Take MK back to its roots with MK9.
posted10/12/2009 07:52 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
They need to go back to their old roots 3d style, its so much better and you can do so much more and it looks more real that way.(3d) On the second disk that comes with MK9 they need to remake MK1, MK2, & MK3 all in fast 3d, if their are modes like Tournment, 2 on 2/ 3 on 3, Endurance, VS, Online,2d mode, and Arcade they should be available for all 3 mk games as well.

The reason for remaking all Three MK games the way they should have been, is because all 3 games would lead up to the MK9 game and the whole mk storyline would make sense, Therefore if there was any characters in any one of the original Three games that were hidden , in the remakes they should be fully playable with new and old moves as well as the same amount of fatalities as the other players.

Also like in the original mk2 when u fight jade, smoke, and noob they say that their hidden from mk1, so therefore they should be in the mk1 remake to keep the storyline correct.
Through all three games fix each of the characters storyline so that it makes sense throughout each game leading up to the MK9 storyline.

This remake thing for all 3 games is also for people to finally see the real mk storyline and it patches things up, as well as its for the new mk payers to see the past glory in new age form(counters, sweeps, uppercuts, wake up system, reversal, friendships, mutalities,brutalities, pits, roundhouse kicks, a Grab Reversal, complete background interaction, a perfect cheapless create a character mode- the kombo breaker reversal would make it so u cant be cheezy even with ur create a character.

As far as Blood- each character should be equipped with their own amount of blood that can be drawn out of their body depending on what happens during the fite and their body size to keep it looking more realistic, plus so you can see the beauty of the game there will be no need for health bars. As the character lose blood they should look more pale until their dead.
10/08/2009 07:32 PM (UTC)
10/08/2009 08:03 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
They need to go back to their old roots 3d style, its so much better and you can do so much more and it looks more real that way.(3d) On the second disk that comes with MK9 they need to remake MK1, MK2, & MK3 all in fast 3d, if their are modes like Tournment, 2 on 2/ 3 on 3, Endurance, VS, Online,2d mode, and Arcade they should be available for all 3 mk games as well.

Okay, let me stop you right there. You always keep saying that there should be two disks, two disks, yeah the problem with that is why should the MK team worry about putting in their old games from the past if they're so hard in concentrating on this next game that's going to be available for us soon? You're asking so much here and yeah, with Warner Brothers buying them out, they have more time to get stuff done, but this is a lot of things you're asking for the team to put into their games... Not saying that it's a bad thing or a good thing, I'm just saying, it's WAY too much material for one game to have. Despite it would be a cool thing to have from the next game, I don't think I want so much from one game.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
The reason for remaking all Three MK games the way they should have been, is because all 3 games would lead up to the MK9 game and the whole mk storyline would make sense, Therefore if there was any characters in any one of the original Three games that were hidden , in the remakes they should be fully playable with new and old moves as well as the same amount of fatalities as the other players.

No it wouldn't. It wouldn't make sense because no one is sure if they're starting over from scratch, if they're leading off the story right after Armageddon, or it's a completely new and re-invented story. Characters that were hidden in the previous games make a come back? Let's see, characters that were hidden WERE playable.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Also like in the original mk2 when u fight jade, smoke, and noob they say that their hidden from mk1, so therefore they should be in the mk1 remake to keep the storyline correct.
Through all three games fix each of the characters storyline so that it makes sense throughout each game leading up to the MK9 storyline.

Why should they go in and change every single character's storyline for MK9? That makes no sense. So what you're saying is that, "oh, 'let's keep all old MK games but let's change things up a bit." So you want the MK team to work on not just one, not just two... but a possibility of several games just for every MK game to be up to date with the story line to MK9? Do you know how much time and work that's needed to be? Your idea makes absolute no sense if you're asking the team to re-create everyone's story.

But here's the thing that you may or may not know okay, not every character is going to make the cut for the next game. Therefore, possible characters from the old games may not return for the next game. You want the MK team to suddenly make a story on why they weren't there? Or, how about let us just deal with the fact that some characters are just not going to be in the next game.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
This remake thing for all 3 games is also for people to finally see the real mk storyline and it patches things up, as well as its for the new mk payers to see the past glory in new age form(counters, sweeps, uppercuts, wake up system, reversal, friendships, mutalities,brutalities, pits, roundhouse kicks, a Grab Reversal, complete background interaction, a perfect cheapless create a character mode- the kombo breaker reversal would make it so u cant be cheezy even with ur create a character.

