Story Stuff ((Speculation))
posted06/14/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)by
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05/29/2006 11:42 PM (UTC)
So we have what looks to be a fragmented focal point for the main plot of the game. As well as at least some time-jumping going on. We also have...

- Offspring like Cassie Cage: I think this is an excellent idea so long as they keep it to a limit.
- More Gods: Kotal Kahn looks great. Where's Raiden & Fujin?
- Different variations of fighting styles: Hints at a given characters fighting styles during different points in time (up to 25yrs past where MK9 left off)?
- We know it will be a continuation from MK9
- Shinnok looks pretty good to be set up as the boss based on where we left off in MK9, but who else could take the mantle? ...Shao Kahn is dead.

What else is there?
What would you like to see happen?
06/12/2014 02:58 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Different variations of fighting styles: Hints at a given characters fighting styles during different points in time (up to 25yrs past where MK9 left off)?

This is something we haven't really been talking about yet that really intrigues me.

A lot of the Styles have a specific visual element added to the character's costume.

And in Story Mode, your opponent is sure to be using a pre-chosen Style. For some characters like Cassie Cage, it probably doesn't really matter which one they pick to program in...but for example, when Scorpion is Inferno style, the one that summons a demon assist, he has a gold skull thingy hanging off his belt. I bet there's a story behind where he got that thing and why he uses it.

And then there's Sub-Zero's Grandmaster style, and the Medallion it puts on his chest. The implications there should be fairly obvious. Looks like somewhere in the 25 years of the story, what happened in MKDA somehow happens again (or happens to the other brother, we don't know yet), despite the way MK9 ended for them and Sektor.
06/12/2014 02:59 AM (UTC)
Just like the main story in MK9 was composed of three different parts for MK, MK2, and MK3, I think this story might also compose of different arcs or time fragments.

So I could see the first one deal with Shinnok. And from there, the rest of the arcs will heavily deviate from anything passed MK4.
06/12/2014 03:12 AM (UTC)
I know for a fact that I heard boon say others had children that would be in the game.

also if to many gods show up that might be interesting........maybe the fallen elder gods team up to exact revenge on other elder gods.
06/12/2014 03:21 AM (UTC)
The story has me confused right now. Yes, I know we still don't have a lot of information, but Boon says that it continues after MK 9 and will go all the way up to twenty five years. However, he also says the story isn't linear. They will take a look at character's pasts and such...

That's from the giant bomb interview. So, yeah, really confused right now. What exactly is this damn thing going to be about?

Oh and Razor do you not suspect Kuai? Honest to god in order for Bi-Han to return as Sub-Zero he will not only have to rehash Scorps Deception story, but now also Kuai Liang's DA story. Not to mention why would Bi-Han have anything to do with the Lin Kuei now? Yes, I know he left but honestly it seems like with Scorpion and the possible separation from Noob (again this is not anything I want to happen) that he would have bigger fish to fry than the Lin Kuei.

Kuai Liang, however, should have a VERY personal vendetta against Sektor. So, IDK. I'm not going to say it is Kuai, but mix all of this info with the fact that Sub-Zero addresses Scorpion "I tire of maintaining our innocence". It seems obvious he is speaking of himself (kuai) and bi-Han. Like I said I won't say I believe anything one way or another (because I don't want to jinx it), but there is evidence that points one direction there.
06/12/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Oh and Razor do you not suspect Kuai?

To be honest, I actually do. His intro line "I'm tired of maintaining OUR innocence" sounds like something Kuai would have said during MK2 or 4. Bi-Han would never say "our" because he doesn't care what Scorpion thinks about his brother.

But everyone else is still entertaining the idea of a Soulnado-Resurrected Noob, so I'm playing along partially just to be polite, and partially to remind myself to never get my hopes up because every time I've ever been happy about or looking forward to something MK in the past 10 years, I've been let down hard, and I don't have much soul left to crush.
06/12/2014 03:41 AM (UTC)
With as little as we know, my question at this point is the alignment of the new characters. Like I can guess that Cassie Cage will probably fight for the heroes and I wouldn't be surprised if we see Sub-Zero be good too. Scorpion's probably neutral with leaning towards indirectly helping the forces of good if only to go after Quan Chi perhaps.

