04/21/2010 02:19 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Isn't it aging him as well as making him more powerful, or something? I think this itself can lead to great internal conflict for Sub-Zero.

It aged him, but I don't think it's continually aging him. They could easily reveal that the Medallion has frozen him (no pun intended) in that state...kind of like Mr. Freeze.

If they're not looking to have him pass the Sub-Zero name on anytime soon and the Medallion has left him in an ageless state, that could explain how he's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Ugh, they better not do that whole passing the name onto someone much younger... I see it too many times in the comics, we don't need to see that here.
04/21/2010 09:44 PM (UTC)
Eventually, I think it's the logical way to keep the Sub-Zero character going when all else have disappeared. They've already established that neither Sub-Zero nor his older brother were the first Sub-Zero. It may be unreasonable to assume that they will be the last.
04/22/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)

Tanya- I'd make her more of a sorceress; her MK4 story showed her as someone who delves into the dark arts. MKD confirmed this with her having some knowledge of the Kamidogu. I'd give her some sort of cloak.

Reptile- He needs to be as beastial as possible. Maybe like a combo of his Shaolin Monks costume and his MKDA devolved form.
04/22/2010 08:26 PM (UTC)
ErmacMk5 Wrote:

Tanya- I'd make her more of a sorceress; her MK4 story showed her as someone who delves into the dark arts. MKD confirmed this with her having some knowledge of the Kamidogu. I'd give her some sort of cloak.

Ignoring my "Tanya isn't a ninja" thought, does she know how to use magic? I mean, she knows about the spells, but she never really used spells. I don't know if Tanya would be a sorceress.
04/22/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
Other than throwing fireballs and making herself disappear? No.

I just think it would differentiate her a bit from the typical leotarded assassin.
05/03/2010 01:57 AM (UTC)
Let it be know that I'm on the Reboot stance, so I think all these convoluted ninjas should go away permanantly letting us start again fresh.

One or two ninjas tops in mk9 please.

Sub-Zero - Maybe a new guy bearing the Sub-Zero moniker.
Scorpion - Get over it and find something worthwhile to be about.

There are several "ninjas" that, if included at all, need to seriously branch out:

Kitana- Not a ninja, put some clothes on.
Noob Saibot- go be king of something
Ermac- be a cloaked warror. Thats all.
Rain- your a friggin water god man. Upgrade.

But by no means do these have/need to be in mk9.

The rest can sit and stew until they can compose themselves. We dont need them now, if at all.
05/03/2010 04:21 AM (UTC)
The infamous pallete swap crew known as the MK ninjas. In the old 2-D days nothing really distinguished them except from some special moves, a color, and a few paragraphs explaining who they were. Then when the series switched over to 3-D that's when they all started getting their unique look.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion are going to be in Mortal Kombat games as sure as the heart beating in my chest so I won't even mention them because we know they'll be around. As for the female ninja characters the only ones that I really regard as the "ninja" type are Mileena, Kitana, and Jade, but I won't be discussing them either because they are fan favorites as well.

I will be talking about 4 characters that have grown on me over my time playing all the MK games and why I think that even if the series has a reboot why to include them from their cool moves, and to their dynamic stories that mean something in the MK games.

