Sonya is in MK9.
posted02/25/2010 08:20 PM (UTC)by
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09/07/2002 08:09 PM (UTC)
Dont think this was posted here,
Dana Lyn Baron who voiced sonya in MKvs.DC had this to say on her website:

"In September — right before I left for Paris & the South of France — I reprised my role as Sonya Blade for Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment’s next installment of the MORTAL KOMBAT videogame."
02/25/2010 04:27 AM (UTC)
Not that I'm surprised. Figured Sonya'd be back...if for no other reason than Boon has a major hard-on for her. But still...
02/25/2010 04:35 AM (UTC)
Sonya is growing on me over time. Well, growing on me in the sense that at first I was opposed to seeing her return, and now I have accepted that she would have been back, and that I can at least think of hopefully cool ways for her to return. For example, a Sonya/Jax feud is something that would give her such an emotional dilemma -- something we really haven't seen from Sonya.

So I guess we can now confirm Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Sonya for MK9? I expect most of the characters returning to be "iconic" ones. If only because MK now has new owners, and they'll want to the game to do well, so a lot of recogniseable faces will likely return. Even ones that people think should be left behind -- like Liu Kang.
02/25/2010 04:38 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
So I guess we can now confirm Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Sonya for MK9? I expect most of the characters returning to be "iconic" ones. If only because MK now has new owners, and they'll want to the game to do well, so a lot of recogniseable faces will likely return. Even ones that people think should be left behind -- like Liu Kang.

Honestly, I expect that will end up being the case.

So I'll probably be skipping MK9., when's MK10 due?
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02/25/2010 04:52 AM (UTC)
I must say that I am disappointed that Sonya will be in the game. I certainly don't hate her, I'm just bored of her.

Hopefully whenever they start releasing info for the game, they will show something that will grab my attention and interest.

I just hope we aren't waiting all this time and get another teaser trailer like we did with MKvsDC. Something to the extent of MKD's initial announcement trailer would be nice.
02/25/2010 05:27 AM (UTC)
Not surprised but not unhappy either. It all depends how she'll be handled (though considering her lazy treatment in the latter games in the series, I'm not holding my breath). Mostly what disappoints me about Sonya is that she's based on a real life 5-time World Karate Champion, and yet in every significant scene she's in, she's always getting punked or beating her opponent by throwing him off a building. It's like the designers took great pains to wring out every drop of awesome from Cynthia Rothrock and threw some boring military fatigues on the remains to present in the more recent games. WTF
02/25/2010 05:43 AM (UTC)
Sonya needs a story that actually teaches us something about her psychological or emotional state. As a heroine always helping to save the day, she is wearing very thin. The feud with Jax is one way to go about it, but I'd also like to know how Sonya Blade feels about dying and being enslaved by The Dragon King. Does she feel like she failed Earthrealm? Herself? Her dad? If they let someone else kill-off Kano, how does she feel about that? Does she feel like she let her brother down?

I'm sure there are ways to make us care about Sonya. I just hope they try something. I'm sick of her being back just for the hell of it. Boon loves the character, but he should try giving us a boner for her sometime.
02/25/2010 08:01 AM (UTC)
Oh Jesus. Looks like they're dropping the ball already.
02/25/2010 10:08 AM (UTC)
Come on, guys. One of the most popular and consistent characters returning to the series doesn't really spell the end. We all have our preferences, and the idea that Sonya is tested and tired is a valid one; but let's not call it "dropping the ball" already.
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02/25/2010 10:30 AM (UTC)
Maybe I'd have more tolerance for her if she had some consistency in appearance. She's had a total of four faces throughout the series!

Anyway, I don't see this as a bad omen. I'm sure we'll get many more obscure characters in the next MK. The 1st game in a generation will always have a recognizable cast and the next game usually has a "fan" cast. That has always been the pattern. Sure, we'll get Sonya and probably Johnny Cage because he sat out the last game, but we'll probably also get Noob Saibot, Kung Lao, a cyborg and some other post-mk1 characters.

And remember: the cast gets larger with every game (within its own generation). Boon has always tried to please everyone, and I don't think that will change now.
02/25/2010 10:43 AM (UTC)
That is a good way of looking at it, Temp. In all the entertainment industry, I believe that video games have the best opportunity to give people what they actually want. Eventually, we will see something that we really love.
02/25/2010 11:19 AM (UTC)
i'm happy Sonyas back even though i think there are alot more better female characters, she's always been good. i just hope Jax is not back i thought he was lame

remeber when they revieled the characters for MK vs DC and everyone boo'd when they showed him haha
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02/25/2010 03:48 PM (UTC)
Well, as long as they can put her in the game and not give her man face like she had in MK:DA and MK vs DC, I won't mind too much. I'll say this... She's always been somewhat of an iconic character to me, but outside of Kano, I don't really like the characters that are tied to her.

