The Future of Mortal Kombat
posted12/01/2009 03:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/11/2006 03:35 PM (UTC)
If there are an mortal kombat developers out there... PLEASE LISTEN!!!


Mortalkombat rocks, and has rocked since its birth. It is the father of the fighting genre....
but honestly... its not getting anywhere


Its repetetive... same game... every new series. Sure there are more characters, new characters, new areas new story line... but come on lets face it... its the same game everytime, kick punch... fatality

Games like...
DragonballZ burst limit or Budakia Tenchiaitchi 3 blow mortalkambat the fuck away!!!...
But they dont only blow away the mortalkombat series, it blows away every other game in the fighting genre.

I mean look at this shit!:

thats just a normal match!!

now look at mk vs dc....

suckish in comparison right?

yeah.. really repetitive isnt. same old mortalkombat...

Now I love mortalkombat, im not trying to put it down.In fact id be the last person to put it down! Im only trying to give some suggestions on what we could do to make MK a little better, and a little less repetitive.

Ok heres a list of suggestions:

1: Faster fighting!! The engine they're using obviously goes back to like
MKD! Ok get rid of that fucking engine! The fighting was cool (in like 2005)
but its old and used.. People want excitement!! Re-program that engine, and make the fighting a little more exciting, faster more power!

2: New ideas for story. Okay they keep adding on to the same story.. Oky in MKA its like the appocolypse right? Okay well instead of making a game in the future... make a fucking prequal! somthing that happens before MK1. Perhaps a story about the elder gods...

3: New characters.. they added characters all the way up to MKD, then they just stopped...??? why... that was a downfall. Sure they put every single character ever in the MK world in MKA, but, has anyone ever heard the phrase: "quality not quantitiy"!? Ok.. but sure they put "new" characters in their latest game MK vs DC. Yeah... new character that they STOLE... look MK vs DC is a sick ass game.. and mixing MK and DC is a baddass idea.. But still... same old characters!!! Make an original character for god sake! have you ran out of ideas!?

and last but not least

4: Flying!!!! (possibly), im not trying to steal ideas from dragonballZ or anything... but, flying seems like a pretty good idea to me. Especially if your gonna, make a game about the elder gods (again only a possibility).

Ok these are my ideas about how MK can improve a little.... no alot!! In fact im willing to go as far as saying: "GET WITH IT"!!! The dragonballZ series isnt that popular in America, and no other fighting game now is like it. If you make the new MK game like this, then since MK is super popular.. it will be known as the first!!!!

If anyone has anyother ideas on how MK could improve...
Then post them here!!!
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08/30/2009 07:45 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye wrote:

"and last but not least

4: Flying!!!! (possibly), im not trying to steal ideas from dragonballZ or anything... but, flying seems like a pretty good idea to me. Especially if your gonna, make a game about the elder gods (again only a possibility).

Ok these are my ideas about how MK can improve a little.... no alot!! In fact im willing to go as far as saying: "GET WITH IT"!!! The dragonballZ series isnt that popular in America, and no other fighting game now is like it. If you make the new MK game like this, then since MK is super popular.. it will be known as the first!!!!"

Alright, I was there with ya for a while... Faster fighting (though I'd prefer more fluid animation when fighting), MK needing a new direction for it's fighting engine. Then, and this is just my own humble opinion, but then your train kinda fell off the tracks.

Okay, FLYING????

I don't usually rip on people's ideas, but....FLYING??? Yeah, I can really see Stryker, a riot cop... whirling through the air, his hair all pointy and stupid looking like 80% of all DBZ characters... He pauses, and yells "ooooooaaaahhh!" as he lets loose the same burst of energy that every other DBZ character has.

The mountains (because there's always mountains near a battle) explode.

Then he rushes at Kung Lao, who has traded his trademark hat in for equally stupid spikey hair and punches him 9,000 times in five seconds before flipping him over his shoulder in slow motion, the animation skips to Kung Lao lying on the ground, only to jump up and fly at Stryker.

