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05/05/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I just don't know how they could make a innovative konquest mode and still focus on the gameplay elements, gameplay in the end is what is important to the game, and I feel like unless they focused 100% on konquest it would come off as way too half assed. I liked konquest a lot but I doubt we'll be seeing it again.

I think MK fans have become used to justifications and excuses from NRS.


We can have both if they were compelled enough to try hard enough. It isn't an impossibility, just an improbability.
05/05/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Hell no. Story mode has to be in. It's what place MK apart from the other fighting games.

What they can do is make the next krypt an actual adventure game. Like deception konquest.

It'd require a lot of work and time though.

Oh Hell yes on this idea. Bring on all the realms! Zaterra, Edenia, Chaosrealm, Dreamrealm. That'd be so cool.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/05/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Umm.. yes.. Story Mode did suck. They bragged about how emersive it would be since it covers 25 years... But there are soo many plot holes and gaps and missing elements. It needed about 5 more chapters...

I would really love Konquest to come back. With next gen graphics and engine it could be really great. And much more interesting than the story mode crap we got in this game.

Plus, we'd get to interact with those beautiful Outworlders, Osh Tek warriors, Monks and Lin Kuei ninjas that we see in the game throughout.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

05/05/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
Keep the story mode but stop cutting back and forth in time and locations. A few disappointing plot holes are to be expected I guess but there is no need to remove the story mode.
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

05/05/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
Konquest 4sho
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05/05/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
MKD's konquest mode is to this day one of my all time least favorite MK experiences. For one thing, it looked horrendous, even back when it came out. Everything looked washed out and blocky, like an N64 game (okay, that's exaggerating a bit).

There was also a very small amount of stuff going in each realm, the realms were too small, exploration wasn't rewarding enough, and the idea of unlocking characters by being at the right place at the right time was ridiculous.

You were this one guy, running around in a fetch quest. Basically, Shaolin Monks was everything that I wanted this life to be but wasn't. Sorry if I offend anyone with my opinion here, but this was a huge letdown for me back in the day. I barely got through it.

To me, story mode is an evolution of Konquest mode. Instead of focusing on one character (Shujinko), story mode focuses on several. Story mode links these characters together in a cohesive narrative that's much more advanced in terms of character development and plot complexity.

All of that said, instead of looking backwards to Konquest, I think that they need to look forwards and evolve story mode.

For one thing, get rid of the chapters. We get what it means when the story changes from one character to another. It's nice that the MKX points of view aren't only focused on good guys like in MK9, but every character should shine in these.

NRS shouldn't be afraid to bounce around from character to character. Tailor the fights to the story. It's the one mode where doing that is acceptable.

Also, I'd like for them to tell a complete story. Cameos are fine, but if you're going to have multiple story threads, see them through. Give them enough time to breathe and develop. Don't just abandon characters or story threads.

They also need to stop with the plot holes too. Fans shouldn't know the lore better than NRS and if fans wonder why there's big chunks of time missing or why that character did that thing for no reason or why they just disappeared after a scene or two or whatever, NRS should too.

It's great to have a story to tell, but now it needs to be a good story, a full story, with characters that do believable things within the construct of the universe. The story should be twice as long, with vignettes during battles, chatter in battles tgatvreveal plot stuff, battles that have different circumstances applied to them and absolutely NO QTE's. I can't stress that enough. I didn't like them in God of War several years ago and I don't like them now.

I think that story mode can move forward and I think it should. I love the idea of an exploration / fighting MK game, which is why I'm still pining after Shaolin Monks 2, but that's not how I need the story mode to work in an MK game.
05/05/2015 04:44 AM (UTC)
LOL @ "you suck at making threads"

Story mode > konquest mode

MKD Konquest was a snooze fest. I'd rather them sharing the spotlight than focusing on one character (especially one that no one gives a damn about)

Story mode fleshed out the characters.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/05/2015 04:14 PM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
I liked the story up until the second half. I didn't mind the new kids, but at that point everything felt a bit rushed and the baddies felt strangely out of place, kind of like in MK9. The story was better than MK9 for sure, but the ending of MKX felt predictable and rushed.

Plus, the majority of the revenant twist was kind of useless, yet overused.

I could see that. I'll also agree with what Garlador had said in another thread that Cassie's victory didn't feel "earned". However, I still thoroughly enjoyed the young krew for the most part. I liked them all a LOT more than I thought I would. Especially Jacqui and Cassie.

MKX improved (or fixed) literally ALL of my complaints about MK9's story. Voice acting, animations, poor characterisation, effects, cinematics (grander scaled view of the story - not so much claustrophobia. It felt rather...limiting), and bonus points for actually being a "new" story with new characters. Aside from Cyber-Sub (which carried it's own demons), it had literally been, what, a decade since the franchise implemented anything new and exciting to the story. To be completely honest, aside from it being rushed, the Sindel church massacre didn't even bother me one bit. It was just everything else previously mentioned.

Thinking about it, I kind of wish Liu or Kitana defeated Shinnok to attain the Netherrealm throne Instead. Although I'm sure others would feel differently considering Liu has had his time in the spotlight. I guess he was also just bound to serve Shinnok.

But I'm ecstatic for that story arc, along with the return of Dark Raiden. The more I see it, the more I think his ending will be completely canon. I'm just wondering how he turned Dark. Was he corrupted by the amulet? Was he corrupted by Shinnok's essence in the Jinsei? So many questions.
05/05/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
First of all, I really love the Story mode in MKX and MK9 coz they raised the bar for story telling in a fighting game and would love to see it return. However as some of you have pointed out, it does raise a lot of questions and the feeling of wanting more in this version of MKX rather than having to wait for years for MKXI...unless a story pack emerges ???

That being said...I also miss the Deception Konquest mode with its free roam nature and ability to interact with all the previous mk characters was truly an amazing feeling. I remember just playing for days just roaming around the 6 realms as the story progressed.

My perfect MK, would be to have both Story mode for the main story arc and Konquest mode for side stories, maybe evolve the kurrent krypt format into Konquest mode instead and let us unlock stuff like before, they could easily leave all those chest lying around in there as well wink
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05/05/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
It's good to see that her story mode skin is still the preview on the new select screen update. I'm hoping this stays the same for her actual download as at least one skin or variation.
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