The Appeal Of Female Characters
posted06/24/2014 10:07 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I thought this would be an interesting conversation to bring up. Seeing how there were many, many, many of you who were complaining about the lack of suitable outfits for our female characters, should this be the game that finally gives the women an outfit that's actually decent?

A lot of you (I should say like 98%) were upset at the design for Sonya's 2011 appearance. As the years progressed, we continued to see more people starting to say that they want more of a look that isn't labeling these characters as "sluts" and "whores." (Although, one cannot be a slut unless they actually do what a slut does, so how Kitana is one... ah random topic)

Anyways, what are your thoughts about decent/trashy outfits? Would we want the trashier style stay, or is it time for more of a decent look?
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06/03/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
They should all look more like Li Mei in MKD
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06/03/2014 02:55 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Anyways, what are your thoughts about decent/trashy outfits?

I could care less if they were "trashy" or "whorish". This SJW bullshit is really getting on my nerves lately as they try to ruin every game. You're not making any "progression". You're just making everything worse. That's what I actually like about Boon and co. They don't really give a shit in the first place. If they want their women to be going around with tape around their bodies and NOTHING else then they go ahead and do it.

That's just how I feel. The Mileena costume didn't bother me. Sonya not wearing a bra didn't bother me. Wearing high heels didn't bother me. I don't fucking care. As long as I like the outfit or lack there of.
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06/03/2014 02:58 AM (UTC)
It bothers me because I just want to play a fighting name, not have my friends oggle at a character as I murder them
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06/03/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)

It's like aspergers with these people!!!

They see Japanese made game with super feminine, almost pre-adolescent like facial structure & expect that to be applied upon every game. GO CRY ON ITAGAKI'S SHOULDER ABOUT IT!!! furious furious furious
06/03/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)

Sexy, revealing, over-sexualized...

Mostly the female costumes have just sucked lately. All that stuff aside.

So I guess I'll just say:

First, make the costumes better.

We'll go from there.
06/03/2014 03:06 AM (UTC)
I don't care, there's alternate costumes (although Kitana's was still terrible and slutty) i'm more concerned about the man faces the girls have been rocking for years now.
06/03/2014 03:06 AM (UTC)


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06/03/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
Meh, I think some people take it too far but at the same time I kinda agree. For example, people ranted to church and back about Sonya's MK9 appearance- but I actually loved it. It's Sonya's best look to date imo...and no it's not because of the boobs because well...let's just say boobs are not my thing lmao. So I was absolutely fine with Sonya's look in that game and didn't really understand the hate. Mileena is meant to be sexy and seductive, so I was fine with her. Sindel got a lot of flack as well which I don't know why considering she looked like a streetwalker back in MK3 anyway.

The only female I thought was a little too revealing was Kitana but even that is nothing to really be uptight about. My thing is females in Mortal Kombat have always wore revealing clothing, MK9 just enhanced it a bit.

That said I hope they don't go too over the top with the skimpy outfits in MKX.
06/03/2014 03:13 AM (UTC)
I'm more so in the boat where they should at least try to make these guys look like what they are.

I never understand Kitana's outfits because she never looked like a princess to me at all. In every single game that she has been in, I keep forgetting that she is a princess all because of what she's wearing.

They should also wear something that would actually hold up in a fight. Some of the outfits were more so laughable based on the logic and physics that the game supposedly has. But if it were to actually occur in the real world, I would have to say at least more than half of the women in this game, their outfits would never hold up in a fight.

But then again, why should I throw in stuff that needs to make sense when a game that allows you to freeze humans in the air and make them stay in the air occurs?
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/03/2014 03:18 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm more so in the boat where they should at least try to make these guys look like what they are.

I never understand Kitana's outfits because she never looked like a princess to me at all. In every single game that she has been in, I keep forgetting that she is a princess all because of what she's wearing.

They should also wear something that would actually hold up in a fight. Some of the outfits were more so laughable based on the logic and physics that the game supposedly has. But if it were to actually occur in the real world, I would have to say at least more than half of the women in this game, their outfits would never hold up in a fight.

But then again, why should I throw in stuff that needs to make sense when a game that allows you to freeze humans in the air and make them stay in the air occurs?

You still pegged some great points though. I do think they can have the females still be attractive and sexy while also wearing believable costumes they could fight in as well.

