06/24/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
Smash has a HUGE fanbase. More power to them.
06/24/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
Good, as it should. MK alienated the general public by rebooting, adding a bunch of non fitting characters, and getting rid of classic characters, so i am not surprised.

SSB will sell more and live longer, anyway.
06/24/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Good, as it should. MK alienated the general public by rebooting, adding a bunch of non fitting characters, and getting rid of classic characters, so i am not surprised.

It hasn't even been one month since we were introduced to four new characters (out of a cast of 28+) and people are suddenly jumping ship and giving up all hope? Seems a bit presumptuous to me.
It also seems like you wish ill upon the series, which is somewhat disturbing. If you're seriously that upset, you may want to take a sabbatical.
During the Deadly Alliance/Deception era, do you remember seeing a new character that looked like they'd fit into the series and they turned out total garbage? I most certainly do.
When MK9 rolled around, Skarlet looked like she'd be a decent addition to the series, and then she was utter crap in both narrative and personality (IMHO.) Appearances are deceiving; it's the execution that matters.
Anyhow, that award is just someone's opinion, which they are fully entitled to. It's a meaningless title, anyway, in the grand scheme of things.
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06/24/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
Facebook says that MK has 5 times more fans than SSB.
06/24/2014 01:03 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Facebook says that MK has 5 times more fans than SSB.

Nice, want to post me sales receipts?
06/24/2014 01:03 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Facebook says that MK has 5 times more fans than SSB.

Internet popularity isn't real world popularity.
06/24/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
I doubt any company cares about having more fb fans than sales but ok
06/24/2014 03:42 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Facebook says that MK has 5 times more fans than SSB.

Facebook also says typing AMEN will heal sick children.

Let's try to stick to a more legitimate source, okay?
diirecthit Wrote:
Good, as it should. MK alienated the general public by rebooting, adding a bunch of non fitting characters, and getting rid of classic characters, so i am not surprised.

Yes, let the series remain stagnant, please!

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I will rock you.

06/24/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
When the game is finished I wonder who will come out on top.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/24/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
While Smash Bros. is indeed popular, Mortal Kombat is not as abysmal as some of you are saying it is. I don't even know what the fuck would draw some of you to believe that. Mortal Kombat is one of the most famous fighters in the world. I'd even go and say MK is a bit more popular than SSB.
06/24/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
When the game is finished I wonder who will come out on top.

At the moment MKX has more hype in my area than SSB. We literally ran out of Pre-Order posters two days after it was announced.
06/24/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
While Smash Bros. is indeed popular, Mortal Kombat is not as abysmal as some of you are saying it is. I don't even know what the fuck would draw some of you to believe that. Mortal Kombat is one of the most famous fighters in the world. I'd even go and say MK is a bit more popular than SSB.

Definitely not, lol. Mortal Kombat is popular for sure, but SSB is in another level of popularity/success, no contest. Literally all SSB games have outsold every MK game to date, while being console-exclusive.

I'm nowhere near a SSB fan, but let's not get blinded please.
06/24/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
I dunno, I'd have probably voted for Smash Bros too just because it's closer to finished.

MKX is exciting, sure, but we just don't know enough about it yet to make a judgment of how good it'll really be, because it's JUST been revealed.
06/24/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
When the game is finished I wonder who will come out on top.

Literally no contest at all, SSB. A basic SSB release doubles or more the sales of the best selling MK game, ad now that it's coming out in 2 consoles for the first time, it's game over before it even starts.
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06/24/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
I'm excited for both, but I'd have to say I'm more for SSB at the moment.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/24/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
While Smash Bros. is indeed popular, Mortal Kombat is not as abysmal as some of you are saying it is. I don't even know what the fuck would draw some of you to believe that. Mortal Kombat is one of the most famous fighters in the world. I'd even go and say MK is a bit more popular than SSB.

Definitely not, lol. Mortal Kombat is popular for sure, but SSB is in another level of popularity/success, no contest. Literally all SSB games have outsold every MK game to date, while being console-exclusive.

I'm nowhere near a SSB fan, but let's not get blinded please.

