03/15/2015 04:44 AM (UTC)
Peace till the game
03/15/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
Hopefully NRS doesn't abandon Mortal Kombat for Injustice. Companies tend to do that, ditching their old ____ for a new and refreshing one. Happened to Guilty Gear - it was ditched for like 10 years because the development team focused on BlazBlue; like just now is there a new Guilty Gear game after such a long hiatus.

Happens all of the time in the entertainment industry, TV and music as well.
03/15/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
After MKX comes out, I will be on here on and off sporadically.

I will be back fully when the DLC's are coming out though
About Me

This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/15/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
Hopefully NRS doesn't abandon Mortal Kombat for Injustice. Companies tend to do that, ditching their old ____ for a new and refreshing one. Happened to Guilty Gear - it was ditched for like 10 years because the development team focused on BlazBlue; like just now is there a new Guilty Gear game after such a long hiatus.

Happens all of the time in the entertainment industry, TV and music as well.

That's how I felt about the new DMC. Me and a lot of other fans would have been a lot more accepting towards the alternate universe if they hadn't completely ignored the old one. They just act like the old DMC doesn't even exist anymore. >_>

To be on topic, I'm so hype for this game even though I'm displeased with a few things here and there I still foamed at the mouth over that chapter 1 preview we got.

I will probably leave about a week before release because a lot of youtubers and some other lucky folks get the game early. I want to experience it myself and in my own perspective.
03/15/2015 07:30 AM (UTC)
I think a good solution is to stick to Twitter. Both Ed and NetherRealm post all of the newest trailers + announcements for the live streams. Just read what's on their Twitter page.

You still get your MK news fix AND you avoid the inevitable spoilers that always hit the forums before the game is released.

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03/15/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
I will follow twitter as well but come here regularly as much as possiblewow
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03/15/2015 09:32 AM (UTC)
I don't plan on sticking around for much longer. When this game drops I'm going to avoid everything that could be considered spoilers. It's difficult enough trying to avoid fatalities and such, and i haven't seen the story trailer at all. (I still have no idea who half these new characters are, but that's the choice i made.)

I'll still check in every now and then to see what front page news there is but i'm definitely taking a hiatus from MKO altogether. For a while now it's been increasingly difficult to be here for many reasons. The hype for MKX is growing, which is great, but a lot of tensions are fraying and some users are getting plain aggressive with the way they talk to others.

My internet connection is unstable right now, I've got money issues left right & centre, I've still got a few health issues lingering from January. The timing for me right now is not good.

One major issue i'm having with MKO is the sheer volume of traffic. It's the lead-up to the next release, there are lots of users on at the mo, but the amount of threads is crazy-making. Worse still, the amount of duplicate threads that serve no purpose but to clutter up the place during high-traffic season. I'm finding it almost impossible to navigate.

On top of it all, the very devisive topic of past-gen vs new-gen has led to some arguments with some users and i don't spend my time coming to the internet just to get angry. That's not the point of why i'm here. There's still a lot of people here i do like, and just because i've had disagreements with some in the past doesn't mean i don't like or respect you.

I wasn't going to do my "Peace ya'll, I'm out" speech until April. But here it is, my pre-speech (if you will).
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/15/2015 09:43 AM (UTC)
May have to take a break from here a few days before because no doubt there will be places that break release date and just ruin it for everyone with spoiler thread titles

It's been great discussing and doing detective work with each released video etc. but also was frustrating where there were months of nothing, not even a bone thrown
03/15/2015 02:44 PM (UTC)
I'll be coming here every day/every other day just to see what's posted; may sign in & post if there's anything of interest to me, and I'll be around up to release day.

Going to try to avoid story spoilers but any other spoilers don't bother me.

I'll even continue coming here sporadically after release to check for news & discussions on the DLC.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/15/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Hmmm Perfect Legend is tweeting that story mode script has been leaked. Anyone know if there's any truth to this? He won't post links or anything.
Adam Ronin
03/15/2015 03:14 PM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Hmmm Perfect Legend is tweeting that story mode script has been leaked. Anyone know if there's any truth to this? He won't post links or anything.

Can't imagine he'd bullshit something like that. But I'm searching. Have yet to find anyone else even mentioning it.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/15/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:

I enjoyed Injustice. I'm looking forward to Injustice 2, Dr Fate and Swamp Thing ftw

03/15/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
If NRS does a horror themed fighter , they need to ditch the MK/Injustice engine and go 3D, ala WWE or Powerstone.

When did you ever see Pinhead throw a punch ? Mike Myers do a jumping flip kick ? Leatherface doing a crouching jab ?

Thematically a horror based fighting game would work much better if it played like a 3D wrestling game with cinematic kill moves rather than cinematic wrestling moves.
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03/21/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
OK, this is it. The 'Peace ya'll, I'm out' speech.

What this means is: No more posting, but I will still pop back to read new articles/news/non-spoiler threads. I will also sign in sometimes to check my messages. I will hover around for the rest of the week end if someone has some reply for me regarding something i've said/asked. Be sure that if I don't reply I will still read the posts.

I don't really want to leave, because MKO is the first internet forum I ever joined, and I've learned so much from being a member here, and enjoyed so many of the stupid funny things that have happened here.

Why I am doing it now: This is a long and complicated composite of reasons.

With the announcement of the full DLC pack, the game is close to release and I want to avoid spoilers. I avoided the story trailers/live streams/etc deliberately, and some information always leaks out into other threads. I will not be visiting or seen at all after April 14th. I won't be getting the game until June at the very earliest, thanks to the decision to delay prev gen. While I accept that I want the quality to be the best and I don't mind waiting for that, the way NRS/WB disseminated the information is pure crap, and it made me unhappy with that.

The 'extras' that I won't have access to (DLC characters/costumes, mobile game, online play and anything else i've forgotten). If I keep seeing people talk about all this stuff I can't have i'm going to end up bitter and resentful. Please understand my reasons. I don't want to be a bitch to anyone here when the fault lies with the decision makers. If they wanted to include a mini-game why not include it on the disc, seeing as we'll all be buying the game on disc. There's no way they can guarantee the same for people having iphones or whatever.

The attitudes of some people here. While most of you are great and I feel genuinely sad to be leaving, I need a reprieve from the BS. For example, I don't want to be involved in yet another genwar. I'm also really frustrated about the amount of threads there are. Already three Tremor threads on the front page? Seriously people CALM THAT SHIT DOWN. It makes it impossible to follow any actual conversations, or find threads from just a week ago.

Personal reasons. Like I mentioned before, i've got serious money issues and some lingering health issues too. My internet connection is intermittent at best, and it all contributes to my utter frustration. As it stands now, it'll take me months to save up for this game anyway, and that's if I forgo buying a washing machine until after MKX. (Something I can not and will not put up with.)

What I need is to take a long break and forget this game exists, otherwise i'll be pining for it instead of concentrating on my more immediate needs. Besides, I still have plenty of other unfinished games to play until then, and all the previous MK games to revisit and hold my interest in the franchise I love so much. It's funny, I started today's visit to MKO aggressively energetic, now i've run out of steam and i'm just very sad to be facing up to this.

I know I have mentioned some of these things before, but in all the traffic it's easy to get lost. I'd really like to say I am very grateful to all those of you who have used spoiler tags properly, it really will help to keep the details fresh when I eventually get to play what promises to be the rockin'est MK game ever. I hope you all enjoy it, and don't rip each others' heads off in my absence. (Except when you fight each other in-game. Severed fatality heads be flying all over the place.)

Goodbye to you all, I'm going to miss you and MKO, and I'll return when the timing is right and when I feel better.
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