The future of Mileena *SPOILERS*
posted04/22/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)by
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07/06/2007 12:58 AM (UTC)
If you've played the MKX story mode you know Mileena is now deceased being one of two victims who died at the hands of D'vorah. My question is how Netherrealm will handle her death. If she's a creation of Shang Tsung does she have a soul? Will she show up in the Netherrealm? Seeing that she's a fan favorite I think we can all assume she will come back eventually but how will it be done?

Sorry if this has already been discussed
04/20/2015 07:20 AM (UTC)
I think she will be back. They will probably say the Mileena who died was one of her many clones.
04/20/2015 07:21 AM (UTC)
I really don't want this to be the end of her, especially since they made her a rather big twat in this story. She deserved better. I'd really like to see her resurrected and then come back in MK11 as a boss.
04/20/2015 07:40 AM (UTC)
She'll be back. Her arcade ladder ending shows that she can send her consciousness into any of the countless other Mileenas lying dormant in Shang Tsung's flesh pits.

Like Kitana in MKX, I think Mileena is in for the long haul no matter what happens in the storyline. They're like Sub-Zero and Scorpion at this point.
Mileena died in the original timeline as well, btw -- Kitana killed her after MK2, and she got better in the Netherrealm in time for UMK3.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

04/20/2015 08:07 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
She'll be back. Her arcade ladder ending shows that she can send her consciousness into any of the countless other Mileenas lying dormant in Shang Tsung's flesh pits.

So what your saying is that NRS took inspiration from M. Bison; that character in Street Fighter jumps from body to body as well when he is dead.
04/20/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
Maybe! But it's a pretty sensible idea, whatever the inspiration behind it.
04/20/2015 08:59 AM (UTC)
JasonVPred Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
She'll be back. Her arcade ladder ending shows that she can send her consciousness into any of the countless other Mileenas lying dormant in Shang Tsung's flesh pits.

So what your saying is that NRS took inspiration from M. Bison; that character in Street Fighter jumps from body to body as well when he is dead.

Which in turn is closely reminiscent of the Star Wars Dark Empire story arc which came out about 3-2 years before Bison's story was fully flushed out.
04/20/2015 09:07 AM (UTC)
I mean, all of these storylines come from an old idea in scifi/fantasy -- Koschei the Deathless, liches in Dungeons and Dragons, et cetera.
Sonya since 92
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04/20/2015 11:36 AM (UTC)
I wont believe shes out for good. In MKX shes the best shes ever looked and played. With Quan Chi also dead she cant become a revenant so I hope NRS explore the clone story to bring her back.
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

04/20/2015 12:09 PM (UTC)
D'Vorah shoulda died! Lol But nah the way the characters stay around these days I really think Mileena is going to be around for a long time basically if you were a character in MK1-MK3 your going be around for plenty of Mortal Kombats. I wouldn't be surprised if Mileenas arcade ending become true but in my opinion that would kind of suck cause then everybody could keep killing her like she ain't really a threat. Mileena should become a threat in the next one even if she doesn't become a boss give her a story where maybe she kills a character or two
04/20/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
I want her back. Even Quan Chi. Just I won't them in MKXI. Give at least one game to make their deaths to matter.
04/20/2015 01:47 PM (UTC)
I enjoyed Mileena this time around, I was fine with her dying. She my main and I'd prefer her to live but I'm not blind to the Mortal Kombat Roster needing to move forward. However, I do feel a few more chapters of storymode focusing on the civil war would have been better and as much as I like D'Vorah Mileena and Baraka felt like cannon fodder just to showcase her.

The game goes to some lengths to ensure that you are aware of the potential that Mileena isn't dead. Her Mileena/Mileena match interactions and her tower ending both make it quite clear that there is more than one Mileena. Think back to MK9 and you'll remember at least one fully formed Mileena in the tanks.

I'm glad she finally became Empress even though we didn't get to see it and live in hope that Mileena will someday return!

04/20/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Mileena probably wont stay dead, I just don't see it happening.
04/20/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
People in MK don't "die." They just head to the Netherrealm for a vacation.