Okay... That's NOT Mortal Kombat. That's Dragonball Z. Much like I don't want MK to be Tekken, Virtua Fighter etc, I really don't want MK to be DBZ. If MK grows and evolves, it should do so with it's own personality, not the personality of another game and definitely not the personality of DBZ.

Dude, if you think that the Budokai games are among the better fighting games out there, then you need to play some more fighting games. Virtua Fighter 5, Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 5, Dead or Alive 4, Street Fighter 4... These are the best the genre has to offer right now. I don't mean to say that the Budokai games are terrible, they're not. But if given the choice, I'd rather play MK vs DC, MKA or even MKD over any of the Dragonball fighting games.

Making MK anything like the DB fighting games would NOT make MK a better series. Granted I've only played the Budokai games, but I stand by my opinion. Just my 2 cents.

Sharpeye Wrote:

"3: New characters.. they added characters all the way up to MKD, then they just stopped...??? why... that was a downfall. Sure they put every single character ever in the MK world in MKA, but, has anyone ever heard the phrase: "quality not quantitiy"!? Ok.. but sure they put "new" characters in their latest game MK vs DC. Yeah... new character that they STOLE... look MK vs DC is a sick ass game.. and mixing MK and DC is a baddass idea.. But still... same old characters!!! Make an original character for god sake! have you ran out of ideas!?"

MK Armageddon was MEANT to have quantity. Think of it as MK Trilogy 2. Ya know how MK Trilogy, a game that had every character up to that point was more of a collection game? That's Armageddon. Yes, they continued the story in Armageddon, but probably because they want to kill off at least half of the characters for when the new MK's start. Just a guess of course...

They didn't STEAL characters for MK vs DC, the MK team came to an agreement with DC Comics and they did a versus game. In a game like that, you want the most recognizable fighters from each series going at it. That's kind of the point. People would rather fight as Sub Zero and Batman than new character versus new character.

They didn't "run out of ideas" for MK:A or MK vs DC because they WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO CREATE NEW CHARACTERS FOR THESE GAMES!!

Oh, last thing here, but an MK prequel? I've heard some other people mention something like this as well. I get that with Gods and stuff like that, you could put flying in, but I'm personally not a fan of that approach, as I mentioned before.

As for the prequel idea itself, I'm also not a fan. Unless it somehow relates to a game that comes later with characters that some how have something to do with the prequel, then I don't really see the point.

I mean, remember the Star Wars prequels? We know that Shang Tsung had control of the tournament for a long time. We know how he gained control of the tournament. As it turns out, we didn't really really need to see Darth Vader go to the dark side. Just like we don't need to see what happened before the events of MK 1.

That's just my opinion, but I'd like to see the story move forward, not backwards. If Armageddon really wipes out a ton of MK characters, I'd like to see what the aftermath of that would be. Ya know?

Sorry if I sounded like a d-bag in this post, but I'm not a fan of DB and I'd really rather not see MK go anywhere near that road, much less down it.

We agree one important thing though: MK needs a better fighting system.
08/30/2009 07:54 PM (UTC)
Ok, i said, if it were to be a game about the elder gods. I didnt say everybody shuld look like dbz characters. I said there shuld maybe be flying... if there were maybe elder gods in the game... maybe...
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08/30/2009 08:48 PM (UTC)
Ha ha ha, I gotcha man.

Sorry, I had a kneejerk reaction to the flying idea. It really just conjured images of DBZ and I didn't think that was the direction the MK series should go. To me, if all or even some of the characters could fly, it would really change the fighting engine into something I'm not sure I would enjoy.

I do like your ability to think outside the box though. Most people just say "better fighting engine" or something like that.

I know that you didn't mean to imply that Stryker and Kung Lao should fly and have spikey hair etc. I was just making a joke that looks really douchey upon further review.

On a side note, have you played alot of the fighting games that I mentioned? VF5, SC4 etc? Do you like the DBZ games more than those?