But then D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, and Kotal Kahn I can't really place as confidently. My initial impressions are that D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn might be Evil. I can see Ferra/Torr be an unlikely ally for the forces of good, somehow.
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06/12/2014 05:45 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
I know for a fact that I heard boon say others had children that would be in the game.
I wouldn't take it so literally. I can't see too many characters coming together to make babies. If there are more children they're probably not an offspring of two characters or maybe not even children but some other kind of relative.
06/12/2014 06:33 AM (UTC)
Kintaro and Sheeva have a little Tiger/Dragon Shokan half breed

What if they get Bi-Han back by revisiting the way he got Shinnok's amulet, like a better retelling of the disaster that was Mythologies. Kuai would return after Shinnok is defeated and would reclaim the Lin Kuei from Sektor, maybe Cyrax dies helping. Sub-Zero then is able to remove the tech from his body. Maybe see another Aged Subby along with Aged Cage and Sonya. Aged Mileena. Aged Evil Liu Kang, maybe Kung Lao has a brother we don't know about.

Also what if the One Being has a part to play in this as well. Angered Shao Kahn's failure to merge realms, he helps prevent Shinnok from ruling, by bringing back Onaga. They fight and Onaga kills Shinnok and Raiden, Leaving Fujin in charge. The Elder Gods send Kotal Kahn to kill Onaga later. Raiden's death brings back a grittier version like dark raiden from aramgeddon, and he begins to rule Earthrealm like a facist dictator, and he tried to rule Outworld that way they will never have to invade earthrealm again, and he takes control of both. He enlists the aid of new enforcer's such as Ferra Torr, Quan Chi, Mileena, and maybe some unwilling good guys at first, maybe Cage and Sonya, so she makes up for the mess-ups they had. Idk just specualtion sorry im super excited. I'm going back to my fanfiction lol
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06/12/2014 06:43 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
And then there's Sub-Zero's Grandmaster style, and the Medallion it puts on his chest. The implications there should be fairly obvious. Looks like somewhere in the 25 years of the story, what happened in MKDA somehow happens again (or happens to the other brother, we don't know yet), despite the way MK9 ended for them and Sektor.

I'm hoping they do this. They knew coming out of MK9 that we'd definitely be looking for heavy influence from MK4 to replay itself in some fashion. So I'm hoping this idea with the three style variations is the nod to that.

There is also the fact that the three styles idea really came to life during MKDA-MKA. So it may just be a feature that they wanted to relive. At any rate, I want it to be the ladder idea.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
I know for a fact that I heard boon say others had children that would be in the game.

also if to many gods show up that might be interesting........maybe the fallen elder gods team up to exact revenge on other elder gods.

I'm kinda hoping we see at least some part of the war on the heavens that Shinnok got into in order to get himself banished. I also want to see some part of how he overthrew Lucifer once he fell from his post as an elder. Seems like something they might re-write honestly, but I still would like to see it because its something interesting that kinda...puts Shinnok on a pedestal above other Gods to me.

This is one way I can see other Gods and even some other Elder Gods getting involved. By the way, if they do let us into this part of Shinnoks history, it would suggests that Kotal Kahn is a good guy despite his look. To my knowledge, there was never anything that suggested Shinnok had help or that he even had friends up on the Elder God level of things...especially because he ascended on Heaven with his own minions when the war came underway.
06/13/2014 06:57 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
And then there's Sub-Zero's Grandmaster style, and the Medallion it puts on his chest. The implications there should be fairly obvious. Looks like somewhere in the 25 years of the story, what happened in MKDA somehow happens again (or happens to the other brother, we don't know yet), despite the way MK9 ended for them and Sektor.

I'm hoping they do this. They knew coming out of MK9 that we'd definitely be looking for heavy influence from MK4 to replay itself in some fashion. So I'm hoping this idea with the three style variations is the nod to that.

