the Newer characters in Comparion to the Minor Characters
posted04/30/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)by
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11/21/2007 12:28 AM (UTC)
Okay i have a really dumb topic here. i want to ask you guys aboutMk newers fighter i've heard alot of people being upset of how they turned out i really want to no which minor character or characters do you feel should have taken there spot in the game. I felt as if Meat and Mokap spot in the game could have been for more potiential characters like in Tremore by popular demand he should have been in the gmae he is so much better than them. i just think that the minor characters of the past has better potiental than those listed.(below).
04/27/2010 05:06 PM (UTC)
04/27/2010 05:36 PM (UTC)
June0082 Wrote:
Okay i have a really dumb topic here. i want to ask you guys aboutMk newers fighter i've heard alot of people being upset of how they turned out i really want to no which minor character or characters do you feel should have taken there spot in the game. I felt as if Meat and Mokap spot in the game could have been for more potiential characters like in Tremore by popular demand he should have been in the gmae he is so much better than them. i just think that the minor characters of the past has better potiental than those listed.(below).

Uhh... Meat and Mokap are joke characters that will never get more potential of being great. The only thing I see with Mokap being in future games with a bigger role is if he is your opponent while in Practice Mode.

Everyone needs to stop begging for Tremor to be in the damn series. Tremor was a boss in Special Forces, a game that sucked beyond sucking in the series. If he hasn't been in any other games besides SF, even in Armageddon where he could have actually debuted in a fighting MK game, then there is no point on having this character to even be a character included in a roster for an upcoming game.

You also have Taven and Daegon listed as minor characters in your list? Taven isn't a minor character, he's the main protagonist in Armageddon's conquest mode and Daegon is the main antagonist!
04/27/2010 07:09 PM (UTC)
Tremor is a terrible idea.

And I happen to like Drahmin, Kira, Havik, Taven, and Daegon quite a bit.
04/27/2010 07:30 PM (UTC)
Another rogue ninja..? Don't need it.
Another ex-Lin Kuei member..? Don't need it.
Another Black Dragon member..? Don't need it.
Another pointless character no one cares about..? Don't need it.
Do we need a character with seismic/rock powers..? Make someone new.

With the possible exception of Mokap, I would gladly take any of the characters you listed over Tremor.
We don't need him, or Tasia, or No-Face, or Kia, or Jataaka, or Nimbus Terrafaux, or Skarlett, or Tiamut, or Bellock, or any of the abandoned concepts, rumors, jokes, & redundant background characters that weren't meant to be anything significant.
04/27/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
I'd take the newer characters over "minor" characters any day. I do agree that some characters from MK3/MK4 never really got a proper chance to develop, but neither did the newer characters from Deadly Alliance or Deception. Tht's why some people are actually critical of the sacred cows. Guys like Scorpion return each and every game, regardless of if they fit the story or not. To be honest, Scorpion seems like a character that should have been retired in either MK3 or MK4 (where his story started to get all shitty).

The Special Forces make another two sacred cows who pop their heads in on whatever game is upcoming. While they usually do have slightly different specifics of story, Sonya & Jax are essentially the same, and it takes up a slot that another underdeveloped character could possess.

But yeah, I think MK4 is about the time where we started getting new characters for the sake of getting new characters. Well, MK3 was probably the first true example of that, but I didn't mind too many of them. Personally, I think Kabal, Sheeva, Sindel, Sektor and Cyrax all could have used a return for MK4. Sheeva, having swapped sides in the war against Shao Kahn, would have made a great ally for Edenia. Kabal should have been in the Jarek role. Kano would be dead, and Kabal, despite being reformed, would find himself the target of Sonya's ire. Sindel could have been a good character to include in the fight against Shinnok. Sektor and Cyrax might have made better inclusions in the Gold update.

I don't think we really needed Jarek in MK4. Reiko was not actually a bad concept, but I think Noob Saibot would have worked just as well. I also think Baraka returning was kind of unneccessary. Although he was only in Gold, the return of Kung Lao after he had been retired in MK3 sort of stepped on Kai's toes a bit, too.
04/27/2010 10:31 PM (UTC)
I actually think that several of the newer characters (e.g. Havik, Hotaru, Ashrah) are better than several of the classic characters. Part of this has to do with character/story development, but another part has to do with the actual concept behind each character. I feel that the Vogel era brought in some interesting characters and made the story deeper.
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04/27/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)

Havilk and Hotaru are like the best thing ive seen in my whole life.
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04/28/2010 12:40 AM (UTC)
04/28/2010 01:39 PM (UTC)
To me a new character is any character introduced when Mortal Kombat took the leap into 3-D. I'm not a big fan of most of the characters that were introduced since MK:DA with the exception of a few that I will list down and explain my reason for liking them and what could have made them fan favorites and have had more purpose in the MK storyline. These guys blow away all of the minor characters.

