So, what makes Cassie so much better than Jackie? *a little long*
posted04/03/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
People accuse Jacqui of being unoriginal. How is Cassie any different?

Forgetting that we still haven't seen much of Jacqui's gameplay, let's see what unique moves Cassie has:

Gun special, that is exactly like Stryker's. She even has a baton like him (and yes, I know it's not exactly the same weapon, but it doesn't really matter)

Overhead missile attack, barely different from Sektor's.

Baraka's double-kick.

The aerial shadow kick, that's pretty similar to one of Johnny's moves.

A blow-kiss, not exactly like Sonya's but still.

So why single out Jacqui for being a Sektor rip-off (even though we still haven't seen enough of her gameplay to say she's nothing but that), when Cassie has pretty much no moves of her own? And while I like her personality, she is essentially Sonya with Johnny's sense of humor. The most unique thing about her is her fondness for chewing gum.

Some people seem to think Jacqui's destined for no character development, just like her father. Right, because we know Sonya and Johnny were such developed characters before MKX. Jacqui already seems romantically linked to Takeda. That right there could be some character development that Jax never really got.

Quite frankly, fans are just setting up Jacqui to fail. They say she's bland and a Sektor rip-off, but they'd probably still complain if she was too original. She's Jax's daughter, and I think they can't get past it, sins of the father or some crap like that.

For the record, I like Cassie, and Jax is one of my most disliked characters. But I'll judge Jacqui as her own character.

Now to conclude: Jacqui owning Sub-Zero. Lol. And possibly Ermac, too.
04/02/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
Nothing, Jacqui is better. And i hope she kills Ermac.
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04/02/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
Quite bluntly, it's because Cassie was shown to us first.

People often don't care about 'quality'. They care about 'novelty'.

Cassie was a novelty. THe offspring of two well-loved characters, with a good personality (to some) and plenty of promo time for us to get to know her.

Then Jacqui kind of popped up and was like 'heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy look! I"m the daughter of a loved character with a sassy personali- oh.... well shit"

Without being able to see more of Jacqui, we can't really judge her at all, but it's likely that if SHE had been presented first, we would've liked her over Cassie.... Unless it turns out Jacqui IS a bland character and it's not just people getting ahead of themselves.
04/02/2015 01:26 PM (UTC)
At least story wise, because Cassie was a daughter of the Special Forces (which was original), and then Jacqui was yet another daughter of the Special Forces (which is now unoriginal because of Cassie). Of course had they been revealed in the opposite order I'd have the same problem with Cassie.
04/02/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
Still not sold on any of the descendant characters to be quite honest. Probably won't be until I can tinker with them myself.
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04/02/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
Nothing. They are both in the exact same boat. Both are descendants of classic characters. Both have winks and nods to their parents embedded in their play styles. Both are the same age, fighting for the same side, in the same faction, wearing similar uniforms.

Objectively, they are equals and were clearly development with the same philosophy in the minds of the developers.

So, good ol' human perception is the culprit here. Fans may perceive Cassie to be "better" because she came first, or because her parents are more interesting than Jacqui's dad, or because she has cooler variations and special moves or because her story is better. All of that I just listed is subjective, though. It's just personal perception. Cassie isn't objectively better than Jacqui.
Isn't that a opinion thing? If I like Cassie, I'll prefer her over Jacqui, the same on the contrary and over any preference I may have.

Or you're talking about gameplay?? idklrjnseksl BANDOLEROOO
04/02/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
Cassie has a Blow Kiss? You're talking about the one she uses in her X Ray right?

Anyway, I already find Jacqui far better, she doesn't seem to get any of her father's tools, and her arm is much different that his.

If she ends taking things from him than my opinion will chance.
04/02/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
its kinda like doing the same move over and over. It's cool at first but the more they do it the more it gets boring. It also doesn't help people dislike jax. One last thing is people did not want the old characters back if there kids are in.
04/02/2015 01:58 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
And i hope she kills Ermac.

Exactly why the chapter system sucks balls. Now people think anybody can stand up to Ermac. What a shame. Jacqui wouldn't even get one hit on Ermac.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/02/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And i hope she kills Ermac.

