The Future threat of MK
posted07/11/2006 11:48 PM (UTC)by
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06/05/2006 02:52 PM (UTC)
Baraka i can see as a new villian for future Mk games. He has always Been the '' Loyal" servent of Shao Kahn, Shinnok,Quan Chi,Shang tsung, and now Onaga and i think it is time for a change . In all of his endings[Mk2,MKT,MKG] he has wanted to have his masters power.also there is no one out to get him[other than Mileena] like his masters.

Onaga- Shujinko
Shao Kahn- Kitana, Liu Kang[if alive],reptile,etc
Shinnok- Raiden,Fujin
Quan Chi- Scorpion,and everybody else
Baraka- ????

With them dead he can take Outworld for himself and become the new emperor of Outworld!

^^^ this would be a good look for Baraka if he became Emperor of Outworld

But it iz likely he will be Killed in Armagedon sad But i think there is untapped potential within Baraka tht Midway has failed to see.....

07/03/2006 03:56 AM (UTC)
Baraka could definetly make an awesome boss, and that art you presented would be a good look. If not baraka, another Tarkata could take his place. Perhaps that would allow for a greater change in appearance. A son? Grandson? Student?

It would definetly allow for a push away from the increasngly lame SNK Bosses (Bosses built to be unfair).
07/03/2006 11:26 AM (UTC)
Baraka has always been one of my favourites; I always thought he had massive potential to become a better character with a way better storyline.

I think Baraka should become his own leader instead of always siding/tagging with the "bigger threat". IMO he should become ruler of Outworld; destroy anyone who attempts to take over (Shao Kahn & Onaga). Once Baraka takes over Outworld, his thirst for power will drive him to wanting to take over more realms, thus making him a threat to all. After Baraka starts to dominate, Mileena will be one of his favoured targets.

I don't see Baraka as the type of character with much allies (besides your generic main boss & race). I've always looked at him as the psycho-mutant that wants everything for himself and will do anything to get it. The other day, I was thinking of a possible way that Baraka could achieve a bigger amount of power. A character that can help him out with this would have to be Havik.

Here's an idea: - Having absorbed Onaga's heart, Havik revives the dead wasteland warriors, which all emerge from the darkest, most deepest part of Outworld. The now revived wasteland warriors would mate/fuse with the Tarkata's, making a new generation hybrid of gruesome cannibalistic zombie-like Tarkata's. Baraka would have a way more menacing nemesis-like-look; he would be alot more buffer; stronger. After the fusion, the Tarkata's would now favour blood and flesh, thus giving Baraka a reason to feed off the land of the living (Earthrealm) and possibly the vampires too. This would not only make Baraka a bigger threat, but he would also have a new arsenal of enemies, ranging from Sonya, Jax, & Cyrax, too Kenshi, Kitana, & Nitara.

IMO Baraka is one of best MK characters, a never-forgetful classic from MK2. I hope he stays with us forever, but alot of speculation is going around that he might die in MKA.sad
07/03/2006 06:36 PM (UTC)
EmberJoe Wrote:
.If not baraka, another Tarkata could take his place. Perhaps that would allow for a greater change in appearance. A son? Grandson? Student?


I always wondered if Mileena had had Baraka's son but never told him about it.Then he got lost when mileena was imprisoned by Kitana during MK4 and they never saw him again. I wonder what he would look like?grin
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07/03/2006 07:05 PM (UTC)
Well, him not knowing would have to involve them not seeing each other for a least 9 months (or whatever the time for Tarkata is), more if she kept the kid.

I have such a character. Poor Ezana lost his memory though and is too busy trying to flush the toilet to think about world domination.
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07/03/2006 07:12 PM (UTC)

dumb down the art and beef up his story more and I could except him.
07/04/2006 01:23 AM (UTC)
EvanjiAxu Wrote:
Well, him not knowing would have to involve them not seeing each other for a least 9 months (or whatever the time for Tarkata is), more if she kept the kid.

I have such a character. Poor Ezana lost his memory though and is too busy trying to flush the toilet to think about world domination.

Who says a Tarkata takes 9 months to bear a child? Humans have long pregnacies, perhaps Tarkata dont.
07/04/2006 03:43 AM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
Baraka has always been one of my favourites; I always thought he had massive potential to become a better character with a way better storyline.

I think Baraka should become his own leader instead of always siding/tagging with the "bigger threat". IMO he should become ruler of Outworld; destroy anyone who attempts to take over (Shao Kahn & Onaga). Once Baraka takes over Outworld, his thirst for power will drive him to wanting to take over more realms, thus making him a threat to all. After Baraka starts to dominate, Mileena will be one of his favoured targets.

