10/03/2009 05:22 PM (UTC)
chrome said:
"bulking up in constipation. "

I said:
HAHAHAHA, i just got that, haha even though i disagree with your consent entirly, that was a good onegringrin
10/03/2009 07:38 PM (UTC)
I can agree with you that they need a new fighting system as well as some good characters but flying would be really lame. That would be aweful, I can't picture MK people flying and why would they all of a sudden just start flying lol,
10/05/2009 06:02 PM (UTC)
i actually like the idea of flying a little bit and heres why. flying can be used to escape death traps. new throws can be put into characters like sindel, ermac, and fujin. flying can benefit arenas themselfs and add something to it.

here are a few ideas for moves that would able to do in the air and would look sweet. sindel's hair slam while both fighters are in the air. ermac's telakinetic slam while both fighters are in the air. fujin wind spin while done in the air.

i really like to also see mk's speed go up a few notches because the past few games seem not so fluid compared to other fighting games. maybe bring back the run button but make the meter the same length as the health bar but can only use it 2 times per fight.

those are my suggestions. hope you enjoyed.
10/05/2009 06:12 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
i actually like the idea of flying a little bit and heres why. flying can be used to escape death traps. new throws can be put into characters like sindel, ermac, and fujin. flying can benefit arenas themselfs and add something to it.

here are a few ideas for moves that would able to do in the air and would look sweet. sindel's hair slam while both fighters are in the air. ermac's telakinetic slam while both fighters are in the air. fujin wind spin while done in the air.

i really like to also see mk's speed go up a few notches because the past few games seem not so fluid compared to other fighting games. maybe bring back the run button but make the meter the same length as the health bar but can only use it 2 times per fight.

those are my suggestions. hope you enjoyed.

Well, seeing how you're agreeing with the flying, let me ask you this... How do characters who do not have a flying ability suddenly have the ability just like that? Sub-Zero, the last time I checked, never flew in a game, and now he's suddenly flying like that? And with the death traps, despite that I despise them, with flying out of the way for a death trap makes no sense.

Take as the rolling log in one of the factory-looking levels in Deception/Armageddon... They're running for their lives and UH OH I'm suddenly flying!

I'm not mocking your post or anything, I just have arguments I want to throw out there because some of the ideas are just not making quite sense right now.
10/05/2009 10:29 PM (UTC)
what i'm saying is have certain characters and not all characters fly or float.
here are the ones that could fly or float off the ground.

what i meant about avoiding deathtraps is that certain characters could fly or float away from the hazard. like with the armory instead of just letting the giant wheel smoosh you press the fly button or whatever to escape the death trap. similar to the run button but not all characters would have access to this feature.

another example is the pit stage. say scorpion uppercutts you off the stage you have 2-3 sec to press the fly or hover button if playing as fujin, ermac,or sindel to float on up back onto the stage and continue the fight.

this might be a better explanation to your question icebaby. maybe now you understand what i mean. hope you enjoyed.
10/06/2009 05:08 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
another example is the pit stage. say scorpion uppercutts you off the stage you have 2-3 sec to press the fly or hover button if playing as fujin, ermac,or sindel to float on up back onto the stage and continue the fight.

Well that's just unfair.

Playing as characters who can escape stage fatalities if some of them can and some of them can't is practically cheating.
10/06/2009 06:09 AM (UTC)
other characters could escape death traps in other ways besides flying. i'm just to tired to list them. later today i'll list them for the most popular characters to escape death traps.
SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

10/07/2009 06:13 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
If there are an mortal kombat developers out there... PLEASE LISTEN!!!


Mortalkombat rocks, and has rocked since its birth. It is the father of the fighting genre....
but honestly... its not getting anywhere


Its repetetive... same game... every new series. Sure there are more characters, new characters, new areas new story line... but come on lets face it... its the same game everytime, kick punch... fatality

Games like...
DragonballZ burst limit or Budakia Tenchiaitchi 3 blow mortalkambat the fuck away!!!...
But they dont only blow away the mortalkombat series, it blows away every other game in the fighting genre.

