08/05/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
I'd be okay with that.

SF4 had over 4 years of dedicated support. What I'd give if an MK could have such life.
08/05/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
It's not my idea darling, can you read? it's what other franchises have been doing for years and proves to be successful + less expensive.

I know, I'm just trying to be like you. Which is basically calling everything trash without giving further explanation.

That doesn't even make sense, because that's not "my" idea, wether you think it's trash or not, which i don't really care. But carry on, you making no sense is not news to me.
08/05/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
you making no sense is not news to me.

That is how I feel about you as well, so you DID get it! Surprising.
08/05/2014 12:46 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit, your idea is trash.

Basically this^
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08/05/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
How would you feel about NRS releasing new packs/expansions every 1 or 2 years? I mean they're using a new engine for MKX, so i personally don't see the need to change it again after MKX, especially considering the current gen of consoles is just getting started.

SF4 started with 25 characters, and its latest version has 44, and several new stages compared to the first version.

That way they could also have a lot of obscure, older characters back without the need to get rid of the staple characters, since they woulnd't have to start from scratch.

Killer Instinct is also getting updates in the form of "seasons" with new characters and stages.

What do you think? Do you want regular updates, or brand new installments?

No way. I do not like this at all. It splits up the fanbase and it is too expensive. It is a garbage practice to rinse customers.

The current model NRS have is spot on. Realease the main game and seperate DLC characters. You do not like one, pick another. Then release a Komplete Edition with everything at a cheaper price.

No one should follow Capcom's lead.

SSF4 + AE upgrade + Ultra upgrade = $70

MK9 + DLC characters = $75

I'm all for it if there next game is Injustice 2

They could do it like this

2015 MKX 6 DLC Characters and 4 Classic Arenas 2 New Arenas
2016 UMKX 6 DLC Characters and 4 Classic Arenas 2 New Arenas
2017 Injustice 2 or Too
08/05/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
I.dunno why ppl.dont like this.Idea. its so.much better having everything in.one game n.make the ultimate game
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08/05/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
Yeah, why not? Kinda like UMK3 or Trilogy.
08/05/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
I.dunno why ppl.dont like this.Idea. its so.much better having everything in.one game n.make the ultimate game
08/05/2014 01:50 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
you making no sense is not news to me.

That is how I feel about you as well, so you DID get it! Surprising.

What's surprising is that you're STILL trying it with me, obsessed, and stalking me. I am glad i could be of help to your personal development and that i am a role model to you.

Go back to talking about gay porn like you always do, though.
08/05/2014 02:52 AM (UTC)
MKX will be released, followed by the DLCs. After the DLCs all come out, they will make a complete edition. Just like how they did MK9.

For the one who mentioned making a UMKX....lol, no chance. We would rather have MKXI in 2016 then Injustice sequel or Injustice sequel in 2016, then MKXI in 2017.
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08/05/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I'd be okay with that.
SF4 had over 4 years of dedicated support. What I'd give if an MK could have such life.
Basically how I feel about it. The iterations of Street Fighter IV are different enough to warrant buying them again and since SS4AE they've made the updates downloadable as well.

I don't think MK would have that kind of dedicated support though...or rather I don't think NRS is willing to support a game that long. They seem to like what's shiny and new.
08/05/2014 06:27 AM (UTC)
I prefer the Street Fighter method just 'cause you get more characters in the end. NRS never makes enough DLC, we only got 4 characters for MK9 and 6 for Injustice.
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08/05/2014 07:28 AM (UTC)
No. I don't want Edshinori Ono.
08/05/2014 09:17 AM (UTC)
I don't mind a few rounds of DLC like MK9 and Injustice did and then come out with a Komplete edition, but I'm not down with how Capcom does Street Fighter. SF4 came out in 2008 and six years later they're still adding content. What is "Ultra" like the fifth edition? Enough already, time to move on to SFV.
I mean I doubt very few people on this site would be cool with NRS updating MKvsDC still, instead of making the next proper MK game. And MKvsDC came out the same year as SF4, so think about that for a minute.

