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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/04/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Yeah, that has to be Jennifer Hale voicing Tanya. Sounds great.

It's nice that this Tanya doesn't seem to be so serious-minded as in the Deception/Armageddon era. She's catty.

Haha, makes her more of a fun villain.
04/04/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
We still don't know what happens in the story but...I'd be really lying if I said I wasn't really kind of sad about the roster. Did characters like Jax or Sonya need to be included and revamped? Couldn't they have just occupied the space that Rain occupies as well? Fightable NPCs utilizing MK9 move sets?

Man...I just feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities that could have happened with the roster now.

you are right.....alot of missed opportunities , could of been a perfected game .....some kharacters should of been swamped from NPC to playable and playable to NPC
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/04/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
We still don't know what happens in the story but...I'd be really lying if I said I wasn't really kind of sad about the roster. Did characters like Jax or Sonya need to be included and revamped? Couldn't they have just occupied the space that Rain occupies as well? Fightable NPCs utilizing MK9 move sets?

Man...I just feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities that could have happened with the roster now.

Completely agree with that.
Rain and Baraka should've been part of the roster. And I say it as a guy who hates Baraka.

Same goes for cyborgs, but I guess they were excluded to give their specials to the Predator. If that is true, it's lame. I hope rumors about Spawn is not true. Three guest DLC characters with such odd roster is bullshit.
04/04/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
We still don't know what happens in the story but...I'd be really lying if I said I wasn't really kind of sad about the roster. Did characters like Jax or Sonya need to be included and revamped? Couldn't they have just occupied the space that Rain occupies as well? Fightable NPCs utilizing MK9 move sets?

Man...I just feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities that could have happened with the roster now.

This all the way. The roster could've been a hell of a lot more risky while still giving the MK9 guys time to shine as these fightable surprises.
04/04/2015 06:29 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:Haha, makes her more of a fun villain.


It's a nice time to be a Tanya fan. smile
Edit: I just thought of something:
IMDB used to list Jennifer Hale as Tanya (around the time of MKX's announcement,) but everybody thought that was a load of crap and it was later removed. Someone must've had a lucky guess.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/04/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
We still don't know what happens in the story but...I'd be really lying if I said I wasn't really kind of sad about the roster. Did characters like Jax or Sonya need to be included and revamped? Couldn't they have just occupied the space that Rain occupies as well? Fightable NPCs utilizing MK9 move sets?

Man...I just feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities that could have happened with the roster now.

Completely agree with that.
Rain and Baraka should've been part of the roster. And I say it as a guy who hates Baraka.

Same goes for cyborgs, but I guess they were excluded to give their specials to the Predator. If that is true, it's lame.

I hope rumors about Spawn is not true. Three guest DLC characters with such odd roster is bullshit.

Only way I'd excuse 3 guests if we fucking got like 10 DLC MK characters including Tanya/Tremor/Goro. But considering that we may or may not even get any more DLC after this- I wouldn't want another guest at all.
About Me
04/04/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
This costume looks so much better now that we see it in black/yellow and the full body. Love Tanya's personality.

Look at that face, lol you stuck up girl.

About Me

Get that ass BANNED

04/04/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
The biggest gripe I have is that we got 3 post mk3 characters. I understand they wanted new but all I see is the same people with a twist. People who are back from the dead. Alot of characters are NPCs instead of actual playable ones. No cyborgs, no Sindel, Sareena is probably just a cameo along with a shit ton of mk4 and on characters we probably all would have wanted in rather than what we have.

Oh boy, shitty rant post. I'm sorry guys.
About Me

Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/04/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Only way I'd excuse 3 guests if we fucking got like 10 DLC MK characters including Tanya/Tremor/Goro. But considering that we may or may not even get any more DLC after this- I wouldn't want another guest at all.

I doubt we won't get anymore DLC chars after Pack 1, after how succesfull DLC was for Injustice.