I mean look at this shit!:


thats just a normal match!!

now look at mk vs dc....


suckish in comparison right?

yeah.. really repetitive isnt. same old mortalkombat...

Now I love mortalkombat, im not trying to put it down.In fact id be the last person to put it down! Im only trying to give some suggestions on what we could do to make MK a little better, and a little less repetitive.

Ok heres a list of suggestions:

1: Faster fighting!! The engine they're using obviously goes back to like
MKD! Ok get rid of that fucking engine! The fighting was cool (in like 2005)
but its old and used.. People want excitement!! Re-program that engine, and make the fighting a little more exciting, faster more power!

2: New ideas for story. Okay they keep adding on to the same story.. Oky in MKA its like the appocolypse right? Okay well instead of making a game in the future... make a fucking prequal! somthing that happens before MK1. Perhaps a story about the elder gods...

3: New characters.. they added characters all the way up to MKD, then they just stopped...??? why... that was a downfall. Sure they put every single character ever in the MK world in MKA, but, has anyone ever heard the phrase: "quality not quantitiy"!? Ok.. but sure they put "new" characters in their latest game MK vs DC. Yeah... new character that they STOLE... look MK vs DC is a sick ass game.. and mixing MK and DC is a baddass idea.. But still... same old characters!!! Make an original character for god sake! have you ran out of ideas!?

and last but not least

4: Flying!!!! (possibly), im not trying to steal ideas from dragonballZ or anything... but, flying seems like a pretty good idea to me. Especially if your gonna, make a game about the elder gods (again only a possibility).

Ok these are my ideas about how MK can improve a little.... no alot!! In fact im willing to go as far as saying: "GET WITH IT"!!! The dragonballZ series isnt that popular in America, and no other fighting game now is like it. If you make the new MK game like this, then since MK is super popular.. it will be known as the first!!!!

If anyone has anyother ideas on how MK could improve...
Then post them here!!!

This happens when young anime fanboys start to play with MK and compare it to such coss-eyed creatins like dbz and so on..... The future of MK remains on the veteran MK fans and the newcomers should realize that this is not a freakin Asian creation from capcom or namco or konami but American product! And it should not look in any way simular to those cheap asian games.....
10/16/2009 01:02 AM (UTC)
You know its very ironic... everyone who' been dissing me i've noticed wheres the insignia of a lin-quei member like sub-zero over here, little do they know I was and am the lin-quei clan master on this website since before they ever heard of it, no need for insults pal, i was playin mortal kombat since before your ass was suckin on yer mommas tittie. "Anime fan-boys start playin MK"? Is that what you think? You got it all wrong buddy dont come around talkin shit about people you dont know. grin
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/16/2009 01:25 AM (UTC)
Fuck, I don't know where to begin Sharp, I've known you for a while, but...
Sharpeye Wrote:
You know its very ironic... everyone who' been dissing me i've noticed wheres the insignia of a lin-quei member like sub-zero over here, little do they know I was and am the lin-quei clan master on this website since before they ever heard of it

Please don't mention the clans, It's been a while and it makes sense that they wouldn't have heard of it.(And it seems kind of dumb that you bring it up to people that weren't affiliated with the MKO Lin Kuei)
Sharpeye Wrote:
no need for insults pal, i was playin mortal kombat since before your ass was suckin on yer mommas tittie. "Anime fan-boys start playin MK"? Is that what you think? You got it all wrong buddy dont come around talkin shit about people you dont know. grin

You say no need for insults then you insult them? wtf? You should really re-asses what you wrote.

Sorry man, I've known you for a while but this post was way too out of hand to let it go by...It's like I say: If you can't accept criticism, don't make something.
10/16/2009 01:49 AM (UTC)
This dbz idea is almost as bad as having a MK game with a weird blood capacity meter, and a remake of the first three games.
10/16/2009 02:28 AM (UTC)
MK has always had it's own style. It should not be another Tekken or Dragonball crap.

They have introduced a new gameplay style in MK vs DC and with an updated enhanced version of that, plus new character, new arenas, new music, new modes, new story, etc. MK9 can be great.

