04/07/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
I don't hate her.

But I sure look forward to her alternate costume.

And who is that asian chick?
04/07/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
Haven't seen enough of her.
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Have faith in the elder gods.

04/07/2015 03:38 AM (UTC)
I think she's perfectly fine tbh. Nice to have another skin complexion female in mk.

Why do you always say that? Do you have some kind of fetish? I saw your picture you posted and you look like a fat thug wannabe with a neck beard.
Why are you upset at the idea people might like some variety?
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Have faith in the elder gods.

04/07/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Why are you upset at the idea people might like some variety?

I would expect you to say that. I've noticed your posts are very similar to his and are usually very biased. He said he likes women based on skin color, which is stupid. So quit the SJW act.
renegade494 Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Why are you upset at the idea people might like some variety?

I would expect you to say that. I've noticed your posts are very similar to his and are usually very biased. He said he likes women based on skin color, which is stupid. So quit the SJW act.

Uno - I am the last person who would ever be classified an SJW. I make fun of that dumb shit all the time.

Dos- I don't even jerk off to fictional women, but it's not a SJW thing to like women with darker skin. I only jokingly replied to your post because of how
you've made your preferences clear in other threads but you just get too upset at other people making theirs known or poking fun at stuff. You're the dude who made a thread about who the "best looking" female is in a video game, but talk about someone else's neckbeard. This is entirely a case of you not liking what someone else might like character design wise and then making it personal because you feel like it's an attack on you somehow.

Now relax son, it's a video game board.
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04/07/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
I think she's perfectly fine tbh. Nice to have another skin complexion female in mk.

Why do you always say that? Do you have some kind of fetish? I saw your picture you posted and you look like a fat thug wannabe with a neck beard.

Coming from a Keyboard Warrior. I expected nothing less. Thank you!
04/07/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
Jacqui is the best looking female in the game. http://i.imgur.com/kSc4Kp4.jpg
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

04/07/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
I think she's perfectly fine tbh. Nice to have another skin complexion female in mk.

Why do you always say that? Do you have some kind of fetish? I saw your picture you posted and you look like a fat thug wannabe with a neck beard.

Coming from a Keyboard Warrior. I expected nothing less. Thank you!

I'm a keyboard warrior for calling you out? Ok, whatever, go fuck yourself.
04/07/2015 04:44 AM (UTC)
ya'know, i don't think anyone HATES her. im pretty sure she's going to become very popular because she is indeed one of the fastest characters.

i just think they dropped the ball with her actual like abilities and fighting. she's an olympic kickboxer, her attacks should be more kick based. right now she just comes off as a regular boxer.

it would've been nice if they gave her like leg gauntlets and allowed her to shoot rockets with her kicks instead of her fist. that would've gave her something similar to jax but new. right now she just stands as looking like a faster jax that can shoot rockets.

personality wise she comes off to match the seriousness no-nonsense that cassie lacks which makes them the cliche yin/yang bestfriends. i can dig that but its cliche. hopefully she has smart-assy intros like the other characters.

design wise she's fine, tho i wish they would've did something more exciting with her hair but she's tactical so its a tactical hairstyle and i can't argue with that.
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
04/07/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
I think she's perfectly fine tbh. Nice to have another skin complexion female in mk.

Why do you always say that? Do you have some kind of fetish? I saw your picture you posted and you look like a fat thug wannabe with a neck beard.

Coming from a Keyboard Warrior. I expected nothing less. Thank you!

I'm a keyboard warrior for calling you out? Ok, whatever, go fuck yourself.

04/07/2015 04:53 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
I think she's perfectly fine tbh. Nice to have another skin complexion female in mk.

Why do you always say that? Do you have some kind of fetish? I saw your picture you posted and you look like a fat thug wannabe with a neck beard.

Coming from a Keyboard Warrior. I expected nothing less. Thank you!

I'm a keyboard warrior for calling you out? Ok, whatever, go fuck yourself.

Best response
04/07/2015 07:11 AM (UTC)
Because she's yet another SF member and there are already too many of them.

Because she's yet another character, who relies on mechanical enhancements in order to compete with gods, demons, sorcerers, and ninjas with magic abilities. Two years from now she will be called "the Darrius of the new generation" and no one will ask why she's hated. Everybody will know: she was a wasted spot, just like Darrius and his gauntlets in Deception.

Because there are too many descendants in the game and I don't see anything special in the daughter of a classic, but boring character.

Because NRS wasted time and resources to create a character that I'm not gonna use, instead of creating 2-4 additional stages that would keep me more interested in the game for years to come.

And BTW "hate" is not the correct context. I don't hate her. The truth is I don't care for her. At all!

Or.. maybe I do hate her. I would trade her for 2 additional stages - right now, without hesitation.
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04/07/2015 07:44 AM (UTC)
Don't hater her...there's just not enough there to like her right away.

Her name:

- Jacqueline SONYA Briggs?? - Why...the-fuck... would you do that, Jax? Who's the mom? What about her middle name? Or her moms name or something...a great aunt? ...anybody else? Jax doesn't have any women other than Sonya that he respects or would wish to pay homage to? I mean c'mon. Sonya didn't die or anything before Jackie was born. It's like we have two Sonya's AND two Jax's in the game.

Her power:

- Jackie has arm gauntlets TOO?!? - Wahh? According to the timeline we have, her dad, Jax, has been an undead enemy of EarthRealm for a long ass time. In that time, she couldn't find her own personality? She wasn't influenced by anyone other than Sonya, Cage, Cassie and Jax's previous life? I mean, I get wanting to join the armed forces...and I even get that she would have had some favor being born in-to being a military brat like Cassie. And because of that, I even get that her and Cassie ended up friends. But they really couldn't pick anything else for her powers to be naturally associated with? Nuclear arms tech? She couldn't have had poisons or nano tech....nothing else the United States Armed Forces can produce besides bionic arm implants??

She couldn't have been inclined to fly jets >> jet pack >> missiles >> ANYTHING else? -- Hell Sonya has had this mysterious kiss of death thing going on for 2 decades. They couldn't have given the only black chick on the roster something a bit more unique that her dads bionic arm gauntlets?? w-t-f? She could've been really cool! lol

Her design:

- Her design is pretty par for the course as a military oriented female character so, there no real complaint there except for the fact that it's boring as hell. Even Cassie has a funky hiarstyle and some cool looking armor. It's like they didn't even try.

Her gameplay:

- Of the gameplay that's been seen, she looks ok. But that's with a really big question mark behind it. I like the fatality and the x-ray that I saw. I need to see more on this one.


Overall she's had a luke warm introduction as a rip-off of two other characters we already have, Jax & Sonya...three if you count the fact that she's another young female army brat like Cassie. We already have all that stuff in those other characters...They've gotta distinguish her better.

So, I don't hate her...there's just not much there to like about her so far. It was a really distasteful introduction.
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04/07/2015 01:08 PM (UTC)
Deathmask71 Wrote:
From the gameplay I've seen she looks like a potential main for me. One of the fastest characters I've seen in the game so far.

This. Also, her Fatality is the most gangsta shit I've ever seen in MK.
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