There is also the fact that the three styles idea really came to life during MKDA-MKA. So it may just be a feature that they wanted to relive. At any rate, I want it to be the ladder idea.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
I know for a fact that I heard boon say others had children that would be in the game.

also if to many gods show up that might be interesting........maybe the fallen elder gods team up to exact revenge on other elder gods.

I'm kinda hoping we see at least some part of the war on the heavens that Shinnok got into in order to get himself banished. I also want to see some part of how he overthrew Lucifer once he fell from his post as an elder. Seems like something they might re-write honestly, but I still would like to see it because its something interesting that kinda...puts Shinnok on a pedestal above other Gods to me.

This is one way I can see other Gods and even some other Elder Gods getting involved. By the way, if they do let us into this part of Shinnoks history, it would suggests that Kotal Kahn is a good guy despite his look. To my knowledge, there was never anything that suggested Shinnok had help or that he even had friends up on the Elder God level of things...especially because he ascended on Heaven with his own minions when the war came underway.

yes man that sound like a very good idea. im hoping that this 25 year period is not just a big word that is really rushed, but a time period that is used to go deep into each fighter background and shows/(let us play) interesting side stories.

also how far is mk4 after mk3 and mkda after mk4? .im sure if we count up those years we could assume how much "new story" we would be getting.

I also wonder if they are going to include Armageddon?(lol)
06/13/2014 07:23 AM (UTC)
To be honest, I am really intrigued to the variations of Raiden out of all classic characters. I bet if Raiden goes dark on us again, that will be his one variation. I hope to see Raiden going ape shit crazy with his thunder powers, especially seeing how awesome Sub-Zero and Scorpion look so far in the game. I want him to UNLEASH his powers on the opponents because Shinnok is about to fuck things up... The same for Fujin, if he will be in this game.

So if the story takes place over 25 years, does it mean we won't see Cassie Cage at least for first 15 years? This kinda confirms for me that one of Sonya Blade/Johnny Cage is in the game.

Actually, I have this crazy idea that during first portions of story where Shinnok attacks the realms, Sonya and Johnny are going to fight the evil dudes. And once Shinnok is defeated, I think Sonya and Johnny are going their separate ways because I don't see them living happily in the house and raising the kid. Seeing how Cassie is part of Special Forces, I figure she would be raised by her mother and decide to stick with mom's career.

Johnny, I believe, will go maybe to Orderrealm and continue studying and harnessing his own powers like in MK9 arcade ending to prevent future invasions and protect Sonya and their baby? It kinda makes sense that one of variations of Johnny to be Orderrealm trained fightstyle. Also I noticed how Cassie fights just like Sonya in her two variations: what if that Hollywood style she learned fairly recently after finally meeting her dad?

Anyways, i kinda already see the dialogue between daddy and daughter when they meet for the first time in the story. Given how she is very similar to him personality wise, it has potential for something hilarious.

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06/13/2014 07:29 AM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
Seeing how Cassie is part of Special Forces, I figure she would be raised by her mother and decide to stick with mom's career.

Her personality is pretty much all Johnny. So either he was actually the one raising her (while Sonya was busy being dead/a General in the Special Forces?), or she grew up watching his movies religiously.

"No way, my dad was in Tommy Scissorfists, he could totally beat your dad's ass!"
06/13/2014 07:34 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
Seeing how Cassie is part of Special Forces, I figure she would be raised by her mother and decide to stick with mom's career.

Her personality is pretty much all Johnny. So either he was actually the one raising her (while Sonya was busy being dead/a General in the Special Forces?), or she grew up watching his movies religiously.

"No way, my dad was in Tommy Scissorfists, he could totally beat your dad's ass!"

I mean, if she is raised by daddy, then why she became SF agent? To honor mommy? And I truly believe she won't have to be around her dad to have the same personality. Maybe Johnny's genetics are that awesome lol?

