04/20/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
I think she might be somehow linked to Kitana, emotionally.
Like when she said "Jade was my...Kitana's...best friend" in MKSM. She appeared quite confused herself there.

Well that was just them toying with the whole clone concept and her wanting to assume Kitana's identity.

I think there's a magical/psychic connection, though. She gets confused. It's more apparent than ever in MKX.
04/20/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
I think she might be somehow linked to Kitana, emotionally.
Like when she said "Jade was my...Kitana's...best friend" in MKSM. She appeared quite confused herself there.

Well that was just them toying with the whole clone concept and her wanting to assume Kitana's identity.

I think there's a magical/psychic connection, though. She gets confused. It's more apparent than ever in MKX.

I don't think it's meant to be taken as a psychic connections and just her getting confused by some of the memories from Kitana floating around in Mileena's head.
And I would blame any inconsistencies with that on just classic NRS not thinking it through entirely. Like the flirtatious dialogue between her and Liu.
04/20/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
You seem convinced they don't put much thought into things, but there was clearly a lot of thought put into this game!

What you're saying about memories is what we're talking about.
04/20/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
You seem convinced they don't put much thought into things, but there was clearly a lot of thought put into this game!

What you're saying about memories is what we're talking about.

I am simply speaking in terms of writing.

Ah see I thought you meant that she was picking up fragmented thoughts from Kitana. No that she was in possession of memories from her sister due to her being a clone.
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04/20/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
UMK3 Mileena Bio:

Murdered by her twin sister Kitana, Mileena finds herself brought back to life by Shao Kahn himself. Her skills as a vicious fighter will be needed to defeat Earth's chosen warriors. Her ability to read the thoughts of her twin sister will enable Kahn to stay one step ahead.
04/20/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
Thank you! It's been canon for ages.
04/21/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
The Mileena and Kitana dynamic has tons of story potential and character development that could be tapped into. NRS just hasn't put much thought into it, sadly. Hoping MKXI would be something like Sub-Zero's and Scorpion's situation in MKX.

Kitana definitely has been pretty bitchy to Mileena in the past. Sure, Mileena followed Shao Kahn's orders that were pretty evil while Kitana went against them for justice, but Mileena was just looking for a place in the family. And I would really love it if they did something along the lines of Kitana's MK9 ending, mainly where Kitana and Mileena group up - hopefully with Jade but Jade's inclusion so far has been moot.

I don't know. Mileena and Kitana finally making up and growing a familial bond really makes me feel happy.
04/21/2015 01:09 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
I don't know. Mileena and Kitana finally making up and growing a familial bond really makes me feel happy.

The irony is that, most likely, Kitana will be "evil" in the next game, while Mileena could possibly ally with Earthrealm to save Edenia/Outworld.
04/21/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
It would be awesome if she had a chapter in the next game where she wakes up in a new body, and freaks out because she's not with Shao Kahn.

Either that or she shows up in the Netherrealm and Kitana accepts her.

I want Mileena back... She's so great in this game.
04/21/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
I'm not even going to be that upset over Mileena death, cause I know she will be back. She's too popular to stay dead
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

04/21/2015 08:11 AM (UTC)
Sorry, but I'm never going to take Mileena for granted and believe she is a 'garunteed' character in every game here on out.

Her death makes me nervous, because the only way she can be resurrected is if some sorcerer does so, but oh wait, they are all dead as well. They also had half of story mode for quan chi to ressurect her in the netherrealm, but they didn't.

As for her transferring her 'consciousness' into another cloned body, Id rather not. That's too easy. But I wouldn't put it past NRS to do so.

Also I think people are to indulgent on the idea Mileena actually 'cares' for Kitana, but maybe I'm just skeptical. She is probably just gloating that she is alive and Kitana is an undead revanent. It is clear she cared for her 'father' tho. Perhaps Mileena also indeed intended to 'free' edenia for tanya and rain since both Kitana, jade, and sindel were not there to rule it. But she also could have just telling them what they wanted to hear.

