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01/21/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
I hope Scorpion dies for good and they replace him with Takeda. Or have they already done that. . .?
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-sig by MINION

01/21/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
From the description of the web series it seems like Takeda will be a replacement for Kenshi so Scorpion will still.be around.
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01/21/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
A good ending for scorpy would be for his soul to finally rest in peace, instead of the literally living hell he endures since the start of MK.
01/21/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
I hope Scorpion dies for good and they replace him with Takeda. Or have they already done that. . .?

Well...they had Takeda become Scorpion once heh.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

01/22/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
Kano will most definitely bite it.
01/22/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Going to go a step further and also count people I think'll get killed off in the comic leading up to release. Wild speculation follows:

Daegon - Guessing killed off during the comic; the Red Dragon won't be a factor in this game.

Mavado - Ditto

Kobra - Predicting comic death by Cassie's hand.

Blaze - Furthering the above tangent, Daegon's death will be sensed by Blaze, who'll approach Taven to tell him the contest is off; Taven will fulfill his destiny and take Blaze out, putting the final nail in the coffin of the Armageddon battle, which we know we're already on the path to avoiding.

Onaga - The Kamidogu are already altered in some way; wagering something changed along Shujinko's path that will prevent the dragon king from ever awakening, or 'Damashi' was reducted to nothing somehow.

Sektor, possibly Cyrax - Sub-Zero already cleaning house during the comics.

Chameleon - Of the opinion he's the white ninja in the MK comics and is the fallen ally Kotal wants to avenge.

Reiko - Killed once Kotal comes back to take care of business.

Mileena - same, though I think she'll be on the run for a bit. I think she could last well into Story mode, but my gut tells me she's not going to make it through. I think Kitana might catch up with her.

Drahmin - likely dealt with by Quan just as he dealt with Moloch.

Sonya or Johnny - Probably Sonya so we get the hilarious result of Cage never dying once throughout the new timeline. Just don't see both of Cassie's folks making it all the way through.

Kano - bullet to the head courtesy Sonya or Cassie.

Quan Chi - Already considered 'In the past' after the Netherealm war. Probably doesn't make it halfway through Story mode.

Shinnok - ditto

Raiden - seems to already be going down a very dark path; this won't end well.

Kotal Khan - 'Rise and fall'.

Looking forward to coming back to this thread in a few months and seeing just how off-base I am.

I think you're off base with Quan Chi. NRS fucking loves Quan Chi. They'll keep him around purely for his necromancy/deus ex machina skills if nothing else.
01/22/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Going to go a step further and also count people I think'll get killed off in the comic leading up to release. Wild speculation follows:

Daegon - Guessing killed off during the comic; the Red Dragon won't be a factor in this game.

Mavado - Ditto

Kobra - Predicting comic death by Cassie's hand.

Blaze - Furthering the above tangent, Daegon's death will be sensed by Blaze, who'll approach Taven to tell him the contest is off; Taven will fulfill his destiny and take Blaze out, putting the final nail in the coffin of the Armageddon battle, which we know we're already on the path to avoiding.

Onaga - The Kamidogu are already altered in some way; wagering something changed along Shujinko's path that will prevent the dragon king from ever awakening, or 'Damashi' was reducted to nothing somehow.

Sektor, possibly Cyrax - Sub-Zero already cleaning house during the comics.

Chameleon - Of the opinion he's the white ninja in the MK comics and is the fallen ally Kotal wants to avenge.

Reiko - Killed once Kotal comes back to take care of business.

Mileena - same, though I think she'll be on the run for a bit. I think she could last well into Story mode, but my gut tells me she's not going to make it through. I think Kitana might catch up with her.

Drahmin - likely dealt with by Quan just as he dealt with Moloch.

Sonya or Johnny - Probably Sonya so we get the hilarious result of Cage never dying once throughout the new timeline. Just don't see both of Cassie's folks making it all the way through.

Kano - bullet to the head courtesy Sonya or Cassie.

Quan Chi - Already considered 'In the past' after the Netherealm war. Probably doesn't make it halfway through Story mode.

Shinnok - ditto

Raiden - seems to already be going down a very dark path; this won't end well.

Kotal Khan - 'Rise and fall'.

Looking forward to coming back to this thread in a few months and seeing just how off-base I am.

I think you're off base with Quan Chi. NRS fucking loves Quan Chi. They'll keep him around purely for his necromancy/deus ex machina skills if nothing else.

If MK9 proved anything, just because they love a character doesn't mean they're off limits. Sub-Zero died for crying out loud. 1/2 of the MK poster child team. If Sub-Zero can bite it, Quan Chi can bite it. He'd be back next game through some sort of reviving method anyway.
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