I don't see Baraka as the type of character with much allies (besides your generic main boss & race). I've always looked at him as the psycho-mutant that wants everything for himself and will do anything to get it. The other day, I was thinking of a possible way that Baraka could achieve a bigger amount of power. A character that can help him out with this would have to be Havik.

Here's an idea: - Having absorbed Onaga's heart, Havik revives the dead wasteland warriors, which all emerge from the darkest, more deepest part of Outworld. The now revived wasteland warriors would mate/fuse with the Tarkata's, making a new generation hybrid of gruesome cannibalistic zombie-like Tarkata's. Baraka would have a way more menacing nemesis-like-look; he would be alot more buffer; stronger. After the fusion, the Tarkata's would now favour blood and flesh, thus giving Baraka a reason to feed off the land of the living (Earthrealm) and possibly the vampires too. This would not only make Baraka a bigger threat, but he would also have a new arsenal of enemies, ranging from Sonya, Jax, & Cyrax, too Kenshi, Kitana, & Nitara.

IMO Baraka is one of best MK characters, a never-forgetful classic from MK2. I hope he stays with us forever, but alot of speculation is going around that he might die in MKA.sad

I missed your posts wink

I don't even like Baraka, and I agree with the majority of this, especialy the fusion tarkatans. I'd like them to incorporate the original 'nomads' into this new storyline too, cus I never liked the name change from nomad to tarkata.

Such a direction for Baraka could also allow Kung Lao to become one of his enemies. If the idea of Lao giving Baraka his chest scar in MKGold is used, then this would pave the way for the conflict between these two to resume.
Going by Baraka's MKG ending, him and Quan Chi don't seem to get on too well either...
07/04/2006 10:28 PM (UTC)
Krsx66 - Hows it goin bro? Havn't talked to yah in a while.

Your right, I actually forgot about Kung Lao having some sort of grudge with Baraka; I actually wish this little rivalry became bigger and more intriguing. As a matter a fact, shouldn't Kung Lao want to kill Baraka for slaying his people at the temple? I always felt this should be explored more; it would be an awesome hatred for one another. If both live on to MK8, I hope to see the 2 of them going at each other.

I forgot about Quan Chi as well. Though the ending is non-canon, I think it would be cool if Baraka decieved Quan Chi and sides with Shang Tsung as a back-up ally (similar to Moloch & Drahmin). Once Baraka gets rid of Quan Chi, he would then have no use for Shang Tsung.
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07/04/2006 11:26 PM (UTC)
D: So that's why they were fighting in the E3 trailer!
07/05/2006 12:51 AM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:
Baraka has always been one of my favourites; I always thought he had massive potential to become a better character with a way better storyline.

I think Baraka should become his own leader instead of always siding/tagging with the "bigger threat". IMO he should become ruler of Outworld; destroy anyone who attempts to take over (Shao Kahn & Onaga). Once Baraka takes over Outworld, his thirst for power will drive him to wanting to take over more realms, thus making him a threat to all. After Baraka starts to dominate, Mileena will be one of his favoured targets.

I don't see Baraka as the type of character with much allies (besides your generic main boss & race). I've always looked at him as the psycho-mutant that wants everything for himself and will do anything to get it. The other day, I was thinking of a possible way that Baraka could achieve a bigger amount of power. A character that can help him out with this would have to be Havik.

Here's an idea: - Having absorbed Onaga's heart, Havik revives the dead wasteland warriors, which all emerge from the darkest, most deepest part of Outworld. The now revived wasteland warriors would mate/fuse with the Tarkata's, making a new generation hybrid of gruesome cannibalistic zombie-like Tarkata's. Baraka would have a way more menacing nemesis-like-look; he would be alot more buffer; stronger. After the fusion, the Tarkata's would now favour blood and flesh, thus giving Baraka a reason to feed off the land of the living (Earthrealm) and possibly the vampires too. This would not only make Baraka a bigger threat, but he would also have a new arsenal of enemies, ranging from Sonya, Jax, & Cyrax, too Kenshi, Kitana, & Nitara.

IMO Baraka is one of best MK characters, a never-forgetful classic from MK2. I hope he stays with us forever, but alot of speculation is going around that he might die in MKA.sad

Awsome ideas Dark_noob grin
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07/11/2006 11:48 PM (UTC)
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
EmberJoe Wrote:
.If not baraka, another Tarkata could take his place. Perhaps that would allow for a greater change in appearance. A son? Grandson? Student?


I always wondered if Mileena had had Baraka's son but never told him about it.Then he got lost when mileena was imprisoned by Kitana during MK4 and they never saw him again. I wonder what he would look like?grin

another ugly tarkata but it could be a she or somthin
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