03/12/2015 10:59 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Point is- Yes, that leak could have been correct. Or it could have just been a close estimate and we could still have a few more characters left to join.

What is seeming "likely" doesn't matter, there's room for speculation as nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet.

We can't state what will be until we actually know for ourselves. Which will be soon. Until then- Let people speculate.

Speculate, hope, discuss, do whatever you like. That's what we're here for. I'm just telling you the unfortunate reality is, the leaked list is final. That's not a prediction, it's a spoiler. I don't like it either, but it sucks to see everyone grasp at every little sign, when it always leads to the same outcome...disappointment and/or anger.

That's not me trying to kill anyone's hopes, excitement, or raining on the parade... I just think all signs point to a specific direction, and NRS has said or done nothing to push this belief of more characters beyond that.

If I'm wrong, by all means I'll be the first to admit, take ownership, and be the happiest man in doing so knowing we got more than what's on the leaked roster. I'd love to get Fujin, Smoke, Reiko, Rain etc. But it's clear what's happening here.

I'm choosing the safer, smarter option for my own personal happiness and satisfaction. Hell, I have $10 riding on it, in a bet with Temp and Django.

As for a source? Anybody that's in the actual know, isn't going to come out and give themselves away and shoot themselves in the foot like that. So I wouldn't expect a confirmation 'til the game itself is leaked. But the evidence is strongly favoring one side, and that evidence coincides with the leaked list. If there were more, why wouldn't anyone who actually knows something, NRS member, tester, or someone with an in-source, say otherwise? And no, I don't buy into that dude on twitter who used click bait answers that contradicted themselves with uncertainty, and has faded into obscurity as a legitimate reason to give hope.

You really need to learn the difference between something that may seem likely to you in light of available evidence, and something actually confirmed as fact.

Unless you have an inside source confirming this for you, you really need to ease up on the certainty with which you speak about this because it's coming off a little arrogant and rude.

Dude is a wet blanket. He jumps down everyone else's throats for disagreeing and have a different opinion but yet he's perfectly fine with speaking with 100% certainty because in his mind he's right and that's all there is to it.

Not worth putting your energy into him or others like him.

How the fuck is blackcyborg jumping down anyone's throat? Nothing he has said has been hostile at all. You're the one taking everything personally.

I appreciate that. I said nothing insulting. Nothing about "you have to believe me, you're crazy otherwise" etc.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Dude is a wet blanket. He jumps down everyone else's throats for disagreeing and have a different opinion but yet he's perfectly fine with speaking with 100% certainty because in his mind he's right and that's all there is to it.

Not worth putting your energy into him or others like him.

I find it a little funny, yet disheartening, that after a spat on the forums over something so trivial, I'll go out of my way to PM you, and clear the air. That instead of putting you on blast in front of everyone when it gets "personal"(as if it ever needs to be), I message you in private and voice my point of view, and ultimately, hope to keep things smooth regardless of difference in opinion. You'll agree, apologize, and admit it gets to be a bit much, and things get out of hand...yet here we are again, and who's overreacting to whom, throwing those stones, and making those accusations? At what point do I stop being cast as the bad guy every time, and we start seeing things for what they really are?
03/12/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Yeah that makes sense, But I hoped we would see more of Human Smoke helping Earthrealm. Don't get me wrong, I want to see more of his Enenra side, But not at the expense of him going full evil. True he didn't do much in MK9 but I just liked him as human fighting with the Earthrealm warriors.

I guess we will see tomorrow but if he still has a mask then he is still a ninja as opposed to an enenra demon, I think. Unless he has that weird mask from MKD.

I totally get it. The thing about the MK9 ending is that it was really ambiguous over what Smoke thought of himself with all of these memories unlocked. We won't know for certain how much of his behavior is his own until he's freed from Quan Chi's control, if that ever happens.

A lot of people have become used to thinking of that huge demon in his ending as his Enenra form; but they also describe him as 'shapeless' - he can appear how he wishes to appear. He can very well be both ninja-esque an an enenra at the same time.

True we don't know much about his demon and how he will act now that he knows his true power, But that's what I hope we will get to see. I hope we see what will he do if he is ever freed from Quan Chi's control.

Will he fight for Earthrealm and still be friends with Subby. Actually now that we are talking about it. Do you think it's possible Noob and Smoke could team up again. I don't expect a Noob-Smoke again but I'm wondering if they would meet and work together, considering Smoke under Quan Chi's control is evil and Noob is evil anyway. Since they are both working for Quan Chi, it would be nice if they reference it in the story at least. That's assuming Noob appears.
03/12/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Also: can't there be like a single "leaked roster speculation" thread so everyone can go sling shit at each other there while I just revel in the fact Smoke's been developed? thx

LOL grin Everyone should just calm down, take a deep breath and relaxxxxx.

BC is probably right, that IS our initial roster.

However, there is still the possibility of things we do not yet know; unlockables, bosses, DLC, the chance of exclusive Tower cameos, hidden fighters akin to the Klassic fights with Jade, Smoke, ect. These are all possibilities knowing how full NRS pumps their MK games. There's still TONS we do not know about this game. Is it possible some of what I listed may be in the game? Yes. Is it also possible none of that will occur and we already know the boss/sub-boss? Again, yes.

