07/09/2014 12:24 PM (UTC)
When did I ask you about the characters you like?

How is that relevant to listening to all types of music?

Do you even English?
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07/09/2014 12:25 PM (UTC)
lol, the ost of the trailer is wack, that's true! But did you ever listen to real rap ? I don't think so.

We can get some dark shit Dope D.O.D. style. Also there are a lot of horror rap that is sick like Geto Boiz for instance. Did you ever heard of Onyx ? What the fuck ????

Anyway this is for fun, don't jump in like you're real MK character lol.
Noob is blacker than anyone, cuz he has black blood yo so that's why he's on the list :D

Anyway I was talking about friendships, but some of you mentioned the actual music of the stages should be rap. I'm fine with that, as long if it's some dark and hard rap, not Wiz Khalifa and other soft new modern gum rap :D
07/09/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)
Everything DVorah Has Written So Far:
Character X is too mainstream. Character Y is so much better and just unappreciated because sheeple are stupid, and it has nothing to do with the character at all.

Back to the subject at hand, Mortal Kombat is not the place for rap. They can go together outside the game, that's fine, we all remember Immortal. I didn't really care for Immortal, but it wasn't in the game, so it didn't bother me. Also, it was good advertising, which is exactly what we're seeing with the rap music. Soundtrack-wise, I think Deception has had the best score out of any of the games. Falling Cliffs? Sky Temple? The ambient music in Konquest? They were fantastic! Although, the character select theme was pretty crappy.
07/09/2014 12:38 PM (UTC)
No, keep it out of MK. Rap died in the 90's. Today's rap is cRap.
07/09/2014 01:09 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
Everything DVorah Has Written So Far:
Character X is too mainstream. Character Y is so much better and just unappreciated because sheeple are stupid, and it has nothing to do with the character at all.

Back to the subject at hand, Mortal Kombat is not the place for rap. They can go together outside the game, that's fine, we all remember Immortal. I didn't really care for Immortal, but it wasn't in the game, so it didn't bother me. Also, it was good advertising, which is exactly what we're seeing with the rap music. Soundtrack-wise, I think Deception has had the best score out of any of the games. Falling Cliffs? Sky Temple? The ambient music in Konquest? They were fantastic! Although, the character select theme was pretty crappy.


The intro theme when Raiden faces off against the Deadly Alliance was all kinds of awesome. I think the theme was titled Lower Mines? The rumbling guitar riffs and heavy drums really screamed Mortal Kombat to me.

Now, put a random rap song over that intro, and I guarantee that fight between Raiden and the sorcerer tag-team loses some of its gravity.glasses

So, yeah, no. I vote no rap in MK. Something more along the lines of Deception would be fine imo.
07/09/2014 01:18 PM (UTC)
Gimme a break, hip.hop n MK dont belong together lol I like hip.hop,it just doesn't fit MK at all.
07/09/2014 01:26 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hate RAP and I hate METAL even more. I hope they use 90ties dance again next.

I freaking hate it how Americans always put Metal underneath youtube video's... Every freaking game-playthrough has metal on it, every freaking video creation has metal with it, even fucking smurfs and little pony video's have metal on it, and even pokemon video's are made even worse with that annoying music.

For this i'm happy i'm European, there is far less metal here.

I see Metal as the music for the true-male, males who are afraid that if they don't like metal, or put metal underneath their youtube creation, they are called gay. And of course there is nothing worse than be called a gay... (and yes i'm being sarcastic, because i'm gay myself)

Oh! Less Metal in Europe? Open your fucking eyes if you're from Europe. Most of the bands i listen to that are European Metal bands. As for rap, i'm not so close minded that i hate every rap artists. When the lyrics have some kind of meaning and are not diminished to a point to be only superficial. I love Punk Rock and Classic rock as far as i know but do they fit MK? But clear the shit from your eyes D'Vorah, unless you just don't want to admit it, there are lots of YouTube vids that don't use Metal and/or Hip Hop. Or you just hate them so much you can't hear the others? If you want a vid about the 90's dance music, type it clearly.

But, because there's hypocrisy and close minded fools in the Heavy Metal crowds doesn't mean we are the anti this or that of the music world. Rob Halford is gay and the former singer from GorGoroth, Gaahl is actually gay. Where does metal comes as a Real Male vehicule that has to be discriminated? i'm still a proud metalHead and i don't think that alone would mean that i'm more close minded than Dance Fans or Hip Hop fans.

And as for the soundtrack for MK. Call me crazy but Metal in general wouldn't impressed me. Darker stuff such as Industrial Rock would fit in even better. And i trust that this time, they won't just be drawn to using Fucking Slayer only because they are fucking Heavy!
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07/09/2014 01:58 PM (UTC)
To parphrase Troy McClure:

"I think MKO gets stupider every year."

Not singling out anybody in particular in this thread, mind you.

Anyway. We're getting Dan Forden's funky gooves. All there is to say, really.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

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07/09/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
InfiniteAmmo Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
Well, don't stop with the trailer, put some rap in the game. Like for instance make Jax's friendship battle rap the opponent :D

Kai, can make some break-dance or battle break.
Cyrax can make some beat box.
Darrius can make graffiti :D
Noob can make some Turntabling.

You can come up with more ideas on that. I'm not really serious so you shouldn't be too. Just go with flow yo!

What a fucking awful idea. Keep that brain dead garbage away from Mortal Kombat....far fucking away.

Let's get music like Control from Juno Reactor(Reptile Movie Theme) in there as well as some metal.

This post is ignorant and this thread offends me regardless of intent.