Thing is that majority of us already know the storyline quite well for arguments and stuff like that. I know this is a fact due to a recent argument in the MK vs. DC forms about how some user had absolute no idea about the storyline while others were telling the complete truth of the story and proving him wrong.

I'm sure people can always figure out the story about MK by looking things up online if they don't have Sega or anything like that to play the games in the past.

mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
As far as Blood- each character should be equipped with their own amount of blood that can be drawn out of their body depending on what happens during the fite and their body size to keep it looking more realistic, plus so you can see the beauty of the game there will be no need for health bars. As the character lose blood they should look more pale until their dead.

Seriously? Each character has a certain amount of blood? How is this realistic? So if there's a character that somewhat weighs 100 pounds, they have no blood? That's not realistic, that's sort of stupid. And by the way you're desrcibing this, so basically if a male character and a girl character were fighting, there's not really that much good of a survival chance for the girl because of her small body size and not that much blood is in? This idea sounds dumb. Sorry.
10/08/2009 08:42 PM (UTC)
It would be sick if we could have a seperate disk w/ the classics. I would buy it in a heartbeat.
10/08/2009 09:43 PM (UTC)
Here's a tip. Don't put your title in all caps. Especially if it isn't important news. It will save you from a lot of hate post.
10/08/2009 11:35 PM (UTC)
lol fight till your blood runs out. makes sense i guess....
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/08/2009 11:39 PM (UTC)
First of all you alwayz have to hate just as a CUNT would, lol
Secondly who the hell said to make mk1.2&3 the same as before, most of those modes will probably BE IN MK9 any damn way 4 your imformation you cunt. Plus when I said make the 3 mk games that dont mean they have to use totally different content , they can simply use the mk9 type of gameplay so that it wont take long to make all three from the mk9. Before you start typing you need to READ sometimes all the way through.

So what if ppl know some of the storyline, every1 dont, and as a true mk fan I believe after some flawed games we deserve to know what happened to the characters. Thats how I know you would never make a great mk leader, cuz you dont even care about the fans or what they think jus like boon use to do

Also the remake dont have to look like the actual 3 original mks, its also really designed for ppl to be able to play the new mk1,2, and 3 online, and as I stated , its also to patch things up for the story, that way 4 now on in a mk game the story stays in tact.

The thing about the characters having blood implemented into their bodys 4 the gameplay- You dumb ass in real life males and females as well as different sized ppl(fat,short, tall,overweight,skinny) have the same thing. Everything would be carefully measured depending on the characters size, and no that dont mean a skinny person will die extra fast, but it does make sense that they get weaker faster than a bigger character would, as well as the oversized character would lose his breath faster, which like I said b4 would make the game look more realistic.

Lastly, every1's expecting this game to come out sometime in 2010 any way, there4 they do have time to finally perfect the game, so dont tell me about time u brawd.

So il advise you if you dont got ur copy of mk8(mk vs dc) u monz well get it, cuz no other mks coming out this year, besides I see more ppl are realizing what a good game mk vs dc is once you play the game the MK1 and MK2 way as well as learn all different type of kombos. I see newer ppl online all the time that play mk8 even more now.
10/09/2009 03:02 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
First of all you alwayz have to hate just as a CUNT would, lol
Secondly who the hell said to make mk1.2&3 the same as before, most of those modes will probably BE IN MK9 any damn way 4 your imformation you cunt. Plus when I said make the 3 mk games that dont mean they have to use totally different content , they can simply use the mk9 type of gameplay so that it wont take long to make all three from the mk9. Before you start typing you need to READ sometimes all the way through.

I hope something happens to you on this site. What gives you the right to call me a cunt because I disagree with all your ideas. I'm sorry, your ideas are not always that great. What I do on this site is I discuss with others on their ideas, they may not always enjoy hearing the downside on their ideas, but unfortunately in my perspective I either don't see it happening, or it's not even a good idea.

