01/19/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
I agree that NRS better shed light on the returning that got revived, in story-mode. Yes, that includes Shang although he didn't die.
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01/19/2015 04:38 PM (UTC)
Yeah, when you decide to revive half the MK9 cast it is hard to take death serious in this game. So basically, it doesn't matter who dies since It will have no consequences anyway. They might have a (good) reason for bringing the dead back in this game but it doesn't change the fact that there are (easy) ways of doing it. I still would have prefered it if Kung Lao and Kitana were not in this game, no matter what the reason for their revival.

Having said that, I think Kano, Quan Chi, and Raiden will die in this game among others
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01/19/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
Going to go a step further and also count people I think'll get killed off in the comic leading up to release. Wild speculation follows:

Daegon - Guessing killed off during the comic; the Red Dragon won't be a factor in this game.

Mavado - Ditto

Kobra - Predicting comic death by Cassie's hand.

Blaze - Furthering the above tangent, Daegon's death will be sensed by Blaze, who'll approach Taven to tell him the contest is off; Taven will fulfill his destiny and take Blaze out, putting the final nail in the coffin of the Armageddon battle, which we know we're already on the path to avoiding.

Onaga - The Kamidogu are already altered in some way; wagering something changed along Shujinko's path that will prevent the dragon king from ever awakening, or 'Damashi' was reducted to nothing somehow.

Sektor, possibly Cyrax - Sub-Zero already cleaning house during the comics.

Chameleon - Of the opinion he's the white ninja in the MK comics and is the fallen ally Kotal wants to avenge.

Reiko - Killed once Kotal comes back to take care of business.

Mileena - same, though I think she'll be on the run for a bit. I think she could last well into Story mode, but my gut tells me she's not going to make it through. I think Kitana might catch up with her.

Drahmin - likely dealt with by Quan just as he dealt with Moloch.

Sonya or Johnny - Probably Sonya so we get the hilarious result of Cage never dying once throughout the new timeline. Just don't see both of Cassie's folks making it all the way through.

Kano - bullet to the head courtesy Sonya or Cassie.

Quan Chi - Already considered 'In the past' after the Netherealm war. Probably doesn't make it halfway through Story mode.

Shinnok - ditto

Raiden - seems to already be going down a very dark path; this won't end well.

Kotal Khan - 'Rise and fall'.

Looking forward to coming back to this thread in a few months and seeing just how off-base I am.
01/19/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Going to go a step further and also count people I think'll get killed off in the comic leading up to release. Wild speculation follows:

Daegon - Guessing killed off during the comic; the Red Dragon won't be a factor in this game.

Mavado - Ditto

Kobra - Predicting comic death by Cassie's hand.

Blaze - Furthering the above tangent, Daegon's death will be sensed by Blaze, who'll approach Taven to tell him the contest is off; Taven will fulfill his destiny and take Blaze out, putting the final nail in the coffin of the Armageddon battle, which we know we're already on the path to avoiding.

Onaga - The Kamidogu are already altered in some way; wagering something changed along Shujinko's path that will prevent the dragon king from ever awakening, or 'Damashi' was reducted to nothing somehow.

Sektor, possibly Cyrax - Sub-Zero already cleaning house during the comics.

Chameleon - Of the opinion he's the white ninja in the MK comics and is the fallen ally Kotal wants to avenge.

Reiko - Killed once Kotal comes back to take care of business.

Mileena - same, though I think she'll be on the run for a bit. I think she could last well into Story mode, but my gut tells me she's not going to make it through. I think Kitana might catch up with her.

Drahmin - likely dealt with by Quan just as he dealt with Moloch.

Sonya or Johnny - Probably Sonya so we get the hilarious result of Cage never dying once throughout the new timeline. Just don't see both of Cassie's folks making it all the way through.

Kano - bullet to the head courtesy Sonya or Cassie.

Quan Chi - Already considered 'In the past' after the Netherealm war. Probably doesn't make it halfway through Story mode.

Shinnok - ditto

Raiden - seems to already be going down a very dark path; this won't end well.

Kotal Khan - 'Rise and fall'.

Looking forward to coming back to this thread in a few months and seeing just how off-base I am.

Agree pretty much completely with your list save for Mileena. Don't really see her biting the bullet, at least not quite yet.

I'll even +1 you and add Jarek to that list.
01/19/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
Sonya has not been able to take out her target since the start and I don't really want to see Cassie being apart of this. So, I see Johnny Cage taking care of business.
01/19/2015 05:51 PM (UTC)
Remember when death used to mean something in MK? Yeah me neither.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/19/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
Story mode sucks. Bring back Konquest mode booN!

Yeah pretty much. I'm just not a big fan of the chapter system.

As for who's going to die? One of the Sub-Zeros, Raiden/Liu Kang, Quan Chi, Baraka/Mileena, Reiko, Shinnok, Sonya, Kano, Sektor, and probably Goro.

This. I appreciate what they accomplished with MK9 and Injustice, but it just doesn't beat ACTUALLY getting to walk around the realms, exploring, finding secrets, walking into familiar faces.

