Soooo Super Smash Bros won best fighter over MKX on IGN lol
posted06/25/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/07/2011 07:22 AM (UTC)
Im sorry but MKX just looks better on every level and is looking like the game that people have been dreaming about,not holding back on fatalities n xrays. Yeah watching someones balls explode= win lol
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06/23/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
That is some serious bs.
06/23/2014 07:41 PM (UTC)
I'm not surprised. IGN hates MK.

Even if NRS makes a flawless game, IGN is capable of downgrading to 8.7 or something.
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

06/23/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
Ain't worried bout I have love for smash bros but ign is very biased in a lot of their reviews as a mk fan I believe this shouldeve went to mkx at least mortal kombat is evolving to me I believe mkx will be the game that we all love while many will have that haterade going on for this series as always
To me it's like comparing apples and oranges...

Blood oranges that is...
06/23/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
Remember that this is Nintendo that we are talking about, and they are backed by some of THE most arrogant fanboys in the world.

Smash bros does not look much different or impressive in any aspect compared to Brawl, besides new (and fairly unimpressive) characters and stages, other than that it looks really boring and rehashes everything in gameplay (this is Nintendo we're talking about, 'New' Super Mario Bros?). Nintendo fanboys will defend practically anything they do

This is an example of a convo I had with them a while back:
Fanboy: "oh what does Microsoft and Sony have? We have Mario and Zelda, and we're getting 1080p games that go at 60fps, name some PS4 games that have that."
Person: "Metal Gear Solid 5? Mortal Kombat X?"
Fanboy: "ohoh, only 2?" *then the kid gets multiple thumbs up on a zelda fb page. I guess researching the technical specs of a game is overrated*

06/23/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I expected something like this would happen. IGN has a habit of hating on MK for ungodly reasons. I remember the tagline for an article about MK9 including the words;

'...boob physics...'

And hardly anything on the game itself. That alone should give you an idea on IGN's feelings about MK. I mean, the guy who interviewed Boon (his name was Damian something) during E3 was clearly uncomfortable about the game. The awkward laughter when a fatality was shown just made it clear that he was the wrong person to be asking the questions. IGN's had Nintendo's dick in their mouths for a long time and they're not going to take it out now. Everyone else is going to give MKX awards and praise but IGN never will. They'll do one article about MK during E3 then a review and end up giving it a lower score than Call of Shit. I still remember that line every said about IGN;

'You can't spell ignorance without IGN.'
06/23/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
I gladly welcome it.

Super Smash Bros. is a great series, and Super Smash Bros. 4 will definitely be a great game. Both it and MKX were deserving of winning.
Historical Favorite
06/23/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
Oh man, those IGN guys and their opinions.
06/23/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
Who gives a flying shit? Seriously?? So an entertainment company choses a game based on an OPINION and people are getting pissy? Geez. People need to grow the hell up, enjoy all the new info about the game YOU love, and quit worrying about stuff like this. Do I believe MK will be the better game...hell yes! Am I going to bitch and complain if it scores an 8.0 on a gaming site? Based on one reviewers thoughts on the game?? Nope. This kind of petty bitching just irks me. The only review that matters is YOURS.
06/23/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
Not really that surprising. The game appeals to a much larger audience and is a pretty highly anticipated title; it's also far more polished than MKX since it's later in development. I probably would've gave the award to it too.

Also, this idea that IGN hates MK is ridiculous. Their criticism about the females in the last game was correct.
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If it tastes like chicken, keep on lickin'. If it smells like trout, then get the f*** out!

06/23/2014 08:14 PM (UTC)
MKX only revealed 6 fighters and 3 stages. Kinda hard to compare to the amount that has already been revealed for Smash Bros. Besides I'm sure Smash Bros fanboys didn't say they weren't going to buy the game because the new characters seem out of place or that Mewtwo, Roy, or Wario aren't in the game.
06/23/2014 08:18 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I'm not surprised. IGN hates MK.