Be lucky anyone actually reads your posts, because honest to god, no one will if you're gonna mock them every time they look down on your ideas.

10/09/2009 03:37 AM (UTC)
10/09/2009 04:56 AM (UTC)
This is Mortal Kombat 9, not Mortal Kombat Rehash. The old games defined the series and brought to what it is today. There is no need for the MK team to waste time and money to re-create 1, 2, 3 just to be included as a second disk with MK9... the idea is way too far-fetched and asking for too much. Secondly, the whole blood to body proportion idea isn't necessary. You claim it's realistic and I understand what you mean, but since when was Mortal Kombat realistic? I've never seen a dude turn into a dragon or some guy toss green orbs. Plus, we all grew up to love the exaggerated amount of blood and gore that's made the series what it is today.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
10/09/2009 01:17 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Insulting and useless response.

Name calling to get your points across just makes you look like a foolish blowhard. By the way, you spelt "broad" wrong, genius.
As for your idea, you're asking that they add 3 games to the additional content of MK9, completely revamped from their original releases? Even if they use the same technology that they used to make MK9, do you know how long it'd take to fix character costumes, program moves that might not be in the game, program characters like Motaro into 3-D, and have that ridiculous blood gauge thing you were talking about? That would take a lot longer than you think, which shows me that you have no clue on how detailed programming is.
Back to that blood gauge thing, is it realistic? Most likely... But as Ed Boon said himself, nobody wants reality! Seriously, if we wanted the game to be as realistic as possible, then Scorpion's spear should be a OHKO, nobody can teleport, limb breakers would actually cripple opponents for both rounds, impales would win the battle instantly, and, of course, the Fatalities would be realistically lame. Also, having characters available with old AND new moves? Come on now, this is no longer a remake, but a reboot, and MK doesn't need it.
Patches for the story would be good but these don't have to be done in remakes. Every new game has revealed more details about the older ones, so I don't see why they should remake the old games to explain and incorporate newer ideas when the new games do just as good a job.
I don't agree with your ideas and I don't agree with the way you try to degrade people to make your point, and if I catch you calling people "DUMB BRAWDS" and "Cunts" again, you will lose your posting privileges.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/09/2009 06:44 PM (UTC)
who the hell said that they still cant exagerate the blood, yall need to read carefully. The same blood effects like previous games would still be, the only difference would be no health bars and when a character is puctured they bleed from that area, weather its exagerated or not!

Have you ever heard of a games replay value-- thats one of the points also for making a newer mk1 ,2, 3 from mk9- just for something extra in the case ppl dont wanna play mk9 all the time, besides the 3 alternate mks would also be online for fun.

Im sure all the ideas I listed would make ppl buy mk9 in a heartbeat, some of yall just have no idea of what makes a great mk game. Im not new to mk, Ive been here since the beginning- so yall new comers to mk need to watch ur hatin mouths(OR UR TYPED WORDS). Im from the classic dayz as well as new age dayz so for both types of fans I would include what I stated the first time(4 my fans of mk)

I know ppl talk shi? because past mk games have not been up to par as far as gameplay, and ppl hate on my perfect mk ideas only because no one wants mk9 ruined(meaning- like past mk games when they try to add too much something goes wrong and thats what yall are afraid of) yall jus gotta remember mk9 is not close to bein released- there4 we do have time anyway. But i will say only add the other three once the mk9 is perfected first all the way round.

These characters need to step up in the light because their so boss like.

QUANCHI- MK9'S true boss- super improved, so powerful as always, Slick
SHAOKAHN- fighting for his boss position back
SHANGTSUNG-so slick and always up to something-ploting on QUANCHI
SHINNOK- improved and so vicious and evil, with that evil face hes up to no good

