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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/24/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
I just want to thank creed200569 for creating this topic. It really shows the true side of you people in here. I mean really. I'm surprised at you people.
And here's why:

You people must understand, this is Smash Bros. we're talking here!
One game that combines all of Nintendo's favorites into one fighter.
Unless you clearly hate Nintendo, this concept will never get old.

Nintendo knows what they're doing, they hiring Namco for this project.
It makes sense for hype, it's made by the same company behind Tekken.
Getting Pac-Man and Mega-Man into the mix raises the bar so high.
Gotta admit, seeing the blue bomber in action again does my heart proud.
All it's missing is Crash Bandicoot or Spyro, but that won't happen lol.
Sorta hoping another Capcom character jumps in. Like Ryu?

Getting people hype for Smash is the one thing Nintendo succeeds at.
Once both games release, then and only then you'll see why IGN pick that.
To think just cause MK has blood, automatically means it's worth a damn.

To be honest, I can't wait to make a Mii and beat Pac-Man's booty.
Reasons are not needed, it's clearly obvious that Smash will be GOTY too.
Only thing that can make MK a seller is if they make a huge roster again.
Let's be real, look at Nintendo's Smash roster, it's HUGE!
Like anyone is going to play any other Fighter when you got such a list!
Even IGN mentions something like that somewhere.
Don't you think you guys should give Smash a chance at the fight scene?
06/24/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Good, as it should. MK alienated the general public by rebooting, adding a bunch of non fitting characters, and getting rid of classic characters, so i am not surprised.

SSB will sell more and live longer, anyway.
You're an idiot tbh. The game isn't even out. You don't even know the roster. Take that false information shit else where. Thanks.

The bitterness is real.
Nope. No bitterness. You're just an idiot.
06/24/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
I just want to thank creed200569 for creating this topic. It really shows the true side of you people in here. I mean really. I'm surprised at you people.
And here's why:

You people must understand, this is Smash Bros. we're talking here!
One game that combines all of Nintendo's favorites into one fighter.
Unless you clearly hate Nintendo, this concept will never get old.

Nintendo knows what they're doing, they hiring Namco for this project.
It makes sense for hype, it's made by the same company behind Tekken.
Getting Pac-Man and Mega-Man into the mix raises the bar so high.
Gotta admit, seeing the blue bomber in action again does my heart proud.
All it's missing is Crash Bandicoot or Spyro, but that won't happen lol.
Sorta hoping another Capcom character jumps in. Like Ryu?

Getting people hype for Smash is the one thing Nintendo succeeds at.
Once both games release, then and only then you'll see why IGN pick that.
To think just cause MK has blood, automatically means it's worth a damn.

To be honest, I can't wait to make a Mii and beat Pac-Man's booty.
Reasons are not needed, it's clearly obvious that Smash will be GOTY too.
Only thing that can make MK a seller is if they make a huge roster again.
Let's be real, look at Nintendo's Smash roster, it's HUGE!
Like anyone is going to play any other Fighter when you got such a list!
Even IGN mentions something like that somewhere.
Don't you think you guys should give Smash a chance at the fight scene?

That'd what I said but it appears it's getting ignored. Don't know why, I don't mind another fighting franchise taking an award before Mortal Kombat.

But I like this post a lot. At least someone gets it! (Well three, I did see a few other users saying this or agreeing)
06/24/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
I'm not surprised by this.

Smash would probably get the award ahead of ANY other major fighter. Street or Virtua or otherwise.

And truthfully I don't get it. I really do dislike Smash but I understand that a lot of people get a proper hard on for it. Even the girls.

Get used to this sort of headline for every best fighter in show really. Smash has the hype and as much a MKX looks good, it doesnt have the hype.
06/25/2014 12:08 AM (UTC)
It's not the fact Smash Bros won because it's a remarkable and fun series. My personal issue is when people go on a limb and say oh this game is going to suck because all these new characters are in over our old favorites. Like, hush and be patient. Smash Bros winning isn't an issue tbh....
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

06/25/2014 12:27 AM (UTC)
Congrats to SSB4! The game looks so fun; it's tempted me to by a Wii U.
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06/25/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
C'mon people, like it or not the Smash community is HUGE. More importantly, a goofy "best of" poll on IGN has no impact on anything other than entertainment and forum debates.

People LIKE Smash...and that's ok. It doesn't mean that you can't like Mortal Kombat.
Gimme MK over Super Smash Bros. anyday. Also, lol @ people taking IGN seriously.
06/25/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
RoyalChakra Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Good, as it should. MK alienated the general public by rebooting, adding a bunch of non fitting characters, and getting rid of classic characters, so i am not surprised.

SSB will sell more and live longer, anyway.
You're an idiot tbh. The game isn't even out. You don't even know the roster. Take that false information shit else where. Thanks.

The bitterness is real.
Nope. No bitterness. You're just an idiot.

06/25/2014 02:54 AM (UTC)
I'm fans of both, but I like MK more.

Each game has their respectable community of passionate fans, and it is a bit crazy to deny either one of that.

I mean the hype train is rolling for both titles, but SSB held an actual tournament, so it's no surprise they "won".
06/25/2014 05:49 AM (UTC)
How can anyone be surprised? It's Smash Bros.!

Fact is, a game that anyone at any age can pick up and play without having to think too hard, and has tons of iconic characters in it, is going to be popular, and win stupid IGN polls.

I am personally not a huge SSB fan, but I still may pick it up for my 3DS because I am a Pokemon fan and I'm excited to play as Charizard and Greninja.

MK will be a better fighting game. SSB is hardly a fighting game as it is, but it will sell more and win awards.

Get over it and support MK!
06/25/2014 01:45 PM (UTC)
SSB as GOTY??? Sorry, won't ever happen. Is the Wii U version even due out in 2014? Anyway, I've never been a fan of SSB and it's play-style. Love the idea though.

Seems to me that SSB biggest obstacle will be launching on Wii U. That system is dying, and is already outdated tech-wise. The 3DS version of SSB will likely murder Wii U sales.
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-sig by MINION

06/25/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
People will probably buy the WiiU just for Smash and Mario Kart 8. Nintendo should really be thinking about a bundle pack...
06/25/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
SSB as GOTY??? Sorry, won't ever happen. Is the Wii U version even due out in 2014? Anyway, I've never been a fan of SSB and it's play-style. Love the idea though.

Seems to me that SSB biggest obstacle will be launching on Wii U. That system is dying, and is already outdated tech-wise. The 3DS version of SSB will likely murder Wii U sales.

The 3DS sales for the new smash will probably be greater than the sales for MKX on 5 consoles, so no worries for Wii U!
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