05/02/2015 04:41 AM (UTC)
It depends how much larger of a roster there would be. I don't think it would be that big of a difference, really.

You could say that it's harder to balance, which is true, and that they have less characters because of that.. But they are adding characters via dlc so they clearly aren't afraid of having a larger than 24 roster for balancing reasons.

I think the roster size was a concious choice and not because of variations.
05/02/2015 05:05 AM (UTC)
Been saying this since I saw the implementation of the mechanic. Variations as they are, are way too limiting, and it is completely obvious where some characters received the 'full' treatment.

It is a really fun concept, but the manner at which NRS utilized it allowed it to fall flat. The person that labeled the Variations as tiers was spot on. Some characters have variations that are definitely "variations". Some have something different but they ultimately play similarly, and others NRS just couldn't develop something great.

I say bigger roster because I'd assume it would be far easier to develop a unique move set based on lore/traits/and other aspects of unique characters, versus trying to develop a main move set that is unique to a character along with three 'side move sets' to accompany it. Just seems like it would be hard to remain true to a character while creating something interesting.

As they are variations divide characters, rather than bolstering them.
05/02/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)
Well, I would prefer a larger roster, but I really don't understand why compare the two. I mean, unless I missed it, I don't recall them saying, "We had to leave a few characters on the cutting floor because we were working on the variations."
So I don't think the presence of variations is the reason we haven't gotten more characters.

Either way, the variations are definitely useful, as I'd like to be able to actually be GOOD with my favorite characters, and the variations definitely allow for that. With characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Liu Kang and others having certain styles that I'm not too fond of, but others that are a lot more fun and better to play.
In MK9, there were a couple of my favorite characters (namely Sub-Zero) that I just didn't think was very fun to play with, unfortunately.
05/02/2015 05:46 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
But I feel like saying "Bigger roster" is saying quantity over quality. Instead of trying to fix the variation system and make it better, people just want more characters. I personally don't think that is a good solution. I want each character to be as fleshed out as possible in terms of gameplay. And variations leverage more out of what characters can do.

Yeah, exactly. Instead of having only 2 variations, do you think it is feasible to make the variation system more malleable? By that I mean some characters with 2, some with 3, some with only one. This could also be achieved by having more than one version of the character (two different scorpions to choose from on the select screen) but I think that would look silly and get confusing.

I think the best way to flesh out each character in terms of gameplay is to do it this way, as some can really only fill out 1 or 2 variations, others can easily do 3.
05/02/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
Bigger roster without a doubt
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
05/02/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Mournful variation my ass.

Now that you mention it, and knowing what we know now, Kitana's Mournful variation is just bizarre. Kitana takes up Jade's weapons in memory of her dead friend... but Kitana herself is still dead.
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
05/02/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
But I feel like saying "Bigger roster" is saying quantity over quality.

Not necessarily. You'd merely be adjusting the balance between the two.
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05/02/2015 07:10 AM (UTC)
I guess it's time to say "I told you so" I said it back at E3 that most people would pick there favorite variation and stick with it.

Time could have been spent on more Kharacters, Stages or chapters for Story Mode :(
05/02/2015 09:35 AM (UTC)
Big Roster

Bring everyone from previous games back and add all the new 8 characters from MKX

Lets have an Armaggedon again. tongue
05/02/2015 09:39 AM (UTC)
I like the variation system, and I understand the idea behind it. However, some characters were done better than others. It doesn't help that there are a lot of story bits missing that don't explain the variations, such as Inferno Scorpion or Dualist Liu Kang. While the game is still young, I do find characters like Reptile to be one of the worst in the sense that his variations don't really break down his key strengths. He's still a complete character in all three variations, so he's going to be dumb. To make things worse, I see no need to pick anything other than Noxious as the other two variations are essentially pointless.