I doubt it will be 10 chars though, as much as I wanted it to. The only case it could be, if NRS will support the game for two years or something like that, which would be something new.
04/04/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
The_Truth Wrote:
We still don't know what happens in the story but...I'd be really lying if I said I wasn't really kind of sad about the roster. Did characters like Jax or Sonya need to be included and revamped? Couldn't they have just occupied the space that Rain occupies as well? Fightable NPCs utilizing MK9 move sets?

Man...I just feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities that could have happened with the roster now.

Completely agree with that.
Rain and Baraka should've been part of the roster. And I say it as a guy who hates Baraka.

Same goes for cyborgs, but I guess they were excluded to give their specials to the Predator. If that is true, it's lame.

I hope rumors about Spawn is not true. Three guest DLC characters with such odd roster is bullshit.

I don't see how it follows their moves will go to Predator. Sure, their original look was inspired by Predator, but the moves barely translate at all.

Predator won't be doing a teleport uppercut, or shooting bombs/harpoons out of his chest, or exploding to teleport, or firing rockets.

Predator has more than enough classic Predator tools in his arsenal without having to clone the Cyber-Ninja's moves.

I could see him stealing Cyrax's net. Though the graphics would likely be altered to make it less obvious.

He'll likely have an invisible cloak move, like Reptile. Likely things that utilize his wrist blades. Likely things that use his shoulder cannon projectiles, but those aren't anything like Sektor's rockets. More an energy blast.

I could see him swiping Cyrax's suicide fatality... since... that's kind of a classic Predator thing. Though they usually do it when mortally wounded, so I can't see why it would make sense as anything but a Hara-Kiri.

ANYWAY... I could see a couple moves translating. But certainly not all of them, or even a majority of them.
04/04/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
We still don't know what happens in the story but...I'd be really lying if I said I wasn't really kind of sad about the roster. Did characters like Jax or Sonya need to be included and revamped? Couldn't they have just occupied the space that Rain occupies as well? Fightable NPCs utilizing MK9 move sets?

Man...I just feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities that could have happened with the roster now.

This is the future of games and its only the beginning. Expect it to become worse than this. So happy that i still have my retro consoles, dreamcast etc.. :)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/04/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
This costume looks so much better now that we see it in black/yellow and the full body. Love Tanya's personality.

Look at that face, lol you stuck up girl.

Awww shit I love it LMAO!

I think snarky remarks and a bitchy persona will make Tanya stand out in a way she never has before. I mean I've always loved her and seen her as fierce, but she really only had one trait in the older games and that was being a backstabber. That's all we truly took from her character, but now she's been given a little extra spark and I can see this "Mean Girl" kind of personality really working out in her favor with fans new and old.
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ain't nobody got time fo sigs

04/04/2015 06:42 PM (UTC)
I don't think Jennifer Hale voices Tanya... doesn't sound like Jennifer Hale, check Sonya in "MK: The Journey Begins" animated series and Commander Jane Shepard from Mass Effect, Jennifer Hale voices them in there.
04/04/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
Omg I was never a huge fan of Tanya but now I'm SOLD! This bitch is badass! She's such a bitch I love it :'D Only thing I want now is her purple fireballs to return and some awesome variations.
04/04/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
This costume looks so much better now that we see it in black/yellow and the full body. Love Tanya's personality.

Look at that face, lol you stuck up girl.

Awww shit I love it LMAO!

I think snarky remarks and a bitchy persona will make Tanya stand out in a way she never has before. I mean I've always loved her and seen her as fierce, but she really only had one trait in the older games and that was being a backstabber. That's all we truly took from her character, but now she's been given a little extra spark and I can see this "Mean Girl" kind of personality really working out in her favor with fans new and old.

that face is ridicilouss. xD
04/04/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
theJudicator Wrote:
I don't think Jennifer Hale voices Tanya... doesn't sound like Jennifer Hale, check Sonya in "MK: The Journey Begins" animated series and Commander Jane Shepard from Mass Effect, Jennifer Hale voices them in there.

