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Blind Morgshi, Ancestral warrior of ICEntertainment

06/08/2015 11:01 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Its funny how fans wanted a gay character so when NRS finally gives the fans one, they are complaining on forums calling him a faggot etc. Smh, but who knows maybe Tanya is bisexual. For some reason the only person I thought Tanya was banging was Shinnok lol

What's actually funny is how you think people are a hive mind for some reason. Do you honestly think that the same people who wanted a gay character are the same ones now complaining? Get some perspective.
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06/08/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
Xyslon Wrote:
They can be synonyms but there is a difference. The archaic definition is one of a mistress has largely lost its meaning after in more modern times woman and men have can cohabit without being married. In todays society it is largely accepted that a concubine is a woman who lives with a man that she is not married with.

Sure, but if you had to guess based on the context, what would you assume the implication for the word would be in this situation? To me, the implication is that she's Mileena's sexual partner, but in a more degraded context. Thus, he'd probably be using more of an archiac definition of the word, as he's clealy trying to insult her.

Well, at least based off of this limiated information and assuming this audio is real, of course.

I'm also trying to figure out what you mean by "today's society" with regards to this expression being largely accepted as being one thing or the other. This colloquialism fell out of popular use generations ago in western society.

Honestly, when was the last time you ever heard someone say "yeah, we're living together, but we're not married. She's my concubine." That just doesn't happen.

So the idea that there's a popular consenus on the word seems like a bit of a stretch. Unless you're talking about within a particular cultural subset like "the litarary world" or something along those lines. Of course, that's not "today's society" as a whole by even the biggest stretch of the imagination.

I'm not trying to insult your intelligence (really), I'm just legitimiately curious what you mean by this.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

06/08/2015 01:25 PM (UTC)

Tanya is obviously pansexual. Shaolin, Edenian princes, half Tarkatans. Her tastes know no bounds.

I can dig it.
06/08/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
I would say that based on who Tanya is, she only had relations with Mileena to either save her own skin or get closer to power. She could be bisexual, but I don't think that's why she and Mileena were possibly banging.

Really this just tells me Tanya will do anything to further her agenda, even be a slut.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/08/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I would say that based on who Tanya is, she only had relations with Mileena to either save her own skin or get closer to power. She could be bisexual, but I don't think that's why she and Mileena were possibly banging.

Really this just tells me Tanya will do anything to further her agenda, even be a slut.

Bam. That in a nutshell. It's actually very in character for Tanya. . She gets what she wants and sex (male or female) is simply another tool she uses to achieve her goal. There's no romantic feelings on her part.
06/08/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
ICEman Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Its funny how fans wanted a gay character so when NRS finally gives the fans one, they are complaining on forums calling him a faggot etc. Smh, but who knows maybe Tanya is bisexual. For some reason the only person I thought Tanya was banging was Shinnok lol

What's actually funny is how you think people are a hive mind for some reason. Do you honestly think that the same people who wanted a gay character are the same ones now complaining? Get some perspective.

Did i ever say it was the same exact fans complaining? Oh wait now some different fans are complaining, that sounds better? Smh point is you can never please everyone. If fans get what they want, its sometimes always a problem afterwards
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

06/08/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
Overreaction much? Who exactly made you feel so offended?

What over reaction? There was nothing bellicose in my tone. The only over reaction is yours. You take one sentence and then write paragraphs about it even though your perception of it was wrong.

Lokheit Wrote:
Because what I said wasn't meant as an insult to your intelligence or your english comprehension. In fact the word concubine in my own idiom that I hope poor silly me understands better than oh so superior intellect you, only changes one letter and means the same.

If you are going to use irony then at least do it properly. Sentences do not start with "because". "English" is always with a capital "E". An idiom is a figurative phrase so that does not even make sense. I am guessing you meant "idiocy". But yes, poor silly you.

Lokheit Wrote:

Anyway if you still think this is about being good at english, one of the 2 persons that already corrected you is a native speaker and I'm sure his comprehension is better than yours and mine lol.

Not really. No one corrected me since I already gave my explanation which is based on the English dictionary. You can check yourself. Make sure it is proper English and not American English. Actually, I will do it for you:

(in polygamous societies) a secondary wife, usually of lower social rank
a woman who cohabits with a man
(archiac) a mistress

There is no axiom that being a native speaker of a language makes one more knowledgeable about said language. That is absolutely preposterous and quite frankly stupid. In order to comprehend a language one only needs to learn the language and keep on bettering that knowledge. It does not matter whether they are native speaker or not.

Save your worthless apology. If it was sincere then you would have gone back and readdressed your post conscientious of the the fact that it was rude. It was nothing more than an alibi for your passive-aggressive reply.

If you want to believe that Tanya is bisexual based of an off-the-cuff remark, most probably designed to provoke, then that is your perogative. I, however will not agree. I would want to see more conclusive evidence than that.

