02/27/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Trolleena is a big mess. She has always been a messy kharakter and a funny bootleg klone of Kitana.

What is Trollileena even going to do with that amulet and all the powers? What a disaster.

No wonder Tanya is not here for this sh*t. LOL

I hope Tanya stays safe inside her big cave in Outworld, to avoid all these catastrophik events in MKX!

Sorry that you feel sad that Mileena's in and Tanya's not :(

mkwhopper Wrote:

God the more you post, the more I just want to choke you.

Stay mad that Mileena will always be better than Tanya.

You guys are choosing to ignore the fact that I said I like the Mileena kharakter.

You guys like to look for quarrels where there are none. lol

I think Mileena and Tanya could be friends in MK11 or MK12, perhaps?
02/27/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
Sorry to crash the party but your empress is getting killed at the end of the civil war, probably consumed by the amulet. That woman that everyone says is Kitana's alt isn't her alt (we know what her alt looks like, it was shown in the stream), fights against the new generation (so this isn't part of the netherealm war) and wears purple, it looks like Mileena will be tricked and consumed by the amulet and become a revenant in the process.

Love that you wanna "crash the party" by assuming how the Story Mode will go. First of all it IS Kitana's alt. Take a look at her concept art, that outfit is right there with her main and alt. So your theory doesn't stand. Plus it's from the scene with Sindel as a revenant so it's safe to assume it is Kitana before she got rescued. And even if it was Mileena (which doesn't even make sense in that specific scene but let's assume it was), what makes you think we'd be mad? She's in the game! That's all I wanted as her fan so I'm happy! Kitana died and she's already back so what's your point?

We know for a fact that Kitana's alt look like this: http://36.media.tumblr.com/14ab4b9417fddb00f77283bb54e8a2c0/tumblr_njogf7hVH61rc75zuo4_1280.jpg

You know it's more than likely that most characters will have more than 1 alt right? They did in MK9, they will probably do so this time as well.

Do you see the 2nd outfit?

That's 100% the outfit she's wearing in the trailer. It's not Mileena.
02/27/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
Sorry to crash the party but your empress is getting killed at the end of the civil war, probably consumed by the amulet. That woman that everyone says is Kitana's alt isn't her alt (we know what her alt looks like, it was shown in the stream), fights against the new generation (so this isn't part of the netherealm war) and wears purple, it looks like Mileena will be tricked and consumed by the amulet and become a revenant in the process.

Love that you wanna "crash the party" by assuming how the Story Mode will go. First of all it IS Kitana's alt. Take a look at her concept art, that outfit is right there with her main and alt. So your theory doesn't stand. Plus it's from the scene with Sindel as a revenant so it's safe to assume it is Kitana before she got rescued. And even if it was Mileena (which doesn't even make sense in that specific scene but let's assume it was), what makes you think we'd be mad? She's in the game! That's all I wanted as her fan so I'm happy! Kitana died and she's already back so what's your point?

We know for a fact that Kitana's alt look like this: http://36.media.tumblr.com/14ab4b9417fddb00f77283bb54e8a2c0/tumblr_njogf7hVH61rc75zuo4_1280.jpg

You know it's more than likely that most characters will have more than 1 alt right? They did in MK9, they will probably do so this time as well.

Do you see the 2nd outfit?

That's 100% the outfit she's wearing in the trailer. It's not Mileena.

I agree with you.

Only thing that perplexes me is the fact that it looks PURPLE. Why would NRS give Kitana that color when that same color is traditionally used by her evil clone.

I love the outfit though, it's very dark.
Mileena Stan
02/27/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
You guys are choosing to ignore the fact that I said I like the Mileena kharakter.

Erm, it's fakt. Get it right.

I think Mileena and Tanya could be friends in MK11 or MK12, perhaps?

