06/22/2014 04:00 AM (UTC)
I too have always wanted a horror movie fighting game, however the mortal kombat engine just wouldn't work. You are never going to see Pinhead doing jumping cross up kicks, or leather face doing a crouching attack.

To do a horror fighting game right, you need to use something similar to wrestling video game engine.

- 3D movement
- No jumping
- Attack button , tapped fast multiple strikes, used with a direction for a power attack.
- Grapple button used with direction button to pull off different cinematic style attacks. Instead of body slams or suplexes, it's basically mini fatalities done in a cinematic style the way wrestling moves are done.

Characters like Pinhead or Tallman who do not use traditional strikes would use chain strikes from mid air or Tallmans spheres would float around him and fly out to strike.

06/22/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
We already have Quan Chi... our own pinhead minus the pins.

We don't need anymore pure white-skinned freaks confusing people like Kratos did.
06/22/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)
Pinhead probably made Quan Chi his bitch in the Netherrealm.
06/22/2014 04:44 AM (UTC)
I'm truly surprised how little imagination some people have. I have never seen Predator jump punch someone and then doing a tag-juggle, nor i have seen a Xenomorph from Alien make a 8 hit combo. Just because it has not been shown anywhere doesn't mean its not possible. If people let go of that LOL CANON ONLY mentality for a second u bet your ass Netherrealm could come up with some truly wicked stuff.


Xenomorph: could have a crawling stance, stabbing with tail, hitting with back legs, swipes, fast bites, head attacks, ETC.

The Blob: We have only see it swallowing people but add a bit of that magic called taking artistic liberties and it could turn into a shape-shifting being (kinda like Clayface from Batman) lots of possibilities.

I'm glad Netherrealm is exploring new territories such as dual characters and introducing plenty of new ones. Seems like most people just want MK9 repeated forever. confused
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06/22/2014 05:03 AM (UTC)
Pinhead's not an atheletic physical fighter. It could work perhaps if he were a long-distance character who summoned up chains for his normals and specials.

Fun fact: Clive Barker never intended for the character to be a central antagonist of any sort and hates the name 'Pinhead' that the character got during the first movie's filming. He's killing him off in his next book. :D
06/22/2014 05:16 AM (UTC)
Was Freddy Krugger athletic? Again the canon mentality. I can really picture Freddy doing cardio in the mornings and hitting the gym when the sun goes down. wink
06/22/2014 05:20 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
He's killing him off in his next book. :D

Clive Barker and George RR Martin are competing to see who can take longer to put out their book.
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06/22/2014 05:34 AM (UTC)
No mentality at work here. I'm just in favor of things not looking stupid and out of place. That sloppy line of thinking gives you games like Teras Kasi, where Star Wars characters are hacking at each others' limbs with lightsabers and magically nothing's being shorn off.

Presentation is important. I'd like to think that we're past the days where "we should do it because it might look cool" is enough justification to greenlight something.
06/22/2014 05:40 AM (UTC)
Koenji Wrote:
Was Freddy Krugger athletic?

That's the main difference between him and Jason in FvJ, Jason is slow and lumbering and lands really heavy hits, Freddy jumps around a lot and does lots of little stabs.

As far as having another horror guest character, I say Ash Williams or nothing at all.
06/22/2014 06:14 AM (UTC)
People talk about being in favor of things not looking stupid and out of place but everything is as far out as it can be in the mortal kombat universe:
Magic, robot-ninjas, zombies, friendships, etc. Is Pinhead really out of place from all that?

And besides it was the "it would be cool" factor that lead into the creation of many mortal kombat characters and apparently if Ed Boon didnt lie, Freddy was the most bought DLC. Did it ruin the MK presentation? A guest character such as Pinhead will not affect the precious canon nor stain the series. Its only for FUN.
06/22/2014 07:15 AM (UTC)
Bruce Campbell is fun.
Just sayin'.
06/22/2014 07:48 AM (UTC)
Im not against Ash/Bruce at all. But if i can pick ill go with Pinhead just saying wink
06/22/2014 07:53 AM (UTC)
I'd rather have guest characters from other fighting games, if any at all... Not a fan of these horror movies. :/
06/22/2014 10:40 AM (UTC)
Someone from Eternal Champions.
06/22/2014 12:21 PM (UTC)
Koenji Wrote:
I'm truly surprised how little imagination some people have. I have never seen Predator jump punch someone and then doing a tag-juggle, nor i have seen a Xenomorph from Alien make a 8 hit combo. Just because it has not been shown anywhere doesn't mean its not possible. If people let go of that LOL CANON ONLY mentality for a second u bet your ass Netherrealm could come up with some truly wicked stuff.