Either they're lame in and of themselves (Jarek), or they're cool characters that get awkwardly shoe-horned in to the whole "Outworld Investigation Agency" group (Kenshi), which I always thought was a bad idea to begin with.

Yes, let's put Sonya with Jax and...Kenshi...oh and Cyrax too. WTF? On one hand, you could see it as a blending of styles and a variety of characters. On the other hand, it's just giving characters something to do and throwing them all together in a group for the sake of thickening the ranks and I'm not in favor of that.

So if they bring back Sonya, as others have said, then they need to do three things:

1) Make her that mix of beautiful but deadly that she was in MK3 (no need for spandex though). No more man face or sphere boobs or anything else that suggests the person creating her has never seen a woman up close before.

2) Don't align her with anyone. Let her stand on her own and I think she'll be a better character for it. Otherwise she's just the damsel in distress that's surrounded by a bunch of big muscle-bound dudes and it simply doesn't work for a character that always struck me as being so bad ass and head strong.

3) Give her a completely new story with a ton of depth and some real emotion. As others have suggested, her story has been stale for a while now. So no more Jax, no more going after Kano, or Jarek or any other member of some Dragon clan.

In fact, maybe she could drop out of the military and she becomes a spy/assassin. Maybe she looks more like a blond version Jennifer Garner in Alias or Yvonne Strahovski on Chuck. She's sexy, but she can also beat the crap out of you in 20 different ways.

Maybe the depth here could be in finding out why she left the military and why she's and ice cold assassin now. Maybe it's because she lost everyone that meant anything to her. Maybe she lost a her child.

Maybe the military discharged her, thinking that she was burnt out on Mortal Kombat, chasing murderers and fighting for her life. But this is all she knows. Her life is death and she either has to will herself to change or reconcile herself to the notion that she might not be any better than the people she's hunted for years.

I don't know how you convey that through an intro and an ending, but then again, I've always thought that there should be more story, and more ways of getting to that story, whether it be by talking to NPCs or having a movie in the middle of the story.

Either way, I don't hate that Sonya's back. I've always liked here enough that I don't want to explode when I see that she's in the next game. I just hope that this time around they can make both her look and her story better.
02/25/2010 04:02 PM (UTC)
Meh, I've never been a sonya fan but I never been against her either. All I care about is Sub-Zero and Shao Khan, though I doubt Shao Khan will be back *cries in corner*
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02/25/2010 04:29 PM (UTC)
I like Sonya so I'm cool with her coming back so long as they make it good. She needs to grow; her personality needs to expand. Her voice actor in MKvsDC was spot on so....y'got my thumbs up.

Feud with Jax sounds good. So does a War of the Worlds sort of scenario between the SF and Tekkunin because of all that's going on. I personally think she should probably rank out, and make room for someone new. Still having a presence, but just not in the forefront....her and Jax, really.

I'd like to finally get more more background on her I suppose.There is no such thing as a woman in the SF in real life so, explain how it is possible in the fantasy. What did she do that makes her so special...ect? Her personality is really only indicative of a hot-headed cop. They'll need to bolster her up for a military rank like she holds, all while somehow making her be relevant in this new game.

But like I said, I like her so I'm cool with it so long as they make it good.
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02/25/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
She may make another fighter voice.And o yeah - fuck sonya.
02/25/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
Is Sonya really that bad of a character that you have to groan when she is mentioned? The answer should be no. For one it should be expected that she would be in the next game, because she was one of the originals, and she is a big part of the story. Also what's so bad about her ? I can understand if they announced Kai, Jarek, or Hsu Hao. But why be so pissed about Sonya being in the next game? She looks good for MK, she has a good story, and she usually plays well so screw the haters. I welcome her.
02/25/2010 05:30 PM (UTC)
sonya is alright. i wish they would update the the fighters a bit like tk6, if we are going to keep seeing the same people. everyone has got lame and stale, including the icons.
02/25/2010 05:31 PM (UTC)
Yay!! grin Even though its not a surprise, I am still very very exited and I do hope this is real news.

The woman who played Sonya's voice in MKvsDC was perfect for the role, so, I'm truly glad she's doing it again.

I read some very interesting comments here and I agree with most people: I want to see Sonya's character expand to new horizons. Its probably a bit too early to discuss deeper thoughts about her story, but I certainly hope she is back in all her deadly glory. A feud with Jax, a war with the Tekunin, exploring her darkers side, etc., Sonya has all the potential to grow.