It's okay to be cautiously optimistic, but it's bad to go running in on blind faith and then be upset with the end result. I'm just saying there are still a lot of unknown variables at the moment and taking NRS into account, I wouldn't be surprised if there's hidden shit in either the console game or the mobile game as far as characters go.
03/12/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Also: can't there be like a single "leaked roster speculation" thread so everyone can go sling shit at each other there while I just revel in the fact Smoke's been developed? thx

LOL grin Everyone should just calm down, take a deep breath and relaxxxxx.

BC is probably right, that IS our initial roster.

However, there is still the possibility of things we do not yet know; unlockables, bosses, DLC, the chance of exclusive Tower cameos, hidden fighters akin to the Klassic fights with Jade, Smoke, ect. These are all possibilities knowing how full NRS pumps their MK games. There's still TONS we do not know about this game. Is it possible some of what I listed may be in the game? Yes. Is it also possible none of that will occur and we already know the boss/sub-boss? Again, yes.

It's okay to be cautiously optimistic, but it's bad to go running in on blind faith and then be upset with the end result. I'm just saying there are still a lot of unknown variables at the moment and taking NRS into account, I wouldn't be surprised if there's hidden shit in either the console game or the mobile game as far as characters go.

look to the toasty boost from mk9 for faith. boon and co have always taken pride in hiding content for the fans to find. all hope is not lost.
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03/12/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
As a massive Smoke fan... I Don't want them to undermine the great work they did on him in MK9.. He had a great move set, great fatalites, and for Shits sake was fiiiiiinally human again... after more than a decade of human Smoke fans begging for it (myself included) I really hope they don't give him his stupid Deception Mask... And I really liked his story! If he in an Enenra, hopefully he helps the other characters escape the NetherRealm. Isn't Sareena a demon too? Quan Chi doesn't control her, and she is able to think for herself.. Having been spared being turned into a Cyborg, his Sub-Zero was turned into one instead... it would be awesome if Smoke used his newfound ability to save him in the Nether Realm.

Siiiigh... a Smoke fan can dream...
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/13/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
When your entire post is a spoiler, it's so much easier to put spoiler tags in the subject, and post regular, uncovered text.
03/13/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
When your entire post is a spoiler, it's so much easier to put spoiler tags in the subject, and post regular, uncovered text.

Well people tend to bitch either way so this way is much easier, that way if they click it and still bitch, its their own fault.
03/13/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
When your entire post is a spoiler, it's so much easier to put spoiler tags in the subject, and post regular, uncovered text.

Well people tend to bitch either way so this way is much easier, that way if they click it and still bitch, its their own fault.

i mean "Story details" title automatically means spoiler
03/13/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
i still i wonder why cassie n Kung jin was fighting the rev sindel n kitana......
03/13/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
Smoke was top tier last game. If he has a new outfit and his demon side has taken over, I think his chances have gone up. For the sake of the competitive scene, his chances were already pretty decent. Shit, if Smoke, Rain, and Fujin are all in, this is my favorite roster of any MK game to date. I kinda doubt they're all in, but they all have pretty solid chances. Fujin especially, because I was pretty damn sure he was gonna die somehow as justification for leaving him out.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/13/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
When your entire post is a spoiler, it's so much easier to put spoiler tags in the subject, and post regular, uncovered text.

Well people tend to bitch either way so this way is much easier, that way if they click it and still bitch, its their own fault.

Next time, fuck them bitches.
About Me

03/13/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)
Guys, from the details given about the storymode there will be lots of NPC that you can fight against, I don't think they'd make every revenant playable in this game.
03/13/2015 01:45 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Guys, from the details given about the storymode there will be lots of NPC that you can fight against, I don't think they'd make every revenant playable in this game.

I don't think you'll get to play against them, Characters might fight them in Cutscenes Sort of like Motaro fought Johnny. But I do hope you are right because I'm getting the game on PC. and if I am able to fight against characters like Kabal,Stryker And Smoke. Then for me they will be playable :).
03/13/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
Regarding the "leaked roster", SO far it looks legit.

BUT, there always could be more secret hush-hush characters so we will have to wait and see until release date I guess.
03/13/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Regarding the "leaked roster", SO far it looks legit.

BUT, there always could be more secret hush-hush characters so we will have to wait and see until release date I guess.

That's what I'm thinkin'. I'm thinkin' the list is accurate but there are still secrets unaccounted for. Whether those secrets are characters or not is up in the air, but who's to say they aren't?
Shadaloo Wrote:



He means it!!! Don't tempt him! tongue
On a serious note, im happy Smoke is back... i hope is playble and becames Smoke persona later in story mode. Plus i hope his costume is epic like his MK9 Alt. Not a fan of the hair :-\
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03/13/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
Oh man. That Shinnok read... <3
03/13/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
The story mode sounds so great, I'm beyond hyped for it.
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