You're also not considering the comics, movies, and cartoons that came with Mortal Kombat. It's there and it was big. I'm not even trying to come in here and diss Smash. I'm a Smash fan for sure, but people saying MK is nowhere near the popularity of Smash is absurd.
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06/24/2014 05:06 AM (UTC)
Ab_Horrence Wrote:
To me it's like comparing apples and oranges...

Blood oranges that is...

I'll concur with that, and I'll go further and say that it's like comparing an apple seed to a fully-grown freakin' orange.

Smash Bros was revealed LAST YEAR. Why does Smash even have a seat at the competition?
06/24/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
Who cares about these stuff anymore ? Seriously, there have been days when I would have signed up there and start long,endless,useless and mindless arguments with staff and members.. but not anymore.

Aside from growing up and getting busy, I believe sites like IGN and Gamespot (+ all others) are losing relevance. People have forgotten about E3 ( 2 weeks ago now) and they have just announced winners ? Who the hell still cares ?

IGN crapped on MK9 on every way possible, yet it sold much more than most of the other games. MK's FaceBook has more followers than IGN's and the comments there are far larger than an average IGN's page.

Gaming journalism is dying, and that doesn't come as a surprise. The quality and passion are all gone, what we have here (and IGN's staff is well representative of this) is a group of people delivering daily soulless articles, delivering the most laughable of rumors and barely finish a game for review.

I can't believe I even bothered to write this but consider it the last fan rage cry. I honestly don't remember the last time I read a review.
06/24/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
While Smash Bros. is indeed popular, Mortal Kombat is not as abysmal as some of you are saying it is. I don't even know what the fuck would draw some of you to believe that. Mortal Kombat is one of the most famous fighters in the world. I'd even go and say MK is a bit more popular than SSB.

Definitely not, lol. Mortal Kombat is popular for sure, but SSB is in another level of popularity/success, no contest. Literally all SSB games have outsold every MK game to date, while being console-exclusive.

I'm nowhere near a SSB fan, but let's not get blinded please.

You're also not considering the comics, movies, and cartoons that came with Mortal Kombat. It's there and it was big. I'm not even trying to come in here and diss Smash. I'm a Smash fan for sure, but people saying MK is nowhere near the popularity of Smash is absurd.

Because it isn't, not to mention nobody cares about MK in Japan/asia. Who are we kidding?
06/24/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Smash Bros was revealed LAST YEAR. Why does Smash even have a seat at the competition?

Because it's not a "best debut" competition, it's "best game"?
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-sig by MINION

06/24/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
You're also not considering the comics, movies, and cartoons that came with Mortal Kombat. It's there and it was big. I'm not even trying to come in here and diss Smash. I'm a Smash fan for sure, but people saying MK is nowhere near the popularity of Smash is absurd.
So instead you're comparing MK's one decent movie to all the other media and merchandise that Nintendo has? I mean?
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

06/24/2014 05:14 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Because it isn't

06/24/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Good, as it should. MK alienated the general public by rebooting, adding a bunch of non fitting characters, and getting rid of classic characters, so i am not surprised.

Yes, let the series remain stagnant, please!


Tell that to the casuals and non hardcore MK fans, not me. No need to unleash your anger towards me.
06/24/2014 05:18 AM (UTC)
I could care less about which series is more popular,, but I hope Smash Bros sells a ton of copies simply for the fact that Nintendo is struggling. The 3DS is doing good, but the Wii-U is hurting. Hopefully the new Smash Bros becomes the killer app for the system and makes Wii-U's fly off shelves. I've always loved Nintendo and want them to be successful. I plan on buying a Wii-U for Christmas this year and will definitely be picking up Smash Bros.

That being said, I'm by far looking more forward to MKX than Smash Bros. Something about MK just tickles my fancy more than other fighting games. The characters, the lore, the innovation, the entire package. Besides the Legend of Zelda, MK is my favorite video game series of all time.

Sales figures should be interesting for Smash Bros, I'm actually really interested to see how many units it sells on both platforms. The 3DS already has a huge install base, but the Wii-U does not. If every person on the planet who owns a Wii-U right now bought Smash Bros, it would still fall short of how many copies MK9 sold. MK is riding high after the last installment and with MKX being available on five platforms, it could easily move over 6 million units (what MK9 sold).

In the end, who really cares what some people at IGN say. I want both games to succeed and make their fans happy...along with making new fans.
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