Taven In MK9?
posted05/05/2010 05:36 PM (UTC)by
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05/03/2010 08:35 AM (UTC)
I Think Taven shoul be in mk9
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05/03/2010 02:43 PM (UTC)
Can't agree. Taven was far too bland, IMO. I'd much rather have Shujinko back.

You could argue Shujinko was also bland, but old Asian men are infinitely cooler than Ben Affleck look-alikes.
05/03/2010 02:49 PM (UTC)
No thank you, I don't really care for him. Also, I do not want to see him returning as a hero, nor do I want a hero for the next game.
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05/03/2010 04:48 PM (UTC)
I have no problems when a franchise introduces a new character who's suddenly all-important to the plot, as long as he gels with everything that's come before, and is genuinely likeable. Shujinko was a sympathetic, if very naive character, and it worked well in his case. They tried to do the same thing with Taven, but I couldn't buy it because he felt like more of a plot device than a character, and his Konquest mode had him literally going around and solving everyone's problems. Pissed me off that he came from out of nowhere to basically resolve Sub-Zero's fight with Smoke and Noob for him.

Taven felt forced and shoehorned into MK's overarching plot; I don't want him back unless everything Delia and Argus strove for is in ruins, Daegon and Blaze are both dead, and they bring his conflict with Rain to the forefront of his plot.
05/03/2010 05:21 PM (UTC)
I didn't necessarily hate Taven...but I really don't want to see him take precedence in the story, nor am I interested in his future prospects. Blaze and Daegon served their purpose...no longer needed. Even if they bring Rain back, I have absolutely no interest in this feud. And Edenia....well, I've made my thoughts on that pretty clear in various other threads.

Way I see it, Taven served his purpose. While he doesn't need to be killed off, I'd prefer it if he just.....goes away. Become a full god and chill out in the Heavens and don't come back. The end.

As for Shuijinko....since he's being brought up....no use for him either. Thankfully, they seem to have dropped trying to force him into as the perminent "main hero," which is a good thing because I thought he was a fucking doofus.

But, like Taven, I've no interest in his future prospects....whatever they may be. He defeated Onaga....let Raiden fry him, like he was going to in his Deception ending.
05/04/2010 03:13 AM (UTC)
I'd like Taven and one of his brothers back...if not in the game, then in a background story form (i.e. new protector of Edenia.) The reason MK's storyline is such a mess is whenever they try to move it forward, fanboys whine and beg for the same 10 characters; characters like Fujin, Shinnok, Onaga and Kintaro have been held back for love of more typical characters like Shao Kahn, Goro, and Raiden. I say give Taven an important part in the next game...He should be the protector of Edenia by the next game, and even if he isn't playable, he should figure into the story.
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05/04/2010 03:22 AM (UTC)
I definitely hated Taven. They didn't, at all, try to develop him in a way that would make sense for him to be the hero. As you progressed through the game, your care for him didn't grow. When you have more classic characters that are much more deserving of the role as "hero", you kinda question the MK Team's decision here. Taven has some decent moves, but he has a poor design, a bland story, and overall is a very forgettable character.

At least Daegon tried to look original.
05/04/2010 03:33 AM (UTC)
This is one thing I don't think MK fans get sometimes; most MK characters aren't worthy of being the main hero.

Maybe you're a Kung Lao fan, or a Sonya fan, or whatever, but most of the heroes have been incapable of handling main threats by themselves, needing Liu Kang and Raiden to steer the way..

Imo, the only characters worthy of main hero status right now are Liu Kang, Shujinko, Taven, and Sub-Zero. Johnny Cage, Kung Lao and the rest of the main heroes that are considered possible future heroes reek of side kick.
05/04/2010 08:48 AM (UTC)
I would love to see Johnny Cage turn a little darker and take on a more prominent hero roll, while still retaining some comedic relief. But that'll never happen. Sub-zero's gettin' pretty wise. Maybe he could be earthrealm's new guardian as an ice god :p
05/04/2010 12:48 PM (UTC)
Taven had hid time and did his thing. the gods got an outcome to the prophecy thing going on so let it end and let Taven go back to what he was...and that would be not in the roster lol.
05/04/2010 02:58 PM (UTC)
Both Taven and Shujinko were characters that were forced upon us as the "main heroes" of their respective games. I like certain things about both of them, but I wouldn't mind if they didn't return. However, given the way MK: Armageddon's story is, I'd imagine that Taven will return. If he does return and takes on the status of a god, it'd be nice to see tension between him and other characters, especially the Edenians. Still, I'm more interested in other characters returning.
05/04/2010 03:49 PM (UTC)
I think he should at least be mentioned in MK9. He was the main hero of the previous game, so it would feel strange if he just disappeared all of a sudden.

I would rather see him come back as an unplayable character in MK9, being the protector god of Edenia.
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05/04/2010 09:25 PM (UTC)
Taven never did much for me. He felt too forced. Like he comes out of nowhere and literally whoops EVERY character's ass. I can get the lower levels like Kira and mavado, but how can he come out of nowhere and beat up Scorpion and Kintaro? Plus his story was generic and quite crudely done.
05/04/2010 10:26 PM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
Like he comes out of nowhere and literally whoops EVERY character's ass. I can get the lower levels like Kira and mavado, but how can he come out of nowhere and beat up Scorpion and Kintaro?

Because Taven is the shit, that's why. tongue
05/04/2010 10:55 PM (UTC)
Hell no. I hope the MK team does the smart thing and abandons all of the new characters from MKD and MKA. I don't need a reminder of the dark days of MK. I know the flamers out there will say that the MKD story and characters where good. Bull shit. They got rid of a lot of the cooler and more iconic characters from MKDA or manipulated them in a dumb way for MKD. Also all of the new characters suck. Ashrah had an interesting story, but she looks like shit. The rest look bad, and their stories are bad. So please no Taven. Make MK9 be about the icons.
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05/05/2010 03:20 AM (UTC)
No please.
05/05/2010 06:15 AM (UTC)
tavens a gay cunt.
05/05/2010 09:28 AM (UTC)
^Was that really needed?

...as for Taven,just no.
05/05/2010 05:36 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Hell no. I hope the MK team does the smart thing and abandons all of the new characters from MKD and MKA. I don't need a reminder of the dark days of MK. I know the flamers out there will say that the MKD story and characters where good. Bull shit. They got rid of a lot of the cooler and more iconic characters from MKDA or manipulated them in a dumb way for MKD. Also all of the new characters suck. Ashrah had an interesting story, but she looks like shit. The rest look bad, and their stories are bad. So please no Taven. Make MK9 be about the icons.

I thought Hotaru had an awesome look, and I always wanted a samurai character in MK. That said he wasn't that fun to play as.

I really think that every MK game since MK3 has been very hit and miss with new characters...MK4 being the worst.
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