Story Mode First Chapter details *Smoke fans may wanna see this*
posted03/13/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 02:25 PM (UTC)
Compiled these from various sources. Spoilers, obviously;

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

- The Kombatant statues is the opening cinematic.

- The game opens with the helicopter scene where Scorpion (MK9 attire) and Sub-Zero as a revenant (the costume we saw from the original trailer) attack Sonya, Johnny & Kenshi (in his MK9 attire). The chopper crashes and you fight the two attackers in the Destroyed City.

- Raiden & Fujin are defending the Sky Temple against an onslaught of Oni.

- Raiden gets overwhelmed but Fujin dismembers them with his staff and conjures a huge whirlwind to dispatch a larger number of their attackers.

- Quan Chi appears and commands revenants Stryker, Kabal and Sindel at his side to attack.

- Sonya, Johnny & Kenshi are making their way through a forest towards a portal and are ambushed by revenants Nightwolf, Smoke and Jax.

- Smoke (In a masked, new costume) engages Johnny Cage in Kombat, declaring "Smoke is dead, I am an enenra!"

- Johnny Cage & Sonya defeat Jax (who has a variation named Pumped Up) and vows to fix him someday.

- Kenshi, Sonya and Johnny regroup and press on, entering a cavern. Sento guides the group through the caverns, the sword illuminates glowing blue symbols etched into the rock walls. Johnny then quips that Kenshi's ancestors should "hurry up" to find the portals location.

- Back at the Sky Temple, Raiden and Fujin take out the 3 revenants but Quan Chi handles them both.

- A pair of skeletal hands erupt from the ground and begin to open up, revealing Shinnok within them. Shinnok then blasts the two gods unconscious with a sinister energy from his Amulet whilst threatening to destroy all lifeforces on Earth by corrupting the Jinsei (an existence that controls life on Earthrealm).

- Sonya and Johnny arrive and tag team Shinnok. Shinnok knocks Sonya unconscious then uses an impressive set of spells against Johnny, which debilitate him.

- Shinnok goes to finish off Sonya with a powerful magic that emblazons from his Amulet, but Johnny imbues himself with his green energy and jumps in the way and absorbs the blast, saving her.

- Shinnok fight reveals a variation named Imposter.

- Johnny Cage stylishly kicks the Amulet towards Raiden for which he then blasts Shinnok with its power, eventually consuming him, imprisoning him once more. Raiden then declares to keep the Amulet in his possession but to present it to the Elder Gods for counsel, Fujin confers and Johnny quips about Shinnok - "Enjoy your new digs, Gramps!"
03/12/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
Oh man if Smoke is an Enenra in this game but isn't playable...Jimmies will be rustled lol
03/12/2015 09:21 PM (UTC)
I'm scared to read the spoiler. I don't know if I'm strong enough to resist, the hype is too strong!
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03/12/2015 09:23 PM (UTC)
If they show us this on the stream tomorrow I will fucking die. I simply cannot wait to play this game.
03/12/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
I don't get it, wasn't Smoke always an enenra? Wasn't that like his whole story in this timeline. He was sacrificed as a child to a demon and then came back as an enenra? So it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him to say "Smoke is dead, I am an enenra!". You were always an enenra you idiot. You just kept using your human form. Guess the writing for MKX will be more of a pain than the writing in MK9 was.
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03/12/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
I really hope Smoke doesn't all of a sudden go bad just because he is an Enenra....
03/12/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
*or Cage fans may want to see this*

You've been very busy today KenshiMaster, thanks for all the info. This is all new to what I've been searching for today.

As douchey as he can seem, I always felt Cage was honorable, and it's great to see a man do his job and defend his woman.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/12/2015 09:31 PM (UTC)


03/12/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.
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03/12/2015 09:36 PM (UTC)
I'll just be happy if Smoke makes it in the game! I would be a little sad though if he was a NPC
03/12/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:

Easy Gus wow
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/12/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.

From the whole description it sounds like Johnny beats him offscreen before turning to help with another fight.

Mah boi's DLC, I just know it. grin
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/12/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
Did anyone instinctively yell out, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" and look to the skies(err, or ceiling) in triumph at reading the part about Smoke having a new costume and talking about being an enenra?