What you're suggesting will completely deter Pinhead from his natural posture; it pretty much won't be Pinhead at all, just some guy who looks like him (Quan Chi).

Freddy is a being of infinite possibly. Not even prior to Freddy vs Jason was it bizarre to think of him fighting someone, because it was already established that he is capable of anything.

At the very least, how Pinhead fights should suit his posture.
Koenji Wrote:
I know im not the only one who believes that Neatherrealm should create a horror movie icon fighting game. Violent, gruesome and as awesome as MK9 was. But since that may never come to be, the next best thing we can get is guest characters for MK X.

Without a doubt, the one character that was born for a spot in the MK ranks, is, none other than the infernal poet himself, the metaphysical horror from the wicked Hellraiser universe.... PINHEAD.

Just take a look at his already incredible look with its mix of macabre yet elegant design:





And its not only his appearance, but his known abilities would allow for some brutal playstyle. He has at his disposal all sort of rusty razors and chains and hooks, but also has the power of the Lament Configuration box, which could add mechanics such as portals, projectiles and even be implemented on his X-RAY/FATALITIES.

Anyone who has seen the first 4 movies know how gruesome his killings can be and on top of it all its a very interesting character on its own. The way he talks alone, about death and horror in a poetical and philosophical way has always set him apart from other mindless monsters and in my opinion the perfect fit for MK X.

Anyone agrees?

You just exposed yourself hankypanky1 lmao
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
And you're entitled to that opinion. I think it'd be fucking awesome.

It's not an opinion. They're stating facts. •_•

Pinhead just wouldn't work in MK.
06/22/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
Freddy Kruger in the movies actually did show off martial arts. In Nightmare 3 he did kip ups and round house kicks , and in Freddy vs, Jason did a ton of actuall fighting.

Pinhead never physically attacked people.

I think your really grasping at straws to make a case for your self. Just because he is a horror icon doesn't make him suitable for a 2D martial arts game.

Saying to "use your imagination" doesn't apply either. Should we then also start throwing in Mortal Kombat characters into hockey games because both feature fighting ?

Again, I love the idea of a all horror fighting game, but not with Mortal Kombats gameplay mechanic. It just doesn't work. I can not for one moment imagine Leatherface doing a flipping jump over an opponent, and then juggling them in the air. Just because horror characters kill people, doesn't make them fighters .... They are mostly just killers.
06/22/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
And you're entitled to that opinion. I think it'd be fucking awesome.

It's not an opinion. They're stating facts. •_•

Pinhead just wouldn't work in MK.

Not sure if dumb or if you actually don't understand the differences between opinions and facts. It's a fantasy world full of monsters and other weird improbable things, and people are saying "His posture!' Are you people insane? It's a one off licensed character. Do you think people were scratching their heads trying to determine the mechanics of Freddy Krueger fighting Sub-Zero and how he'd be able to do that? That in itself makes no sense. They didn't even let him have just one glove, which is true heresy when it comes to that character. You think people are going to cry foul at Pinhead doing backflips? You guys overestimate how much people who aren't total nerds give a shit.
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06/22/2014 05:53 PM (UTC)
You don't have to be a 'total nerd' to appreciate that a character looks off doing what he's called to be doing in this topic.

It was once a miracle that you could even get people to talk about how a guest character could even appear in the game on these boards. Now we're in an environment more conducive to such things happening, and a few folks say "well, as long as they worked it in a way that made sense" and that's not enough for some people?

For the record, I never said Pinhead couldn't work in the game. I'd be fine with him if he seemed like he had the mannerisms of Pinhead - to feel like you're playing like Pinhead and not a Pinhead skin slapped on another character.