Kai - Had great potential as a member of the White Lotus and his Capoeria fighting style in MK4 he was something new and fresh and his story ended with him inheriting Raiden's Lighting Staff and venturing Earthrealm. I did not understand why he did not aid Earthrealm during the events of Deadly Alliance and why he didn't help seek justice for Liu Kang's death. Kai returns in Armageddon but there was no story for many of the characters featured in that game.

Fujin - Brother to Raiden, God of Wind, potential guardian of Earthrealm. I did not understand why Fujin didn't step in to guide the next wave of Earthrealm warriors after the likes of Johnny Cage, Sonya, Jax, Kung Lao, Kitana, and Raiden failed to defeat the deadly alliance and Onaga resurfaced. Fujin had much potential to create a rivalry with the dark Raiden character featured in Deception but we never really got that, instead in Armageddon Fujin was focused on Taven and Deagon.

Movado - Member of the Red Dragon and was a huge manipulator and awesome antagonist to Earth's Special Forces. Movado seemed very mysterious in Deadly Alliance and he was featured as the man who killed Kabal, secretly aided the Special Forces in taking down the Black Dragon only to send a spy to Nuke their headquarters and struck and formed a union with the Deadly Alliance. It was something new and fresh for the newly established Special Forces featuring Kenshi and Cyrax as new editions, and it could have made Kano seem more badass with him playing a wild card in these events as he represents the Black Dragon clan and he could strike a deal with just about anyone to see both the Special Forces and Red Dragon fall. Deadly Alliance hyped up the Red Dragon clan only to have Kabal return and single handedly wipe them out in Deception with Movado's death, I was dissapointed that the Red Dragon was based off of Deagon. I thought in Deadly Alliance it was a terrorist orginization that was more elite than the Black Dragon, but we didn't get that and Mavado's potential went caput as he played a puppet with Deagon's hand up his ass.

Bo Rai Cho - I was very pleased with this character because I saw him in the same light that I would see Yoda from the Star Wars series. Bo Rai Cho was hyped up as this super sensei mentor figure that Kung Lao and Kitana envisioned as this seriously disciplined and powerful force for good seeing as how he was the one who taught Liu Kang the flying kick that enabled him to win Mortal Kombat from Shang Tsung. Kitana and Kung Lao travled throughout Outworld in hopes to meet this grand master only to find out he is a disgusting fat drunken slob. What I liked about Bo Rai Cho was that he was always drunk when he fought and smiled at his enemies as he did it. He had a good heart as you would see in Deception and his actions would speak volumes. Another interesting aspect of this character is that he was basically one of the only good characters that was a native from Outworld. Bo Rai Cho taught Kung Lao and Kitana new moves and not only that journeyed with them to stop the Deadly Alliance. Bo Rai Cho got seperated in the huge assault on Shang Tsung's Palace and was not with the rest of the Earthrealm warriors when they met their fate. Instead Bo Rai Cho saved Li Mei and others from enslavement and escaped with their lives only to journey through Outworld like a Spartacus figure and unite the forces of good in OUTWORLD might I add to go against the Tarkatan mutants and Onaga. Bo Rai Cho had Li Mei under his tutelage only for him to get betrayed by her but he still managed to live, now that to me is an awesome character. I would love to see him in future games.

Hotaru - I did not like this character, he seemed too boring for my tastes as he basically did everything for the sake of ORDER, give me a godamn break that's like a Mortal Kombat character with some serious OCD. Not only that we get an entire REALM of these freaks. That realm didn't seem organic at all to me and the characters were just plain flat in terms of depth and such.

Havik - Basically the same boring concept on the opposite side of the Spectrum. I LIVE FOR CHAOS, the only one that made that look cool was Heath Ledger's Joker. That realm seemed like I was in Alice in Wonderland with its layout and it was kind of silly in my eyes. With cool concepts like Edenia which is supposed to be like a Utopia of Paradise, and Outworld which is an entire place ravaged by war and brutes, you get a strange and cooky place like Chaos Realm which just makes me scratch my head and Havik although he had some interesting moves just didn't cut it for me.

Darrius - He like the rest of the Orderealm distractions served no major purpose to the main purpose of Deception. He had a cool concept of him being this underground resistance fighter, but I think it would have been cooler to see him be a resistance extremist against someone like hmmm I dunno maybe the main villain Onaga. That whole sect in the mythology was like a distraction and aside from that we don't really need to see these guys again, if anything they could be their own game. They have nothing to do with Earth, Outworld, or even the Mortal Kombat tournament and the only thing that really tied them into the story was Shujinko.