02/28/2015 02:05 AM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
Sorry to crash the party but your empress is getting killed at the end of the civil war, probably consumed by the amulet. That woman that everyone says is Kitana's alt isn't her alt (we know what her alt looks like, it was shown in the stream), fights against the new generation (so this isn't part of the netherealm war) and wears purple, it looks like Mileena will be tricked and consumed by the amulet and become a revenant in the process.

Love that you wanna "crash the party" by assuming how the Story Mode will go. First of all it IS Kitana's alt. Take a look at her concept art, that outfit is right there with her main and alt. So your theory doesn't stand. Plus it's from the scene with Sindel as a revenant so it's safe to assume it is Kitana before she got rescued. And even if it was Mileena (which doesn't even make sense in that specific scene but let's assume it was), what makes you think we'd be mad? She's in the game! That's all I wanted as her fan so I'm happy! Kitana died and she's already back so what's your point?

We know for a fact that Kitana's alt look like this: http://36.media.tumblr.com/14ab4b9417fddb00f77283bb54e8a2c0/tumblr_njogf7hVH61rc75zuo4_1280.jpg

You know it's more than likely that most characters will have more than 1 alt right? They did in MK9, they will probably do so this time as well.

Do you see the 2nd outfit?

That's 100% the outfit she's wearing in the trailer. It's not Mileena.

I agree with you.

Only thing that perplexes me is the fact that it looks PURPLE. Why would NRS give Kitana that color when that same color is traditionally used by her evil clone.

I love the outfit though, it's very dark.

I don't get the purple comments... I literally just watched it in slow mo, frame by frame, and all I see is a dark blue... That's CLEARLY Kitana.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/28/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
ZachJxLP Wrote:
I don't get the purple comments... I literally just watched it in slow mo, frame by frame, and all I see is a dark blue... That's CLEARLY Kitana.

It's most likely ambient lighting from the stage she's standing in. Netherrealm - Reds, Yellows, Oranges + reflecting on Blue = Purple(ish).
02/28/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
The best mileena has ever looked. I like her hair all in her face, it's primal. She looks battle tested, not like royalty or a seductress.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

02/28/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
She looks war torn to shit. Stitched up face mask, hair is all frazzled. She definitely has that rebellious look compared to when she was all royal'd out with Shao Kahn.

Ugh. Mah baby. I fuckin love her look.
02/28/2015 09:52 AM (UTC)
Mileena has NEVER looked so fantastic imo...she really has become scary...can`t wait to play herglasses
02/28/2015 12:27 PM (UTC)
She looks glorious! :') Best design in MKX so far!

As for her variations, before the trailer I thought they'd give her
- One with her Sais. Where she'd probably have a special where she throws her sais on her opponent's feet to immobilize them for a free combo. Kinda like the iceball.
- One with more teleports.

And I couldn't think of a 3rd one. Now I'm betting she has an AMULET variation. Calling it rn!!!
02/28/2015 12:34 PM (UTC)
Never liked mileena since deception and still dont but at least this time they made her actually have a brain instead being a drooling brainless retard. She has ambition and thoughts finally. I can respect that even if I don't like her she is showing to have some significance to the story. Congrats to her fans.
02/28/2015 12:38 PM (UTC)
I love the look, the eyes, the stitched up mask and the hair and hope it carries over in-game. The maskless face is what I fear will look bad like before, they should really tone the wideness of the mouth, the amount of teeth and length so just a smaller mouth in general. Judging by the Tarkatan look, it's still like mk9.
03/01/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)

I just want to point out that Kitana's costume is more revealing than Mileena's.

I hope Reiko is the big boss in this game. He's got a good role in the comic. It makes sense that he's the new boss guy. I think he's in the game but we didn't see him in the trailer because NRS didn't want to reveal him yet. We would all know that he's the boss. Unless it's Mileena, but I want her playable, she'll be fun and she looks awesome. NRS did an awesome job with her and Kitana's new looks. I hope their alternate costumes are just as awesome. Last game when everyone was saying that they should wear pants, I was totally against it. I said stick with the old motif, which was good for MK9 because it was supposed to be an homage game. But I have to say I like the pants on Kitana and Mileena. They should have a dress type costume as well. That is what I am hoping their alternates are.