The only characters who shouldn't reappear are Kai, Hsu Hao, Jarek, Mokap, Blaze, Moloch, Kira, Shujinko and Kobra.

I even consider Drahmin to be redeemable if he could get a bit more love.

As for where Mileena is headed next? I get the feeling that since Liu Kang and Kitana are free from Shinnok and Quan Chi's influence, the Brotherhood of Shadow is going to be far more benevolent. Smoke and Sareena are probably going to be left in charge and Noob is going to be kicked to the curb.

Netherrealm Rulers - Liu Kang, Kitana, Sindel (Quan Chi is Liu Kang's thrall now and Liu keeps him on a short leash)

Brotherhood of Shadow - Smoke, Sareena, Kung Lao, Kabal, Jade, Nightwolf

Netherrealm Rebels - Mileena, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Noob, Reiko, Baraka

Opposed to both Liu Kang and Noob - Ashrah

Freed from the Netherrealm due to the conflict and rebonded with his original parts - Sektor

Earthrealm Invaders - Raiden, Kano

Special Forces allied with the Netherrealm, thus betraying their own realm - Jaqui, Cassie

White Lotus Allied with Special Forces - Kung Jin, Fujin

Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu opposed to Raiden, Black Dragon and the Tekunin - Sub-Zero, Cyrax, Scorpion, Frost, Takeda

Raiden should be the final boss. I want to see Liu Kang finally get a chance to shine again and be the one to defend his realm from Raiden.

Sektor would be a minor antagonist and have some new Tekunin friends helping him out, much like Kano would also have some new Black Dragon henchmen.

The Lin Keui and Shirai Ryu can also get some new members.

Outworld, Seido, Edenia and Chaosrealm would all take a backseat for MK11. Mostly since the main conflicts should be evil Raiden attacking the Netherrealm and Sektor getting his revenge on Sub-Zero. The officers of the Special Forces would also take a backseat while the younger generation does the fighting.

DLC would be

Outworld Pack - Kotal Kahn, Reptile, Li Mei, Ermac

Special Forces High Command Pack - Johnny Cage, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi
04/20/2015 02:09 PM (UTC)
And a Guest Star Pack

Machete, Rick Grimes, Michael Meyers, Rambo
"Shang Tsung created many of us"

It'll be interesting to see what route NRS will take for Mileena.
04/20/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
She'll be back one way or another. The girl has died before and just walked her way out of hell.

I hope the route they take is what the ending set up. That when she dies she simply goes into another dormant body of herself in the flesh pits. They can leave the rest of that ending on the floor though. A legion of Mileena is just kinda Armageddon levels of stupid.

One thing though. Did anyone really get a sense that Mileena was actually "evil" in this game? I haven't red to comics but from what was said about her in story mode. She seemed more like she was trying to restore Edenia instead of follow in the tyrannical footsteps of Shao Kahn. And the only reason Kotal took the throne from her was he didn't agree with that and wanted to unite all of Outworld.

Wouldn't it be kind of interesting if they threw out the rivalry between her and Kitana this time and instead have her in hell and possibly trying to restore her sister so that she could help her take the throne and restore Edenia?
04/20/2015 04:04 PM (UTC)
I don't think Mileena wanted to restore Edenia. She promised Tanya she would restore Edenia if she helped her, but I don't think she actually cares about the realm. Aside from being part Edenian because of Kitana's genes, she never cared about that realm.

Kotal wanted peace, or at least his own opinion of peace, while keeping Outworld's savage traditions. He wanted to help Earthrealm fend of Shinnok.

Mileena was just insane. She got the throne by default because of Shao Kahn's defeat and because nobody knew she wasn't Kitana(as far as the denizens of Outworld know, Mileena and Kitana are the same). She didn't care about anything but ruling her own realm.

Mileena saving Kitana from the Netherrealm? If anything, I'd say she would join the Nether Empire, being promised Outworld if she helps them lay waste to everyone.
04/20/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I don't think Mileena wanted to restore Edenia. She promised Tanya she would restore Edenia if she helped her, but I don't think she actually cares about the realm. Aside from being part Edenian because of Kitana's genes, she never cared about that realm.