I just don't see Hollywood actor and Special Forces agent to have spare time to raise their kid together, especially after MK9 events I have suspicions that Sonya might take Major role from deceased Jax, which means more duties and less time to spend with her family (IF they are married with Cage though, which I have doubts about lol)
06/13/2014 09:08 AM (UTC)
I'm betting like was hinted at the end of the last story mode, Shinnok / Quan Chi will play the puppet master roles as they previously did with Shao Kahn; Liu Kang will be the big boss. He'll somehow be resurrected and his anger and hatred towards Raiden about his death will be the fuel that Shinnok and Quan Chi continually use in his metaphorical fire. A great Hero fallen and turned against them, just as all the souls they lost in the war with Outworld. It's a great plot device if used correctly but it always has the likelihood of coming off a bit forced and corny if not done properly.
06/13/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
remember though ed boon said this sub zero is mk 10 could not bi han or Kuai Liang because sub zero is title that is given to warriors in the lq
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06/14/2014 06:12 AM (UTC)
I don't see why Johnny and Sonya couldn't be functional parents. They are the only ones who could relate to eachother in order to raise any child in their kind of environment. confused
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/14/2014 11:01 PM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
Seeing how Cassie is part of Special Forces, I figure she would be raised by her mother and decide to stick with mom's career.

Her personality is pretty much all Johnny. So either he was actually the one raising her (while Sonya was busy being dead/a General in the Special Forces?), or she grew up watching his movies religiously.

"No way, my dad was in Tommy Scissorfists, he could totally beat your dad's ass!"

I mean, if she is raised by daddy, then why she became SF agent? To honor mommy? And I truly believe she won't have to be around her dad to have the same personality. Maybe Johnny's genetics are that awesome lol?

What makes you think that Johnny and Sonya can't be raising Cassie together? The two have bonded over defending the Earth from Outworld, and the two clearly had feelings for each other to start with.

Plus I have a hard time believing Johnny will just go back to being a movie star knowing that he is one of two people who can save the Earth from an imminent threat. He might be self absorbed but I think even he would agree the fate of the Earth is much more important than his career.

So he'll probably be focusing more on getting ready to defend the Earth, if he isn't in Seido learning to get stronger he might be helping the OWIA which means more time with Sonya.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

06/14/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
I don't see why Johnny and Sonya couldn't be functional parents. They are the only ones who could relate to eachother in order to raise any child in their kind of environment. confused

Exactly one is a movie star and the other a special forces agent. Maybe Johnny got his shit together. Who knows man?
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06/14/2014 11:21 PM (UTC)
I think it'd be pretty sweet to see an old Johny Cage too btw. Don't think that'd work out the same way with Sonya. We had a thread somewhere in the Future forum where we talked about the idea of an older, more mature Cage. Maybe they caught wind of that idea from these forums?

Anyway, I wonder what he looks like after 20-25 years. Besides (apparently) getting married to Sonya and having a baby girl Cassie, I wonder if he is at Master skill level now? Will they keep his MK9 ending true, where Raiden transported him to Seido to help him get control of his powers? etc..
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

06/14/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
I think it'd be pretty sweet to see an old Johny Cage too btw. Don't think that'd work out the same way with Sonya. We had a thread somewhere in the Future forum where we talked about the idea of an older, more mature Cage. Maybe they caught wind of that idea from these forums?

Anyway, I wonder what he looks like after 20-25 years. Besides (apparently) getting married to Sonya ad having a baby girl Cassie, I wonder if he is at Master skill level now? Will they keep his MK9 ending true, where Raiden transported him to Seido to help him get control of his powers? etc..

If they do go along with his ending, this will make Johnny a great character. I feel this will really expand him as a character. Because before MK9 Johnny was just a character with over 9000 testicular attacks.

Hopefully they'll make a man out of him. Hopefully he's still comical and has a tad bit more of seriousness if he's in. It will show that seeing most of his friends die did have an impact on him. Johnny really deserves this glasses
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06/14/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
...tried searching for that thread I mentioned but, I couldn't find it.

However, if I remember the idea correctly, Cage is definitely older, beaten up a bit, and alot darker a character because of the all crap that he's been through. Yet, he's not without a sense of's just really dark humor now instead of the quirky humor we're used to. He's more like a pain in the ass Master Martial artists who's had all the optimism about his career stripped away from him.

Considering the general aesthetic of this game is really dark and serious, if they go this direction with him I think he'd probably end up being another one of my favorites. And Johny Cage has never been a favorite of mines.
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