The Forgotten Character
posted01/05/2006 05:19 PM (UTC)by
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10/07/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
Is Motaro the Forgotten Character nobdy ever mentions him at all what are your views on him?
12/10/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)
Im not a fan of Motaro personally. I thought he was an ok boss, nothing special really tho.
His race is somewhat interesting, but I wouldnt like to see Motaro return. mainly because he is dead and at least some characters should remain dead. And like I said he was nothing special IMO.
If he does come back ever, it should be as a regualr character. We need new, original sub bosses.
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12/10/2005 10:15 PM (UTC)
He served his purpose. Not an angle i would really like to see return. As Goro and Shao kahn bio's state, the Centaurians were disfavored when Kahn got Goro back into his league.
12/10/2005 11:32 PM (UTC)
If Goro has joined with Shao Kahn, then all the Shokan army belong to him.
If Motaro came back, I think that he will join Kitana's forces and have a war with the centaurs on his side in order to destroy the shokan and come back to Shao Kahn's Favored side.
12/11/2005 05:15 AM (UTC)
Motaro was cool in his time, But now he has no purpose namely because he's dead, Nor is there any real reason for him to return but then again..I had the same opinion on Johnny Cage once.
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12/11/2005 06:34 AM (UTC)
I think Motaro should return, I hated Moloch. I don't like Goro either, so Motaro should return in MK7.
12/11/2005 09:34 AM (UTC)
Another Centaur character wouldn't be bad, better than Motaro returning, at least. Like already stated, Motaro's dead (killed by Sheeva), and resurrecting him would be really pathetic. Resurrection has been turned to too often by Boon and Co., and it's a tad annoying now. I'd like a new Centaur, but Motaro, no.
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12/11/2005 10:40 AM (UTC)
Motaro is dead and he should stay that way. The Centaurs could be interresting, but Motaro as their introduction left a lot to be desired. I don't thnk they need to be back. Kahn has shown he favours the Shoakan so much more than them and they seem to be a forgotten race within the story.
12/11/2005 01:27 PM (UTC)
Motaro is a great character IMO, he should return.............
12/11/2005 06:20 PM (UTC)
If we're going to see the Centaurs again it should be a new centuar, not Motaro. He's dead, was a generic member of his race, and had no real plot other than his race rivalarly with the Shokan(Which another centaur could easily fill in for.)

I think a centaur would make an interesting battle in 3d. However, much like Shao Kahn, midway favors their trademark "evil super race", the Shokan. I don't think the centaur's are of great interest to them.
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12/11/2005 09:50 PM (UTC)
i would like 2 see him as sub-boss and playable in mk7
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12/15/2005 04:35 PM (UTC)
As it was mentioned, Motaro was supposed to be killed by Sheeva. So if he does somehow come back, I hope they stick with the story.

As much as I liked him, since he is already dead, I hope he stays that way. I think there are plenty of magical resurrections of some sort already.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
12/15/2005 05:52 PM (UTC)
Yes i do not think he should be brought back either, its just that i never hear anybody mention him, you might say this is because he is dead. But Sheeva is dead too and she is mentioned a lot in threads.

It would be good to see a 3D Motaro but i don't want Midway to waste time on creating him when other characters that have potential are unattened to.
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12/15/2005 08:29 PM (UTC)
Motaro was an interesting character, but i would definitely favor Goro.

I must say iv been disappointed with the sub bosses in the last few games.

Although Kintaro is dead... why not bring him back... it would open up for a rivalry between Himself and Goro.

One could represent good and the other evil..
This adds to different story trees, if ur evil you fight Kintaro then (good) boss.
If your good you fight Goro then (evil) boss.

Im aware Kintaro isn’t your typical good guy, but if they explored his shady past, the story writers could develop a feud between Goro and Kintaro. That would be awesome

Although I still think that the sky is the limit in creating new characters..

Id love to see more of an Arabian character, Kinda like your Leon from DOA.
Ashrah was great but something a bit deeper.

Id also love to see different creatures.

Back to the sub bosses
For me though the ultimate sub boss would be somebody good enough to be a main boss.

Boon and team should swing from creating strong evil big subbosses – to darker characters whom are more attractive story wise.

Also one last big thing id love to see from this next game, which is something I noted in another thread, would be to have an emotional connection to the main boss.
If a hatred of the main boss is created then it would give the gamer more incentive to defeat the final boss.

I say in the intro movie have the boss kill someone respected by every gamer, or have that character do something that really pisses us of.
Like kill thousands of innocent humans.

Anyways that’s my piece :D
12/16/2005 01:21 AM (UTC)
While I prefer the Shokan race, I must admit the Centaurs are very interesting, and Motaro was definitely a cool character IMO.