The op is foreign, so I understand the skewed view, but still, I find this fucked up. Mostly because no, I see no hip hop influence in MKX. What, scorpion's hood?

Wtf is this?
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07/09/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
Uhh... No.
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07/09/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
At this point I'll take any shift in music for MK. The tracks are just not exciting to fight to.
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07/09/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
Yeah I forgot Scorpion :D He have real G hood :D

And why the hell would my thread offend anyone ? Jax is already in the hip hip shit since MK:DA.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/09/2014 05:34 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
And why the hell would my thread offend anyone ? Jax is already in the hip hip shit since MK:DA.

That makes sense, but what about the others? Especially Noob... I think the fact that he's literally black is a tad bit offensive. Plus Darrius & Kai have no association with it either.
White people rap too, you know? Cage is one bad movie away from changing his career path, so he makes more sense to me.
07/09/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Yeah I forgot Scorpion :D He have real G hood :D

And why the hell would my thread offend anyone ? Jax is already in the hip hip shit since MK:DA.

Because it seems that to some people who hate Hip Hop or any type of anything only because more than one person likes it, it makes us all sheeps. It's funny that the ones who claimed to be the most tolerant, are sometimes those who post the most to repeat how much they Hate something.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/09/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Asesino Wrote:
Yeah I forgot Scorpion :D He have real G hood :D

And why the hell would my thread offend anyone ? Jax is already in the hip hip shit since MK:DA.

Because it seems that to some people who hate Hip Hop or any type of anything only because more than one person likes it, it makes us all sheeps. It's funny that the ones who claimed to be the most tolerant, are sometimes those who post the most to repeat how much they Hate something.

I believe J-Spit was alluding to the black stereotypes, not whether Hip-Hop is hip or not.
07/09/2014 06:39 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:

I believe J-Spit was alluding to the black stereotypes, not whether Hip-Hop is hip or not.

Yeah, i was not directing this to Hip Hop haters only. That was my observation in reply to why someone would think his thread be offending someone.
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07/09/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
I always thought that Kai was a break dancer, at least I thought it when i was a little kid and played MK4. I listed black fighters, cuz the credit for inventing the original hip-hop culture is theirs (and latinos of course).

Everyone can rap, I rap too and I'm white. So what the hell grin

Stick with the topic homies! Input some funny ideas for hip-hop in MK.

Oh, and Cage could be some dope braggin rapper. That's kool!
07/09/2014 08:40 PM (UTC)
Registheman Wrote:
Wow I remember the bashing STF3 third strike got and that was one of the best soundtrack ever in a fighting game.Things can;t always be the same just cause that song wasn't great or you feel it doesn't fit mortal kombat doesn't mean hip-hop can't work.

No one thinks hip hop wouldn't work in MK. There's a difference between good music and garbage like what was in the trailer, though.
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07/09/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
I am offensive and I find this black
07/09/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Hell, maybe they should just bring Adema back. It'd be their first shot at relevancy in over a dozen years.
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07/09/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Hell, maybe they should just bring Adema back. It'd be their first shot at relevancy in over a dozen years.

Well, since then they got rid of the singer. A poor man's Jonathan Davis.

EDIT: they are half-brothers to boot...
07/10/2014 12:26 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hate RAP and I hate METAL even more. I hope they use 90ties dance again next.

I freaking hate it how Americans always put Metal underneath youtube video's... Every freaking game-playthrough has metal on it, every freaking video creation has metal with it, even fucking smurfs and little pony video's have metal on it, and even pokemon video's are made even worse with that annoying music.

For this i'm happy i'm European, there is far less metal here.

I see Metal as the music for the true-male, males who are afraid that if they don't like metal, or put metal underneath their youtube creation, they are called gay. And of course there is nothing worse than be called a gay... (and yes i'm being sarcastic, because i'm gay myself)

And there it is....looking for their first opportunity to announce that they're gay. Lol what an attention whore. Nobody gives a fuck, pal.

And I promise you...nobody gives a cunt's whisker about your shitty musical tastes either. Metal>>>>>your existence.

07/10/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
Let's forego rhythm music altogether and just have ambience playing on stages.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/10/2014 12:41 AM (UTC)
1) Hip Hop is OK, better if it's 90's/early 2000's hip hop, its just not right for MK.

2) How in the holy hell are we having a conversation about hip hop in MK and not one damn person has mentioned The Wu Tang Clan.

07/10/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
InfiniteAmmo Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I hate RAP and I hate METAL even more. I hope they use 90ties dance again next.

I freaking hate it how Americans always put Metal underneath youtube video's... Every freaking game-playthrough has metal on it, every freaking video creation has metal with it, even fucking smurfs and little pony video's have metal on it, and even pokemon video's are made even worse with that annoying music.

For this i'm happy i'm European, there is far less metal here.

I see Metal as the music for the true-male, males who are afraid that if they don't like metal, or put metal underneath their youtube creation, they are called gay. And of course there is nothing worse than be called a gay... (and yes i'm being sarcastic, because i'm gay myself)

And there it is....looking for their first opportunity to announce that they're gay. Lol what an attention whore. Nobody gives a fuck, pal.

And I promise you...nobody gives a cunt's whisker about your shitty musical tastes either. Metal>>>>>your existence.

...he already mentioned that he's gay awhile back, actually...in a long buried thread...so yeah, not really the coming out party you're implying.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, like other folks have pointed out we're getting Dan for the musical score so this is really all moot. There likely won't be any metal OR hip-hop in MKX. Probably more along the lines of what MK9 gave us.

Too bad, but not deal-breaking for me. I'll enjoy MKX all the same. tongue
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