04/06/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
same here
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

04/06/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
pm plz?
04/06/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
hydraslash Wrote:

I'm fuckin' hyped for Pred.

Oh, you and I both :).

Can't wait to get my hands on Predator and main him :).

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
He was in MK3, MK Gold, Deadly Alliance, MK 2011

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
He was in Deadly Alliance

Gett outta here with that shit, Sektor was not in Deadly Alliance, he was on a shitty Game Boy Advance MK game. That was not MK Deadly alliance it was a shitty ass game.

smokeman14 Wrote:

What Sektor fans "get" has nothing to do with how the writing is. That scene was actually great, seeing Hanzo and Kuai bro up.

Oh so you are telling me they couldn't have Hanzo and Kuai bro up any other way? If you are telling me that then you truly have never written a story and I recommend if you decide to start writing to take a lot of lessons in writing because that's a weak ass scene.

There are 10 different ways you could have had them "bro up", Sektor did nothing to help them bro up. He was used as a fucking hologram. You know what, you might be right because when me and my friend fight, I know that a hologram would get us to be friends again.

Weak ass writing by a weak ass writing team. I'm not just talking about the Sektor thing, the overall story disappointed A LOT of people and from what I've heard it sucked so bad that looking at a wall for 2 hours would have been more entertaining and less depressing.
04/06/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
PM please and thank you.
04/06/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
Yeah, whose twitch is it being streamed on? Are we not sharing the links in hopes it'll somehow hinder the people trying to report the streams? And can I have a link?
04/06/2015 01:50 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
hydraslash Wrote:

I'm fuckin' hyped for Pred.

Oh, you and I both :).

Can't wait to get my hands on Predator and main him :).

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
He was in MK3, MK Gold, Deadly Alliance, MK 2011

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
He was in Deadly Alliance

Gett outta here with that shit, Sektor was not in Deadly Alliance, he was on a shitty Game Boy Advance MK game. That was not MK Deadly alliance it was a shitty ass game.

smokeman14 Wrote:

What Sektor fans "get" has nothing to do with how the writing is. That scene was actually great, seeing Hanzo and Kuai bro up.

Oh so you are telling me they couldn't have Hanzo and Kuai bro up any other way? If you are telling me that then you truly have never written a story and I recommend if you decide to start writing to take a lot of lessons in writing because that's a weak ass scene.

There are 10 different ways you could have had them "bro up", Sektor did nothing to help them bro up. He was used as a fucking hologram. You know what, you might be right because when me and my friend fight, I know that a hologram would get us to be friends again.

Weak ass writing by a weak ass writing team. I'm not just talking about the Sektor thing, the overall story disappointed A LOT of people and from what I've heard it sucked so bad that looking at a wall for 2 hours would have been more entertaining and less depressing.

Just because you're mad that your favorite character is not in the game, doesn't mean its bad writing.

you're a god damn child
04/06/2015 01:50 AM (UTC)
So you're saying story is shit and you haven't even played through it?

About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/06/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
hydraslash Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Sektor has been alive in the majority of his story or at least in the games. So I'm fine with them killing him. He was in MK3, MK Gold, Deadly Alliance, MK 2011 and that's better than most characters like Rain and many more get. Hell some Kai fans haven't seen him since 4 and MKA.

That's a fair point from an objective standpoint. Although he arguably hasn't had any huge roles in the story, he has had a pretty good run throughout the series since his introduction compared to many of the smaller characters of the series, including being retrospectively added to MK4 and MKDA.

His death is not the crux of my disappointment (although from a subjective fan perspective it does hurt slightly :P) It's more so that it's a shame that what could've been a pretty important confrontation (reclaimation of the Lin Kuei from a power-hungry member) was glossed over without much hurrah, especially with how the story was set up at the end of MK9 and with Sektor's arcade ending.
Those are some great points as well. I can see where you're coming from as well.
04/06/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
So you're saying story is shit and you haven't even played through it?


He's saying story is shit because his favorite character isnt in
04/06/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
I guess he's too busy watching the stream he found??
04/06/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
hydraslash Wrote:

I'm fuckin' hyped for Pred.

Oh, you and I both :).

Can't wait to get my hands on Predator and main him :).

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
He was in MK3, MK Gold, Deadly Alliance, MK 2011

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
He was in Deadly Alliance

Gett outta here with that shit, Sektor was not in Deadly Alliance, he was on a shitty Game Boy Advance MK game. That was not MK Deadly alliance it was a shitty ass game.

smokeman14 Wrote:

What Sektor fans "get" has nothing to do with how the writing is. That scene was actually great, seeing Hanzo and Kuai bro up.

Oh so you are telling me they couldn't have Hanzo and Kuai bro up any other way? If you are telling me that then you truly have never written a story and I recommend if you decide to start writing to take a lot of lessons in writing because that's a weak ass scene.

There are 10 different ways you could have had them "bro up", Sektor did nothing to help them bro up. He was used as a fucking hologram. You know what, you might be right because when me and my friend fight, I know that a hologram would get us to be friends again.

Weak ass writing by a weak ass writing team. I'm not just talking about the Sektor thing, the overall story disappointed A LOT of people and from what I've heard it sucked so bad that looking at a wall for 2 hours would have been more entertaining and less depressing.

You're overreacting. This story mode was lightyears beyond the trash that MK9 tried to pass as a narrative. This is literally just assmad fanboy salt. Sorry your favorite character didn't get any fanservice. He got more presentation than Cyrax.
About Me

MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/06/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
hydraslash Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

I'm speechless. In a bad way.

