02/25/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:

sharefrock Wrote:

This is not brutality, this sounds funny as hell.

I can't believe this shit, it's soo laughable. where is the brutality? where are the screams?

all I hear is someone mashing his hands into a jar full of water and some fruits. funny funny stuff.

MKT had a better brutality sound imo.

Even though all of them looked the same they at least had a good impact.

So you are coming to this conclusion based off one sound effect taken from the game.

*tips my hat* Good day sir.

Are you serious? lol

I judged the sound effect I didn't judge the brutality itself.

You must be an idiot telling me I can't judge what I heard.

I said the sounds are no where near brutal. That's my opinion and you just saying I came to this conclusion based off one sound effect taken from the game is just dumb.

because I judged the sound effect, I didn't judge the brutality itself, Kid.

You are listening to the gore effects removed from all the others that will be applied with it like the bone crunching hits, the screams ect. That's what I found so stupid about you saying "omg that's not brutal at all. LAME!"

And to what you just said above. No that's not what I was saying at all.

I think you are the one who is jumping to conclusions, buddy.

How do you know they'll add all that?

Exactly, you don't know.

I judged what I heard, you on the other hand judged what you don't know.

I retract my statements. I am now able to listen to it thanks to the youtube link and now see that there is indeed other sound effects included. With the way most were describing it, I assumed it was only the gore effects that were in the sound clip.

Cool, Because I always thought you were a pretty civil and good person to discuss MK with.

What you said to me first made me think a bit less of you but it's all good now, I think you are actually one of the few people on this forum who are still here to discuss MK instead of troll the forums.

But yeah about the topic, Like I said, I remember back in UMK3-MKT brutalities had the opponent screaming throughout the whole thing with every hit.

When I listened to the clip all I heard is a simple and low scream at the start and that's it.

But I guess we really do have to wait until we see it in action, it might not sound great but looks awesome. :)
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/25/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
People, please. The quotes! Please learn how to edit them.
02/25/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
Agreed. From the sounds of it here the only thing it makes me envision is a few solid hits to the stomach and face and the opponent bleeding out of every orifice.

Not exactly what I had in mind for a modern day Brutality.

To WeaponTheory, apologies, I'm not confident enough in my skills with HTML to try and edit down the quotes. It never goes right for me.
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02/25/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
I don't recall they teased us with audio finisher that doesn't include all the sounds. Also I hear the strikes that one does to the loser. They are several and that's not enough !!!! We must get oldschool brutalities with lots of hits so MK can compete with those KI ultras you know!
02/25/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Agreed. From the sounds of it here the only thing it makes me envision is a few solid hits to the stomach and face and the opponent bleeding out of every orifice.

Not exactly what I had in mind for a modern day Brutality.

To WeaponTheory, apologies, I'm not confident enough in my skills with HTML to try and edit down the quotes. It never goes right for me.

Yeah true, that's what I thought when I heard it as well.

That's not what Brutalities sound like, and maybe that's the reason I thought it was laughable, because it didn't sound like what I had expected the Re-imagined Brutalities to sound like.

But you also had a good point when you said we should not jump to conclusions as of now, the stream is tomorrow and we will get to see it in action.

I just wish they'd still have the same feel to them as the old ones, because I always thought what's good about brutalities is how hard it is to do them.

That's what made them great for me, even thought they were all the same, just a combo with an explosion with 3 heads, 13 arms and 5 rib cages(And I really love this part lol)

I always thought it was about the way to achieve Brutalities is what made them great, not the way they looked.

If they are just normal fatality inputs, that will result in a "Brutal" kill instead of a nice combo that's character specific with some X-Ray here and there.

Then I'll be a bit disappointed by them.

Asesino Wrote:
I don't recall they teased us with audio finisher that doesn't include all the sounds. Also I hear the strikes that one does to the loser. They are several and that's not enough !!!! We must get oldschool brutalities with lots of hits so MK can compete with those KI ultras you know!

AGREED! They at least need to give us the 3 heads, 13 arms and 5 rib cages!