But folks here seem to be under the impression he should, what, feel and move exactly like every single other MK character used to, which is laughable considering we're about to have a game which features a greater variety of character types, who move differenly, from giant brutes like Torr to D'Vorah who can fly. Fucking hilarious. This is shit Street FIghter mastered in the 90's: different character types. It's not that hard.

No, let's just have him play like everyone else because "It's Mortal Kombat, most characters feel the same". UMK3 was a loooooong time ago, kiddies.
06/22/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
But folks here seem to be under the impression he should, what, feel and move exactly like every single other MK character used to, which is laughable considering we're about to have a game which features a greater variety of character types, who move differenly, from giant brutes like Torr to D'Vorah who can fly. Fucking hilarious. This is shit Street FIghter mastered in the 90's: different character types. It's not that hard.

No, let's just have him play like everyone else because "It's Mortal Kombat, most characters feel the same". UMK3 was a loooooong time ago, kiddies.

This is what I can't understand. People are saying Pinhead shouldn't be in MK9 because it "wouldn't look natural" for him to move like an MK character, but were past the time where all MK characters look and move the same. Sure there are a few common moves among all the players, but not so much so that Pinhead couldn't get his own defined attributes that differentiate him from the cast and pay enough tribute to what that character represents. I've never seen Pinhead punch someone! It doesn't make sense! But again, neither does the idea of Freddy Krueger going toe to toe with Shao Kahn outside of a dream, so wtf.
06/22/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
For all of the people who have said that they want a horror movie fighting game, have you never heard of Terrordrome?

JaymzHetfield Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
And you're entitled to that opinion. I think it'd be fucking awesome.

It's not an opinion. They're stating facts. •_•

Pinhead just wouldn't work in MK.

Not sure if dumb or if you actually don't understand the differences between opinions and facts. It's a fantasy world full of monsters and other weird improbable things, and people are saying "His posture!' Are you people insane? It's a one off licensed character. Do you think people were scratching their heads trying to determine the mechanics of Freddy Krueger fighting Sub-Zero and how he'd be able to do that? That in itself makes no sense. They didn't even let him have just one glove, which is true heresy when it comes to that character. You think people are going to cry foul at Pinhead doing backflips? You guys overestimate how much people who aren't total nerds give a shit.

You referred to someone else's rooted-in-fact valid reasoning as an opinion, dude. That, and the many unsubstantiated claims regarding Freddy's fighting prowess, makes it abundantly clear you don't know what you're talking about.
06/22/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
So again, the argument that seems to be an obstacle is the "if he has not done some fighting in the movies it cannot happen whatsoever" and then you ask if "we should we start throwing Mortal Kombat characters into hockey because they both feature fighting"

Seriously? Maybe you have all forgotten how mortal kombat characters have starred in basketball games, arena shooting games and more (unreal championship, the grid, baseball games, NFL blitz, etc).
So by your reasoning i want to know where it was stated that Reptile was trained to play basketball and shoot bazookas, where it has been stated that Raiden won the NFL Blitz bowl? Did it ruin the characters forever?

We are talking about a world with magical-robot-ninjas-centaurs-comic super-hero crossovers and multi-dimensional domination warlords... and yet somehow you cannot fathom the idea that a sado-masochistic killer from hell is able to fight?

I didn't say let your imagination run wild, use it just a bit and i bet everyone can picture how a regal posture from pinhead and aid from the lament configuration and weapon summoning could fit the character.

There is room for being true to the characters and still adding new things to the formula.
06/22/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
Koenji Wrote:
So again, the argument that seems to be an obstacle is the "if he has not done some fighting in the movies it cannot happen whatsoever" and then you ask if "we should we start throwing Mortal Kombat characters into hockey because they both feature fighting"

The point is that it goes against the nature of the character.

Pinhead is a still being. The excessive moment found in Mortal Kombat would be much too surreal. Freddy Krueger is a mover, a hell of a mover. He does all sorts of things and his potential is limitless. Seeing him fight wouldn't go against the nature of his character.

Putting Pinhead in Mortal Kombat is pretty much telling a brick wall to run. Pinhead is nearly motionless; he shouldn't be in a full-body fighting game.
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