I'm just happy that Boon and his team at NRS aren't cheap like that. Extra content in gaming this day and age is a given, but there's a time to move on and create another chapter in a franchise and NRS has that figured out.
08/05/2014 09:51 AM (UTC)
Since SF4's release NRS has released 2 games and is set to release another one next year. They make much more profit by selling 3 games+dlc than they could make selling updates and expansions of just one game.

And it also helps in propelling the story ahead.
08/05/2014 10:36 AM (UTC)
Yes pls. Let's have Evil Scorpion and Sub Zero! And pls let me pay every time 20-30€ more for every new Edition. Now that would be cool.

I laughed so hard to read that MK9 is more expensiv than USF. And the Person didn't count Street Fighter 4 with his 60€. Well that is a nice sense of Humor. Really nice!

Sure, you can wait 4 years for the complete SF Edition and buy 30€, but who wait 4 years? No one, and Capcom knows it. For me it's just a parody from Capcom to the fans. Just milk the cow.
08/05/2014 11:13 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
you making no sense is not news to me.

That is how I feel about you as well, so you DID get it! Surprising.

What's surprising is that you're STILL trying it with me, obsessed, and stalking me. I am glad i could be of help to your personal development and that i am a role model to you.

Go back to talking about gay porn like you always do, though.

First of all, that's offensive.

Second, don't worry, I am neither obsessed or stalking you. You just happen to be on the same forum as I am and you've gotten on my wrong side purely due to your behaviour on here. I am merely trying to show you how ridiculous some of your posts are by copying you, and since you reacted the way you do, it seems like I succeeded.

However, it doesn't seem like you've learned anything from it. You haven't gotten into your head that your behaviour on here can be annoying to others, or maybe you just don't care. In any case, I will move on from here, as you seem like a lost cause.
08/05/2014 11:34 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
It's not my idea darling, can you read? it's what other franchises have been doing for years and proves to be successful + less expensive.

I know, I'm just trying to be like you. Which is basically calling everything trash without giving further explanation.

Omg! Hats off to you sir lol
08/05/2014 11:47 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I don't think MK would have that kind of dedicated support though...

Yeah they'll release patches, DLC, and a Komplete edition then shelf the game.
08/05/2014 12:02 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
I don't think MK would have that kind of dedicated support though...

Yeah they'll release patches, DLC, and a Komplete edition then shelf the game.

Which is better than to keep making updated versions for the same game, as Capcom does with SF4. Are you aware of how many people, fans of the franchise, are complaining about Capcom's business model for Street Fighter? Especially after they said that SF4 wouldn't have several versions like their previous games, but would actually have sequals - yet they have thrown in a Super version, an Arcade Edition version and now an Ultra version.

From what I understand, the fanbase isn't pleased with this and they are seeing it as milking a franchise instead of offering something new. In Ultra SF4, they even "just" took the characters that appeared in SFxTekken and threw them into the game.

The problem with Capcom is that they are trying to hype up EVERYTHING they do, and then leave the fanbase disappointed time and time again. I would never want NRS to do something like that to us.

That said, I wouldn't mind NRS making MKX and then building on it with DLC's that people can pick and choose from, such as new characters. The difference is that if you have Super SF4, then you can't play against someone who has Ultra SF4. You HAVE to buy the update to play with them. However, if NRS just adds extra characters as DLC, it doesn't mean you HAVE to buy that character as well to play against someone who already has it.

And just to make sure everyone understands - this is coming from a Street Fighter fan. I've been an SF fan since the very first SF2 and I've followed Capcom all my life, just like I have with Mortal Kombat, so I'm not just spewing some biased shit.
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08/05/2014 12:19 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Which is better than to keep making updated versions for the same game, as Capcom does with SF4. Are you aware of how many people, fans of the franchise, are complaining about Capcom's business model for Street Fighter? Especially after they said that SF4 wouldn't have several versions like their previous games, but would actually have sequals - yet they have thrown in a Super version, an Arcade Edition version and now an Ultra version.
I mean if we go by what fans on the internet say then no one anywhere likes Mortal Kombat. All we do is complainwow

But seriously I don't mind they extra versions of SF because they change the game, the mechanics change, they add lots of content (colors, alts, stages, characters) and the price is always reduced which I think is a big selling point. People are willing to pay for it so they'll keep doing it.