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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/25/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
3 legs, 6 limbs, and 34 ribcages do not fit in with the "realistic" approach of this game. Besides "Next Generation", NRS have stated that they are taking a more realistic approach with this title.

The old-school style Brutality does not fit the theme of this game.
02/25/2015 10:22 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
3 legs, 6 limbs, and 34 ribcages do not fit in with the "realistic" approach of this game. Besides "Next Generation", NRS have stated that they are taking a more realistic approach with this title.

The old-school style Brutality does not fit the theme of this game.

You do have a point, actually a few points.

But tell me, if this is not going to be the Brutality that we all know or something similar to it.

If there is no long combo with Brutal hits, then why call it a brutality?

P.S. It's actually 6 legs :).
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/25/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)
Because it's the Brutatlity re-imagined for 2015.
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02/25/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
Bowel movements confirmed.

Prepare to shit your pants tomorrow.

Well, not really.
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art by fear-sAs
02/25/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
Sounds very wet.
02/25/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Because it's the Brutatlity re-imagined for 2015.

Babalities were re-imagined for 2011 and they still felt like Babalities, it's no excuse.

If Brutalities don't feel like Brutalities why call them that?

Granted we still don't know how they look in action but going by the sound effects, not impressed what so ever.

sounds like a normal fatality to me.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/25/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Granted we still don't know how they look in action


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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/25/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
3 legs, 6 limbs, and 34 ribcages do not fit in with the "realistic" approach of this game. Besides "Next Generation", NRS have stated that they are taking a more realistic approach with this title.

The old-school style Brutality does not fit the theme of this game.

Some X-Ray's still not killing people immediately during battle after use.
How's that Realistic approach working?
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/25/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
3 legs, 6 limbs, and 34 ribcages do not fit in with the "realistic" approach of this game. Besides "Next Generation", NRS have stated that they are taking a more realistic approach with this title.

The old-school style Brutality does not fit the theme of this game.

They already fucked up the "realism" with some of the fatalities. Brains falling out when they should be held in place with the brain stem. The fatalities and brutalities were always meant to be over the top. They can still make it happen with a serious and goofy approach to the brutalities. Make them gory and suffer, but throw in an arm or 12 and make it comedic too.

Everyone says whenever ANY MK game comes out that this one will be more dark and realistic, but NRS always throws in something goofy in the game because they don't take the game too seriously. They never do.
02/25/2015 10:58 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
3 legs, 6 limbs, and 34 ribcages do not fit in with the "realistic" approach of this game. Besides "Next Generation", NRS have stated that they are taking a more realistic approach with this title.

The old-school style Brutality does not fit the theme of this game.

They already fucked up the "realism" with some of the fatalities. Brains falling out when they should be held in place with the brain stem. The fatalities and brutalities were always meant to be over the top. They can still make it happen with a serious and goofy approach to the brutalities. Make them gory and suffer, but throw in an arm or 12 and make it comedic too.

Everyone says whenever ANY MK game comes out that this one will be more dark and realistic, but NRS always throws in something goofy in the game because they don't take the game too seriously. They never do.

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/26/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
I fully support an 8 rib cage/10 limb explosion.

That shit always made me laugh...which is kind of the point of MK, no?

"Reality is boring. Nobody wants to pay for reality."

Just sayin'.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
You have much more self control than me haha.

Berserkxx Wrote:
Wish I had that willpower.

I do like that NRS isn't showing so many fatalities this time( we've only really seen both of Ermac's, but just one for the rest).

I think they spoiled all of them for MK9, at least I remember seeing all of them before I even got the game on release.

It ain't easy, lol. The only ones I've seen so far are just teasers...with the exception of Quan Chi's because goddamn...just couldn't resist seeing the ending of that one. I make it a point to skip them in the streams as well. And yes, MK9's were accessible ALL over the place. Too much temptation. v.v

xysion Wrote:
The brutalities are probably going to be promoted in more media than just the stream tomorrow.

Oh I'm aware. All I need to do is browse the boards and see what people are saying about recent news. If an article or video happens to contain them...SKIP.