ONAGA- TOO HUGE, KILL HIM off by Shaokahn,scorpion,quanchi,shinnok
MOLACH-I truely like to see him in future games- hes so brutal(upgrade him)
SCORPION-Ed boons favorite-time he became close to a boss(subboss)
REPTILE-he evolved- more of a boss now and the new dragonking(normal size though like past mk games- not boring and huge lookin he(ninja like)
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/09/2009 07:08 PM (UTC)
Well ppl, actually ICEBABY need to learn not to hate EVERY SINGLE TIME, I can take constructive criticism but she just does that to every1 who posts(so negitive)) all the time. She doesnt have a clue what would make a great mk game(mk brainless) I call it. a (goober) maybe I was wrong 4 callin her a dumb brawd but shes so irritating with her dislikes, and she always have something negative to say. But as always, Il get over it.
10/09/2009 07:20 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Well ppl, actually ICEBABY need to learn not to hate EVERY SINGLE TIME, I can take constructive criticism but she just does that to every1 who posts(so negitive)) all the time. She doesnt have a clue what would make a great mk game(mk brainless) I call it. a (goober) maybe I was wrong 4 callin her a dumb brawd but shes so irritating with her dislikes, and she always have something negative to say. But as always, Il get over it.

See, here's the problem with what you just wrote, you're not getting over it. If you were getting over it, you wouldn't have post this last thing. Even as Jerrod told you that the next time you call someone a name here, YOU STILL DID IT!!!!

And the reason why I disagree every single time you try to post your idea is because they are either not making any sense whatsoever, or they're not even good to be in a MK game. I don't know how to make a game? I'm not a video game developer, of course I wouldn't know, but I at least know what MK should and should not have. You're ideas come from other fighting video games, to me that feels like you're trying to combine other materials from different fighting games into Mortal Kombat. I've been playing MK since the beginning too, pal, girls can play video games and accomplish in beating them as well.

And I'm irritating? There's other people on this thread who disagrees with you, and you're only bashing on me? Is it because I'm a girl?
10/09/2009 08:53 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
who the hell said that they still cant exagerate the blood, yall need to read carefully. The same blood effects like previous games would still be, the only difference would be no health bars and when a character is puctured they bleed from that area, weather its exagerated or not!

Have you ever heard of a games replay value-- thats one of the points also for making a newer mk1 ,2, 3 from mk9- just for something extra in the case ppl dont wanna play mk9 all the time, besides the 3 alternate mks would also be online for fun.

Im sure all the ideas I listed would make ppl buy mk9 in a heartbeat, some of yall just have no idea of what makes a great mk game. Im not new to mk, Ive been here since the beginning- so yall new comers to mk need to watch ur hatin mouths(OR UR TYPED WORDS). Im from the classic dayz as well as new age dayz so for both types of fans I would include what I stated the first time(4 my fans of mk)

I know ppl talk shi? because past mk games have not been up to par as far as gameplay, and ppl hate on my perfect mk ideas only because no one wants mk9 ruined(meaning- like past mk games when they try to add too much something goes wrong and thats what yall are afraid of) yall jus gotta remember mk9 is not close to bein released- there4 we do have time anyway. But i will say only add the other three once the mk9 is perfected first all the way round.

These characters need to step up in the light because their so boss like.

QUANCHI- MK9'S true boss- super improved, so powerful as always, Slick
SHAOKAHN- fighting for his boss position back
SHANGTSUNG-so slick and always up to something-ploting on QUANCHI
SHINNOK- improved and so vicious and evil, with that evil face hes up to no good

ONAGA- TOO HUGE, KILL HIM off by Shaokahn,scorpion,quanchi,shinnok
MOLACH-I truely like to see him in future games- hes so brutal(upgrade him)
SCORPION-Ed boons favorite-time he became close to a boss(subboss)
REPTILE-he evolved- more of a boss now and the new dragonking(normal size though like past mk games- not boring and huge lookin he(ninja like)

This is why Ed Boon doesn't listen to the fans. And after reading this I can't blame him.
About Me

10/09/2009 10:18 PM (UTC)
To be honest, disregarding the majority of the MK fanbase should be a priority.

Christmas lists like these without backthought give out flase impressions. And if you really want MK to essentially mean something (becaouse it will NEVER be relevant again) you better believe this.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/10/2009 05:25 AM (UTC)
mayb yall just cant see my ideas coming to light on paper but once the ideas are completed in the game I already know all of yall would change ur opinions.

Plus ICEBABY, im sure their only not agreeing with me only because u started the hatin again.