I guess what I'm saying here is give me a Mortal Kombat MMO. lol As for Story Mode, people will die sure, but they'll be back come MK11. lol

No, you just can't beat traversing the realms and exploring the lore for yourself, that's fersure. I guess it's hard to complain too much about the chapter system though, because I know they do that for the fans so every character can "shine", and so new players can get a feel for each character until they find the ones that suit their style.

But I don't like it, lol.

There has to be a better alternative.
01/19/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
As I've said in another thread. Many are wondering how is Kung Lao and now Kitana, who supposedly die in MK9 story mode but are still in MKX. This is because you guys assume the story mode is the end all of what happened story wise, but it's not. It's usually up to the next game of the series to explain what really happened in the previous. For example, in Armageddon, many assume that Taven defeated Blaze because that's how the Konquest ended, but we later learned in MK9, it was Shao Kahn who defeated Blaze.

And behind the storyline, it's up to NRS to decide who really die and who make it to the next game. Who benefit progress of the story, and who doesn't. To this end, they can modify the story how they see fit. For example, they can simply slightly modify what happened in MK9 story mode, and have Kung Lao was not killed by Shao Kahn and Kitana were not killed by Sindel. They can simply do that, even use bogus reasons like the reason why Johnny Cage didn't stay dead after MK3 because Shao Kahn merger block his entrance into the Heavens. Many complain that nobody really stay dead in MK. But it's up to the NRS team, and if they want a certain character to stay alive, even if it appear he's dead in a game, they will do it.

So while in the story mode in MKX, there will be deaths but there are still possibility that the death will not be canon deaths, and the characters may return in future games. It's up to NRS to see how the characters fit and should return or not.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/19/2015 08:55 PM (UTC)
Hear hear for Konquest coming back!
01/19/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Hear hear for Konquest coming back!

Agreed! I would prefer we went back to the Deadly Alliance way of things where you learned more about the character through conquest, and through the little pieces of lore sprinkled throughout the game.

If there is one thing NRS proved to us with the last two MK games, it's that they have not improved since MK4.

They are still only good at telling rather than they are at showing. God the MK2011 story mode is painful to play through.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/19/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I would like to see Quan-Chi die.

Good luck with that one.lol
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01/20/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
What if some of the fatalities the characters have are also storymode fatalities just like Liu Kang's punch through the heart fatality in MK9 ?
01/20/2015 12:47 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
What if some of the fatalities the characters have are also storymode fatalities just like Liu Kang's punch through the heart fatality in MK9 ?

Yet Kahn survived it.
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01/20/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
But of course is up to NRS to decide what character gets to be in, what's relevant is the reason behind it. Fans who don't give a crap about the story elements and progression completely miss the point of why people are shocked/upset about the quality of the plot and the narrative. I know that what I'm about to say may shock and confuse some individuals but some fans expect NRS to improve in all accounts, not only graphics and gameplay.

How can people have such a hard time understanding not all of us appreciate this franchise for the same reasons. The reboot introduced new opportunities as well as the potential for better story-writing and a fresh start for the plot.

A lot of things happened in MK9, including deaths, is not that the ones complaining want them to stay dead or have something against fan favourites characters (dem haterz), they want the events that happened to matter, consistency. Is the fact that some have higher expectations in regards to a particular aspect of the game so baffling to this board?

Everything that happened or is happening in the franchise has the potential to change for good, none of the flaws need to stay forever, there's always room for improvement, acting as dense apologists on certain aspects of the game you clearly don't care as much is hurts the overall experience for the rest.

Imagine this, user A is very into the competitive side of the game, and has some issues and criticism regarding some gameplay mechanics that affect its competitive potential. User B enjoys the game for other reasons ,he doesn't see any problems because that doesn't really interest him. In his narrow view or shallow understanding of the subject, expresses that he doesn't understand what all the buzz is about since mortal kombat has always had those flaws so why should they expect any better, and proceeds to suggest user A problems are stem from ignorance, despite the fact that the franchise is over 2 decades and has addressed many game-play issues over that period.

What if the 3D era became the norm? after all, it lasted a decade, and the majority stated: "well that's the way Midway/NRS handles things, I'm surprised how anyone can be unsatisfied or shocked that they are not trying to improve"

That kind of attitude only hurts the franchise's development, by ever lowering the standards.

A lot of characters have died during MK ,at least some of them took a break from a title or two, bringing them back intermediately hurts the suspension of disbelieve for future deaths.

If they were going to do that, why not just, huh..I dont know, not kill them? It's all about planning ahead in order to reach a compromise between fan demand and decent writing.

For example: we're going to have lots of available alive characters that are going to get pushed aside for returning favs, some of us expected them not to return, at least they not appearing would have been understandable since they were killed.

What about the dozen or so available characters form mk9 , mk4 and 3d era that won't appear because of some lame excuse or worst, an off-screen death?

