Story mode has to go! Bring back Konquest mode!
posted05/05/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Story mode sucked! I know a lot of you agree. It was just like a mini movie with minimum interaction. So if you (NRS) want a story movie (intro) just make the goddamn scenes without this limited and non sense game play.

Why the hell did you even cancelled the Konquest mode ? It was awesome. It was huge, it was mini game! So with the krypt I'm guessing MK 11 would have much more of game like Krypt or will be fucked up again and get no krypt because "it became a game within the game and we don't have time and resources for that" FUCKERS!! But you have the time to make this groundbreaking boring story mode that has no sense even!
05/04/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
Even though I like the story mode and how it was handled for the most part, I would not be against conquest coming back, like the one in MKD where we played as Shujinko, that (imo) was amazing. Free roaming/Exploring the realms was such a treat for me lol
05/04/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
You make the worst threads
05/04/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
There's nothing wrong with story mode, it has to do more with the story itself that people don't like. The presentation itself is fine and I hope that never changes.

Konquest mode needs to be it's own game in order to live up to people's expectations.
05/04/2015 02:42 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
You make the worst threads
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If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

05/04/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
Hell no. Story mode has to be in. It's what place MK apart from the other fighting games.

What they can do is make the next krypt an actual adventure game. Like deception konquest.

It'd require a lot of work and time though.
05/04/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
I agree, i miss konquest mode. That was sooo much fun.

Nowadays we just play story mode 1 time while on konquest we played a lot of times.
05/04/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
You make the worst threads
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05/04/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
MKD was still my favorite story, because Konquest allowed me to actually get immersed into the lore. It wasn't perfect, but that was one of our best looks at the universe. I agree. Let people explore the MKU, and trigger the cutscenes and fights based on interactions.

Also, there is nothing shitty about this thread. It has the merits of a post that can create a discussion.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

05/04/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
I do miss Konquest and I agree with Dibula. MKD's was right on point for the heavy lore fans. As said, it had it's downfalls, but the pros far outweighed the cons.

On a side note, does anyone care to elaborate on why MKX's story mode is catching so much flack?

...without using the "Scooby Gang" as a scapegoat. Because yes, while a little cheesy, the only scene that really prompted a facepalm was when they all decided to talk about their lives and sorted pasts in that ship's jail.
05/04/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
Konquest Mode sucks
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05/04/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I do miss Konquest and I agree with Dibula. MKD's was right on point for the heavy lore fans. As said, it had it's downfalls, but the pros far outweighed the cons.

On a side note, does anyone care to elaborate on why MKX's story mode is catching so much flack?

...without using the "Scooby Gang" as a scapegoat. Because yes, while a little cheesy, the only scene that really prompted a facepalm was when they all decided to talk about their lives and sorted pasts in that ship's jail.

I liked the story up until the second half. I didn't mind the new kids, but at that point everything felt a bit rushed and the baddies felt strangely out of place, kind of like in MK9. The story was better than MK9 for sure, but the ending of MKX felt predictable and rushed.

Plus, the majority of the revenant twist was kind of useless, yet overused.
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05/04/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
Umm.. yes.. Story Mode did suck. They bragged about how emersive it would be since it covers 25 years... But there are soo many plot holes and gaps and missing elements. It needed about 5 more chapters...

I would really love Konquest to come back. With next gen graphics and engine it could be really great. And much more interesting than the story mode crap we got in this game.
05/04/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
I just don't know how they could make a innovative konquest mode and still focus on the gameplay elements, gameplay in the end is what is important to the game, and I feel like unless they focused 100% on konquest it would come off as way too half assed. I liked konquest a lot but I doubt we'll be seeing it again.
05/04/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
I don't think it even matters if the story mode sucks or not. It needs to evolve like the rest of the game has. We've been stuck with this chapter format for 4 games. 4 games!!
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05/04/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
I loved story mode!
Just gotta say that, I don't get the hate towards it.
05/04/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
I loved story mode!
Just gotta say that, I don't get the hate towards it.

Me neither. And I thought the MK 9 story mode was hated more cause of all the characters being killed
05/04/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer a Story Mode that consists of a ladder of fights for each character with vignettes at the beginning and end of the ladder and between each fight in the animation style of character endings, so each character gets its story told from beginning to end and so there's an aura of mystique kept around Mortal Kombat's mythology.
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05/04/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Konquest Mode sucks
Mhm. Actually, I loved the MKDA Konquest. Just a shit load of text and lore.

NRS needs to stop devoting dev time to mini games anyway.
05/04/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I just don't know how they could make a innovative konquest mode and still focus on the gameplay elements, gameplay in the end is what is important to the game, and I feel like unless they focused 100% on konquest it would come off as way too half assed. I liked konquest a lot but I doubt we'll be seeing it again.