Exactly why the chapter system sucks balls. Now people think anybody can stand up to Ermac. What a shame. Jacqui wouldn't even get one hit on Ermac.

Nah. I think he'll pummel her and Takeda will show up and save the day. Leading to her eye batting school girl routine between them.

Oh and I'm still not 100% on board with Cassie either, but I do like her more. She's had the variation breakdown, and has been seen since E3. We've pretty much seen all she has to offer, but can't make the same boast for Jacqui yet.
04/02/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

Nah. I think he'll pummel her and Takeda will show up and save the day. Leading to her eye batting school girl routine between them.

I hope you're right and Ermac doesn't just get beaten by Jacqui on her own. In MKD we saw that Ermac can stand his ground alone against most of the Earth Defenders. He is a freaking collection of dead warrior souls, lol.
04/02/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And i hope she kills Ermac.

Exactly why the chapter system sucks balls. Now people think anybody can stand up to Ermac. What a shame. Jacqui wouldn't even get one hit on Ermac.

Power levels changed from timeline to timeline, he isn't that powerfull anymore, same as Liu Kang, Noob Saibot, Reptile Scorpion, Zhang Tsung, Quan Chi.

Others characters became more powerfull like, Johnny, Sonya, Stryker, Nightwolf and Kung Lao.

Besides Ermac wasn't that powerfull in the original timeline either. People use his ending in Deception to say he could take nearly all Earthrealm defenders when that isn't true, Kitana and Jax were already freed, he only had to deal with 2 of them while Liu Kang freed the last one.
04/02/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:

Power levels changed from timeline to timeline, he isn't that powerfull anymore, same as Liu Kang, Noob Saibot, Reptile Scorpion, Zhang Tsung, Quan Chi.

Others characters became more powerfull like, Johnny, Sonya, Stryker, Nightwolf and Kung Lao.

Besides Ermac wasn't that powerfull in the original timeline either. People use his ending in Deception to say he could take nearly all Earthrealm defenders when that isn't true, Kitana and Jax were already freed, he only had to deal with 2 of them while Liu Kang freed the last one.

I really REALLY hope you are not serious...

to be honest I don't blame you, this chapter system is messing with the canon and now we have to deal with people thinking Liu Kang or Shang Tsung are weak characters...
04/02/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
Too early to judge! Anyone saying they don't like her already is just hating.

Gotta wait until the variation breakdown to decide =)
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/02/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
Ermac wasn't that powerfull in the original timeline either. People use his ending in Deception to say he could take nearly all Earthrealm defenders when that isn't true, Kitana and Jax were already freed, he only had to deal with 2 of them while Liu Kang freed the last one.

Well his ending was one of the closest, if not THE closest to being canon. Armageddon is hinted at in his ending.

He's Kahn's ultimate enforcer. Ermac also eliminated JC in MK2's NT. Now, Ermac has most likely either lost some of his power since Kahn's death or it's doubled since he now harbors the former emperor. I can't commit either way, but he still talks a big game.
04/02/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:

Power levels changed from timeline to timeline, he isn't that powerfull anymore, same as Liu Kang, Noob Saibot, Reptile Scorpion, Zhang Tsung, Quan Chi.

Others characters became more powerfull like, Johnny, Sonya, Stryker, Nightwolf and Kung Lao.

Besides Ermac wasn't that powerfull in the original timeline either. People use his ending in Deception to say he could take nearly all Earthrealm defenders when that isn't true, Kitana and Jax were already freed, he only had to deal with 2 of them while Liu Kang freed the last one.

I really REALLY hope you are not serious...

to be honest I don't blame you, this chapter system is messing with the canon and now we have to deal with people thinking Liu Kang or Shang Tsung are weak characters...

I'm not saying they are weak.

But they are not as powerfull as they once were, in the original timeline Liu Kang was Shinnok level, now he can't defeat Raiden.

Shang Tsung was one of the most powerfull characters, now he can't defeat Smoke with Reptile's help or defeat Kitana

04/02/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:

I'm not saying they are weak.

But they are not as powerfull as they once were, in the original timeline Liu Kang was Shinnok level, now he can't defeat Raiden.