She sounds exactly like Killer Frost and Hawkgirl, both voiced by Jennifer Hale. And, she sounds like Alexandra Roivas (also voiced by Hale) from Eternal Darkness.

I'm 99% positive that's her.
theJudicator Wrote: Well Awesome then

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic...
Hale is certainly a capable voice actress, and can adjust her voice to many, many roles. It's not out of the question that you just heard her in roles when she's using a different delivery.
No man it wasn't sarcastic, sorry, i really mean it, it's pretty awesome having Jennifer Hale voicing for MKX, tho im used to Commander Shepard's voice (i prefer when she does that more of a serious tone)

No problem. smile
She's talented regardless.
About Me

ain't nobody got time fo sigs

04/04/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
theJudicator Wrote:
I don't think Jennifer Hale voices Tanya... doesn't sound like Jennifer Hale, check Sonya in "MK: The Journey Begins" animated series and Commander Jane Shepard from Mass Effect, Jennifer Hale voices them in there.

She sounds exactly like Killer Frost and Hawkgirl, both voiced by Jennifer Hale. And, she sounds like Alexandra Roivas (also voiced by Hale) from Eternal Darkness.

I'm 99% positive that's her.

Well Awesome then
04/04/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
I feel like making Tanya a catty bitch makes it less convincing that she could ever have passed for a believable good guy in the first place.
About Me

ain't nobody got time fo sigs

04/04/2015 06:52 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
theJudicator Wrote:
I don't think Jennifer Hale voices Tanya... doesn't sound like Jennifer Hale, check Sonya in "MK: The Journey Begins" animated series and Commander Jane Shepard from Mass Effect, Jennifer Hale voices them in there.

She sounds exactly like Killer Frost and Hawkgirl, both voiced by Jennifer Hale. And, she sounds like Alexandra Roivas (also voiced by Hale) from Eternal Darkness.

I'm 99% positive that's her.
theJudicator Wrote: Well Awesome then

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic...
Hale is certainly a capable voice actress, and can adjust her voice to many, many roles. It's not out of the question that you just heard her in roles when she's using a different delivery.

No man it wasn't sarcastic, sorry, i really mean it, it's pretty awesome having Jennifer Hale voicing for MKX, tho im used to Commander Shepard's voice (i prefer when she does that more of a serious tone)
04/04/2015 06:54 PM (UTC)
I think all the vids have been blocked
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/04/2015 06:54 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I feel like making Tanya a catty bitch makes it less convincing that she could ever have passed for a believable good guy in the first place.

Well considering she's not passing for a good guy in this timeline, that really doesn't matter. At least at the moment we see, she's out in the open and aligned with Mileena fighting against the good guys. She has nothing left to hide.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

04/04/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
The biggest gripe I have is that we got 3 post mk3 characters. I understand they wanted new but all I see is the same people with a twist. People who are back from the dead. Alot of characters are NPCs instead of actual playable ones. No cyborgs, no Sindel, Sareena is probably just a cameo along with a shit ton of mk4 and on characters we probably all would have wanted in rather than what we have.

Oh boy, shitty rant post. I'm sorry guys.

Its alright bro me too man I feel the same. With the oppurtunity they had they didn't even need to play it safe.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/04/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Omg I was never a huge fan of Tanya but now I'm SOLD! This bitch is badass! She's such a bitch I love it :'D Only thing I want now is her purple fireballs to return and some awesome variations.

Don't forget her necksnap AND her boomerang!


She's gonna be so awesome.

Kitana was looking like the top female in this game but she might definitely have some competition in her old "friend"- Tanya.
04/04/2015 06:57 PM (UTC)
rockyrockz95 Wrote:
I think all the vids have been blocked

They sure have. The WB gods are out in full force.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

04/04/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
rockyrockz95 Wrote:
I think all the vids have been blocked

They sure have. The WB gods are out in full force.

If they were out in full force, none of this shit would be getting leaked all over the place Lol
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