02/25/2010 09:55 PM (UTC)
By all new characters, I do basically mean all new characters. No one from MKDA-MKA, and not necessarily any of the characters from MK1-MK4. I know that Boon said he would never get rid of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and i'm fine with that, but I feel they should get rid of the characters, but keep the concepts. Let me explain.

I feel that Scorpion can still be a character, but a different story. For example, instead of having him a spectre, he can be a normal ninja, with whatever story they make up for him, and keep the concepts from his character. Instead of having the rope come out of his hand, have it wrapped around on his belt with the spear attached to it and he can throw it that way. Keep his teleporting, flame kick, etc. But take the concepts of Scorpion and just change them to make him a different character.

It's kind of hard for me to explain in words.

I think your going along the lines of a re-invention/re-imagination. I'm totally cool with that.....as long as the characters are based on old classic characters and they retain their names. It's the saturation of totally new+random characters that annoys me.

I think this is brilliant!

Use only kombatants that appeared (or could have appeared) in MK 1 and 2. Then refresh and renew! (I thought MK3 stunk and still do.)

In example, Kintaro does not have to be a Goro klone; he was originally supposed to be a kombatant. So drop 2 arms and we have a new warrior. With this simple act, we have expanded the MK universe without changing too much.
02/28/2010 01:38 AM (UTC)
To build on that idea, though -- how about you take those rumoured designs for Kintaro and Baraka, and all that, and move them into the new era. Give them new character names, and perhaps update their story if you have to.
03/08/2010 05:24 PM (UTC)
I can't see just them just ditching the MK4-now new characters....or at least not all. A lot of the "classics" have ran their course and have nothing else to do in the MK universe while quite a couple of the new characters do.
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03/08/2010 06:45 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

I dunno about that. Someone made the argument recently that if Kobra had come out in MK1, he'd probably be considered one of those "classics" by now and honestly, based on his look and move set, I'd probably agree.

Sure, by today's standards, he's boring, his moves are dull and he looks like a lame rip off of the bad guy in the Karate Kid crossed with Ken from Street Fighter. But if he'd come out back then? Back when Street Fighter was at its height? People would've thought that he was awesome and MK's answer to Ken. He'd probably be one of the "main" characters right now.

I'm just saying that alot of these characters need time to develop. I'll grant you that the MK team did no service to alot of these characters by stealing moves, animations, specials etc from other characters and tacking them on to the new ones, but I still think that a lot of it has to do with initial gut reaction versus years upon years of time spent getting used to a character.

I mean sure, my initial gut reaction to MK3? I thought that the characters were HORRIBLE. A native american from the village people, the bride of frankenstein, two predators in what look like spandex pants and catcher's chest plates, a female Goro and Kabal.

For the longest time Kabal was the ONLY character that I liked from MK3, even if he had average moves and terrible fatalities. I hated that game for removing Baraka, Scorpion and Rayden while adding some of the goofiest looking losers I'd ever seen in a fighting game.

But honestly? After a while, alot of them have grown on me. Cyrax and Sektor, Sheeva and her skin rip fatality, even Nightwolf (and I REALLY hated his character design originally).

My point is that by having more time, more games to appear in, a more developed story and background, I think that a lot of the new characters have potential.

Of the MK:DA new batch, I really liked Kenshi, Li Mei, Mavado and Drahmin. I thought that Nitara and Frost had some potential and Hsu Hao? Well, every game from MK3 on has it's share of hits and misses in my book. Bo Rai Cho? Well, get rid of the farting and the puke and I'd be cool with him.

As far as MK:D: I liked Kira's design, even if they messed up her move list. Same goes for Kobra and Havik. Hotaru, Darrius and Ashrah all have some potential, even if I'm not huge in to their stories. Dairou and Shujinko are the big fails for me in this game.

So yeah, I'm not saying that every character is gold, but I at least see the potential. I honestly didn't even like Cage, Sonya and Kano in the first game right away. Same goes for Baraka and Mileena in the second game.

I wouldn't say that the ratio is pitiful. I'd honestly take Kenshi, Li Mei, Mavado, Kobra, Hotaru and Ashrah over "classics" such as Nightwolf, Cyrax, Sektor, Sheeva, Sindel and Stryker any day of the week.

So I have faith in the MK team. I wouldn't have said that right after MK:DA came out, when I thought that most of the characters were junk, but having a few more games under their belts for some of them has helped and I can still see the potential in the ones that haven't.

I'm honestly at a point where I can say that while yes, they'll probably have a Dairou or a Stryker or a Hsu Hao in the next game, they could also come up with some really cool ideas if they weren't hamstrung in to putting minor characters like Mileena or Reptile in their 20th game.