That's a low blow, Boon and Co, especially after handling him and Cyrax so well in MK9.

Oh well, Predator will provide me with my cyborg-esque fix.

I know right? They really fucked that up, it's like a middle finger to all the Sektor fans and even people who were not fans of Sektor but wanted to see what happens with Sektor and Subby.

I'm not mad that Sektor got killed, it does piss me off that he is dead obviously but that's not all. I and many other people wanted to see Sektor vs Subby because that's the real rivalry Kuai vs Sektor.

Tell me, what's the point of leaving Sektor and Cyrax alive in the last game if you were just going to kill Sektor off-screen and have Cyrax never show up(Cyrax might have showed up, I don't know, I didn't see the story but I didn't hear anything about him so I assume he didn't show up.)

So tell why did you even bother leaving them alive.

Seriously, fuck whoever thought it was a good idea to kill Sektor off-screen and then have Scorpion and Subby use him as their personal toy, I half expected them to start running video games on Sektor.


Sektor fans be like:

04/06/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
Is there any stream going on?
04/06/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
redman Wrote:
So you're saying story is shit and you haven't even played through it?


He's saying story is shit because his favorite character isnt in

oh, well i guess it is shit because fujin isnt in kappa
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/06/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
Those tears are delicious.
04/06/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
I think its safe to say at this point that Kuai taking over the Lin Kuei will happen in the comics. Reiko will probably die there, too, given that he wasn't mentioned even fucking once outside of his peace treaty thing.
04/06/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
Just because you're mad that your favorite character is not in the game, doesn't mean its bad writing.

you're a god damn child

This just shows how ignorant you are because I said that my problem is not that Sektor is out of MKX. It's how they did it and there was no reason for it, remember the Original Timeline? They had Sektor escape and build his own clan, that was a good move. But now the story writing seems to be "Oh let's kill that character. Oh nahh forget about that character, let's kill that other one for more shock value. Oh I have an idea, why don't we kill both"

That's their whole story telling method at this point, Let's kill characters.

Stop being ignorant, I don't mind Sektor not being in MKX because I knew he wasn't going to be in months and months ago, yet I was still happy and excited for the game.

Don't try to change subjects and make it about Sektor not being in, I'm obviously not the only person who thought they made really stupid decisions with the story of MKX.
04/06/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
redman Wrote:
So you're saying story is shit and you haven't even played through it?


He's saying story is shit because his favorite character isnt in

oh, well i guess it is shit because fujin isnt in kappa

Smoke got BTFO'd by Johnny.

Preorder cancelled, boon on hitlist
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/06/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
Actually most the people who watched the chapters up until 7 changed their minds about the story being shit lol They actually ended up enjoying what they saw.
04/06/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
Honestly, as I've pointed out several times... Sektor's Head and his memories are confirmed to be intact in this game. He's a friggin' robot. That's MORE than enough of a foot in the door for a return. It your problem is his "Death" there is NOTHING to be salty about. He's far from dead by evil Robot standards.

You can be salty he's not in the game, but acting like his "death" is a huge slap in the face is nonsense, because if they wanted to bring him back, he's just a reboot and a new body away. The door is wide open.

Mileena got her friggin' face melted off and you don't hear me bitching about it.

Hell, Baraka got his brain ripped out. Sektor is in real good shape compared to Baraka. At least his robot brain still works.
About Me

MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/06/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
Who's got a stream link?
04/06/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
I agree with Sharefrock.
04/06/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
Can someone pm me the link as well please?
04/06/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Just because you're mad that your favorite character is not in the game, doesn't mean its bad writing.

you're a god damn child

This just shows how ignorant you are because I said that the my problem is not that Sektor is out of MKX. It's how they did it and there was no reason for it, remember the Original Timeline? They had Sektor escape and build his own clan, that was a good move. But now the story writing seems to be "Oh let's kill that character. Oh nahh forget about that character, let's kill that other one for more shock value. Oh I have an idea, why don't we kill both"

That's their whole story telling method at this point, Let's kill characters.

Stop being ignorant, I don't mind Sektor not being in MKX because I knew he wasn't going to be in months and months ago, yet I was still happy and excited for the game.

Don't try to change subjects and make it about Sektor not being in, I'm obviously not the only person who thought they made really stupid decisions with the story of MKX.

Sharefrock, come on dude. Did you watch the scene? How else was Sub-Zero going to find out that the old GM was in-cahoots with Quan Chi? There was more of a point to that death than there usually is in MK. Sub opposed the automation process, Sektor was in the way of him stopping it. Having a cyber-brain with recorded memories was an obvious benefit of keeping Sektor's pieces around. I feel for you, it didn't happen on screen. But really, why would it? The Lin Kuei being restored to honor is pretty tangential to the plot of this game. Just wait, they'll show us what happened in the comics.
04/06/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
Honestly, as I've pointed out several times... Sektor's Head and his memories are confirmed to be intact in this game. He's a friggin' robot. That's MORE than enough of a foot in the door for a return. It your problem is his "Death" there is NOTHING to be salty about. He's far from dead by evil Robot standards.

You can be salty he's not in the game, but acting like his "death" is a huge slap in the face is nonsense, because if they wanted to bring him back, he's just a reboot and a new body away. The door is wide open.

Don't listen to that ignorant guy, I'm not salty about Sektor dying, I know that death in MK means shit. The problem is the way they did it.

They didn't even show how he died or have him at least go with a bang, all they did is show his fucking parts on a table, don't get me wrong and listen to ignorant people on the forum, I'm not mad Sektor is dead, I'm mad about the way they did it.
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