 3D Mortal Kombats, that one was my favorite. Goes to show you that new can be better.

Except havik and somewhat Hotaru most of the new characters in deception were ass. The game itself was good majority of the new characters were shit.
07/12/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
Change is good, deal with it!

Plus, I for one am tired of seeing the old faces (MK!-MK3), except for some.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/12/2014 02:43 PM (UTC)
Street Fighter III threw out 90% of its roster. Yeah, people complained. But years later, most of the new generation are regarded as classic characters. Dudley, Elena, Hugo, Makoto, Ibuki, Yun & Yang have cemented their place, and people still hope to see Urien, Oro and Q again some day.

They play their cards right, the same could happen for MK.
07/12/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Mortanius Wrote:
MK has been known to change things up and add more things to every game. I respect the guys for taking chances. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, but through the years Ed and the NRS team has earned my faith. They will never truely "get rid" of the old characters because they are a huge part of the mythology of the MK universe. So even if they aren't playable they will no doubt play a role, big or small in future games. If the storyline sees fit to include them. MK Deception had 8 new characters out of the 24 and of all the 3D Mortal Kombats, that one was my favorite. Goes to show you that new can be better.

Except havik and somewhat Hotaru most of the new characters in deception were ass. The game itself was good majority of the new characters were shit.

I believe every character has potential to be great, giventhe time and effort to flesh them out.
In Deception, yes the newbies had a rough time being accepted by the fans but there's so much more that can be done with them.
Ashrah is a prime example of that. To me, the only throwaway characters in MKD was Kira & Kobra.
07/12/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Wanna know what's funny? Mortal Kombat has always introduced new characters, new arenas, new features. Anyone who's starting to dislike the series or this game because of more new being added obviously haven't been paying attention for the last twenty something years.
07/12/2014 02:53 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return

Here's my problem.

What the fuck is going to happen to the likes of Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Dairou, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, etc? Are they going to pretend those characters never happened? Creating new characters just to erase them later on is retarded.

Yeah they weren't the most original or exciting characters but they deserve a second chance.

I've become to believe over time that those characters ended up the way they did due to meddling from some sort of higher echelon at Midway.

There are way, way too many duds post-MK3 that even NRS hates them to make me believe it was all of their own doing.
07/12/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Street Fighter III threw out 90% of its roster. Yeah, people complained. But years later, most of the new generation are regarded as classic characters. Dudley, Elena, Hugo, Makoto, Ibuki, Yun & Yang have cemented their place, and people still hope to see for Urien, Oro and Q again some day.

They play their cards right, the same could happen for MK.

as a non- SF fan, I've never heard of those particular fighters lol when Street Fighter comes to mind I think: Bison, Guile, Blanka, Cammy, Vega, Chun Li, Balrog etc

Stryker only became my favourite character in MK9, yes I can replay MK9 but I want to experience playing as a new Stryker with updated gameplay and costumes, I'm down with change but fans are entitled to become sentimentally attached to characters that have been part of their lives for so long, also it was the first 3 games that made MK and that shouldn't be forgotten, as a fan of some of the human characters I'm slightly concerned about their future if they're to become permanently old aged :/
07/12/2014 03:34 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
If you hate what they've done so far just don't buy the freaggin game and stop ranting about it. You haven't even played with the new characters, you don't even know their storylines and you already hate them?!
They already made a reboot of the first 3 games with the original cast, I'd say it was about time for some change. There are gonna be returning characters, it's not like 90% of the roster will be newbies. I was a bit disappointed myself when I realized many MK4-MKD characters won't return but I'm willing to give it a chance before I start bitching about how awful it is.

I hate stupid comments like these. Ohhh you haven't played as them or you haven't even known there storylines. What is the first attraction/turn off every human has to something. It's appearance. When it comes to movies, food or even dating. Your usually turned off by not what you try but what you see. So you just date anyone then is what your saying?

That's the most stupid comparison ever. How can you compare human beings and dating to MK?confused So I am supposed to hate a certain type of food just by its appearance before I even taste it?? I can't even@your way of thinking. There are plenty of characters that I am not a great fan of, although I love their storylines and fighting styles which helped me warm up to them. Also I love how Jade looks but I still don't like her as a character. You point? Please refrain from calling other people's comments stupid while posting stuff like know what they say about people in glass houses.
It makes perfect sense that we can't judge a character when we know almost nothing about them. If you are that narrow minded to be all like "I hate how they look boohoo this game sucks" then do yourself a favor and just don't buy the freaggin game! I am not the one complaining about everything, I just have a different opinion so deal with it. PS.Learn to use several quotes in a single post instead of flooding threads.
07/12/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
MK is way too old and established to be doing that. Think about it, what if somewhere in the next 2-3 years a movie gets made, all the characters Boon & Co. just got rid of play an integral part in the movie's story, said movie is a smash and brings in more new fans while stoking the fires of nostalgia in others, then said fans buy the new game that just released only to find that those characters from the movie aren't there anymore.

How would WB and NRS handle the inevitable backlash? Tell them all to go f___ themselves, accept change or go to hell, like you all want them too?

May I remind you all that the Soul Caliber series is on it's death bed because of the exact things NRS is planning for MK right now? Most casual fans will not accept Cassie Cage over Sonya, they'll just see a cheap imitation, that's what happened with SC5.

It's happened with Street Fighter, It's happened with DOA, and it's happened with Tekken. What makes you all think that MK is immune?

Most of the people who bought MK9 were people who either, like me, came of age during the arcade era and played MK1-4 as soon as they released, read the comics, watched the cartoon, saw the movies, and became attached to the characters. (And they were well developed characters) or grew up hearing about the old MK games from their big brother and got their hands on the 3d era crap only to be let down by the Hsu Haos and Nitaras of the series.

And I have a gut feeling that MKX will be packed full of Hsu Haos and Nitaras. Ferra/Torr is an obvious Master Blaster rip-off and seems wildly out of place (like "What game am I in?" out of place) ,D'vorah seems more like a low-rent Dc comics character than an MK character, and Cassie Cage should change her name to Sonya Lite. The only new guy so far who doesn't seem out of place or generic right now is Kotal Kahn.

Rant Overfurious

YOU my friend are a f***ing IDIOT


Do us and MK a favor and GET A DAMN LIFE, wash your hands of Mortal Kombat if you don't like it and quit bagging on MKX and just leave.

You have 9 F***ING GAMES that you can play if you wanna play as that vapid w***e Kitana or that f****t Smoke. Stay the f**k out of my Mortal Kombat.

NRS has proven that they can make new stars, we don't need THE ICONS anymore.

People like you who cannot accept change need to disappear fro the fandom, MK has to evolve to survive. Even if that means alienating pieces of sh** like you, then all the merrier.
07/12/2014 03:53 PM (UTC)
Are we still pretending that Street Fighter 3 and Soul Calibur V would have been super successful if they only had characters in the first 2 to 3 games?
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