08/30/2009 08:56 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
If there are an mortal kombat developers out there... PLEASE LISTEN!!!


Mortalkombat rocks, and has rocked since its birth. It is the father of the fighting genre....
but honestly... its not getting anywhere


Sharpeye Wrote:
Its repetetive... same game... every new series. Sure there are more characters, new characters, new areas new story line... but come on lets face it... its the same game everytime, kick punch... fatality

So has Street Fighter, Tekken, Virtual Fighter, Soul Calibur... what's the point on even mentioning that it's the same thing game? That's the whole point of a fighting game series isn't it?

Sharpeye Wrote:
Games like...
DragonballZ burst limit or Budakia Tenchiaitchi 3 blow mortalkambat the fuck away!!!...
But they dont only blow away the mortalkombat series, it blows away every other game in the fighting genre.

Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing.

Sharpeye Wrote:
I mean look at this shit!:

thats just a normal match!!

now look at mk vs dc....

suckish in comparison right?

yeah.. really repetitive isnt. same old mortalkombat...

You're joking right? Please tell me that you are. Despite that I hate that cartoon series, Mortal Kombat vs DC does not suck compare to Dragonball... The graphics on MK looks one hundred times better than DBZ, and I can actually see what I'm doing in MK unlike DBZ... where everything is such at a fast pace that it feels like I'm about to have a seizure.

Sharpeye Wrote:
Now I love mortalkombat, im not trying to put it down.In fact id be the last person to put it down! Im only trying to give some suggestions on what we could do to make MK a little better, and a little less repetitive.

Funny, to me you seem that you are. Having the audacity to believe that the DBZ game is better than MK... that's a huge insult.

Sharpeye Wrote:
Ok heres a list of suggestions:

1: Faster fighting!! The engine they're using obviously goes back to like
MKD! Ok get rid of that fucking engine! The fighting was cool (in like 2005)
but its old and used.. People want excitement!! Re-program that engine, and make the fighting a little more exciting, faster more power!

Seriously? I mean.... seriously? Faster fighting? Dude, we have only 90 seconds to kill our opponent, how much faster do you want it to be? 10 seconds?

Sharpeye Wrote:
2: New ideas for story. Okay they keep adding on to the same story.. Oky in MKA its like the appocolypse right? Okay well instead of making a game in the future... make a fucking prequal! somthing that happens before MK1. Perhaps a story about the elder gods...

Since when has Mortal Kombat made a story about the future? You mean the present?

What would the Elder Gods be doing if they decided to make an MK game based on them? What, play as the Elder Gods now?

Sharpeye Wrote:
New characters.. they added characters all the way up to MKD, then they just stopped...??? why... that was a downfall. Sure they put every single character ever in the MK world in MKA, but, has anyone ever heard the phrase: "quality not quantitiy"!? Ok.. but sure they put "new" characters in their latest game MK vs DC. Yeah... new character that they STOLE... look MK vs DC is a sick ass game.. and mixing MK and DC is a baddass idea.. But still... same old characters!!! Make an original character for god sake! have you ran out of ideas!?

Obviously, Armageddon came right after Deception, and if my memory serves me correctly, they DID add new characters, two to be exact in that game.

Oh hey, my memory was right! Taven and Daegon... Therefore, they haven't stopped, so I don't know what game you're playing, but you are certainly missing the point that they did add new characters to the roaster, despite that it was only two. I mean come on, we had over 60 characters, what more did we need?

How did they steal characters? Are you saying the DC characters? My god, they were working with DC alongside with the game, they didn't steal anything!

And not to mention, despite the fact that the game was non-cannon, the reason why they didn't bother putting in new characters was the fact that if the game was cannon and had to be fitted somewhere in the storyline, it would be around MK2-MK3, therefore, there wouldn't be that many new characters. And why would they make new characters up for that game anyways? They wanted MK and DC to be together for the first time, so of course they are going to put in classic characters that are popular among the fans.