Keep the mascots, but give me some new characters and something fresh to play. If MK vs DC told me anything, it told me that I like alot of those old characters, but they've had their time in the sun for just long enough. I'd never say "they should be banned forever" because they are good characters, but a VERY large majority of the MK universe could benefit from taking a few games off and letting some new blood take the spotlight for a while.

As strange as it sounds, I actually prefer Kobra over a lot of the classics. He's freakin' hilarious, and komedy goes a long way with me. I'd even go as far as to say that Kobra was what Hsu Hao should have been, at least in terms of function.

But I see your core point. The character fancry often devolves into a status game, and I hope that's not why we're getting so may tenure characters in MK9 thus far. There will always be need for new blood, and it's important to let some characters step out of the rotation for a while. Some of the post-MK3 characters were gems. I'm not necessarily against a roster reset because I think the characters will be terrible (though if history is indicative, only 2 or three will be groundbreaking).

I'm against a complete reset because the roster is getting over saturated. And if that happens, it's not the classics who are going to suffer, it's the new characters of the previous generation. With an all new cast, that's going to put the total over 70 players. If that's the case (and every fanbase is shouting to get their character enlisted), how long will it take to get Hotaru back? Or Mavado? Heck, Ermac was a relatively popular character in his day, and it still took 8 years to revive him.

It just looks like MK Armageddon Trilogy 3 is waiting at the end of the string if the reset happens, and I think that's a worry we all harbor to some extent.

Yet this is all only partially directed at your post, as I know that you're not in the reset camp. I'm mostly speaking generally to the ones who are. Yet those guys almost never follow up with a post when the reset idea is contended, so I don't even know what those guys really think.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/09/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)
Ok, so I read through the entire thread and saw a few excellent posts and a few not so excellent posts. I personally can see and understand both sides of the debate, but I’m going to have to say that I’m against a “reset”, or at least the kind that we’re discussing.

I find it extremely ignorant to bash the characters and not the people who really deserve it- the writers. Why are we hating on several characters and not the people who brought them to life? How does that make sense? It doesn’t! So we need to look at the writers and find out what exactly are they doing wrong and what they can do to fix it. As it was stated in this thread earlier by another user, I too see a TON of potential in all sixty-three characters that have yet to be reached. But who’s fault is it? The WRITERS!

Now, while I do see potential in every character; that doesn’t mean that “Sonya”, “Liu Kang”, “Johnny Cage”, “Raiden” and the rest of the “classics” can’t be retired for a few games while others finally get their chance to shine. I agree with whomever said that many of our beloved classics are getting stale, Hell, they already ARE.

It’s the same old song and dance in just about every game; Sonya & Jax going after the Black Dragon, Mileena trying to kill Kitana, Baraka being the new villain’s puppydog, Cage just wasting space, and Scorpion being...well ...*Yawns* Scorpion- BORING! We DO need a reset, but not the kind you’re thinking.

What is the point in bringing in a ton of new characters when you already have a plethora that haven’t been used?! It pisses me off how everyone are bashing Mavado, Kira, Kobra, Nitara ect. When said characters haven’t been given a chance! They’ve all been in ONE game! (And no, Armageddon doesn’t count. You know why. Random half-assed endings and 17 crappy online bios released AFTER the game.) Not only have they not been given a chance to be developed by the MK team, but they haven't been given a chance by YOU!

Deadly Alliance did the whole “reset” idea and gave us brand new characters(while ditching the MK4 ones in the process), and what happened? Fans bitched and EIGHT years later we’re STILL bitching! So, to calm fans down, we get Deception, which brings back just about every MK character along with a few new ones. Where does that leave the new characters in Deadly Alliance? Hell, where does that leave Deadly Alliance characters PERIOD(With the exception of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Li Mei, Kenshi, and Bo’Rai’Cho)? NO WHERE. To be a sequel to Deadly Alliance; Deception sure doesn’t act like it.

And then what happens to the new characters that Deception gave us? NOTHING, because then Armageddon came along. You guys see where I’m going with this? We have new characters stacked upon new characters! So what will it accomplish to “reset” the series again? NOT...a...damn...THING! We’ll just have even MORE new characters to cram on to our already overstuffed shelves. Most of you aren’t thinking.

We need to sit some of our beloved classics aside and let these new characters that we already have; have their time to shine. I know Kung-Lao isn't a "new" character but his role in Deadly Alliance is a good example. Liu Kang was dead and it seemed as if Kung-Lao was going to finally become a lead character, but what happened? Deception came along, killed Lao off, and brought back Liu as a Zombie. Are you freaking kidding me? Are we that scared to let our classics go that we have to resort to such foolery? Let other people get a chance. You may think a roster full of Kobras, Jareks, Reikos, and Rains may be deplorable, but let’s not forget how it was with Deception. Several people HATED the idea of having Ermac, Sindel, Jade ect all back, but when they took a look at their hot new designs; they were singing a different tune.

