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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/12/2009 07:10 PM (UTC)
Lies, I know for a fact everyone would go out and buy my mk game in a heartbeat once finished. People have been waitin on a mk game like this 4 years, yall just dont believe it could come to light because of so called past flawed mk games of which in my opinion were not that flawed. Sure it was missing some things but it wasnt that bad.

Armageddon(MK7) would have been almost perfect if they didnt leave the other type of fatalities out of it. It would also have been better if they made it so that your kak can use anymoves for any character in the game as well as have all the fatalities that the normal chars had along with all the old fatalities (upgraded). Plus they finally brought back everybody we have been waitin 4 for a while.

Mk deception(MK6) was to me as well as others one of the best 3d games as far as the type of fatalities I would like in a mk game, then they pretty much brought bak stage fatalities, which also were great along with more than one fatality which really suked in mkda, because we were use to atleast 2 fatalities a piece. I forgave them 4 that because its understandable.
They needed a wake up system as well as a parry system. But it felt more like mk because of the types of characters they brought back- which reminded me of umk3. Personally I think the ninja like chars make it more fun to play.
They started the game from scratch again in mkda, so it takes time to add everything in , so they cant do it in just one game, they would need a sequel or downloadable content to finish it off.)

As far as mk vs dc(MK8) yes its not as perfect as the other mks but you had to stick with the game like I as well as other ppl that I play online did, to understand how it should be played. Really ppl thought they could pick up were they left off in mka as far as the kombo system, but they were wrong only because the kombo system is performed slightly different.

e.g. some chars have 2 hit kombo popup starters and some hav a 3 hit kombo starter. e.g. I do a 3 hit popup, then a JUGGLER HOLD(-basic extra hits while char is off the ground rather, its 3 juggler hits or more to hold them in the air) then I do a Finisher which could be any move that the character has, to complete the long combo of which depending on the moves u used in the kombo or what char you have which may be at least a 17 hit kombo. My sonya has done a 28 hit kombo. PPL(people) online learned how to pla mk8 much better now, ppl didnt realize that mk8 is better played like MK1 & MK2 without worryin bout how the kombo system works until u learn it cuz its different 4 each character.
Lastly- MK8 was rebuilt also, which is why they need the sequel(MK9)to finish the work and chars as well as the modes and gameplay balance.
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10/12/2009 07:31 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Lies, I know for a fact everyone would go out and buy my mk game in a heartbeat once finished.

Haha. It would be "the day" if I ever bothered to play an Mk game again.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Lies, I know for a fact everyone would go out and buy my mk game in a heartbeat once finished. People have been waitin on a mk game like this 4 years, yall just dont believe it could come to light because of so called past flawed mk games of which in my opinion were not that flawed. Sure it was missing some things but it wasnt that bad.

Whatever you think. MK has been derided for so long, it is not funny. If it would be an on-par fighting game perhaps it could be something to bother about. MK Deception adn Amargeddon were sewerely flawed when compared to the competition. Sooner you accept this, the faster you will move on to... don't know, relevant things?

Inanity continues.
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10/12/2009 07:52 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
They need to go back to their old roots 3d style, its so much better and you can do so much more and it looks more real that way.(3d) On the second disk that comes with MK9 they need to remake MK1, MK2, & MK3 all in fast 3d, if their are modes like Tournment, 2 on 2/ 3 on 3, Endurance, VS, Online,2d mode, and Arcade they should be available for all 3 mk games as well.

The reason for remaking all Three MK games the way they should have been, is because all 3 games would lead up to the MK9 game and the whole mk storyline would make sense, Therefore if there was any characters in any one of the original Three games that were hidden , in the remakes they should be fully playable with new and old moves as well as the same amount of fatalities as the other players.

Also like in the original mk2 when u fight jade, smoke, and noob they say that their hidden from mk1, so therefore they should be in the mk1 remake to keep the storyline correct.
Through all three games fix each of the characters storyline so that it makes sense throughout each game leading up to the MK9 storyline.

This remake thing for all 3 games is also for people to finally see the real mk storyline and it patches things up, as well as its for the new mk payers to see the past glory in new age form(counters, sweeps, uppercuts, wake up system, reversal, friendships, mutalities,brutalities, pits, roundhouse kicks, a Grab Reversal, complete background interaction, a perfect cheapless create a character mode- the kombo breaker reversal would make it so u cant be cheezy even with ur create a character.

As far as Blood- each character should be equipped with their own amount of blood that can be drawn out of their body depending on what happens during the fite and their body size to keep it looking more realistic, plus so you can see the beauty of the game there will be no need for health bars. As the character lose blood they should look more pale until their dead.

Re: 3D remakes of the early MKs. It's an interesting idea. Certainly I'd love to see the early games (particularly MK1) updated with today's technology, but in reality it's just not feasible. I doubt that Warner would dedicate the time, effort, and money this would entail just to make an extra feature for a game that they don't know will turn a profit for them.

Re: Storyline. Tying the First three games to the story of MK9 doesn't make the the overall story make sense. Especially as you now have twelve years worth of games to either ignore (which would suck) or to explain out of the continuity (which would be even worse). One thing that makes the franchise fun is that ever since MK4, the internal universe has been getting bigger and crazier. Why scale it back to the status quo from 1995?

Re: That huge list of features you want. That's never going to happen in an MK, dude. That's just not the way the MK team works. They take a slash and burn approach and change things seemingly at random. To get the number of features you rattled off there, and to not turn it into a huge mess takes years of refinement.

Re: Blood as healthbar. That's actually a pretty cool idea. All I would add to it is to say that you can't use a character's body size/weight to determine health. You play havoc with the game balance when you do something like that. I'd also throw out that in addition to fighters getting paler to signify health, you could have their stances become less dynamic.

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