Sharpeye Wrote:
4: Flying!!!! (possibly), im not trying to steal ideas from dragonballZ or anything... but, flying seems like a pretty good idea to me. Especially if your gonna, make a game about the elder gods (again only a possibility).

Actually, you are. DBZ had flying in the game, therefore, you're stealing the idea about it...

So, if the story line was based on the Elder Gods, every character, even if they're not a God, would be flying? So Sub-Zero will fly? Sonya will fly? Stryker will fly? Sounds completely boring.

Sharpeye Wrote:
Ok these are my ideas about how MK can improve a little.... no alot!! In fact im willing to go as far as saying: "GET WITH IT"!!! The dragonballZ series isnt that popular in America, and no other fighting game now is like it. If you make the new MK game like this, then since MK is super popular.. it will be known as the first!!!!

First of all, you got your ideas from the game, so therefore, it wouldn't necessarily be your ideas, just a copied idea from another game that would try to improve the game but it wouldn't.

Why should a fighting game that has been out longer than the DBZ series suddenly change into a fighting game that is completely similar to that? It's just like how Mortalkombatkombatmortal wants the game to be like Tekken. Why should MK change it's original roots to try to be like a game that isn't even popular in the states and only in Japan? I don't think the fans would appreciate the game to suddenly start acting like a different fighting game.
08/30/2009 09:20 PM (UTC)
"Ha ha ha, I gotcha man. Sorry, I had a kneejerk reaction to the flying idea. It really just conjured images of DBZ and I didn't think that was the direction the MK series should go. To me, if all or even some of the characters could fly, it would really change the fighting engine into something I'm not sure I would enjoy. I do like your ability to think outside the box though. Most people just say "better fighting engine" or something like that. I know that you didn't mean to imply that Stryker and Kung Lao should fly and have spikey hair etc. I was just making a joke that looks really douchey upon further review. On a side note, have you played alot of the fighting games that I mentioned? VF5, SC4 etc? Do you like the DBZ games more than those?" _____________________________________________________________ oh ok bro its cool no problemgrin
08/30/2009 09:24 PM (UTC)
you have to be the most unintelligent person ive ever met....
i mean really, all of your arguments were entirly invalid...
08/30/2009 09:31 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
you have to be the most unintelligent person ive ever met....
i mean really, all of your arguments were entirly invalid...

08/30/2009 09:56 PM (UTC)
"What?" *mockingly* *snikker* *snikker* grin
08/30/2009 09:58 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
"What?" *mockingly* *snikker* *snikker* grin

Dude, grow up. Exactly, tell me how I'm "invalid" again?
08/30/2009 10:05 PM (UTC)
"grow up?" dude your the one gettin all worked up over an idea... on a website devoted to MortalKombat... (irony)
08/30/2009 10:19 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
"grow up?" dude your the one gettin all worked up over an idea... on a website devoted to MortalKombat... (irony)

First off, stop calling me dude. I am not a dude...


Sharpeye Wrote:
If anyone has anyother ideas on how MK could improve...
Then post them here!!!

Despite that I didn't list my ideas down on how to make the game better, I figured that maybe I should list things about your ideas. I do that in threads like these, it is not called "being worked up," it is discussing rather how some ideas just do not make sense in a game that has been around longer than a cartoon. So, either get use to criticism, or back off and let me do my thing. I was merely discussing on how your ideas might not make MK better, instead, turn it into a game that's already existing. Therefore, I did my part like you said... I do not see what I am being worked up about.

And you still haven't stated what ideas are invalid, or are you just instigating some stupid argument that you can't fight back against? Because I'm really believing that you are just instigating.
08/30/2009 10:22 PM (UTC)
"Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing."

my answer to that... its not the cartoon, its the game. And how can you make unreviewed decisions?

"You're joking right? Please tell me that you are. Despite that I hate that cartoon series, Mortal Kombat vs DC does not suck compare to Dragonball... The graphics on MK looks one hundred times better than DBZ, and I can actually see what I'm doing in MK unlike DBZ... where everything is such at a fast pace that it feels like I'm about to have a seizure."