More and more I am leaning toward the leaked roster either being an incredibly lucky guess, or just not having been the finalized roster.

I think Smoke, Rain, Reiko and Havik all have good shots at making it in. And that makes me fucking ecstatic. grin
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/12/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.

From the whole description it sounds like Johnny beats him offscreen before turning to help with another fight.

Mah boi's DLC, I just know it. grin

But didn't they say that DLC would be people not involved in story mode?

I think your boy will actually be on the initial roster.
03/12/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.

From the whole description it sounds like Johnny beats him offscreen before turning to help with another fight.

Mah boi's DLC, I just know it. grin

Maybe Cage helps out Smoke in the long run. They had a lot of interaction during the MK2 era of story mode, and lined up next to each other before the Sindel fight.
03/12/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
Fujin has his MKA staff that he never got! Fucking sweet

So glad he seems to play a big role in this early chapter. I hope he is playable fuck
03/12/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.

From the whole description it sounds like Johnny beats him offscreen before turning to help with another fight.

Mah boi's DLC, I just know it. grin

But didn't they say that DLC would be people not involved in story mode?

I think your boy will actually be on the initial roster.

Leaked roster will be the final roster. Smoke is a great example of an NPC in story mode, that is a decent contender for DLC due to his new outfit/model.
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-sig by MINION

03/12/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
That seems rather abbreviated. I was hoping they'd spend more time on the Neatherrealm war.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/12/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:

But didn't they say that DLC would be people not involved in story mode?

I think your boy will actually be on the initial roster.

Judging from all the mentions of tons of cameos, etc, it seems to me like it'll be harder to find people who won't be in Story mode than who will.

I'm getting the feeling he's one of those guys that's going to stay dead - especially now that we know he's an enenra - if dead even counts for a supernatural entity like this. I don't think there's going to be room for him to have a huge Story mode presence now; what with the focus on the new blood, I'm guessing he's going to be on grunt level with Reptile, etc. Probably still working for the Netherealm through Story mode (Remember that we see Revenant Kitana fighting the kids; the Netherrealm will be a steady Story mode presence, no doubt).

I'd love him to be on the initial roster, but I ain't gonna make the mistake of over-hyping myself. Lord knows it'd be nice though...
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/12/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.

From the whole description it sounds like Johnny beats him offscreen before turning to help with another fight.

Mah boi's DLC, I just know it. grin

But didn't they say that DLC would be people not involved in story mode?

I think your boy will actually be on the initial roster.

Leaked roster will be the final roster. Smoke is a great example of an NPC in story mode, that is a decent contender for DLC due to his new outfit/model.

Care to offer some actual proof that the leaked roster will be the final roster?

I'm not saying it was necessarily not a legit leak but I'm not convinced anymore(I was a couple weeks back) that what was leaked is the 'final roster'.

Again, they already said DLC won't be people who are involved in the story mode.
03/12/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
That seems rather abbreviated. I was hoping they'd spend more time on the Neatherrealm war.

Agreed, but I think there's going to be a Lost style of MK's story this go around. We'll get bits and pieces when necessary, but leave enough out so when the truth comes out, significant minds will be blown.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/12/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
So... Smoke with a new costume talking about what MK9 ending revealed about him and... is he in a 1 vs 1 fight or is a quick time event?

So far we have at least Fujin, Rain and Smoke with new costumes and not included in the each day more fake (or at least only partial to play safe because it was just a prediction) roster.

From the whole description it sounds like Johnny beats him offscreen before turning to help with another fight.

Mah boi's DLC, I just know it. grin

But didn't they say that DLC would be people not involved in story mode?

I think your boy will actually be on the initial roster.

Leaked roster will be the final roster.

Says who?
03/12/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
Leaked roster will be the final roster.

Says who?

No one so far, but as information is being steadily revealed, it all points towards that fact that the initial leak was on point.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/12/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
Leaked roster will be the final roster.

Says who?

No one so far, but as information is being steadily revealed, it all points towards that fact that the initial leak was on point.

I agree, but until we officially know that we should stop stating it as FACT.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/12/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
Leaked roster will be the final roster.

Says who?

No one so far, but as information is being steadily revealed, it all points towards that fact that the initial leak was on point.

There is a huge difference between the leak being legitimate and it having been the finalized roster that was leaked.
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