Shang Tsung was one of the most powerfull characters, now he can't defeat Smoke with Reptile's help or defeat Kitana

Okay... So you are telling me between MK2 and MK4 Johnny Cage got SUPER powerful to the point where he can stand against Shinnok...

The chapter system is just there to make the character you you play as look very powerful but outside that he'll look like a sissy.

You said it yourself, Shang Tsung couldn't defeat Smoke with the help of Reptile or Kitana. So explain to me how did Sindel defeat almost all the Earth Defenders on her own? Don't tell me she had Shang Tsung's souls/powers because he had none, according to you he is weaker than Smoke in this timeline.

You see what I'm trying to say? The chapter system is bullshit. Sonya beating Raiden? Give me a break.
04/02/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Too early to judge! Anyone saying they don't like her already is just hating.

Gotta wait until the variation breakdown to decide =)

Or maybe they don't like her look
04/02/2015 02:30 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:

I'm not saying they are weak.

But they are not as powerfull as they once were, in the original timeline Liu Kang was Shinnok level, now he can't defeat Raiden.

Shang Tsung was one of the most powerfull characters, now he can't defeat Smoke with Reptile's help or defeat Kitana

Okay... So you are telling me between MK2 and MK4 Johnny Cage got SUPER powerful to the point where he can stand against Shinnok...

The chapter system is just there to make the character you you play as look very powerful but outside that he'll look like a sissy.

You said it yourself, Shang Tsung couldn't defeat Smoke with the help of Reptile or Kitana. So explain to me how did Sindel defeat almost all the Earth Defenders on her own? Don't tell me she had Shang Tsung's souls/powers because he had none, according to you he is weaker than Smoke in this timeline.

You see what I'm trying to say? The chapter system is bullshit. Sonya beating Raiden? Give me a break.

Yes the chapter system is bullshit, but if it makes better for you Raiden was clearly letting Sonya win.

Now about Sindel, Shao Kahn could have placed a part of his own power along with Shang Tsung inside her. Sindel was already quite powerfull before that as well, the developers even said she was the most powerfull female in the series.

Why couldn't Johnny get more powerfull during MK9 to X? Kung Lao lost to Scorpion and later is able to beat the Deadly Aliance.
04/02/2015 02:44 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:

Yes the chapter system is bullshit

Exactly, so trying to explain something you clearly know is bullshit is just not a very good idea, because you and I, clearly know the system is bullshit.

residentfan Wrote:

Now about Sindel, Shao Kahn could have placed a part of his own power along with Shang Tsung inside her. Sindel was already quite powerfull before that as well, the developers even said she was the most powerfull female in the series.

More powerful than Nightwolf who defeated Quan Chi?
More powerful than Smoke who defeated Shang Tsung and Reptile at the same time?
More powerful than Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade?
More powerful than Stryker who defeated Kintaro and Ermac?
More powerful than Cyber-Sub who defeated Both Kintaro and Goro at the same exact time?

I think not. There is a simple explanation which is the chapter system is bullshit and the fights that happen should not be taken as canon but yet again the writers put them as canon so the canon of MK at this point is fucked up.

residentfan Wrote:

Why couldn't Johnny get more powerfull during MK9 to X? Kung Lao lost to Scorpion and later is able to beat the Deadly Aliance.

Because there is not much time between MK2 or MK3 when he got defeated by Shao Kahn or Sindel, for him to become a super powerful character that can stand up against Shinnok.

I'm sorry but Johnny Cage is no where near powerful enough to be able to hold his ground against Shinnok.

And again you pointed out the flaw in the chapter system, Kung Lao lost to Scorpion but then defeated Goro,DA and Kintaro. So what does this tell you? The fights that happen in story are bullshit and nothing more.
04/02/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
I like them both, but Cassie is in the lead for me at the moment because I have seen more of her gameplay and it looks fun, other than that I don't like one more than the other, oh and I don't like camo, so Jacqui gets a point taken off for that lol
04/02/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
I like that she chews bubblegum. That's about it.
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/02/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Don't know why everybody expects Ermac to be god their level when it comes to power. Since when was he really that powerful? Serious question.
04/02/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
We haven't seen Jacqui's variations yet, so I can say if she sucks or not. But her moves looked pretty badass in the trailer. I may not like her better than Cassie but have to see how she is first
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