I think the story would be much better if NRS had not retconned Kitana and Mileena's story. I mean Mileena didn't even know Shao Kahn did she? How soon after she popped out of the flesh pits did he die? Also, now she's only 25 years old. It would seem more legit for her to have a claim to ruling Outworld if she was still 10,000 and had been under Shao Kahn's ward for that long instead of a very short period of time because he died shortly after she was born (for lack of a better term.) IMO, the old comics from the 90s and the Legacy YouTube series have done the best job with the Kitana/Mileena/Shao Kahn back story.

03/01/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

I just want to point out that Kitana's costume is more revealing than Mileena's.

I hope Reiko is the big boss in this game. He's got a good role in the comic. It makes sense that he's the new boss guy. I think he's in the game but we didn't see him in the trailer because NRS didn't want to reveal him yet. We would all know that he's the boss. Unless it's Mileena, but I want her playable, she'll be fun and she looks awesome. NRS did an awesome job with her and Kitana's new looks. I hope their alternate costumes are just as awesome. Last game when everyone was saying that they should wear pants, I was totally against it. I said stick with the old motif, which was good for MK9 because it was supposed to be an homage game. But I have to say I like the pants on Kitana and Mileena. They should have a dress type costume as well. That is what I am hoping their alternates are. I think the story would be much better if NRS had not retconned Kitana and Mileena's story. I mean Mileena didn't even know Shao Kahn did she? How soon after she popped out of the flesh pits did he die? Also, now she's only 25 years old. It would seem more legit for her to have a claim to ruling Outworld if she was still 10,000 and had been under Shao Kahn's ward for that long instead of a very short period of time because he died shortly after she was born (for lack of a better term.) IMO, the old comics from the 90s and the Legacy YouTube series have done the best job with the Kitana/Mileena/Shao Kahn back story.

I think you're right about them not wanting to reveal Reiko yet. I think he'll be one of those characters we won't knows in the game until we're playing it.
03/01/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
Mileena doesn't look like a dancer anymore wow ....I don't know how to take her like this .
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

03/01/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
She looks glorious! :') Best design in MKX so far!

As for her variations, before the trailer I thought they'd give her
- One with her Sais. Where she'd probably have a special where she throws her sais on her opponent's feet to immobilize them for a free combo. Kinda like the iceball.
- One with more teleports.

And I couldn't think of a 3rd one. Now I'm betting she has an AMULET variation. Calling it rn!!!

She will definitely have an amulet variation now. It will be interesting to see what new moves this gives Mileena.

I always thought she would have some 'savage' variation: maskless, with emphasis on rushdown attacks/bites.. the roll would be enhanced in this somehow
03/01/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
I will eventually claim the thrown.
03/01/2015 02:43 PM (UTC)
If Baraka is not in, how cool would it be if she found a way to grow blades?? So one variation with her having the blades, kind of a tribute to Baraka like with Jade :D She would instantly become one of my favourite characters, it would ease the pain of Baraka not being included and she would be even more fierce and separate her completely from the pack!!!

I would like her name to be empress mileena as well, sounds a lot cooler :D
projectzero00 Wrote:
She looks glorious! :') Best design in MKX so far!

As for her variations, before the trailer I thought they'd give her
- One with her Sais. Where she'd probably have a special where she throws her sais on her opponent's feet to immobilize them for a free combo. Kinda like the iceball.
- One with more teleports.

And I couldn't think of a 3rd one. Now I'm betting she has an AMULET variation. Calling it rn!!!

What if completing whatever task in game or story with characters unlocked a 4th variation, where they use the Amulet? Certain characters get to win it or whatever?

Where`sh mah amurlet?!

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