It's completely moronic to spit in a story you worked so hard to make a lasting impact on the player, and the whole: " Well ,25 years happened so thats a lot of time to resurrect/kill someone" it's atrocious writing and doesn't make it better, just lazier. Why not make the game deal with those events.

Now, the above rant was only to make a point to advise more empathy, trying to see the big picture instead of focusing in the particular things we want game and remain blind to anything else, since it's the combination of various elements (the ones we care about and the ones we don't) what in the end makes or breaks a game.

The rest were all suppositions based on the POSSIBILITY NRS half-asses the plot in order to satisfy fan demand, there are still alternatives to bring back dead characters without having to make the story a joke, but only time will tell.
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-sig by MINION

01/20/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Agreed! I would prefer we went back to the Deadly Alliance way of things where you learned more about the character through conquest, and through the little pieces of lore sprinkled throughout the game.
Ugh, same. I loved Konquest in MKDA. It was too time consuming in MKD and I didn't really like it at all in MKA.

Characters dying is a given. One thing I noticed is that Kung Lao seems older than Kano. I'm thinking Kano isn't from 25 years in the future, more like 5 or 10. I think he might bite it pretty early.
01/20/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Agreed! I would prefer we went back to the Deadly Alliance way of things where you learned more about the character through conquest, and through the little pieces of lore sprinkled throughout the game.
Ugh, same. I loved Konquest in MKDA. It was too time consuming in MKD and I didn't really like it at all in MKA.

Characters dying is a given. One thing I noticed is that Kung Lao seems older than Kano. I'm thinking Kano isn't from 25 years in the future, more like 5 or 10. I think he might bite it pretty early.

Remember, Kano was frozen by Cyber Sub-Zero and stayed like that for a while. So it makes sense why Kano isn't older than he is. I bet that we won't see him early on in the MKX story-mode.
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I will rock you.

01/20/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
What if some of the fatalities the characters have are also storymode fatalities just like Liu Kang's punch through the heart fatality in MK9 ?

Yet Kahn survived it.

Yeah it was such a shame too but anyways I would love to see fatalities in the storymode and be unlocked as a actual fatality for the characters.wink
01/20/2015 02:17 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Agreed! I would prefer we went back to the Deadly Alliance way of things where you learned more about the character through conquest, and through the little pieces of lore sprinkled throughout the game.
Ugh, same. I loved Konquest in MKDA. It was too time consuming in MKD and I didn't really like it at all in MKA.

Characters dying is a given. One thing I noticed is that Kung Lao seems older than Kano. I'm thinking Kano isn't from 25 years in the future, more like 5 or 10. I think he might bite it pretty early.

Remember, Kano was frozen by Cyber Sub-Zero and stayed like that for a while. So it makes sense why Kano isn't older than he is. I bet that we won't see him early on in the MKX story-mode.

Quan Chi: Who is that?
Noob: The one Kano warned about. He is mine.

Kano got out of the ice very quickly, he was able to warn Noob about Cyber Sub.
01/20/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
Dunno how to feel about this. I'm mostly in the "So?" side of things. MK9s story was just brutal. I think this one may be better but how can you undo that disaster? I would like to be shocked by these deaths, hope this is a fresh start where death means something... But I have zero reason to believe that given MK9.

I'm gonna wait until we get an explanation for Kitana and Kung Lao's resurrection until I start calling this another terrible story though. Everything just looks so good in MKX but I have a hard time believing the story will be this dramatic step up from past games.
01/20/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
Raiden could possibly die this time around since he won't be front and center story wise, and I really hope Quan Chi is killed either by Scorpion or Kitana.
01/20/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi will never die. Dude's way too slippery to be completely annihilated. I would fully expect him to have contingency plans for any possible death scenario. Horcruxes everywhere.
01/20/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
chadspade Wrote:
Raiden could possibly die this time around since he won't be front and center story wise, and I really hope Quan Chi is killed either by Scorpion or Kitana.

If he happens to get killed, I hope it's by Shang Tsung (if he's in). If not Fire and Ice will team up and take him out. Kitana has no place in doing so.

Kano got out of the ice very quickly, he was able to warn Noob about Cyber Sub.

If he did, he would be older than he is, but that is not the case.
01/20/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
HiddenCharacter Wrote:
Quan Chi will never die. Dude's way too slippery to be completely annihilated. I would fully expect him to have contingency plans for any possible death scenario. Horcruxes everywhere.

That's the same thing I expect from him, he seems like the type of person to have a plan just in case he does get killed lol
01/20/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
chadspade Wrote:
Raiden could possibly die this time around since he won't be front and center story wise, and I really hope Quan Chi is killed either by Scorpion or Kitana.

If he happens to get killed, I hope it's by Shang Tsung (if he's in). If not Fire and Ice will team up and take him out. Kitana has no place in doing so.

Kano got out of the ice very quickly, he was able to warn Noob about Cyber Sub.

If he did, he would be older than he is, but that is not the case.

Kano seems plenty old, i'm pretty sure he got unfrozen like he said.
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01/21/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
I hope Scorpion dies for good and they replace him with Takeda. Or have they already done that. . .?
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