I'm at the point now anyway where they could just go dark and I'd be fine with it. Factions, Living Towers, Story Mode length = MK9's, Brutalities, Reptile. Yeah, my thirst for knowledge about the game has been quenched for now. I feel like I know what to expect vs it being a total mystery.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/26/2015 12:59 AM (UTC)
To those challenging my "realistic" post, I put the word in quotes for a reason.

Mortal Kombat realism doesn't equate to "simulation". This is still an arcade fighter, hence why characters survive x-ray attacks, as someone pointed out.

Realism in Mortal Kombat means less goof, less slap-stick, and thats exactly what we see in in MKX.

During fatalities, blood doesn't shoot out of the victim like a water fountain, nor is the blood shaped like oversized raindrops. it behaves realistically, oozing out of the victim into an expanding pool. The fatalities also don't feature a multitude of body parts, for that matter.

The females no longer look exaggerated , instead, NRS has gone for a normal, realistic approach to the female anatomy.

The environments don't include purple-lit skies. Save for the outlandish wildlife we've seen thus far, a lot of these backdrops look similar to real-life locales.

The old-school brutalities are too goofy, to slapstick. They simply do not match
the theme of this game. NRS is going for less "The Three Stooges" and more "Saw".

Somebody mentioned that it's not Mortal Kombat without comedy. That's what the Living Towers and Test Your Luck are for. There will be plenty of goof in those modes, but that theme won't bleed into the versus or story modes, according to NRS. I highly doubt we'll see multiple limbs, Motor Kombat, Babalities, Anamalities, Hari-Kiris or old-school Brutalities. None of that gels with the theme of this game, and that's pretty obvious at this point.

02/26/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
Reserving judgement till I actually see the Brutality. I can't imagine they'd headline a stream with just a Brutality if it wasn't a spectacle so I'm not gonna write it off based on a few sounds and a blank screen.
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I will rock you.

02/26/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
I thought I heard a branch being pulled out. Oh yeah.wink
02/26/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
To those challenging my "realistic" post, I put the word in quotes for a reason.

Mortal Kombat realism doesn't equate to "simulation". This is still an arcade fighter, hence why characters survive x-ray attacks, as someone pointed out.

Realism in Mortal Kombat means less goof, less slap-stick, and thats exactly what we see in in MKX.

During fatalities, blood doesn't shoot out of the victim like a water fountain, nor is the blood shaped like oversized raindrops. it behaves realistically, oozing out of the victim into an expanding pool. The fatalities also don't feature a multitude of body parts, for that matter.

The females no longer look exaggerated , instead, NRS has gone for a normal, realistic approach to the female anatomy.

The environments don't include purple-lit skies. Save for the outlandish wildlife we've seen thus far, a lot of these backdrops look similar to real-life locales.

The old-school brutalities are too goofy, to slapstick. They simply do not match
the theme of this game. NRS is going for less "The Three Stooges" and more "Saw".

Somebody mentioned that it's not Mortal Kombat without comedy. That's what the Living Towers and Test Your Luck are for. There will be plenty of goof in those modes, but that theme won't bleed into the versus or story modes, according to NRS. I highly doubt we'll see multiple limbs, Motor Kombat, Babalities, Anamalities, Hari-Kiris or old-school Brutalities. None of that gels with the theme of this game, and that's pretty obvious at this point.

thank you. I hate when people say things like "oh they have super powers so that throws realism out the door". That shit irks me. They know what is meant when someone says "realism" in mk
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/26/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
I'm not talking about the magical aspect. I'm talking about the gore apsect. I said the gore has always been over the top nonsense since day one. I digress. We don't even know what we're even going to be seeing until tomorrow. Whatever shows up, shows up. You can't blame a guy for thinking something like that could still happen. I really hope it happens with at least ONE characters brutality as some sort of callback to the old days.
02/26/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
Those sounds sound brutal wow can't wait to see how they look
02/26/2015 05:51 AM (UTC)
No matter what

It's gonna be Brutal wink
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