06/08/2015 07:03 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
Overreaction much? Who exactly made you feel so offended?

What over reaction? There was nothing bellicose in my tone. The only over reaction is yours. You take one sentence and then write paragraphs about it even though your perception of it was wrong.

Lokheit Wrote:
Because what I said wasn't meant as an insult to your intelligence or your english comprehension. In fact the word concubine in my own idiom that I hope poor silly me understands better than oh so superior intellect you, only changes one letter and means the same.

If you are going to use irony then at least do it properly. Sentences do not start with "because". "English" is always with a capital "E". An idiom is a figurative phrase so that does not even make sense. I am guessing you meant "idiocy". But yes, poor silly you.

Lokheit Wrote:

Anyway if you still think this is about being good at english, one of the 2 persons that already corrected you is a native speaker and I'm sure his comprehension is better than yours and mine lol.

Not really. No one corrected me since I already gave my explanation which is based on the English dictionary. You can check yourself. Make sure it is proper English and not American English. Actually, I will do it for you:

(in polygamous societies) a secondary wife, usually of lower social rank
a woman who cohabits with a man
(archiac) a mistress

There is no axiom that being a native speaker of a language makes one more knowledgeable about said language. That is absolutely preposterous and quite frankly stupid. In order to comprehend a language one only needs to learn the language and keep on bettering that knowledge. It does not matter whether they are native speaker or not.

Save your worthless apology. If it was sincere then you would have gone back and readdressed your post conscientious of the the fact that it was rude. It was nothing more than an alibi for your passive-aggressive reply.

If you want to believe that Tanya is bisexual based of an off-the-cuff remark, most probably designed to provoke, then that is your perogative. I, however will not agree. I would want to see more conclusive evidence than that.

So... you mad then?

To be honest I didn't want to derail my own thread much but woah... it's priceless seeing someone acting pompous about their knowledge to correct someone that wasn't even taking it seriously in the first place and was intentionally writting some stuff wrong just to have fun and tease you AND while doing so and going out of the way to show your excellent vocabulary and grammar you made so many silly mistakes and stated wrong info as facts... priceless. Now I'm having fun, thank you.

Thanks for the good laughs, I've never tried to say I'm better at this than anyone else as I know I'm reaaaaally far from perfect, but I love when someone does and fails so miserably that even I can call it. The best part is how you started this "me english so guder than yurs" nonsense because you wanted to argue the definition of a word that is almost the same in multiple languages and had literally nothing to do with being able to speak english correctly or not lol.

Anyway before this absurdity derails the thread too much by you quoting what I quoted from what you quoted from what I quoted from you and a long etc... I think it will be better to focus on the main topic and if you really have any interest on continuing the discussion with a clown that wasn't even taking it seriously in the first place (and won't take it seriously in private either, I'm just having some fun), we have alternative ways to communicate with each other in this forum.
06/09/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
Why is it important to call out gay characters?
Maybe it's time we flood the boards about all heterosexual characters as well?
06/09/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
Jhonny Wrote:
Why is it important to call out gay characters?
Maybe it's time we flood the boards about all heterosexual characters as well?
Have you seen the boards? You already do.
06/10/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
ICEman Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Its funny how fans wanted a gay character so when NRS finally gives the fans one, they are complaining on forums calling him a faggot etc. Smh, but who knows maybe Tanya is bisexual. For some reason the only person I thought Tanya was banging was Shinnok lol

What's actually funny is how you think people are a hive mind for some reason. Do you honestly think that the same people who wanted a gay character are the same ones now complaining? Get some perspective.

Did i ever say it was the same exact fans complaining? Oh wait now some different fans are complaining, that sounds better? Smh point is you can never please everyone. If fans get what they want, its sometimes always a problem afterwards

But then what would be the point of your initial post if you weren't conflating fans-who-want-gay-characters with fans-who-call-Jin-a-faggot? You made no effort to distinguish the two; why would anyone think you were trying to do so? Clearly, it's not a revolutionary observation to state that what pleases one person will displease another. That is to say, if that's the point you were really trying to make, it certainly didn't come across in your initial comment. It really did seem like the argument you were making was "the people who clamored for a gay character now are hating said gay character."

Here's an idea: instead of reacting so defensively to a misunderstanding of your post, you can take the opportunity to see how your writing is responsible for producing said misunderstanding.
06/10/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
There were people wanting Mortal Kombat to have gay characters? Was this a real thing? Was there a petition or something? I'm gay and Mortal Kombat was the last place I'd look for the characters to start exploring their sexualitys.

"Neat, I get to watch a gay guy get murdered over and over, forever." Who the fuck was clambering for that?