What I think the series is mainly lacking is its dark fantasy elements. It has become so cheesy and generic lately. It needs to return to its dark fantasy roots: Back to what MK2 and MKD were all about.
Historical Favorite
10/16/2009 09:39 AM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
You know its very ironic... everyone who' been dissing me i've noticed wheres the insignia of a lin-quei member like sub-zero over here, little do they know I was and am the lin-quei clan master on this website since before they ever heard of it, no need for insults pal, i was playin mortal kombat since before your ass was suckin on yer mommas tittie. "Anime fan-boys start playin MK"? Is that what you think? You got it all wrong buddy dont come around talkin shit about people you dont know. grin

Question: Going by your post, you seem to be a big deal 'round here. Why is it that I've been here off-and-on for five years and I've never heard of you until this thread? grin
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

10/16/2009 02:10 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sharpeye Wrote:
You know its very ironic... everyone who' been dissing me i've noticed wheres the insignia of a lin-quei member like sub-zero over here, little do they know I was and am the lin-quei clan master on this website since before they ever heard of it, no need for insults pal, i was playin mortal kombat since before your ass was suckin on yer mommas tittie. "Anime fan-boys start playin MK"? Is that what you think? You got it all wrong buddy dont come around talkin shit about people you dont know. grin

Question: Going by your post, you seem to be a big deal 'round here. Why is it that I've been here off-and-on for five years and I've never heard of you until this thread? grin

In the long run, he wasn't a big deal, neither were any of us who were affiliated with MKO Clans(Or at least not because of clans).
11/25/2009 02:01 AM (UTC)
Actually yeah, most people around here hate me,grin you could call me notorious!
12/01/2009 01:21 AM (UTC)
I think flying is lame. I'd prefer a game where the movement was in the ground plane, with side movement important, as well as you being able to do jumping, ducking moves.

They should make it a game of many ranges, with some characters better at long range, others at close fighting. It would be the task of the close fighters to close the distance, and of the distance fighters to stay at range. There should be plenty of moves that use movement, both evasive and attacking. The system should be intuitive and consistent across the characters, but characters should be noticably different.

The game has ninjas in! Ninjas can roll, cartwheel, sprint, backflip, dive and roll to the side etc. Ninjas can move fast! I think it's odd when you're playing as a ninja and you just walk forwards and backwards and throw out punches and kicks. Range fighters should have moves where they can fire their fireballs high, low, throw a horizontal arc of flame. Similarly for someone like Jax with his machine gun.

They could make a system where you are put into a "stunned" state where you can still play the game, but your moves are limited for a time- so you can evade, use limited counters and that. This means that it's in the opponent's interest to try and follow up on their attack, and they will probably get a combo, the the other player isn't out of the game and is still actively playing. So it's not boring pokity poke poke, and it's not one player dial-a-comboing and the other player sleeping.

I also think they should make it into one epic round. MK is about no holds barred, kill or be killed action for me. To have rounds seems a bit too civilised.
About Me


12/01/2009 01:06 PM (UTC)
Ok Here is the deal..... This guy is right. Other than the flying concept. This Franchise Needs a BIG FUCKING CHANGE!!!!! I watched a kid play DBZ and guess what it looked a whole lot more fun than MK vs. DC. MK vs DC was a small step in the right direction. Very small fucking step. Im like the next MK lover, but MK vs. DC was not getting me off like MK used too. And just like the next MK fan I want the Blood, the Gore, the Death but Its not just about that anymore. Every other game has all those qualities and more. We need MK to figure out How to Make the Greatest Fighting Game of All Time in the 3d era. We need a new fighting engine, and it wouldnt hurt to have a story that actually makes sense either.

Ill be done with MK period if there isnt a good change. Ill take my Modern Warfare 2, Left for Dead 2, Assassins Creed 2, and if I had DBZ id take it too, and leave this franchise behind.....Just like I did Sonic the Hedgehog. Because these games blow MK outta the water in every possible way shape and form. I hope the next MK makes me eat crow.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

12/01/2009 03:11 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
Actually yeah, most people around here hate me,grin you could call me notorious!

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