Its not the graphics dumb ass, its the fighting system, and as for the complaint about fast pace fighting, your just a DBZ hater, and dont wanna be wrong.

"Seriously? I mean.... seriously? Faster fighting? Dude, we have only 90 seconds to kill our opponent, how much faster do you want it to be? 10 seconds?"

faster pace fighting! not less time to fight! Besides, you can change the time to infinity if you want!

"Since when has Mortal Kombat made a story about the future? You mean the present?

What would the Elder Gods be doing if they decided to make an MK game based on them? What, play as the Elder Gods now?"

No No No, the MK games that are out arent inthe future! thats not what i said. I said instead of making a game based on the future of the bases of MKA, make a prequal to MK1. And as for the Elder gods... WHAT?
"Obviously, Armageddon came right after Deception, and if my memory serves me correctly, they DID add new characters, two to be exact in that game.

Oh hey, my memory was right! Taven and Daegon... Therefore, they haven't stopped, so I don't know what game you're playing, but you are certainly missing the point that they did add new characters to the roaster, despite that it was only two. I mean come on, we had over 60 characters, what more did we need?

How did they steal characters? Are you saying the DC characters? My god, they were working with DC alongside with the game, they didn't steal anything!

And not to mention, despite the fact that the game was non-cannon, the reason why they didn't bother putting in new characters was the fact that if the game was cannon and had to be fitted somewhere in the storyline, it would be around MK2-MK3, therefore, there wouldn't be that many new characters. And why would they make new characters up for that game anyways? They wanted MK and DC to be together for the first time, so of course they are going to put in classic characters that are popular among the fans."
This argument is actually pretty valid.. my bad...
"So, if the story line was based on the Elder Gods, every character, even if they're not a God, would be flying? So Sub-Zero will fly? Sonya will fly? Stryker will fly? Sounds completely boring. "
no douche bag, there will only be gods and elder gods in the game. ITS A PREQUAL!!

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/30/2009 10:41 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye, I have known you for quite a while, and as a friend, i must say...Shut up, Icebaby made a few valid points, you are comparing MK to a game based on a game which was based on a very repetitive anime/manga.(DBZ was basically-lose, reach another state of invincibility, win, repeat) and those comebacks were pretty immature, those kind of flames will only get you banned/skulled, and i(along with a few other users) don't want to see that. so I must respectfully ask that you just stop.
08/30/2009 10:48 PM (UTC)
First off all, Sharpeye, if you're going to argue back with me, think first before calling me names that has no reason to be said. I have not even called you a name. So, if you're going to continue calling me a douchebag or a dumb ass, then go ahead, we'll see where that leads you later on when a Mod sees this.

Sharpeye Wrote:
"Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing."

my answer to that... its not the cartoon, its the game. And how can you make unreviewed decisions?!quote>

No duh its about the game... I was merely saying, how could a game (that's based on the cartoon series) blow away MK when MK has been living longer? Answer me that.

Sharpeye Wrote:
"You're joking right? Please tell me that you are. Despite that I hate that cartoon series, Mortal Kombat vs DC does not suck compare to Dragonball... The graphics on MK looks one hundred times better than DBZ, and I can actually see what I'm doing in MK unlike DBZ... where everything is such at a fast pace that it feels like I'm about to have a seizure."

Its not the graphics dumb ass, its the fighting system, and as for the complaint about fast pace fighting, your just a DBZ hater, and dont wanna be wrong.!quote>

Ignoring the fact that you're name calling me here, let me clear up something... I was merely giving an example based on the two video clips you provided... I didn't feel going into soooo much detail about how to compare the two videos and contrasting them, so I thought, hey, why not I just mention one example and see where that goes. Obviously that hit a nerve, seeing how you have the instinct to call me a dumb ass.

I left the "Fighting System" part alone, for I do not feel obliged to even change that. Why should we? Tell me, why should the game change the fighting system after all these years? Merely, I left that alone, though, because you feel that I was stupid to misjudge you, I guess I shouldn't have left that out for what I had to say.