For this game, while it would be nice to have a bigger roster, it would be better to rework some of the characters' variations. I can't imagine NRS doing the 3 variation system in the next game as they would likely want to do something different while building up on certain mechanics from the previous games. Also, coming up with 3 variations for each character takes a lot of work.
05/02/2015 10:03 AM (UTC)
Bigger roster. It feels like they put all their thoughts into some characters and after some time the rest got the shaft. Mileena only has 2 viable variations for example which are essentially the same with different animations. Ethereal is completely useless. I wouldn't call that variation for the character, I would call it limitation and unbalanced.

Variations were a cool addition but they really are a one trick pony it seems. Ditch them for the next game.
05/02/2015 10:31 AM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Mournful variation my ass.

Now that you mention it, and knowing what we know now, Kitana's Mournful variation is just bizarre. Kitana takes up Jade's weapons in memory of her dead friend... but Kitana herself is still dead.

Lol, this is a really great point. Where the fuck is Jade?? Why did she not become a revenant? How can evil hellspawn puppet Kitana even be mournful, and on top of that if she is mournful how can she still fight against her allies?? I guess thats a very non cannon variation? Also, while I'm on the topic, wtf do the revenants do when both their puppet masters are decapitated and why are they still evil??? Gaaah fuckin NRS writing staff, chuggin bong water by the gallon.

/off topic rant
05/02/2015 11:15 AM (UTC)
MK9 komplete edition has 32 playable characters according to the Nekropolis (my kung fu is stronger).
MKX has 29 with dlc, so it's not that much smaller, plus you get the variations.
But it feels more claustrophobic, less variety with the character choice. Too much SF stuff.
I like the idea of varying numbers of variations per character. And a more varied roster.

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05/02/2015 11:18 AM (UTC)
The logical answer is variation.

Arguing that everz move should be at your disposal is is illogical. Basically everyone would have an answer for every situation. And that is bad balancing.

05/02/2015 12:10 PM (UTC)
Bigger roster, it's pretty much unanimous. Variations might not have been so bad if NRS hadn't forced variation-specific costumes on us (seriously, Ed, WTF? Why should I have to pick between a moveset I like, and a costume that actually looks cool?). But as it stands, Variations (and, to a slightly lesser extent, the G-rated costumes) are this gen's Big Mistake.

You had Brutalities (MK3), Pointless Newbies (MK4), One Fatality Per (MKDA), More Pointless Newbies (MKD), Kreate a Fatality (MKA), Storymode (MK9), and now Variations (MKX).

MK9 was really good overall, and aside from the dumb story, it's hard to find fault with it. MKX is pretty good, too, but with at least a half dozen obvious boneheaded mistakes (Variations, QTEs, worst female costumes in any title so far, Easy Fatalities, anti-mod DRM on the PC edition, freemium Mobile Kombat and Faction Wars instead of all the fun modes and minigames from earlier titles), clearly we have to ask: is this a sign that NRS is going to slide into it's old habits again? i.e. make the games progressively worse each time, entirely through really obvious mistakes?
05/02/2015 02:28 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer Larger Roster, with a more comprehensive combined fighting style,

There is no reason why Kano had to have his classic moves split up into three variations (knives in one, Laser in the other and grabs segregated)? why can't they all be combined into one? it would make for a far more indepth and attractive character to work and play with.

Sonya, I can;t imagine not having military stance in my game If they worked on making one complete and comprehensive variation the game would be so much better and more fun.

THe same can be said for many of them? Mileena should have her sais and ravenous, ethereal could be a cool new special move did it have to be a variaiton?

Kitana, Mournful is Jade, did they need to kill of Jade and give Kitana an uninspired variation? Assassin and Royal Storm could have combined to make a great Kitana.

Johhny Cage, needs all his tools together just to be competent.

and so on and so forth, just like Deadlly Alliance with the the switching through Fighting styles, why do something half hazard when you can combine them to do them whole and more in depth.

I firmly believe that MKX is the best fighting MK has seen to date but at the same time I can't help but think that the variations have prevented the game from fully realizing its true potential, its an impediment.
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05/02/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
A bigger roster *sounds* nicer on paper

But honestly, as long as they do a better job of balancing variations next time around (i.e. don't do stupid shit like make Raiden's teleport exclusive to one variation), I'll be fine with the current system.