Finally, I read a post from someone stating how they do not like the new characters simply because they don’t seem to fit into “Mortal Kombat.... -_-
Is that a joke? The Mortal Kombat universe is filled with cybernatic ninjas, four armed beasts, thunder Gods, and freaking CENTAURS, but it’s too stupid to throw a vampire or demon into the mix? Where’s the logic in that?
What I love about the new characters is how different they are. I’d rather have a sea of unique characters than a whole bunch of “Johnny Cages”, “Liu Kangs”, and “Sonya Blades”.

To be honest, I really don’t “hate” the new characters. I do find Darrius, Hotaru, and Dairu extremely boring though, especially Dairu, I always overlook him. I actually like Kobra. He’s a freaking PSYCHOPATH! Come on, what’s not to love? Yes, MK has a lot of psychopaths, but Kobra is different. He looks like a good guy but will freaking kill you just for the hell of it! How can that not be awesome? Ha-ha, I guess I’m letting the horror fan inside of me break out. Sorry.
03/09/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
It makes me wonder how dangerous we are to the series. Deadly Alliance is, in my opinion, critically the best MK game we've seen in ages. The story was a bit of a reset from MK4, but to be honest, it needed it. It set things up so well for Deception, and then we got another reset. I hope this new era sees us get some more logical character progression. I hate it when I play as a character in one game, and then find out that character is replaced in the next game by a character they supposedly killed.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/09/2010 10:52 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
It makes me wonder how dangerous we are to the series. Deadly Alliance is, in my opinion, critically the best MK game we've seen in ages. The story was a bit of a reset from MK4, but to be honest, it needed it. It set things up so well for Deception, and then we got another reset. I hope this new era sees us get some more logical character progression. I hate it when I play as a character in one game, and then find out that character is replaced in the next game by a character they supposedly killed.

Exactly. After Deception it all just became a huge mess. Throwing characters on top of characters and bringing previously dead characters back from the grave for no reason(Liu Kang, Shao Kahn, Goro ect), just a big mess. I just remembered this is why I used to hate Deception. Deadly Alliance set things up so nicely and broke down some barriers and then BAM, here comes the Deception train knocking everything over.
03/09/2010 11:01 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ok, so I read through the entire thread and saw a few excellent posts and a few not so excellent posts. I personally can see and understand both sides of the debate, but I’m going to have to say that I’m against a “reset”, or at least the kind that we’re discussing.

I find it extremely ignorant to bash the characters and not the people who really deserve it- the writers. Why are we hating on several characters and not the people who brought them to life? How does that make sense? It doesn’t! So we need to look at the writers and find out what exactly are they doing wrong and what they can do to fix it. As it was stated in this thread earlier by another user, I too see a TON of potential in all sixty-three characters that have yet to be reached. But who’s fault is it? The WRITERS!

Now, while I do see potential in every character; that doesn’t mean that “Sonya”, “Liu Kang”, “Johnny Cage”, “Raiden” and the rest of the “classics” can’t be retired for a few games while others finally get their chance to shine. I agree with whomever said that many of our beloved classics are getting stale, Hell, they already ARE.

It’s the same old song and dance in just about every game; Sonya & Jax going after the Black Dragon, Mileena trying to kill Kitana, Baraka being the new villain’s puppydog, Cage just wasting space, and Scorpion being...well ...*Yawns* Scorpion- BORING! We DO need a reset, but not the kind you’re thinking.

What is the point in bringing in a ton of new characters when you already have a plethora that haven’t been used?! It pisses me off how everyone are bashing Mavado, Kira, Kobra, Nitara ect. When said characters haven’t been given a chance! They’ve all been in ONE game! (And no, Armageddon doesn’t count. You know why. Random half-assed endings and 17 crappy online bios released AFTER the game.) Not only have they not been given a chance to be developed by the MK team, but they haven't been given a chance by YOU!

Deadly Alliance did the whole “reset” idea and gave us brand new characters(while ditching the MK4 ones in the process), and what happened? Fans bitched and EIGHT years later we’re STILL bitching! So, to calm fans down, we get Deception, which brings back just about every MK character along with a few new ones. Where does that leave the new characters in Deadly Alliance? Hell, where does that leave Deadly Alliance characters PERIOD(With the exception of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Li Mei, Kenshi, and Bo’Rai’Cho)? NO WHERE. To be a sequel to Deadly Alliance; Deception sure doesn’t act like it.

And then what happens to the new characters that Deception gave us? NOTHING, because then Armageddon came along. You guys see where I’m going with this? We have new characters stacked upon new characters! So what will it accomplish to “reset” the series again? NOT...a...damn...THING! We’ll just have even MORE new characters to cram on to our already overstuffed shelves. Most of you aren’t thinking.