Sonya was one of the best portrayed and best developed characters of the last game, and no doubt one of the most commercially promoted for the last years, so, hopefully they will repeat that again. Her role as lead Mk female was amazingly done.

I hope they keep her MKvsDC look. While the first render didn't do her justice, her in-game model and pictures (such as her ending and VS screen) were absolutely gorgeous and sexy. Please please keep her amazing hair style!!! I loved the sexy bangs. It easily became a trademark of hers like the thong and revealing mid-driff.

Whether you like her or hate her, there is no doubt she was truly a success in MKvsDC. grin Hopefully Warner Bross picked up on her potential as well, with all the "trademark" rumors and stuff that was going on a while ago.

Another big YAY for Mrs. Blade if this is true (*crosses fingers*).
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02/25/2010 05:39 PM (UTC)
Its not like they can just snuff the special forces, wu shi, black and red dragon clans. I asure you that one of each of these will be in the game.

Asuming they havent scrapped all current canon story. I am Jumping for joy, as Sonya being in the game durastically increases Sektors Chance as a conflict between them was erupting.

Maybe not all of them will be the Iconic chars. Ive had my fingered crossed for the 2nd level fame chars the whole way. I could see Daegon becoming something, And I am very sure we have not seen the last of Hotaru or Havik.


02/25/2010 05:52 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
Its not like they can just snuff the special forces, wu shi, black and red dragon clans. I asure you that one of each of these will be in the game.

Asuming they havent scrapped all current canon story. I am Jumping for joy, as Sonya being in the game durastically increases Sektors Chance as a conflict between them was erupting.

Maybe not all of them will be the Iconic chars. Ive had my fingered crossed for the 2nd level fame chars the whole way. I could see Daegon becoming something, And I am very sure we have not seen the last of Hotaru or Havik.



And I also jump for joy considering Sektor is one of the coolest characters, specially thanks to his amazing development in MK:TE and MKA. His role tied with Sonya's in Konquest mode was brilliantly done.

Sonya has what it takes to be brought back for more butt kicking and more classic moments. All her scenes in MKvsDC were brilliantly done, and she has some of the most memorable moments.

ThePredator151 Wrote:

Feud with Jax sounds good. So does a War of the Worlds sort of scenario between the SF and Tekkunin because of all that's going on. I personally think she should probably rank out, and make room for someone new. Still having a presence, but just not in the forefront....her and Jax, really.

I'd like to finally get more more background on her I suppose.There is no such thing as a woman in the SF in real life so, explain how it is possible in the fantasy. What did she do that makes her so special...ect?

Agreed. I like the idea of probably having some other man outrank her and have her deal with a new different twist outside of the role of "special agent".

As for her presence in the SF, it would be nice to get more explanation, but I'd figure that having a woman who can blast out magical deadly energy from her body would be enough. Well, also considering she is the only female chosen warrior from Earth.
02/25/2010 06:39 PM (UTC)
if this is solid news than i wonder who Brenda Barrie is playing than? it was said she was to play a role in MK9...i posted a topic awhile ago about it. in any case if those who thought Brenda was going to be Sonya i guess they thought this gets me wondering. thanks for the heads up.
on another note...i realized the word reprised was used which means she played Sonya before. which version did she play her in? was it Shoalin Monks?
02/25/2010 06:46 PM (UTC)
even tough Im not too fond of her, Im glad that we finally got something (kinda) confirmed.
02/25/2010 06:54 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
if this is solid news than i wonder who Brenda Barrie is playing than? it was said she was to play a role in MK9...i posted a topic awhile ago about it. in any case if those who thought Brenda was going to be Sonya i guess they thought this gets me wondering. thanks for the heads up.
on another note...i realized the word reprised was used which means she played Sonya before. which version did she play her in? was it Shoalin Monks?

Really? Cool! I haven't seen this thread. Is Brenda supposed to play a voice role, or a live action role?

As for your question, Dana played Sonya in MKvsDC.
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02/25/2010 06:58 PM (UTC)
That's great news! It wouldn't be MK without her in all fairness. She is the first MK female and that alone gives her priority over the rest whether people like it or not.
I'm happy that she'll be back but I just hope she has a chance for a new story and a fresh storyline. I would prefer it if she were not with the Special Forces or if she is, that it doesn't influence her motives all the time. She needs to be free of its restrictions whether that be by breaking free of it completely or being a little bit more of a rebel.
I also hope they revitalise her look and give her something fresh but not over the top. They also need to make sure they have her trademark moves in there. I don't want a reoccurrence of the shambles that was MKDA. After MK vs DCU, they have no excuse there.
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