Which is why I say it would have to be a standalone game. There's no way it could still be a balanced fighting game and have this MMO type of exploring kind of thing going on.
05/04/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
redman Wrote:
I just don't know how they could make a innovative konquest mode and still focus on the gameplay elements, gameplay in the end is what is important to the game, and I feel like unless they focused 100% on konquest it would come off as way too half assed. I liked konquest a lot but I doubt we'll be seeing it again.

Which is why I say it would have to be a standalone game. There's no way it could still be a balanced fighting game and have this MMO type of exploring kind of thing going on.

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05/04/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
There are 3 things I want to be great in an MK Game. Gameplay, the Krypt, and a good Konquest/Story...

The story mode in MKX sucked. What did people really like about it? It barely explained anything. it was suppose to cover a 25 year period but left out ENORMOUS gaps of story and plot. Why did Kai not even get a mention when he was heavily involved in MK4? Why did Fujin disappear? Where did Raiden go when he disappeared from the story and then later told Bo Rai Cho that he visited multiple realms. Why the hell was Goro around, any why did he have his arms again?

All the stuff like this could have been covered better in a Konquest like story Mode. And frankly, is much more interesting than a lot of the story they did choose to tell. Kotal's Civil war really had nothing at all to do with the main story involving Shinnok....

I don't need the million test your "Insert random thing" games. I don't need a mobile game that is a pain to play.. I don't need a ton of fluff and filler. Spend time developing a wonderful Konquest with a few really awesome cinematics (that don't make you have to push buttons in the middle of them).. Keep the game play which I loved (although id take 2 strong Variations instead of 3 okay ones) And keep the Krypt how it is and I think the next game would be much better than this one.

I just think a fully fleshed out Konquest type story mode is better suited to telling a fuller story and expanding the mythology. Story mode as is, is glorified combat ladder.

05/04/2015 08:00 PM (UTC)
Ugh, I've been begging the gods for a return of konquest mode since MK7. Konquest mode was one of the most memorable parts of the MK franchise for me. I still play through them, both MKD and MKA, at least once a year and it never gets old. MKD konquest mode gives me the most nostalgia of any of the games except for MK1 and 2. What did get old for me though was the 1 on 1 fighting. Not that I hate it. But I need something more in addition to the 1 on 1 matches. I used to love fighting games just for the fighting but I grew and became more interested in lore and exploration. Until konquest returns I will always be at least slightly let down no matter how good the game is. A real adventure game is overdue imo. If not konquest, at least a stand alone adventure game. Maybe bring back the cancelled sequel to Shaolin Monks. But yes an MK with MKD style konquest on todays tech and MKX style krypt along with an Art book/encyclopedia included would for me be the epic MK game that I long for.
05/04/2015 08:27 PM (UTC)
Konquest mode = story mode. Was Deception's and Armageddon's konquest mode not the story for both games? Don't know why people are treating them as separate things.

I have nothing against MK9's or X's story mode, but I am a little surprised some people actually prefer to sit through an entire 2 hours of cutscenes with a 2 round match every 3-5 minutes as opposed to MKD's and A's story mode. With konquest mode you get the story, as well as free roam, side missions, and most fun of all, secrets and unlockables (something MK has been lacking lately). I respect people's opinion, but konquest adds way more value to the game.
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05/04/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
ntokheim Wrote:
Ugh, I've been begging the gods for a return of konquest mode since MK7. Konquest mode was one of the most memorable parts of the MK franchise for me. I still play through them, both MKD and MKA, at least once a year and it never gets old. MKD konquest mode gives me the most nostalgia of any of the games except for MK1 and 2. What did get old for me though was the 1 on 1 fighting. Not that I hate it. But I need something more in addition to the 1 on 1 matches. I used to love fighting games just for the fighting but I grew and became more interested in lore and exploration. Until konquest returns I will always be at least slightly let down no matter how good the game is. A real adventure game is overdue imo. If not konquest, at least a stand alone adventure game. Maybe bring back the cancelled sequel to Shaolin Monks. But yes an MK with MKD style konquest on todays tech and MKX style krypt along with an Art book/encyclopedia included would for me be the epic MK game that I long for.

This. Exactly this.

I actually think story mode makes the storytelling too restricted because they have to make the fights fit around each character's story. I think a konquest type mode could kill 2 modes with one stone. It would be story mode, but in Konquest mode style. You could still have the fights but they wouldn't be restricted to one particular characters fights all at once. You could have different characters fighting in different areas/realms and then come back at different times of the story, plus yltheubcoukd fit in so much more storytelling and lore elements.

To me, there is just soooo much more untapped potential in Konquest mode eespecially with current gen game systems.
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