Shujinko - I like the role of him as this tragic hero who let his pride create catastrophe and his purpose is to fix what he indirectly started. Another cool thing is that you play as him through his entire life basically and watch him be manipulated by the main villain. Shujinko's powers were explained in the story and he worked as an agent for the Elder Gods, he was sort of like Perseus in a way and Onaga is the Kraken. I think it would be suitable if his ending in the game occured as to why Onaga died because he uses everyone's ability and focuses it on destroying him. It's unique because it shows that all forces, good, evil, and so forth united to take down that threat. I wouldn't really have Shujinko return as a playable because Deception was his moment and he did it well.
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04/30/2010 04:11 AM (UTC)
Potential for a background character to be in an MK game should not be dependent on the character's ability to wear a ninja suit. I think that Drahmin, Hotaru, Havik, Kira and Taven all have places they could go, and I wouldn't mind seeing them stick around.

I do admit though, a small secret part of me almost wants to actually have a "Skarlett" character show up just so I can say there was a red assassin chick in the series. I feel dirty.
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04/30/2010 04:17 AM (UTC)
furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousWHAT ABOUT ZEBRON!?!?furiousfuriousfuriousfurious
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04/30/2010 04:21 AM (UTC)
^Shame on you!

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04/30/2010 04:32 AM (UTC)
Okay, all kidding aside, I think there's some merit to what the original poster is saying.

I'm kind of surprised at some of the posts on this topic. In the character thread, alot of people were bashing some of the newer characters for having stolen moves, styles and weapons from other characters. Or because they were "just another black dragon member" or something along those lines.

When MK made Reptile a regular character in MK2 AND made the freakin boss of the previous game playable as well, I thought that those were two of the biggest pieces of fan service I'd ever seen. I was shocked and amazed. Reptile was the first character I used.

In UMK3, seeing that Ermac finally existed was also an awesome bit of fan service.

My point is that there is room for fan service when it comes to characters, especially if they can be built up/created correctly in terms of their look, story etc.

I wouldn't simply want to add some random minor character for the sake of doing it, but if their story made sense and they were cool/fun to use, I'd probably like to see a few faces from MK's past.

Jerrod, Gorbak, Chow Kang, Master Boyd (Sure, he's from the movie, but has Cage's master ever been revealed in the games? No. So why not?) Art Lean (again, form the movie), the original Kung Lao... those are just a few off of the top of my head.

Granted, I'm not saying that those are characters that I'd be DYING to see as playable characters in MK. But compared to some of what MK created in the last few games? Hsu Hao? Darrius? Dairou? Kobra?

I won't say that I'd rather see Goro's dad than Kobra, I'll just say that in general, there were some characters that I didn't exactly grow attached to.

Sure, there could be more rewarding appearances like, say, making a hidden character that's unplayable in one game, a playable character in another. But to me, a hidden character is pretty minor, therefore, I like the idea of them returning as playable later.

So yeah, there are a few characters that I could say "yeah, I wish they never existed" and probably would've been just fine if they'd replaced them with a character from MK's history.

It's easy to look back on the series and say what should've been or wonder what could've been instead of some perceived mistakes, but who knows. Dairou seemed like an awesome concept in MK:DA, then he becomes a character in MK:D and personally? I thought he sucked from look to moves to story. So it's a double edged sword.

I'm just saying that some people shouldn't completely dismiss the idea out of hand.
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04/30/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Uhh... Meat and Mokap are joke characters that will never get more potential of being great. The only thing I see with Mokap being in future games with a bigger role is if he is your opponent while in Practice Mode.

Everyone needs to stop begging for Tremor to be in the damn series. Tremor was a boss in Special Forces, a game that sucked beyond sucking in the series. If he hasn't been in any other games besides SF, even in Armageddon where he could have actually debuted in a fighting MK game, then there is no point on having this character to even be a character included in a roster for an upcoming game.

You also have Taven and Daegon listed as minor characters in your list? Taven isn't a minor character, he's the main protagonist in Armageddon's conquest mode and Daegon is the main antagonist!

I would hope that with Mokap, he was at least referring to the fact that Mokap took a roster spot in MK:DA. Personally, when I saw the hidden characters in MK:DA, I was totally let down. They were stupid and while Blaze apparently took steroids and became a boss, thus negating some of my ire for hsi being in MK:DA, Mokap was a joke (as you said).

Personally, I would've preferred that roster spot be taken up by someone that wasn't a joke. Now I'm not saying I have a massive man crush on Tremor or any of the other minor characters in MK's history, but I can respect the fact that he the original poster has some characters that he sees as wastes of space and thought maybe some other characters should've been given a chance instead.

I'd also disagree with him about Drahmin though, but to each, his/her own.
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