Even if NRS makes a flawless game, IGN is capable of downgrading to 8.7 or something.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even read the articles IGN does on MK? Vince Ingocnito and Destin Legarie (IGN's fighting game guys) are fucking stoked for MKX. They've said nothing but good things about it so far.

Besides, and most importantly... Neither game is finished. Until we see the final product we really can't say which is definitively better.
06/23/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)
Super Smash Bros has a bigger following and fanbase, I'd guess...
MK is not exactly niche, but it's not as popular on a worldwide basis as SSB is.

I can understand why SSB won. It's not a game for me, and I still have a hard time accepting the genre as a fighting game - to me it is more just a party game - but I respect its following and popularity.

MKX and Guilty Gear Xrd were the two games that caught my attention though.
06/23/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
I agree that IGN isn't this horrible institution. From everything I read and watched, they seemed psyched for MKX. Going back to their review of MK9 (Ryan Clements reviewed) I totally did not agree with his cons list (Khan was too difficult, females) but hey, that's the thing about reviews, awards...they are opinion-based.

I will add this though: we as a community are so much more knowledgable regarding MK than the media! E3 had a lot of overworked, less-than-informed people interviewing the NRS team. I think we're so hard on people because WE know our shit!

06/23/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)
i heard form a friend that ign choose super smash bros because the game had no hate or backlash. he said mkx had alot of backlash from some people and diehard fans hating on the new characters and the changes. kinda stupid to judge a game off that. i love smash and def am getting it but i thought mkx was the best fighter ive seen.
06/23/2014 08:34 PM (UTC)
AJAX75 Wrote:
Yeah, I expected something like this would happen. IGN has a habit of hating on MK for ungodly reasons. I remember the tagline for an article about MK9 including the words;

'...boob physics...'

And hardly anything on the game itself. That alone should give you an idea on IGN's feelings about MK. I mean, the guy who interviewed Boon (his name was Damian something) during E3 was clearly uncomfortable about the game. The awkward laughter when a fatality was shown just made it clear that he was the wrong person to be asking the questions. IGN's had Nintendo's dick in their mouths for a long time and they're not going to take it out now. Everyone else is going to give MKX awards and praise but IGN never will. They'll do one article about MK during E3 then a review and end up giving it a lower score than Call of Shit. I still remember that line every said about IGN;

'You can't spell ignorance without IGN.'

lol yeah that was the worst interview. all of them sucked honestly except giantbomb and the readable one for trmk. alot of the interviewers seemed clueless about mk's history. the ign guy seemed very disinterested and just fake laughed the whole time and didnt give that like holy shit feeling. im kinda over fatalities now too but i still would have been more enthusiastic about the game.
06/23/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
Nope, they probably chose Smash because they filled a fucking arena with crazy Smash fans. Not my type of game, but people clearly lose their shit over it. But again, who cares? MKX is in the right track...lots to look forward to.
06/23/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
We all know SSB4 won't be as good as Melee.
06/23/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
Why care? This game is getting huge hype, if it wasn't then I'd be worried. But it's getting the attention, so why care that Super Smash won?

The only thing I'm caring is when the next time we get some news.
06/23/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Why care? This game is getting huge hype, if it wasn't then I'd be worried. But it's getting the attention, so why care that Super Smash won?

The only thing I'm caring is when the next time we get some news.

Co-signed, who gives a fuck.
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-sig by MINION

06/23/2014 10:13 PM (UTC)
So pressed. SSB will be played until the next one comes out. MKX will be played for like a year and half. I kid, kinda.

SSB is an excellent franchise that spoils it's fans with a lot of what they want and even a few surprises. NRS is like the opposite of that.
06/23/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
IGNorant. However SSB is an awesome series and I am getting it in December.
06/23/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote: Neither game is finished. Until we see the final product we really can't say which is definitively better.
06/23/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
We all know SSB4 won't be as good as Melee.

The Project M team will probably modify the new game to be better than Melee like they did with Brawl.
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