As for Kitana, she has never had any good costumes, like at all now that I think about it. I'm looking at her Shaolin Monks render now and she looks like Sasha Grey in a MK Porn parody.
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06/03/2014 03:21 AM (UTC)
The only thing I really objected to was the heels, because it's pretty nonsensical to fight in heels. Is it just as nonsensical to fight in strategically placed tape? Yes, but at least one can move around a given battlefield and maintain agility as long as they're not wearing stilettos.
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06/03/2014 03:48 AM (UTC)
I just want more realistic and practical costumes overall, it's not just the female characters...Sex appeal is not a problem for some characters but alot of the designs in the past come off as tacky and unpractical.

Sonya's default costume for example, looked like one of those army fetish costumes and looked very out of character in story mode.

But I'm very pleased with what we've seen from Scorpion and Sub-Zero this time, so I'm being optimistic about the rest of the cast!
06/03/2014 03:56 AM (UTC)
Someone came out and said they liked Mileena's new personality the other day. So, I'm going to come out and say I like, no borderline loved Sonya's attire in Mk9.

The only gripes I have with it are the high heel boots, but that's every female in the game.

Besides that I just pretend she has a black wifebeater under her vest that I loved the attire though and hope it returns without stripper boots.
06/03/2014 04:08 AM (UTC)
While heels can be deadly, it's not something I intend on seeing on every single female character. I agree with all of you that want the heels be put to a rest.

I'm literally surprised that Sheeva did not get a pair of her own.
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06/03/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
Sonya's design did look unnecessarily scant, but my biggest problem is that she looked freakishly skinny. I'll leave that to the masses whether it's right or wrong to portray her that way, but whatever approach you go with, it looked really bad and unnatural.

I mean, yeah, I'd be happier if certain characters didn't look so whore-ish, but what's the point of making Sonya look like a stripper if you're going to give her masculine facial structure? That goes double for Kitana because in previous games, Kitana's face didn't look like that. Why the change? It's like they went out of their way to make her look worse.

06/03/2014 04:15 AM (UTC)
20% more sluttiness should be applied to all the female characters.
06/03/2014 04:15 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Sonya's design did look unnecessarily scant, but my biggest problem is that she looked freakishly skinny. I'll leave that to the masses whether it's right or wrong to portray her that way, but whatever approach you go with, it looked really bad and unnatural.

I mean, yeah, I'd be happier if certain characters didn't look so whore-ish, but what's the point of making Sonya look like a stripper if you're going to give her masculine facial structure? That goes double for Kitana because in previous games, Kitana's face didn't look like that. Why the change? It's like they went out of their way to make her look worse.

Sonya's face was the same as in MKDC, i think the main problema with her body was the ridiculous size of her bobos, if they were smaller, she wouldn't look as skinny.

As for Kitana, the MK team has always been like that, Kitana from MKDC, looks like a completely different person tan MK9 Kitana, or MKDA Kitana, etc. They really need to be more consistent in that regard. The MK9 Kitana face was terrible because of the MK-ish nose, the MKDC one was too round and ugly, but the one from DA was fine although she looked a bit old and lazy-eyed, but she looked fine.
06/03/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
Jade got the best female outfit in this Mortal Kombat. Kitana was OK (except that hair), but her best one was from Deadly Aliance (plus the hair!). My favorite Sonya outfit was the one from MK4!
06/03/2014 04:27 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
20% more sluttiness should be applied to all the female characters.

This is why you''re the homie J-R
Make it 30% ????
06/03/2014 04:58 AM (UTC)
Personally, I enjoy fapping to them when someone performs a fatality on them... grin
06/03/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
I liked the direction they took in MK9 and hope they follow in that direction. High Heels and all

06/03/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
This isn't an issue to me.

So long as the character is visually appealing to look at (can be done with, or without, tits hanging out), I am happy.

However, what is concerning is the level of brainwashing that modern feminism is having on men....which is why this is such an issue for many. Because while women are being taught to embrace and feel empowered by their sexuality, men are being taught that they are being "inappropriate" when they embrace theirs.

And so we get topics like this.
06/03/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
first they need to make the female faces not look like trannies.

its just a game so I don't expect change. the females were meant to be this way because how else would they deceive their prey? cant ugly and cant be dressed like a saint.

sonya is the only one that shouldn't be half naked. women in the military don't dress like
06/03/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
Damn uppity women. Videogames are for men. Let us fantasize tongue
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