Reptile - The original super secret character, as a kid when he popped up on the screen and my brain being obviously less developed than it is now seem somewhat magical and so mysterious seeing that at 4 I had no idea how to follow the circumstances on getting the chance to fight him, there was no internet then and I couldn't look it up, instead I had older friends and siblings that fought him in the Pit bottom. Then MK2 came out and Reptile was formed as his own person and does anybody remember the first time they saw Reptile do his head bite fatality? It was wicked and you wanted to see more of the Reptile underneath the mask. Also Reptile's moves were just so cool, the move that stuck out most to me was how you can go invisible with Reptile and fight, not only that you had to tie in a fatality with him being invisible too. The Acid Spit showed off his face and I remember as a kid doing the move over and over tying to get a better look at him. And those orb balls set up some nice juggles. I remember I used to show off on the Deadpool stage by using the orb ball and launch my friends into the acid with an uppercut. Also, Reptile's story is very interesting because he is the only villain that I feel sympathy for. Reptile played a bodyguard for Shang Tsung, A bounty hunter for Shao Kahn, and a mere pawn for both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi thinking that they were more powerful than the good guys and could fufill his dream of restoring his lost race. Reptile is the only character I know in Mortal Kombat that actually disguises himself as a human and when MK4 came out he really shaped into his own character when you saw Reptile without the ninja suit on. I really liked how his story went in Deadly Alliance when he started going mad and loosing himself slowly. Nitara started up what I thought was going to be a nice rivalry between him and Cyrax but it actually set up something even sweeter. In Deception Reptile was the one who accidentaly brought back Onaga and it was his own body that was possessed and used as a host for the Dragon King. In Deception it was hinted by a few endings that Onaga was beaten out of Reptile's body, most notably Sindel's. I like to think that with the combined efforts of Nightwolf, Sindel, Jade, Shujinko and all the abilities he took beat Onaga out of Reptile. In future games if they continue the story that left off I think it would be real neat if Reptile sided with the good guys for a change. After seeing Reptile's MK4 ending I realized that all his masters use him and toss him to the side. If Reptile were to have mercy shown upon him by Sindel then I think that would be an interesting thing to see as Reptile serve as Sindel's personal body guard and go up against his former masters that he used to be so loyal to. Also don't forget how he was sent to kill Kitana in MK3 and Jade saved her from him, so imagine Reptile being an ally to them, how would they react? All in all Reptile just wants to have a home and companions of his own race, isn't that a noble cause? And Reptile in his past did horrible things for that cause. Reptile is an iconic character in the MK franchise and it was a dissapointment to not see him be represented in MK vs. DC.
05/03/2010 05:01 AM (UTC)
Cyrax -
When MK3 first came out I didn't jump on it as quick as I did for MK2, and I had friends get the game before I did and they described Cyrax to me as the Robot Scorpion. Cyrax is a character that reminds me of the Predator especially with his self destruct fatality and he has a really cool arsenal of moves once you get the hang of using them. I loved using his bombs that you can shoot from far mid or close range, it set up for nice combos and you could really put the hurt in on them. Cyrax's signature move is that cyber net thing he launches out it is a cool move and works like Scorpions spear but was completley original. I liked how Cyrax teleported by exploding and putting himself back together too. But what really set Cyrax apart from Smoke and Sektor was his storyline. Out of all three cyborg ninja's I think it is a unanimus decision that Cyrax has developed the most and is more involved in other character's plots than the other two. Rewind to MK3 for Cyrax's debut, he was on a mission with Sektor to kill Sub-Zero like how the Terminator went after John Connor, and like the good guy Arnie Terminator Connor reprograms him to protect his younger self. Sub-Zero indirectly sent Cyrax on this odyssey to find a soul which I find a really enjoyable concept where I can actually tolerate the idea of having a robot in Mortal Kombat. After being reprogammed to kill Shao Kahn he gets stranded in the desert. As a kid seeing the desert stage with Cyrax in the background was something really neat to see and it was mysterious as to how he got there untill you beat the game with him. What kicks up is that after MK3 he gets picked up by the Lin Kuei and he starts to malfunction and that's where Cyrax starts to feel the humanity burrowed deep inside him. Then out of left field Cyrax teams up with Jax and Sonya, that was something that I never thought would happen and it did so here's a character that jumped from the Lin Kuei faction over to the Special Forces faction and in the process is learning how to be human again. Deadly Alliance had an awesome back story to it with Cyrax getting lost in Outworld to be involved in multiple plot lines including Reptile's Nitara's Jax, Sonya's and even Kenshi's. Cyrax was also indirectly involved in reviving Onaga and the last we seen of him he was sent back to Earthrealm while the Earth's forces were going up against the Deadly Alliance in Outworld. Notice how I don't include his storyline from Armageddon. Cyrax brings to Mortal Kombat a very unique story that surpasses Smoke's and Sektors and I would love to see him in a future game again.
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