telakinesis and elementals in future games
posted01/21/2009 06:47 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
for future games i thought would be cool to have a power up for moves such as fire attacks, cold attacks, lightning attacks and etc.

you may ask what i mean and i will explain to my best. build your attacks to bring up a unique move for that element to do a level 1 attack, but store it to create a level 2 attack, store level 2 to bring out a level 3 attack, store a level 3 attack to unleash your ultimate move.

this would be a seperate meter underneath your heathbar to unleash new moves. this is similar to marvel vs capcom 2 but does not take the place of a fatality, just adds more moves.

fire attacks

fire attack level 1 - causes 3rd degree burns while the opponet is on fire
fire attack level 2 - ruptures a fissure in the earth to cause massive heat and damage on opponnet
fire attack level 3 - manipulate the flames similar to pyro in x-men.
ultimate fire attack - brings a supernova or shooting star to smash apon your opponet.

cold attacks

cold attack level 1 - freezes opponet for a free hit
cold attack level 2 - send a gust of wind that drops down the temperature causing frostbite to the opponet
cold attack level 3 - creates massive hailstones to damage the opponet and the arena
ultimate cold attack - send out a hurricane at the opponet

lightning attacks

lightning attack level 1 - send out a spark of electricity at opponet
lightning attack level 2 - lightning strikes the opponet
lightning attack level 3 - a thunder storm hovers over opponet and blasts him with several bolts of electricity
ultimate lightning attack - power surge loses power to the arena making the screen black while you hear opponet screaming because of the volts of electricity

telakinesis attacks

level 1 - throw a small object at opponet
level 2 - throw a medium object at opponet
level 3 - throw a large object at opponet
ultimate - throw a huge object at opponet

i personally like the idea but would like to hear what you think of the idea. so please critize it and crateic it. check back later.

01/06/2009 11:03 PM (UTC)
I'm a little confused, are you trying to put it in a way where the characters who do have these moves build their powers to become stronger as the fight progresses, or are you saying that characters should just have these elemental powers just randomly but more like a boast to help them win the fight better? Either way, it seems crazy... but in a good way though.
01/07/2009 12:38 AM (UTC)

lets just say you press triangle on ps3 when the meter is built you can do level 1 elemental attack but if you hold r1 and triangle you store it for level 2 and so on. the attacks just open up more special unique moves similar to marvel vs capcom or even the wwe games.

you have certain ability's for characters for instance only sub zero and frost would be able to pull off level 1,2,3, and ultimite ice attacks because his/her element is ice.

scorpion, kobra, liu kang and any character that has a fire special attack would be able to perform level 1,2,3, and ultimate fire attacks.

raiden, rain could only perform the level 1,2,3, and ultimate lightning attacks because there specials involve lightning.

kenshi and ermac could only use the level 1,2,3, and ultimate telkinetic attacks because there moves involve telekinesisis.

it just adds more moves and strategy to the gameplay plus it be refreshing instead of just relying on the move set that they give you.

hope this helps.
01/07/2009 01:10 AM (UTC)
What about the characters who don't have elemental powers? Such as Kitana, Sonya, Jax and all of those?

Though your last post helped a lot.
01/07/2009 01:17 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is not an RPG.
01/07/2009 01:24 AM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not an RPG.

This is nowhere being near a RPG.
01/07/2009 04:26 AM (UTC)
well for characters who dont have elemental powers or tk maybe have a 20 hit combo involving there specials which could still have alternate levels like attack 1,2,3, and ultimate. which you would press triangle to use and r1 and triangle to store it.

characters who don't have elementals or tk

attack 1 - 20 hit combo with special's
attack 2 - 10 hit air cobo with special's
attack 3 - five hit combo into a grab with special's
attack 4 - five hit air combo into a grab with special's

hopes this helps.
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01/07/2009 06:40 AM (UTC)
I'm partial to the idea, mainly because there are some hybrids of this concept that could work. I liked Raiden being able to charge his attack in MkvsDc.....I just didn't like the aesthetic. It is far too DBZ-ish....or SF-ish.

Which is why I don't want to see this feature littered all over Mortal Kombats fighting mechanic. All Mortal Kombat needs is a good fighting theme. I'd say, go with movie choreography for the most part, and save all the "uber spectacular" stuff for the fatality.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I think special moves deserve to look fantastic too, but really, you won't, or shouldn't have much time to perform these things anyway. Nor should there be these moves in the game that take an overabundant amount of the other players power-bar away either.

Overall I'd say No.....Hell No.


Elemental characters only need one representative of a respected element on the roster anyway. One person who does water, one person who does earth, one who does fire stuff, and one who does wind stuff. And they don't all need to be clumped into one game either.