And of course I'm a DBZ hater, I just stated that before.

Sharpeye Wrote:
"Seriously? I mean.... seriously? Faster fighting? Dude, we have only 90 seconds to kill our opponent, how much faster do you want it to be? 10 seconds?"

faster pace fighting! not less time to fight! Besides, you can change the time to infinity if you want!!quote>

...Faster pacing will lead to a quick ending fight... I want to see what I am doing in the fight, not where I see nothing but blurs everywhere I'm leading my character to move.

Even if you do change the time, it still takes about 30 seconds to kill your opponent... Why change the time when it wouldn't make that big of a difference?

Sharpeye Wrote:
"Since when has Mortal Kombat made a story about the future? You mean the present?

What would the Elder Gods be doing if they decided to make an MK game based on them? What, play as the Elder Gods now?"

No No No, the MK games that are out arent inthe future! thats not what i said. I said instead of making a game based on the future of the bases of MKA, make a prequal to MK1. And as for the Elder gods... WHAT?

You said that the games were about the future... Sooo that's what came to the conclusion for what I stated... Secondly, I doubt that the game would be taking place after Armageddon, but who knows, it might. And it's prequel not prequal...

The Elder Gods statement... you were mentioning about them and didn't go into further detail about your idea on what to do with them. So, I ask you, How would the MK team make a game with the story based upon the Elder Gods? Or, would they make the next game to where the Elder Gods are playable... This is why when people mention storyline ideas, they should go further into details about how to explain to the readers what they meant when giving an example about a future storyline plot.

"Obviously, Armageddon came right after Deception, and if my memory serves me correctly, they DID add new characters, two to be exact in that game.

Oh hey, my memory was right! Taven and Daegon... Therefore, they haven't stopped, so I don't know what game you're playing, but you are certainly missing the point that they did add new characters to the roaster, despite that it was only two. I mean come on, we had over 60 characters, what more did we need?

How did they steal characters? Are you saying the DC characters? My god, they were working with DC alongside with the game, they didn't steal anything!

And not to mention, despite the fact that the game was non-cannon, the reason why they didn't bother putting in new characters was the fact that if the game was cannon and had to be fitted somewhere in the storyline, it would be around MK2-MK3, therefore, there wouldn't be that many new characters. And why would they make new characters up for that game anyways? They wanted MK and DC to be together for the first time, so of course they are going to put in classic characters that are popular among the fans."
This argument is actually pretty valid.. my bad...!quote>

That's fine.

Sharpeye Wrote:
"So, if the story line was based on the Elder Gods, every character, even if they're not a God, would be flying? So Sub-Zero will fly? Sonya will fly? Stryker will fly? Sounds completely boring. "
no douche bag, there will only be gods and elder gods in the game. ITS A PREQUAL!!

Was caling me a douchebag really necessary there? Here's the thing, Sharpeye, for that statement I wrote, because you did not specifically said anything about the Elder God story, how was I supposed to know what the heck you were talking about? Not to mention, you left out a critical part in my statement.

Sharpeye Wrote:
4: Flying!!!! (possibly), im not trying to steal ideas from dragonballZ or anything... but, flying seems like a pretty good idea to me. Especially if your gonna, make a game about the elder gods (again only a possibility).

Right here, I had the intention you were talking about having every single character fly in the game... Little did I know, because you did not state anywhere, that the entire game would focus on the Gods and Elder Gods... so how the heck was I supposed to know that other characters such as the ones I stated, were not going to make an appearance... This is why putting little detail into thought makes a big difference.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/30/2009 10:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sharpeye Wrote:
"Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing."

my answer to that... its not the cartoon, its the game. And how can you make unreviewed decisions?!quote>

No duh its about the game... I was merely saying, how could a game (that's based on the cartoon series) blow away MK when MK has been living longer? Answer me that.