I listed the boss like characters that need to step up and characters that need more attention with their bein in mk, and get another haters opinion on why boon dont listen to the fans. The problem with what he said is every character I listed there were the same characters that people have posted to be in mk9(the 30 characters I mean), so u see its just not my opinion, its others as well.

But since u hated on it icebaby so did he, as well as his statement didnt make sense only because every1 else had the same opinion with the selection of chars I chose. So in sayin that il say some of yall just like to start conflict out of no were just to pick with people- as I jus stated I say this because past post have listed the same characters to be in mk9, but jus because I listed them, now someone wants to disagree.
10/10/2009 05:42 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
mayb yall just cant see my ideas coming to light on paper but once the ideas are completed in the game I already know all of yall would change ur opinions.

Plus ICEBABY, im sure their only not agreeing with me only because u started the hatin again.

I listed the boss like characters that need to step up and characters that need more attention with their bein in mk, and get another haters opinion on why boon dont listen to the fans. The problem with what he said is every character I listed there were the same characters that people have posted to be in mk9(the 30 characters I mean), so u see its just not my opinion, its others as well.

But since u hated on it icebaby so did he, as well as his statement didnt make sense only because every1 else had the same opinion with the selection of chars I chose. So in sayin that il say some of yall just like to start conflict out of no were just to pick with people- as I jus stated I say this because past post have listed the same characters to be in mk9, but jus because I listed them, now someone wants to disagree.

It's not so much your character choice that bothers me, but your other ideas.
Like a wierd blood capacity mechanic, and big characters being out of breath. Plus remaking games seems like a waste of time, and I prefer the classics the way they are.

I also find it hard to believe that you have grown up with all the old MK games when you sound like a 12 year old who was born way after the old games.

All I'm trying to say is that nobodys opinion influences my own, and for the longest time I would wonder why so many ideas demanded by fans weren't included in the games. After reading your post it made me realize that fans have bad suggestions also, and it might be better off not including any new radical ideas for better or worse.
10/10/2009 11:31 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
mayb yall just cant see my ideas coming to light on paper but once the ideas are completed in the game I already know all of yall would change ur opinions.

Plus ICEBABY, im sure their only not agreeing with me only because u started the hatin again.

I listed the boss like characters that need to step up and characters that need more attention with their bein in mk, and get another haters opinion on why boon dont listen to the fans. The problem with what he said is every character I listed there were the same characters that people have posted to be in mk9(the 30 characters I mean), so u see its just not my opinion, its others as well.

But since u hated on it icebaby so did he, as well as his statement didnt make sense only because every1 else had the same opinion with the selection of chars I chose. So in sayin that il say some of yall just like to start conflict out of no were just to pick with people- as I jus stated I say this because past post have listed the same characters to be in mk9, but jus because I listed them, now someone wants to disagree.

I love how I'm the one to blame for your misfortune in this thread... AGAIN. The fact that my name is always in capitalized letters and that I'm the reason why people are disagreeing with you. Guess what genius, I'm not the reason behind everyone's disagreement.

So quit blaming me every time you see more and more people disagreeing with you because I'm not the reason for it. There are just other people who somewhat sees that your ideas are horrible and would never fit inside an MK game. And if you can see, no one is crediting me for their reasons, or even stating that they agree with me... Because if they did then they would say that I helped them disagree with your ideas. But, not one user had mention my name except for you, so I'm not the reason why they're "hatin" on you... They're not "hatin" on you, they disagree with you. Something that you can't seem to understand. Just because a person disagrees, doesn't mean they hate you. They just don't get your ideas. But I hate you, only because of the obvious blaming game and you called me a broad cunt as well.

Also, people wouldn't agree with you because you insult them right there and then. Claiming that no one knows how to make a good MK game, oh sure, like you're the mastermind behind it all. You know what it takes to make a good video game and what wouldn't. And if one person disagrees with just a tiny bit of what you have in stated, you hate them and claim that they can't make a game. What is wrong with that? You mock our intelligence because you think you're Mr. Know-it-all, when you're clearly not.