No sense in complaining if they aren't going to do anything to change it.
08/05/2014 12:30 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
No sense in complaining if they aren't going to do anything to change it.

Yeah, that's the thing. People complain about everything, but they're still buying it and then the companies aren't going to change it. To make a statement that the companies understand, don't give them money! The SF fans keep complaining about the whole update thing, but it's not like they aren't buying it anyways... and then Capcom will just continue doing what they do.

Thing is... wil MK fans do the same? If there's something they're unhappy with, will they buy it anyways? That's something we need to take up with ourselves individually. E.g. I was pissed off at Freddy Krueger being the 4th DLC, so I never bought him. The majority seems to disagree with me, but at least I feel better about myself now, as I don't want to support something I dislike.

Money talks... and it seems to be one of the few things Capcom can understand. They may have lost lots of money, but since the SF fans keep buying their SF updates, they will continue with the same business model because they know they will get money that way.

Anyways, that is slightly off-topic. My main point remains the same though; that I hope NRS won't do the same.
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08/05/2014 12:47 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
RocketBoy Wrote:
Hmm, I wouldn't mind if they did it maybe once, not 75 times like SF4.

Honestly, at $5 a character, DLC is expensive...

$5 is expensive?

I'm not Bill Gates by any means, believe me, but I don't see how $5 for a character is expensive. confused

Also kinda depends on how many DLC they're gonna give us. I know myself. I buy them all unless they're pure jokes. For instance, don't ask me to pay for characters in the likes of Mokap and Meat. All others will probably be bought.

Charging 5 dollars for, let's say 4 DLC I can comprehend. But if there are gonna be more than that, it's gonna be quite expensive. I know, don't but them all then. Well it's wat I do.

Also, compare the worth of a DLC to a character that's in the main roster doesn't feel right. It's like comparing apples with pears for my part. You can't give them the same value as they are not exactly the same.
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08/05/2014 01:14 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
RocketBoy Wrote:
Hmm, I wouldn't mind if they did it maybe once, not 75 times like SF4.

Honestly, at $5 a character, DLC is expensive...

$5 is expensive?

I'm not Bill Gates by any means, believe me, but I don't see how $5 for a character is expensive. confused

Also kinda depends on how many DLC they're gonna give us. I know myself. I buy them all unless they're pure jokes. For instance, don't ask me to pay for characters in the likes of Mokap and Meat. All others will probably be bought.

Charging 5 dollars for, let's say 4 DLC I can comprehend. But if there are gonna be more than that, it's gonna be quite expensive. I know, don't but them all then. Well it's wat I do.

Also, compare the worth of a DLC to a character that's in the main roster doesn't feel right. It's like comparing apples with pears for my part. You can't give them the same value as they are not exactly the same.

That is why I like the current NRS model. If a DLC character you do not like then do not buy it! Imagine if NRS did a Ultimate Mortal Kombat X and Meat and Mokap are part of it, you would have to pay for them as well even if you do not want them.

Capcom's reputation in garbage and no company with any sense should copy them. They rinse their customers. I bought Street Fighter 4 and then you have to buy Super Street Fighter 4. That is garbage. Even worse was what they did with Marvel vs Capcom 3. Only 5 months later they announced a new update making buying Marvel vs Capcom 3 pointless so all the people who bought Marvel vs Capcom 3 got massively ripped off. I can not believe people want to support this garbage practice.

No one should do this garbage practice which is why no other company does it either.
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08/05/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Thing is... wil MK fans do the same? If there's something they're unhappy with, will they buy it anyways?
Yep I agree with everything you said.

Truthfully I think MK fans would do the same. NRS already keeps popular characters as DLC to make sure people buy them. That's about as bad as what Capcom does imo. Actually it might be worse because they're keeping content, at least Capcom adds new things.
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