But the point is that there is far too vast a pool to pull from to be making 20+ fire characters. And since they tried doing the 20+ fire people, with a failed attempt as far as diversity goes...I'd wish for them to simply concentrate the effort into one extremely awesome fire person = Scorpion maybe.

To where, he has the harpoon mojo yea, but he also has a few crazy hell fire special attacks too. So with that said, here's how I'd play elementals in MK during real time gameplay:

1. Scropion = Fire only + harpoon mojo. He's retardant to fire we've seen. We've also seen him produce fire, or call on it in different forms throughout the years, so I'd love to see what they'd come up with. Maybe instead of just throwing the harpoon at you and having you spill blood. He could also have some of the mojo from MkSm, and when you get stuck with the harpoon this also would have a burning effect. This sort of thing could've been one of his pro-moves in MkvsDc.

Btw, the straight//regular harpoon move should be faster, and the move that involves the rope mojo, should act as a defense mechanism. Blocking incoming projectiles and so on....

2. Sub-Zero = Ice + some water freezing tricks since he's a grand master. And besides, he should know how to deal with water anyway, since that's what ice consist of. Mist, Dew, and any other means of condensation, he should pretty much have reign over too. That's probably blood, and the moisture within plants and animals too. I seen it on that Avatar cartoon, I admit, but it just makes fucking sense for a GrandMaster....or "God of Water"-type to make these sorts of advancements with this.

3. Rain = Water only. No, he should not have a lighting bolt. That's stupid as hell. Rain should have some of those condensation moves like I was talking about for Sub-Zero. The fact that he's a god's son should privilege him to some good water manipulation techniques. But had he been taught buy a Grand Master like Sub-Zero, Rain would learn a few completely unique tricks all his own. He might be more privileged to manipulating moisture within things than Sub-Zero at that point. But right now? He should only really have the water tricks.

"Acid Rain" should be one of his moves in some form or fashion. He should be controlling the speed in which water moves as a weapon, It could be a whip, or like a lazer for him then. He might be able to control the density, and ph balance in water....making water heavier. When you handle Rain like that, and maybe give him control over moisture within other do not need a damn lighting bolt, AND he becomes his own unique character in a fight.

4. Fujin = Wind - Pretty much the same deal as with Rain. Speed mainly though. Fujin should have moves that suck the oxygen out of the air around a character as a stun move. Make it look like a tornado around the opponent, but that you don't swirl around in. You just...choke.

He should probably have a wind burst thing like Cap Marvel does where he claps both hands. He should be one, if not the only character that's able to fly during a fight. Defense mechanisms could be a wall of air that you get caught up a geyser. Could work as a pop-up move too. He should be one of the only characters (aside from the telekinesis person) pushing and pulling characters around out of nowhere...and he should be utilizing centrifugal force to fight and throw special moves in general.

Fatalities should look something like those couple moves at the end of Kung Fu Hustle with the hand..(ah here we go 7:30sec or so)...Or we should see Fujin "taking the breathe away" from his opponents in some really cool, gruesome, god-like kinds of ways...

5. Kai = Earth only - I figure, instead of sticking this guy with capoeira like I think they started to do, Give him earth and really separate him from anything else on the roster. I know...I know..."what about Tremor?", right? I don't care for another ninja, and I make a weird conection between Kai and just bare with me on that front.

I think that when Kai figures out he has this power over Earth, he'd simply walk around with Chinese Therapy balls. Those are his first.

When he figures out he can do more, he'll throw and kick boulders and all that around. Again, alot like Toph Bei Fong, a character from that Avatar cartoon. Game or so down the line, he'll play with sand, mud, and maybe even defy gravity when surrounded by earhy walled structures // buildings and such.

Defense mechanisms could consist of literally pulling up slabs of earth to block incoming projectiles and such (think Green Lanterns wall special move from MkvsDc). To counter a projectile, he'd pull up a rock to block, and then kick or punch that same rock so that particles of that rock fly at the opponent. Tah Dah.

6. Raiden = Lighting ONLY. I'd love to see Raiden do practile lightning stuff. Like touch the ground, and a lighting bolt strikes the opponent. That's how is works in nature anyway. Especially considering Raiden IS a conductor and thee controller of that phenomena. Yea, he should absolutely have Rain//Nightwolf's lighting attack by raising his arm to the sky....but that's kinda old now that it's been shared by everybody and their mother. So just do it differently.

I don't wanna see the Ken//Ryu styled haduken projectile from Raiden. I wanna see Big Trouble in Little Not palms....but fingers. Not "chi" or "magic"...I want "will of force" from Raiden.

I'd love to see the the defense move from the MKD opening vid. As well as those other moves too. Ground shockings and get-up special moves.

His fatalities could super-heat the opponent into an explosive goopy mush. Or re-furbish him Mk1 fatality and update it...greatly.