And see, right here you're the hypocrite... You'll get over it, unfortunately you haven't gotten over a single thing. Because if you did, you wouldn't be blaming me for your misfortune again...
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
10/10/2009 06:33 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Plus ICEBABY, im sure their only not agreeing with me only because u started the hatin again.

Nope, I'm pretty sure it's because your ideas are too complicated, and aren't realistically feasible to program or do from any logical perspective.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/10/2009 08:25 PM (UTC)
you'd be suprised what they can fit into a mortal kombat game in this day in age technology. Plus there gonna prove that with MK9- There aiming very high to push the online gaming to the limits never ever done before. Plus they want to be the ones to set the standards for online gameplay for every other fightin game hereout.


Well im sorry 4 callin u a dumb broad, but as I stated you always have to disagree with everybody.

One of the latest post I was viewing, every1 was giving some great Ideas and complimenting each other 4 their good ideas, then here u come with the last post and said something negetive about it, or it was a smart remark, so when I seen that I laughed cuz I was right about chu always disagreein.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

10/10/2009 08:55 PM (UTC)
Just incase yall didnt know, each time yall change screen pages on this site, yall have to hit the green arrow(refresh button) to refresh the page ur on. That way it automatically shows you the newest messege someone posted.

If you dont do it that way, when you go to the next screen page, it will still be the same as it was when you first arrived on it. So lets say if when u first arrived on that page that there were 9 posts, and some1 or you just posted a new messege, after you refresh that same page it will show you also the new messege posted which would now be 10 messeges posted.

But if you dont refresh after you or some1 have just posted, when you click on back to go to the previous page, it wil still show that its only 9 messeges posted.
10/10/2009 10:12 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:

Well im sorry 4 callin u a dumb broad, but as I stated you always have to disagree with everybody.

One of the latest post I was viewing, every1 was giving some great Ideas and complimenting each other 4 their good ideas, then here u come with the last post and said something negetive about it, or it was a smart remark, so when I seen that I laughed cuz I was right about chu always disagreein.

I don't disagree with everyone, that's one thing you have to stop with me, I don't always disagree with everyone, but with you of course because basically what Jerrod said is the reason why I never agree with your ideas.

You also have to mock people, believing that no one here except for you, except for you, knows how to make a video game. Have you ever gone to college for creating a video game? Do you know exactly how game developers have to do when they're making a video game? If you don't, then shut up about how people here don't know how to make a video game.

And you're not right about me. I don't know where you're getting this because you don't know me. And I love how this post is now becoming nothing but spam since you just can't get over it. You don't need to make a fricken apology post that's not an apology, more like I still have to say one thing about you because I can't let go of the damn issue... Do me a favor and quit whining about me always putting my two cents on your ideas. Just ignore my post if you can't stand my opinions on your opinions. You wanted people's thoughts and I gave them to you, but you can't seem to understand that not everyone needs to agree with your unrealistic ideas.
10/10/2009 11:10 PM (UTC)
oh man does that just sound horrible lol... one bad idea after another. If you were in charge I would skip this game. imo
About Me
MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
Signature by Pred
10/11/2009 01:44 PM (UTC)
What does refreshing the page have to do with anything? None of us waste our time staying in the same forum, since there are other ones to explore.
Also, the ideas you're talking about have nothing to do with technological advancement issues, as the 3-D games can have endurance mode and stuff, but a simultaneous 2-D mode? All 4 games having the same modes of play? Four games released in one bundle? Including Smoke, Jade and Noob Saibot into MK1? Some of these ideas are just ridiculous.
If all four games play the same way, it's not cool, it's boring. Who wants to play another game that has the exact same mechanics, similar characters, and similar story? Where is the fun? Also, a lot of MK fans want to see the story progress, meaning that they would not bother with the remakes, or even not like them, in the first place. 2-D mode? How would they implement 2-D and 3-D game play into the game? Why should they do that anyway? They'd have two fighting systems programmed into the game, which would delay it, and force them to not have all the options you want them to include. Even if they do have the room, what would be the point of making two fighting engines for one game? Seriously, why should they bother to make two fighting systems when they can just spend time perfecting one?
Your ideas are not difficult to imagine on paper, they are just plain flawed.
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