Also, a woman who has sex with men and women is a bisexual. Or pansexual. Not gay.
06/10/2015 02:48 AM (UTC)
No offense, but in 2015, a girl being bisexual has zero shock value. Add to that the fact that Mileena has always been MK's oversexualized vixen, so I'm gonna chalk this one up as Boon and co. doing this for shits and giggles.
06/10/2015 03:15 AM (UTC)
I think I agree ^^^ the dialogue between Mileena and Tanya has some serious inuendo, but I can't help but think it's just the writers trying, yet again, to be edgy.
06/10/2015 04:49 AM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
ICEman Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Its funny how fans wanted a gay character so when NRS finally gives the fans one, they are complaining on forums calling him a faggot etc. Smh, but who knows maybe Tanya is bisexual. For some reason the only person I thought Tanya was banging was Shinnok lol

What's actually funny is how you think people are a hive mind for some reason. Do you honestly think that the same people who wanted a gay character are the same ones now complaining? Get some perspective.

Did i ever say it was the same exact fans complaining? Oh wait now some different fans are complaining, that sounds better? Smh point is you can never please everyone. If fans get what they want, its sometimes always a problem afterwards

But then what would be the point of your initial post if you weren't conflating fans-who-want-gay-characters with fans-who-call-Jin-a-faggot? You made no effort to distinguish the two; why would anyone think you were trying to do so? Clearly, it's not a revolutionary observation to state that what pleases one person will displease another. That is to say, if that's the point you were really trying to make, it certainly didn't come across in your initial comment. It really did seem like the argument you were making was "the people who clamored for a gay character now are hating said gay character."

Here's an idea: instead of reacting so defensively to a misunderstanding of your post, you can take the opportunity to see how your writing is responsible for producing said misunderstanding.

06/10/2015 05:33 AM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
There were people wanting Mortal Kombat to have gay characters? Was this a real thing? Was there a petition or something? I'm gay and Mortal Kombat was the last place I'd look for the characters to start exploring their sexualitys.

"Neat, I get to watch a gay guy get murdered over and over, forever." Who the fuck was clambering for that?

Also, a woman who has sex with men and women is a bisexual. Or pansexual. Not gay.

So many users on this site/MK fans in general. I care little for people's sexuality but for some people they need to be represented in EVERY facet of their life, including crazy violent video games they play for leisure.

All I can say is sucks to be them.
06/10/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
I am one of those people. If you have more than ten characters, a few of them shouldn't be straight or white. But in Mortal Kombat? All this time if you really wanted to imagine a character as gay, you were free to do so. Even after two decades, they weren't even entirely clear that Kitana and Liu Kang were an item. Suddenly in X they're all making babies with each other.
06/10/2015 06:51 AM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
If you have more than ten characters, a few of them shouldn't be straight or white.

Why not?
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

06/10/2015 08:17 AM (UTC)
It seems like an insult but too each his own. We all know that Tanya and Mileena are willing to do anything to get what they want. Shit is Mileena the 3rd gay character? I don't think it could be more obvious.
06/10/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
SJWMegatron Wrote:
If you have more than ten characters, a few of them shouldn't be straight or white.

Why not?

Because, all white straight people look alike.

Honestly, Tanya could defiantly be bisexual. There's no evidence to support otherwise, and she does hit on men and women. However, I defiantly see that dialogue basically being:

Tanya: "Bitch"
Tremor: "Whore"

It doesn't prove anything. Just like there's no definite proof Mileena and Baraka made the beast with two backs (and many many teeth). grin
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06/10/2015 09:33 AM (UTC)
An insult from someone doesn't confirm Tanya as bisexual (which would be the correct term, considering her relationship with Rain). It just means the person insulting her was implying it.

She probably is bisexual though. Cool, but not a big deal. The glass ceiling for bisexual females in games was shattered a long time ago. Straight men don't complain about girls being bisexual in games. They prefer it.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2015 09:55 AM (UTC)
I fail to see why people are getting so damn heated over this? It's really not that serious.

Some people think it all means nothing and some may think opposite. Who cares? No reason to get pissy over. That's what I've been disliking about the people on this site all through the MKX developement- people get angry and nasty over the tiniest rhings(which I"m guilty of myself so I'm no angel).

Debates used to be fun and somewhat enlightening and if people couldn't get on the same page it would end with mutual respect at least.


Once again, rather you believe Tanya/Mileena had a sexual relationship or that it was nothing- lets keep it civil. At the end of the day its subjective .
06/10/2015 09:09 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
SJWMegatron Wrote:
If you have more than ten characters, a few of them shouldn't be straight or white.

Why not?

Where do you live that you can find an assortment of ten people and they're all white and straight? That's not realistic.
06/10/2015 11:03 PM (UTC)
Nevermind lol
06/10/2015 11:38 PM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
SJWMegatron Wrote:
If you have more than ten characters, a few of them shouldn't be straight or white.

Why not?

Where do you live that you can find an assortment of ten people and they're all white and straight? That's not realistic.

In almost all video games
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