Kotal wanted peace, or at least his own opinion of peace, while keeping Outworld's savage traditions. He wanted to help Earthrealm fend of Shinnok.

Mileena was just insane. She got the throne by default because of Shao Kahn's defeat and because nobody knew she wasn't Kitana(as far as the denizens of Outworld know, Mileena and Kitana are the same). She didn't care about anything but ruling her own realm.

Mileena saving Kitana from the Netherrealm? If anything, I'd say she would join the Nether Empire, being promised Outworld if she helps them lay waste to everyone.

I never got the impression that she was insane. In 20 years it seems her mind has caught up with her body and she has matured. She just came across as very very angry.
And I can't think of anyone who thought she was Kitana. Everyone knew her as Mileena. I don't even know why her creation in the flesh pits was made out to be some great revelation to Baraka. He was present when Shang said this in the previous game.

Again I just think it would be interesting to have Mileena and Kitana no longer be enemies and due to her genetics feeling just as passionate about Edenia as Kitana and wanting to restore her sister to separate it from Outworld. I mean we would still have a game or so where they would be enemies just because of Kitana being a revenant.

04/20/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
Well, maybe not insane, but she wanted the power and didn't care about anything else. She definitely didn't care about Edenia. Kotal Kahn was aiming more for status quo. Keep Outworld and its various annexed realms merged and move on forward united and strong.
04/20/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
I'm just not seeing the evidence that says that she cared nothing for Edenia. When from what I can see in her bio and her words and actions in the game, it seems like she very much identified as an Edenian and was only thinking about "her realm" when she had the throne.

Again I'm just saying it would be interesting if they did something a little more interesting with Mileena and Kitana this time instead of just "grrr I hate her" "grrrr I'm the pretty and better one and I hate her too"
04/20/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
I'm just not seeing the evidence that says that she cared nothing for Edenia. When from what I can see in her bio and her words and actions in the game, it seems like she very much identified as an Edenian and was only thinking about "her realm" when she had the throne.

Again I'm just saying it would be interesting if they did something a little more interesting with Mileena and Kitana this time instead of just "grrr I hate her" "grrrr I'm the pretty and better one and I hate her too"

I'd love to see Kitana and Mileena bury the hatchet in MKXI like Sub-Zero and Scorpion did in MKX.
04/20/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
I'm just not seeing the evidence that says that she cared nothing for Edenia. When from what I can see in her bio and her words and actions in the game, it seems like she very much identified as an Edenian and was only thinking about "her realm" when she had the throne.

Again I'm just saying it would be interesting if they did something a little more interesting with Mileena and Kitana this time instead of just "grrr I hate her" "grrrr I'm the pretty and better one and I hate her too"

I'd love to see Kitana and Mileena bury the hatchet in MKXI like Sub-Zero and Scorpion did in MKX.

What if in later games Kitana was freed with the help of Mileena and Sareena and she and Kitana and Jade later found a way to fully restore Edenia from Outworld. And it is only afterwards that the rivalry starts to build between Mileena and Kitana due to the way Kitana is embraced and Mileena feels insecure and as though she is being lost in her sisters shadow.

As of right now, because of Vogels laziness there is no rivalry between the two.
Kitana only resents Mileena because she was created to be her but it was demonstrated in her ending she could look past the fact Mileena was a flawed clone and embrace her as a sister.
So there is a perfect opportunity to really make some tragic magic between these two.
04/20/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
I'm fine with Kitana and Mileena's retconned relationship, because it never made any sense that Kitana believed Mileena was her actual sister. Did they just wear masks all the time??
04/20/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I'm fine with Kitana and Mileena's retconned relationship, because it never made any sense that Kitana believed Mileena was her actual sister. Did they just wear masks all the time??

I had always assumed Kitana just viewed her "sister" as disfigured, or maybe half-blood (oh, that naughty, wild, hippie Sindel and her free love ways...)

Granted, it's all moot at this point.

On topic, I certainly don't think Mileena is gone for good. There are too many "outs", even in her arcade ending.

The big question is, WHEN she returns, will she ally herself with Kitana's Netherrealm or do something entirely different? She's a wildcard if she comes back.
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