This has nothing to do with the topic but the Dragonball series was created in 1984, issues 17 and on of the Dragonball manga were renamed Dragonball Z in the American edition.
08/30/2009 11:02 PM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sharpeye Wrote:
"Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing."

my answer to that... its not the cartoon, its the game. And how can you make unreviewed decisions?!quote>

No duh its about the game... I was merely saying, how could a game (that's based on the cartoon series) blow away MK when MK has been living longer? Answer me that.

This has nothing to do with the topic but the Dragonball series was created in 1984, issues 17 and on of the Dragonball manga were renamed Dragonball Z in the American edition.

Ahh, so it was created before MK... But that's about the comic right? I am referring to the cartoon series... I only know about DBZ based on the cartoon, not the comics.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/30/2009 11:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sharpeye Wrote:
"Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing."

my answer to that... its not the cartoon, its the game. And how can you make unreviewed decisions?!quote>

No duh its about the game... I was merely saying, how could a game (that's based on the cartoon series) blow away MK when MK has been living longer? Answer me that.

This has nothing to do with the topic but the Dragonball series was created in 1984, issues 17 and on of the Dragonball manga were renamed Dragonball Z in the American edition.

Ahh, so it was created before MK... But that's about the comic right? I am referring to the cartoon series... I only know about DBZ based on the cartoon, not the comics.

The DBZ anime was originally aired in '89 in Japan, but the American version wasn't aired until '96.
08/30/2009 11:07 PM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sharpeye Wrote:
"Wrong.... wrong... wrong.... I do not remember the last time Dragonball Z blew Mortal Kombat away. Dragonball Z has to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever heard of, I doubt that some stupid cartoon would have the intentions on blowing Mortal Kombat away.

I have no idea what the heck that other game is, but I doubt it's the same thing."

my answer to that... its not the cartoon, its the game. And how can you make unreviewed decisions?!quote>

No duh its about the game... I was merely saying, how could a game (that's based on the cartoon series) blow away MK when MK has been living longer? Answer me that.

This has nothing to do with the topic but the Dragonball series was created in 1984, issues 17 and on of the Dragonball manga were renamed Dragonball Z in the American edition.

Ahh, so it was created before MK... But that's about the comic right? I am referring to the cartoon series... I only know about DBZ based on the cartoon, not the comics.

The DBZ anime was originally aired in '89 in Japan, but the American version wasn't aired until '96.

Ah ha... Thank you for clearing this up.
08/30/2009 11:26 PM (UTC)
I didnt know you knew so much about dbz kidkombatgrin
check this out...

i made this.. its gonna be the opening sequence to my video game
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/30/2009 11:28 PM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
I didnt know you knew so much about dbz kidkombatgrin
check this out...

i made this.. its gonna be the opening sequence to my video game

nice video...but don't try to advertise...
I Would Not Mind If They Made A MK Game Like KOTOR/FABLE But Talking About Shao Kahn And His Rise To Power Where You Get To Be Shao Kahn Start Out As A Kid And Eventually Evolve Into The Dark Emperor Who Refuses To Give Up . And The Game Should Have Multiple Endings Where Ethier He Kills Liu Kang And Controls Earthrealm Or Conquers All The Realms

Bosses Should Include
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
09/06/2009 05:09 AM (UTC)
OutworldKingExiledEmperor Wrote:
I Would Not Mind If They Made A MK Game Like KOTOR/FABLE But Talking About Shao Kahn And His Rise To Power Where You Get To Be Shao Kahn Start Out As A Kid And Eventually Evolve Into The Dark Emperor Who Refuses To Give Up . And The Game Should Have Multiple Endings Where Ethier He Kills Liu Kang And Controls Earthrealm Or Conquers All The Realms

Bosses Should Include
Liu Kang
Kung Lao

Uhhh No. Mortal Kombat should be a fighting game.
09/06/2009 05:27 AM (UTC)
1)I don't think the engine has anything to do with the speed of fighting mechanics but Yes...I guess it could be a bit faster. If MK could take any idea from DBZ games...I would say take the dodge/parry system but maybe slow it down to MK standards just a bit.