Also, I really hope there's no Kitana and Mileena alliance. A subtle rivalry at most, but mainly try to keep their stories seperate for now. But if she does go to the netherrealm, they will likely have some sort of interaction.
04/21/2015 09:33 AM (UTC)
Funny how in the past when Mileena was just following Kitana around everybody was like "Give her a new story! Give her more motives!". And now she has come so far and grown out of Kitana's story so much that people wanna explore that story again :P

Honestly I wouldn't mind it, since we haven't seen them interact that much in the new timeline. I believe it will happen in the next game. Both of them are in the Netherealm now and now that Mileena's "Empress" story is closed, it would be a nice direction to see an alliance between them. Both of them would want revenge on Raiden and D'Vorah/Kotal, and the fact that they are linked and Mileena can read her sister's thoughts could play out to this.

I honestly don't think this is the last time we see Mileena. Yes I was disappointed that she died, and yes it could have been handled better, but let's be honest. We got 3 dead characters in the roster, that did absolutely nothing in the story this time. Mileena is too popular to have killed off for good.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/21/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
I think she will be back but looking at it realistically I think not in the next game however. Probably in MK12 if they set up her return in MK11 properly.
04/21/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Sorry, but I'm never going to take Mileena for granted and believe she is a 'garunteed' character in every game here on out.

Her death makes me nervous, because the only way she can be resurrected is if some sorcerer does so, but oh wait, they are all dead as well. They also had half of story mode for quan chi to ressurect her in the netherrealm, but they didn't.

There are at least 4 arcade ladder endings that make it clear Shang Tsung is coming back, including Mileena's.
04/21/2015 08:09 PM (UTC)

Kitana was snobby and arrogant in MK9 also. I like it, the arrogance and snobby fit Kitana. She is really beautiful. She was Princess of Outworld and she was a badass assassin also, she should be arrogant.

04/22/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I'm fine with Kitana and Mileena's retconned relationship, because it never made any sense that Kitana believed Mileena was her actual sister. Did they just wear masks all the time??

In the original MKII, all Outworlders were supposed to look like Baraka. Kitana took after her mother and Mileena after her father, was probably what Shao Kahn would've told them growing up, since he was supposed to have what we now refer to as a Tarkatan mouth. Obviously canon has changed since then. lol.
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04/22/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung is coming back, I think we will se Mileena again cause he is going to bring his soul into another of his created Kitana clone in his flesh pits, as simple as that.
04/22/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)

Onaga Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
I think she might be somehow linked to Kitana, emotionally.
Like when she said "Jade was my...Kitana's...best friend" in MKSM. She appeared quite confused herself there.

Well that was just them toying with the whole clone concept and her wanting to assume Kitana's identity.

I think there's a magical/psychic connection, though. She gets confused. It's more apparent than ever in MKX.

I don't think it's meant to be taken as a psychic connections and just her getting confused by some of the memories from Kitana floating around in Mileena's head.
And I would blame any inconsistencies with that on just classic NRS not thinking it through entirely. Like the flirtatious dialogue between her and Liu.

Mortal Kombat Legacy is what I would call the closest portrayal of the original story of Kitana and Mileena, except for the Sindel fusing her soul with Kitana's when she killed herself, that was never mentioned in any of the games. It was also never explained how Kitana and Mileena thought they were sisters and why Mileena had the teeth and Kitana didn't. Maybe that's why Kitana gree skeptical over the years.

04/22/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
TK_Hunsaker Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I'm fine with Kitana and Mileena's retconned relationship, because it never made any sense that Kitana believed Mileena was her actual sister. Did they just wear masks all the time??

In the original MKII, all Outworlders were supposed to look like Baraka. Kitana took after her mother and Mileena after her father, was probably what Shao Kahn would've told them growing up, since he was supposed to have what we now refer to as a Tarkatan mouth. Obviously canon has changed since then. lol.

Oh, that's a good point. That'd make sense. That changed during development though, didn't it? Kahn didn't have a Tarkatan mouth in the final game.
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