7. Necromancers = Dark arts. There are many dark arts, and there are levels within them too. So for each of these characters (like Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Shao Kahn..ect), I'd like them to define their maximum capacity by their limitations.

Like Shang Tsung shouldn't be able to access portals with out an "open sesame" code. Shang would need to be told where a portal could be accessed, but he cannot create them, and he cannot open them with out speaking the right words as per that specific portal.

Whereas Quan Chi, a more powerful sorcerer, should be able to open portal without a code, but he doesn't know where all the portals are. He'd probably just have "jump points" until he figured out where a new portal was hidden.

Shao Kahn? Probably needs permission to access any portal anywhere is already exists. He may or may not be able to create them, but he knows where most of them are and doesn't need the codes so much. He might know all the right codes, or merely be able to think them to open the specific portal.

Shinnok on the other hand, can create a portal anywhere, and access any portal anywhere it already exists. He knows all the codes because he probably helped design them. He might not even need the portals to traverse the realms.

Btw, I picked "portal access", because it is a power that voodooism permits after great practice, and excessive experience in the dark art of necromancy.


8. Telekinesis - Ermac Or Kenshi....I mean, pick one and give him all the stuff. Personally, I think it makes more sense to give the blind guy the "sense of awareness", rather than the ninja. But this is without considering who taught who to use telekinesis between them. I don't really care about it that much.

I like the first edition Kenshi the most I think. He was probably the epitome of what I'd imagine from a telekinetic character in a fighting game. Pushes, throws, invisible punches...that was good to go.

To expand on it, we might see invisible sweeps, or even invisible power plays like a sword swipe from out of nowhere. Might be cool to see him control his sword with his telekenesis. idk, I'm not big on telekinetic stuff....

I know I didn't really like his fatalities though. I'd like to see him walk towards the opponent, sorta "feeling" for the opponent while he's walking over to them. Then, once he "finds" them with his hands (or with his sword , like a walking stick)...he goes to town on them in some crazy brutal way. Or he could trigger motion from the character? Maybe have him throw a rock or something at the dazed opponent so that they stumble, triggering vibrations of movement like Toph does. And once they move Kenshi runs over and does his fatality in some cinematic fashion?

Hell, idk.

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01/07/2009 11:36 PM (UTC)

Power levels, meters are outdated and overused. The pro-moves are a step in the right direction.
01/08/2009 01:18 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not an RPG.

This is nowhere being near a RPG.

different attacks that you can only use if your energy bar is full enough? Sounds like a RPG to me.
01/08/2009 03:24 AM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not an RPG.

This is nowhere being near a RPG.

different attacks that you can only use if your energy bar is full enough? Sounds like a RPG to me.

Do you even know what a RPG is? Do you even know what the letters RPG stand for? Because as I said, what Acidslayer is asking, is nowhere near RPG.
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

01/08/2009 03:53 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:

what about strengths and weaknesses? like if Raiden fighting against Rain, or Scorpion and Rain/Sub-zero, the elemental attacks would be stronger against the correct element
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01/08/2009 07:22 AM (UTC)
Probably would equate to being about as important as facial damage. The functionality of the feature is jeopardized by how practical it would be to have the feature there in the first place. Basically, it wouldn't work right...enough to have it be there.

For instance, take Raiden vs....Sub-Zero, and say you picked Sub-Zero..k? Raiden would probably be the more powerful force on screen right? Even though a water Grand Master should be able to drown out electricity. (say yea, just for the sake of not arguing about who's more potent)

You could get some glitch or bug to where, idk, the game would try to differentiate a power incline "vs someone else". The game, computing that since Raiden vs Sub-Zero happened once, fails to end that process after that match. And so that process continues across all matches from then on. From there, whoever you pick in a match, the two characters act like it's always "Raiden.....vs Sub-Zero".

So, even though by now you've moved on to another match, and picked totally different characters, whenever you get hit, the game acts like you're still playing in the Raiden vs Sub-Zero match, and takes extra damage from you. Even though you and your opponent are not playing that match any longer.

The game computes that "you are always the weaker character" on screen, and therefore computes that "you should always take more damage than your opponent". Which is wrong...right?

So nah, it wouldn't be something I'd welcome at this point in technology. I say this understanding that this example is probably an extreme case. I also say this trying not to insult the programmers on the MkTeam. But it's a scenario that could happen with that kind of mechanism within the gameplay mechanic.

You gotta think, "It's an engine". So like a car, it has many mechanisms attached to it's main "block", all trying to work together to make the "car" produce an "move correctly." It needs one thing to work, in order for the next thing to work. And all these things working together, makes the car work either very well, or very shitty.

I want a "great working car". = I want a great working game. We all do.


