03/02/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
My guts telling me that she stays a zombie throughout story mode.

I hope my gut's wrong.

So much story potential and so much character development has gone into Kitana over the years but Ed Boon and Company seems to be keen on wasting her potential.
03/02/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
My guts telling me that she stays a zombie throughout story mode.


You guys want me to play nice for once? I'll play nice. Here it goes- Kitana will most likely NOT stay a zombie in MKX. Why do I think that? Because she has 2 count em 2 "human" skins for MKX, the one we constantly see has been referred to as her primary by Tyler Lansdown in the Twitch Stream when they went over designs and when they pulled up her evil designs, the designer said they "wanted to show the dark side of Kitana". If Kitana is indeed undead for all of MKX, then why would they design only 1 undead skin for her?

Captain_Chivalry Wrote:br/>So much story potential and so much character development has gone into Kitana over the years but Ed Boon and Company seems to be keen on wasting her potential.

Who are you trying to fool? She has no story potential. Were talking about one of the most one dimensional characters in the franchise.

Kitana=sleep I still can't believe they wasted a roster spot on her instead of somebody more deserving that we haven't seen for over a decade like Li Mei or Ashrah.
03/02/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Kitana is probably restored early on after Shinnok/Quan Chi are beat. Not sure of Quan Chi is banished to the Netherrealm by Scorpion again but Jax, Kitana, Kung Lao, and Kui Liang are all probably freed and Jade, Sindel, Smoke, Stryker, Nightwolf, and Kabal are probably still under his control. Kitana and some other characters will probably make it a mission to rescue them from his control either near the middle or end ofthe story, and they'll probably be NPCs at the most if they aren't mentioned.

A couple might show up as DLC and the rest will probably be restored in MK11.

That was our original theory.
However, in the story trailer we can see Kitana along with Sindel fighting Cassie. Cassie didn't even exist after the Netherrealm war when Kitana and the other heroes are supposed to be freed.

So it seems like only a few heroes were freed after the Netherealm. Kitana will be freed later on.

I thought that scene would have Kitana get beat down and Sindel escapes, leaving Kitana to be purified and Sindel and the rest of the fallen warriors to be rescued later.

Kitana's mourning variation could wind up partially recycled for Jade or Sindel's glaive weapon in DLC.

That scenario is definitely a possibility. But do you see what I' trying to explain to you? That this scene where Sindel & Kitana are fighting Cassie and Kung Jin takes place 25 years after the Netherrealm War. How do we know that? Because Cassie is in the fight and she wasn't even born during the Netherrealm War. Kitana will have a huge role in MKX bringing Quan Chi down. Based on the Story Trailer we can see that Quan Chi still has his revenant army even after the Netherrealm War. Kitana has a lot of haters but the amount of Kitana fans overwhelm those who dislike her grin. Whether they like or not, Kitana is in MKX and she is here to stay. I can't wait to see her important role in MKX.
James_Sunderland Wrote:
I don't know how the Kitana/ Mileena rivalry is gonna work. They only met like once in the story mode for MK9, they're past history is no more. They don't have any quarrels with each other. Mileenas rival seems to be Kotal. Kitana doesn't seem to care what's going with Outworld, nor does she want the throne Mk ileena so desperately wants back. So it'll be interesting how they reignite the Kitana/Mileena rivalry.
That's a very interesting point. Kitana and Mileena will definitely square off in MKX and I'm sure NRS will find a way to reignite their classic rivalry. Maybe Kitana will align herself with Kotal Kahn and will personally take care of bringing Mileena down.
03/02/2015 04:09 AM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
My guts telling me that she stays a zombie throughout story mode.


You guys want me to play nice for once? I'll play nice. Here it goes- Kitana will most likely NOT stay a zombie in MKX. Why do I think that? Because she has 2 count em 2 "human" skins for MKX, the one we constantly see has been referred to as her primary by Tyler Lansdown in the Twitch Stream when they went over designs and when they pulled up her evil designs, the designer said they "wanted to show the dark side of Kitana". If Kitana is indeed undead for all of MKX, then why would they design only 1 undead skin for her?

Captain_Chivalry Wrote:br/>So much story potential and so much character development has gone into Kitana over the years but Ed Boon and Company seems to be keen on wasting her potential.

Who are you trying to fool? She has no story potential. Were talking about one of the most one dimensional characters in the franchise.