We need to sit some of our beloved classics aside and let these new characters that we already have; have their time to shine. I know Kung-Lao isn't a "new" character but his role in Deadly Alliance is a good example. Liu Kang was dead and it seemed as if Kung-Lao was going to finally become a lead character, but what happened? Deception came along, killed Lao off, and brought back Liu as a Zombie. Are you freaking kidding me? Are we that scared to let our classics go that we have to resort to such foolery? Let other people get a chance. You may think a roster full of Kobras, Jareks, Reikos, and Rains may be deplorable, but let’s not forget how it was with Deception. Several people HATED the idea of having Ermac, Sindel, Jade ect all back, but when they took a look at their hot new designs; they were singing a different tune.

Finally, I read a post from someone stating how they do not like the new characters simply because they don’t seem to fit into “Mortal Kombat.... -_-
Is that a joke? The Mortal Kombat universe is filled with cybernatic ninjas, four armed beasts, thunder Gods, and freaking CENTAURS, but it’s too stupid to throw a vampire or demon into the mix? Where’s the logic in that?
What I love about the new characters is how different they are. I’d rather have a sea of unique characters than a whole bunch of “Johnny Cages”, “Liu Kangs”, and “Sonya Blades”.

To be honest, I really don’t “hate” the new characters. I do find Darrius, Hotaru, and Dairu extremely boring though, especially Dairu, I always overlook him. I actually like Kobra. He’s a freaking PSYCHOPATH! Come on, what’s not to love? Yes, MK has a lot of psychopaths, but Kobra is different. He looks like a good guy but will freaking kill you just for the hell of it! How can that not be awesome? Ha-ha, I guess I’m letting the horror fan inside of me break out. Sorry.

I agree with you. The creators need to think about ways for their newer characters (MK4-MKA) to shine. I like Nitara and Li Mei a lot but a few improvements will make a bigger and better difference. Nitara needs make her fatalities a lot gorier. I mean gory like BloodRayne and she needs to start using her wings for more special moves. Li Mei, she's pretty good but her moves are not enough. They somehow need more improvement. As for Kira, she LOOKS cool but when I played as her in Armageddon, she was too weak and she was too difficult to play as. Heck, her fighting style sucked. The same goes with Frost. Her fighting style sucked too but her special moves are cool. I hope they get more creative with her ice powers though. Kobra would've been good if he had a different look. Not the Ken Masters clone. Kobra should shave his head or have a long blonde ponytail and have some street clothes. Not a karate outfit. The street clothes would fit his personality as a thug. Mavado needs to have his own weapon/s not Kabal's hookswords. I like Taven too. He should get another chance. I mean he has that sexy look and he can have his place with the Earthrealm warriors.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/09/2010 11:32 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName, I do not fear a Mortal Kombat Trilogy 3, actually I look forward to the next one. As long as the MK team stops using the Trilogy/Armageddon games as freaking plungers, I don't see anything wrong with them. If Mortal Kombat Trilogy 3 is nothing but a non-cannon game in the vain of MKVSDC; I won't have a problem with it. Now when they start messing with the actual cannon...that's another thing.
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03/10/2010 01:31 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
TemperaryUserName, I do not fear a Mortal Kombat Trilogy 3, actually I look forward to the next one. As long as the MK team stops using the Trilogy/Armageddon games as freaking plungers, I don't see anything wrong with them. If Mortal Kombat Trilogy 3 is nothing but a non-cannon game in the vain of MKVSDC; I won't have a problem with it. Now when they start messing with the actual cannon...that's another thing.

I mostly agree, but the likelyhood of a Trilogy-esque game that isn't part of the main franchise is rather unlikely. Unless they do it in the way-distant future, they'd have to create brand new models for over 30 characters. A lot of work for a side project.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/10/2010 02:08 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
TemperaryUserName, I do not fear a Mortal Kombat Trilogy 3, actually I look forward to the next one. As long as the MK team stops using the Trilogy/Armageddon games as freaking plungers, I don't see anything wrong with them. If Mortal Kombat Trilogy 3 is nothing but a non-cannon game in the vain of MKVSDC; I won't have a problem with it. Now when they start messing with the actual cannon...that's another thing.

I mostly agree, but the likelyhood of a Trilogy-esque game that isn't part of the main franchise is rather unlikely. Unless they do it in the way-distant future, they'd have to create brand new models for over 30 characters. A lot of work for a side project.

Oh yeah, not right now, lol. I'm thinking years and years from now.
03/12/2010 04:44 AM (UTC)

I'd like 14 returning, 10 new.

01. Scorpion
02. Sub-Zero
03. Raiden
04. Liu Kang
05. Sonya Blade
06. Johnny Cage
07. Jax
08. Kung Lao
09. Kitana
10. Shang Tsung
11. Cyrax
12. Quan Chi
13. Kenshi
14. Dairou

10 characters from the first 2 games plus 1 character from each game after.
Pages: 3
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