Side note:

I would expect more of what you're talking about from an Open World, Free Roaming, Action RPG like Shaolin Monks though.

I'd expect this behavior from the characters, in the way of "building the character up" throughout the game. So that they are resistant to specific types of attacks from specific types of enemies as we play through the game and make our character stronger.

So, Kung Lao or Liu Kang in MkSm would've become more resistant to Oni attacks later in MkSm since that's the first type of enemy we saw in that game. And based on "stuff" we picked up going though the game. (experience points, special moves or abilities, fatalities...ect)

At the same time, Mortal Kombat and "death"......don't work like that. Or at least, they aren't supposed to work like a traditional RolePlayingGame.

Humans are supposed to be susceptible to death around every corner in Mortal Kombat. The appeal to Mortal Kombat, is that you have to "just be THAT good" by the end of the game, to where the enemies at the begging of the game, "seem" weaker by the time you wanna play the game over again. The damage enemies dish out in the beginning of the game doesn't just play alot better.

And that's another reason I think MkSm scored some good points from fans. Because it was a true Mk game. Just in Open World, Free Roaming, Action RPG form.
01/14/2009 07:06 PM (UTC)
the feature itself sounds ok but the bar itself is just to add existing moves to an already set of special moves. if you played def jam fight for new york you would see that you can have 4 finishing moves selected to your caf. but in def jam vendetta you had a back finsher and a front finisher.

all ea did was just add more moves to the characters, that is what i'd like mk to do is a modifcation of various sorts of special moves. not to take from the mk series just add more special moves.
01/15/2009 08:37 AM (UTC)
Rain's lightning bolt isn't stupid.

Why should he only control water? His name is a form of weather and his moves suggest that his power is to control the weather. What's hard to understand there?
And now that we know he's a half-god, it makes even more sense that he would have a broad range of ability over a major force of nature.
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01/15/2009 07:56 PM (UTC)
Rain's lightning bolt is stupid.

Why he should only control water, is because his name is a form of weather and his moves suggest that his power is to control that main element of the weather. That's not hard to understand.

And now that we know he's a half-god, it makes even more sense that he would have a broad range of ability over a major force of nature.

Corrected for clarity.


Raiden doesn't control water or air.

Fujin doesn't control water or electricity.

Rain shouldn't control anything but water-stuff...or liquid.

However, the variable about Rain that still exist, is whether he is a conductor, like Raiden and Fujin for their respective forces, or merely a manipulator. My assessment is of the liking that he is merely a manipulator. However, that doesn't limit him much at all. Manipulators are typically more creative than conductors because they have to be.
01/15/2009 11:04 PM (UTC)
Don't do that. I hate when people do that "editing other people's words in an attempt to be clever" thing.
I said what I meant and I meant what I said, Rain makes more sense as a weather-controller than a water-controller.
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01/15/2009 11:48 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:


1. Ask and you shall receive. - You asked two questions. *shrugs* What kind of a jerk would I be if I didn't answer them?

2. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. - I see you correct people all the time so I took the liberty. From that aspect, you're a hypocrite.

3. Don't tell me what to do. Pretty sure I'm older, and higher ranked than you.

4. If you're not adapt to forum behavior, get off forums.

5. Your post had the answers for your questions in it...why re-type the same shit? That's part of what editing is for.

6. Maybe you'd like it if I was actually a foul person and ruthless moderator, and just edited your original post. hm?

7. stfu - The "quote" doesn't have your name in it, therefor it is now my message to you. lol

8. You probably "hate" lists that start at #1 and end at #8 too hu?

lol, th-fuck outta here.
01/16/2009 11:41 PM (UTC)
Those were rhetorical questions, and your method of "answering" them was not an answer at all.

I only correct people when they're wrong about a canon fact. What we're arguing now is a matter of opinion and I have as much right to mine as you have to yours.

And then you bring up your higher "rank" and the fact that you could abuse your moderator status but didn't, as if I'm supposed to see the kindness in that and be impressed?

The only thing I see is that you think you're somehow superior to me and you can do whatever you like. Sorry, but human conversation does not work that way. Your opinion of Rain's powers is no more or less important than mine. Both our opinions are, in fact, meaningless, because the ONLY people who have control over what Rain can do are the programmers of the games and they decided a long time ago that he has weather powers and can call down lightning.
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01/18/2009 08:04 AM (UTC)
lol, Let you tell it..

Way to squeeze a rock for juice though.
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is not an RPG.

I totally agree. I feel like MK is a target for such and it worries me. Anyway, I think if moves had properties ala Street Fighter; light, medium, and fierce it could work. Example is a slower moving iceball with longer freeze period or fast iceball which is smaller thus shorter freeze period.
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01/21/2009 06:47 PM (UTC)
lol this going towards street fighter
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