I'll take quality over quantity. We all remember Armageddon.
05/02/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
I think "quality over quantity" is over simplifying a little. You can make the same point to say that characters who clearly have three variations just for fulfilling the quota is a case of quantity over quality

It's more complicated when you look at variations like Johnny Cage's stunt double, which clearly takes Noob's style. Noob was my main in MK9, but since I don't like the new iteration of Cage, I end up not using the style at all.
05/02/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Bigger roster. It feels like they put all their thoughts into some characters and after some time the rest got the shaft. Mileena only has 2 viable variations for example which are essentially the same with different animations. Ethereal is completely useless. I wouldn't call that variation for the character, I would call it limitation and unbalanced.

Variations were a cool addition but they really are a one trick pony it seems. Ditch them for the next game.

Over a month ago, you went off on me for saying Mileena's ethereal variation was pointless and pointing out that it was clear that some characters got better treatment than others. Claiming that I was complaining and that you wouldn't nit pick over every little thing.

...and now here we are.
05/02/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The logical answer is variation.

Arguing that everz move should be at your disposal is is illogical. Basically everyone would have an answer for every situation. And that is bad balancing.

Yeah, exactly. It would feel so homogenized to have every character with great rushdown and great zoning. it makes sense to have some characters specialize in rushdown, others in zoning, etc.
05/02/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
The logical answer is variation.
Arguing that everz move should be at your disposal is is illogical. Basically everyone would have an answer for every situation. And that is bad balancing.

Yeah, exactly. It would feel so homogenized to have every character with great rushdown and great zoning. it makes sense to have some characters specialize in rushdown, others in zoning, etc.

Yeah, exactly my train of thought. It would be crazy if the next game the characters had all of these special moves available to each one of their respective variations. Could you imagine a Scorpion with those minions and the Ninjutsu swords? Kano with the zoning potential of his knifes and lasers, but also being a good grappler? Good grief. Balancing would be an utter nightmare. Either that, or every character would play very similarily and wouldn't feel different.
05/02/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
I don't really care abour a bigger roster.
I want a more logical roster.

The variation thing is really just a gimmick for me. I hope it doesn'T come back. I was playing D'Vorah earlyer today and realise her moves set is a bit on the low side. I would have prefered a more complete D'vorah, not a divided one.

As for the logical roster.. well, it's bee pointed out before, Liu Kang and Kitana should not hav been included. Period.

Jax, Cage abd Sonya is debatable.

I would have repalaced Kitana with a ghostly Jade who would have had a Mourning variation (using the fans).

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05/02/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
Bigger roster. More variety in terms of baddies and good people. Its a fucking SF fest in this game. Jacquie, Cassie, Takeda, Kung Jin, Sonya, Johnny, Jax Kenshi (he might be in or just aiding them I dunno). God damn takes 1/3 of the roster. Where the hell is Red Dragon, Black Dragon, Shaolin peeps who are in the game just not playable *cough*bo badass cho *cough*. Hopefully MK11 will have the much need variety that we all want. Maybe. I only speak for myself.

05/02/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
I like variations. NRS just needs to fix it up later and make them more unique from each other - that there really would be different results if you chose this variation over another. So far, some variations seem pretty watered-down and simple; some of them seem very similar, there's just a different special move with it.

For example, Ethereal Mileena is just like Piercing and Ravenous with extra teleportation and less combos, from what I've experimented so far (I haven't played much due to studying).

Although, you wouldn't want the same character seeming too different throughout each of its variations. So if NRS takes another 4 years to think out and creatively find a balance, the variation system - in my opinion - is rather immersive and fun.
Bigger roster, definitely!
But there's no need to be tempted with "or more characters" to decide that I don't want the variations to return. Because I simply don't.

I much prefer for the characters to feel complete in a one (and true) form.
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