I would really like to see him back, but I guess its easy for any other centaur to take his place, improved and with a solid story with potential that goes beyond just being “the sub-bossâ€?.

I feel I can accept a new centaur, but it would be unfair not to give Motaro a chance to be that new and much better centaur.
12/16/2005 04:13 AM (UTC)
Whatever happen to Hornbuckle the green pant Liu Kang?
12/16/2005 05:27 AM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
Motaro was an interesting character, but i would definitely favor Goro.

How was he an interesting character? He had no real personality or storyline beyond being Kahn's brutish protection. He's like alot of other one off characters (Khameleon, Kai, Sheeva, Stryker, etc.) in that he's practically a blank slate and thus, there's the POTENTIAL to expand on his story and character to make him interesting in just about any way possible. But as it stands now? He has nothing really resembling a personality or plot or character development to make him remotely interesting. He's a generic henchman and nothing more.
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12/16/2005 05:47 AM (UTC)
I thought that Kai had potential, but he was part of another group of characters that just seemed to be add-ons or support for other characters (Frost, Kai, Hsu Hao, Jax, Kira and Kobra all seem to fall into this category). Any of them could be solid if they broke away from Sub Zero, Kung Lao, Mavado, Sonya and Kabal respectively. So I wouldn't write off Kai after just one chance.

As for Motaro, I never really thought that much of him. Goro was cool, Kintaro was awesome, and then Motaro was just kind of there, not much more. Moloch was a servicable sub-boss, and I still have no idea how Noob/Smoke became the sub-boss, as they didn't seem to have anything at all to do with the DK. I'd rather they go in a new direction with the next sub-boss, rather than rehashing an old character for the job. If we were to go back in time though, I'd go with a Shokan. I'd like to see how they'd make King Gorbak look. Regardless, as I said, I'd like to see something completely new. Motaro's dead, and as far as the centaurs go, I thought they looked kinda silly to begin with. A little too "Hercules: The Legendary Journey's" for my taste. No thanks.
12/16/2005 06:13 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
chardballz Wrote:
Motaro was an interesting character, but i would definitely favor Goro.

How was he an interesting character? He had no real personality or storyline beyond being Kahn's brutish protection. He's like alot of other one off characters (Khameleon, Kai, Sheeva, Stryker, etc.) in that he's practically a blank slate and thus, there's the POTENTIAL to expand on his story and character to make him interesting in just about any way possible. But as it stands now? He has nothing really resembling a personality or plot or character development to make him remotely interesting. He's a generic henchman and nothing more.

I understand your points, Im also one who sees Motaro only as “the sub-bossâ€?, the problem with the team is that they make these monsters seem strong but stupid (Moloch for example, even though he too has potential and was involved with other characters), but Motaros main importance (aside from being Kahns protector and general) is that he introduced the feud between the 2 known races, that makes him interesting for me, that started a new twist in Mk...but was never developed for no other centaur has appeared in the game ever since Mk3.
12/16/2005 11:03 PM (UTC)
'I will set aside my difference with the centaur's as long as they abide by the treaty' (Goro to Kitana, in MKG)

So if Motaro or any other centaur is to return he or she or they should be on the side of good and allied with Edenia. I don't want them having a twist in the opening bio of a character, twists are for the ends not the starts.

I personally would love to have Motaro back, I love centaurs, they are some of one of my favourite types of mythological creatures and it would be really interesting to see how Motaro would do in battle and how a story could be developed.

But in terms of Shokans and Centaurs and all that jazz,

for me it goes

Sheeva>Goro>Motaro>Kintaro>Queen Mai and King Gorbak

Btw Queen Mai and King Gorbak have to make appearences soon, relationship with their son and we also have to find out how Sheeva fit into the equasion.

12/16/2005 11:22 PM (UTC)
Motoro is a amazing character he should come back teamed up with Goro and Shao Kahn.
12/17/2005 02:09 AM (UTC)
i wouldn't mind seeing Motaro back,easpecially since now Kahn banished the Centaurs,and favors the Shokan,i guess there might be a Centaur VS Shokan war during mk7 perhaps?
But i would also like to see how he would look in 3-D
12/17/2005 02:21 AM (UTC)
He may not be the greatest idea in MK, but he beats the tar out of the trash known as Onaga.
12/17/2005 02:57 AM (UTC)
I sure think Motaro should comeback and stay for good, how, if he kills scorpion the crazy nutcase of mk, he will be our worst bad ass ever. Since mk 5 i hate scorpion because of hes looks, costume and too predictable specials. The new king is sub zero.
12/17/2005 06:05 AM (UTC)
motaro was a great boss and i perferd him over kintaro
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