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04/02/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
They have pretty similar backgrounds and themes, but Cassie was presented first and is the lead, playing a more crucial role than her. Although, I've never thought of Cassie like the big novelty tbh, specially with both of her parents around. The main hero group is definitely weaker in terms of originality and overall appeal than Kotal's gang, imo.
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04/02/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
Do people really need to presume to know why every Cassie fan likes her and why Jackie haters don't like her? Jackie is not to my personal preference. It has nothing to do with, "Cassie came first." Hell, nobody would have fans if that was the case.

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Don't know why everybody expects Ermac to be god their level when it comes to power. Since when was he really that powerful? Serious question.

Maybe his order in the MK tournament. Or the fact that Raiden has to warn Liu Kang of his power, the fact that he blew off Jax's arms without thinking about it, the fact that his power is emphasized because he literally has thousands of souls to power him like Shang and Shao, who are also suppose to be top tier.
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04/02/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Nothing. They are both in the exact same boat. Both are descendants of classic characters. Both have winks and nods to their parents embedded in their play styles. Both are the same age, fighting for the same side, in the same faction, wearing similar uniforms.

Objectively, they are equals and were clearly development with the same philosophy in the minds of the developers.

So, good ol' human perception is the culprit here. Fans may perceive Cassie to be "better" because she came first, or because her parents are more interesting than Jacqui's dad, or because she has cooler variations and special moves or because her story is better. All of that I just listed is subjective, though. It's just personal perception. Cassie isn't objectively better than Jacqui.

^This PLUS

During the game's development, Cassie was getting the same hate as Jacqui. Cassie wasn't a special snowflake when she was introduced, so neither is Jacqui.

Until we saw more of Cassie and coincidentally since people know Johnny is going to be playable, that's when people warmed up on her a little bit.
So if Cassie was to fail to impress, players had Johnny Cage to fall back on.

Jacqui is slightly in a different boat.
The moment Jacqui was shown sporting arm weaponry, fans of Sektor lost their shit. And as close as we are to release, it seems that they won't have Sektor to fall back on. And just like Cassie resembling Johnny Cage, Jacqui sporting arm weaponry got people thinking "Shit, Jax clone".
Me personally, if she doesn't have a kickboxing variation, I'm going to be disappointed as fuck, it would make her unique as a character in the roster if she does other than being a possible Sektor/Jax hybrid.

And at this moment...
"We haven't seen Jacqui's gameplay to fully judge her yet".
I think this topic should have been created after we see demonstration of Jacqui.

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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/02/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
I'm looking forward to Jacqui and Cassie.

Ethnic females are underrepresented in MK, it's nice to see a true "black girl" in the game (Tanya and Jade were simply dark-skinned, not necessarily "black"). We only have one truly asian-looking female in Li Mei.

Im not even making this about race, though - I'm looking forward to seeing how Jacqui and Cassie play. Everyone should prepare themselves, this is finally going to be the game where we say good bye to the old and in with the new.

I'm 100% positive that the following replacements will occur in the game and be permanent:

Scorpion, Kenshi replaced by Takeda
Sub-Zero replaced by Frost
Jax replaced by Jacqui
Sonya, Johnny replaced by Cassie
Raiden replaced by Fujin or Liu Kang
Kung Lao replaced by Kung Jin

I expect that the following characters will simply die for good:
Reptile Mileena Reiko Quan Chi Shinnok
I expect this game to be the swan song for the greater majority of the classic MK cast. We say goodbye to them as we usher in the new generation.
04/02/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
My two cents on the whole Jacqui thing is the issue of design space. There is nothing wrong with Jacqui. Sure, they might have been a little stingy about showing off her wow factor so far, but right now she's a big NEI.

The problem is that we have Johhny and Sonya's daughter, AND Johhny AND Sonya, and Jax's daughter AND Jax, and Kenshi's son AND Kenshi. 7 characters just dedicated to the Special Forces and their fucking family. It seems like a forced meme.

Give us Reiko and Mileena's daughter so Mileena has an heir. Give us Frost, the OG descendant, so Sub-Zero isn't literally completely alone in the Lin Kuei, keep Takeda with Scorpion and have him estranged from Kenshi, give us Jax OR Jacqui. Or if you insist on giving us all of them, give us a bigger roster so it doesn't feel so lopsided.
04/02/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Don't know why everybody expects Ermac to be god their level when it comes to power. Since when was he really that powerful? Serious question.

He has zero feats, and whatever he did in the old timeline (like his non canon until confirmed ending from MkD) is irrelevant now.
04/02/2015 09:32 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Exactly why the chapter system sucks balls. Now people think anybody can stand up to Ermac. What a shame. Jacqui wouldn't even get one hit on Ermac.

So I guess the story mode is essentially going to be a repeat of MK9 with everyone jobbing to the Brady Bunch this time around.

frabn Wrote:
I'm looking forward to Jacqui and Cassie.

Ethnic females are underrepresented in MK, it's nice to see a true "black girl" in the game (Tanya and Jade were simply dark-skinned, not necessarily "black").

It doesn't matter what ethnicity they are if they're boring as all hell. We don't need two Mini-Mes of old established characters.
As someone mentioned, Cassie was the novelty in this regard, but well after that bit of shock value wore off, we got Jacqui and she was nowhere near as interesting.
04/03/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
People saying Cassie's more original because she was introduced first, act as if Jacqui was an unoriginal character introduced after MKX. They were both planned for this game. Cassie just happened to be shown first, but that doesn't change the both of them being intended for MKX.

People can prefer one of them because of design, personality, gameplay, fatalities (though we've barely seen Jacqui's latter three), the differences that actually are there, but prefering Cassie for being more "original" is hypocritical. She's not. She isn't the Kano to Jacqui's Jarek.
I feel like Cassie has a bit more going on for her than Jacqui.
She's not just the daughter of one, but 2 popular characters.So that means double the fans that would warm up to her easier. Her personality also helps big time, I think.
Then in her looks department she's more distinguishable (or at least sports a more interesting hairstyle)

She'll probably get more screen time in the story too. From Jacqui I get the "main character's friend/support" vibe that's often seen in stories. (cliche)

04/03/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Don't know why everybody expects Ermac to be god their level when it comes to power. Since when was he really that powerful? Serious question.

Ermac's Deception ending :

In an outer chamber of the Dragon King's throne room, Ermac did battle with Liu Kang's enslaved comrades. Ermac was more than a match for the five warriors, but their defeat was not his objective. Liu Kang materialized and, one by one, freed their souls while Ermac occupied the rest.

The comrades being Jax, Kung Lao, Kitana, Sonya and Johnny Cage.

diirecthit Wrote:
He has zero feats, and whatever he did in the old timeline (like his non canon until confirmed ending from MkD) is irrelevant now.

Which was confirmed by Jax and Ermac's Deception/Unchained Bios
Ermac : Eager to atone for the atrocities we had committed in Shao Kahn's name, we agreed to help this warrior, Liu Kang, to liberate his allies from the control of the Dragon King. Shao Kahn may be dead, but it seems his essence lives on in this new menace. It is as if they are both manipulated by the very fabric of the realms
Jax : My brutality as Onaga's pawn will haunt me forever. If not for Liu Kang, I'd still be under the Dragon King's spell killing the people I've dedicated my life to protect. Now that my soul is unchained, I'm coming for you Onaga. It's payback time
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