2)I am not ever worried about the story myself but others out there are and I think that the slate should be a bit cleaned.I was conversing about a dream/nightmare scenario with The Predator151 not long ago on twitter and when he mentioned it I automatically thought why not implement that into the story instead of just know the "what if it was all just a dream of one of the characters"plot. All the past plot holes could be erased with a simple twist like that...why not? It happens in movies right.

3)MK vs DC wasn't meant to be for newness but everyone probably agrees there needs to be at least a few new characters for MK9.

4) lol. I really could not see this for MK unless it were character specific moves(Sindel for example).
About Me

09/06/2009 07:05 PM (UTC)
Sharp, look up the term Suspense of Disbelief on wikipedia. And lay off the cultural waste product that is Dragonball Z.

Your point is understandable, you want MK to resemble something that you find far more entertaining than what it currently is. The problem comes from several maladjusted points, go find them:

Sharpeye Wrote:
MK being popular.

Sadly to say, popular as a laughingstock. There are no MK tournaments to my knowledge, whereas other competitive fighting games have regular communities that hold them. MK is not even popular outside the US and Europe. For one, it is derided in Japan, the Mekka of Video Games.

Sharpeye Wrote:

Faster fighting!! The engine they're using obviously goes back to like MKD! Ok get rid of that fucking engine! The fighting was cool (in like 2005) but its old and used.. People want excitement!! Re-program that engine, and make the fighting a little more exciting, faster more power!

This is not worded well. Define faster, define more exciting, define power! What you might think is a cake, might be my poison. To me, MK4-arguably the fastest MK- was horrid. Disjointed rapid movements that led into mostly unbreakable combos (no leading fighting game has such unbreakable combos) which in union with the shitty graphics made it dizzying and stupid.

Make the game playable first, and observable. The pace could be raised beyond MKDA or MKA, but keep it consistent. Speed is the lesser factor, gameplay balance is prime.

Sharpeye Wrote:
New characters.. they added characters all the way up to MKD, then they just stopped...??? why... that was a downfall. Sure they put every single character ever in the MK world in MKA, but, has anyone ever heard the phrase: "quality not quantitiy"!? Ok.. but sure they put "new" characters in their latest game MK vs DC. Yeah... new character that they STOLE... look MK vs DC is a sick ass game.. and mixing MK and DC is a baddass idea.. But still... same old characters!!! Make an original character for god sake! have you ran out of ideas!?

MKA: Taven, Daegon, new Blaze...

Sharpeye Wrote:
Flying!!!! (possibly), im not trying to steal ideas from dragonballZ or anything... but, flying seems like a pretty good idea to me. Especially if your gonna, make a game about the elder gods (again only a possibility).

No. You are. you are derivating from something you like. And it goes completely against what the uniform MK universe is. Drop this idea, it will not register, maybe perhaps with other DBZ enthusiasts.

Sharpeye Wrote:
Ok these are my ideas about how MK can improve a little.... no alot!! In fact im willing to go as far as saying: "GET WITH IT"!!! The dragonballZ series isnt that popular in America, and no other fighting game now is like it. If you make the new MK game like this, then since MK is super popular.. it will be known as the first!!!!

DBZ is popular enough to produce half-witted morons, since your culture airs this garbage primetime to 12 year olds who are spoonfed with this nonsense. Meanwhile, note that Midway is bankrupt, MK is with Warner Bros., the Deception and Armageddon sales weren't that promising and PROFESSIONAL (this matters) critical reception, opposed to MAINSTREAM Reception (idiots who think superfluous things like new fatalities make a game better) was disenchanting and quite sobering.

Before you stone me, I liked Dragonball: it had soul, it had fun. DBZ is a repetitive exercise in teenage masturbation to the concepts of yelling, fighting, flashing explosions, and bulking up in constipation.

Your constant reference to DBZ makes your claim of non-inspiration with flying completely moot. Have a nice day.
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