Kitana=sleep I still can't believe they wasted a roster spot on her instead of somebody more deserving that we haven't seen for over a decade like Li Mei or Ashrah.

Yes, because Ashrah is a complex character. Try again.
03/02/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
A Dark Alliance made up of Raiden's former most powerful warriors who want to hunt him down for his mistakes? That would sound badass. Maybe Liu Kang breaks off from the White Lotus and forms his own rogue clan to deal with the Red Dragon and otherworldly invaders.

I'm telling ya! I'm so for this. And it's not that it has to be a quest for "vengeance" or even "oh, the good guys are bad guys now", but it's obvious that not everyone is going to stand behind Raiden. Even if it wasn't COMPLETELY his fault, he still has made mistakes. Costly ones.

Also starting to think Fujin isn't going to back him up for much longer either.

This ought to be a separate game on its own. The Red Dragon would be the main villains instead of the Black Dragon or the same old Outworld/Netherealm minions.

I could envision in my mind (I have a knack for making non-canon scenarios if some information is revealed in the MKX story mode) that after the Outworld Civil War, Liu being distrustful of Raiden and especially the White Lotus Society (but keeps a close friendship between Kung bc (1) it's been a long time since Liu has seen him since Shao fucked Kung up so he goes easy on him and (2) Liu appreciates that Kung is devoting himself to a woman which leads to Kung Jin's birth so Liu doesn't need to involve Kung in his activities.) breaks off and decides to form his own clan.

I have a few preliminary names for it like the Blue Tiger Society, the Yellow Tiger, the Golden Dragon, Sabertooth, and the Crimson Phoenix Clan. I can see Liu recruit Kai, a down-on-his-luck resurrected Kabal, the new Outworld refugees like Li Mei (so she has something to do and still be badass), Zaterran refuges like Matriarch Khameleon, Reptile, D'vorah and an overthrown Kotal (if they survive the war), former enemies like a newly-reformed Shang Tsung (yea it would be interesting how he turns his back on Outworld and slowly tries to regain the humanity plus find a way to reduce the number of souls he consumes and stay alive), Shokan refugee Sheeva, newly-freed demon Ashrah, Enera Smoke, and a fugitive Orderrealmer Dairou. The clan can have an otherworldly alliance with the Moroi Empire led by NItara as an honorary member in case Earthrealm has to deal with the Red Dragon recruiting other Outworld races into Earth. Reawakened Taven might join in the last minute where I can envision where he'll join only, being a deadpan snarker if the clan has "free food." I'm not so sure about Kitana given she might have a strong grudge against Raiden for letting her and Jade die back in MK9, but she may have some conflicted feelings about Liu and his new incentive so for now she'll probably be undecided

The primary goal of the new clan is to eliminate the Red Dragon from Earthrealm and have Daegon's head to ensure the Red Dragon die. Hsu Hao was killed in the comics and Mavado is presumingly going to be next given is conflict against Kano in the upcoming comics so Daegon will have a low shortage of commanders, making him and his clans' activities vulnerable to attack. Perfect for Liu's clan to be introduced and make a storyline surrounding it in my opinion. Liu Kang is obviously the figurehead, but I can have Liu NOT officially call himself Grandmaster not wanting to give himself supreme authority and isolate his allies who might be taken back by his proclamation or plot to assassinate him , taking his place. All combatant members can have a voice in the issues and actually vote something like a pseudo-Knights of the Round Table (no MK clan has ever done something like this) so it ensures political equality, but a strong structure. It's also to ensure that there's no corruption. I don't want their headquarters to be in the generic Himalayan or Chinese desert scenarios. Maybe Shang Tsung's Island for nostalgia factors, but I have a few Earthrealm locations that might do: a Central Asian steppe like the Emin Valley, evergreen forest setting in Taiwan or Tasmania, the little human-inhabited Thai highlands in Northern Thailand, the Blue Mountains or a desert sandstone cave system in Australia, or a dormant volcanic crevice in the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia.

Their motto pretty much is "We're protecting Earthrealm, but we're not going to invoke the Elder Gods in name by oath because they're a bunch of lazy assholes so we're defending it on our own." Other functions may be to offer assistance in Outworld against Mileena's scattered forces, destroy the weakened Brotherhood in the Netherrealm, and gather the Kamidogu and ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands
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