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01/24/2015 08:11 PM (UTC)
Regardless, his torch was passed to Cassie, they are not crucial nor indispensable, other human warriors will come.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Honestly johnny and sonya shouldn't be playable. Only in story scenes cause of Cassie. They will appear in the comic for sure. And I, don't want them dead but cassie has moves from, both so we, don't need them taking a slot this time around

They would be a serious waste of roster spots.

This kind of talk infuriates me. Both are unique and crucial characters. What some people describe as boring human characters, I see as my way of getting into the MK universe. Who relates with sorcerers, tarkatans, or Demi gods? Cage and Blade are mere humans who stumbled upon great danger and imminent threat, and had the courage to face these time and again. They walk into battle outmatched facing monsters and creatures with abilities they never knew existed, because they are heroes and have the strength to stand up for their freedom and world. That's relatable and honorable.


Well put, JohnnyCage5.

They are amazing heroes. Always have been, always will be. People are so cynical.
01/25/2015 11:05 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Honestly johnny and sonya shouldn't be playable. Only in story scenes cause of Cassie. They will appear in the comic for sure. And I, don't want them dead but cassie has moves from, both so we, don't need them taking a slot this time around

They would be a serious waste of roster spots.

This kind of talk infuriates me. Both are unique and crucial characters. What some people describe as boring human characters, I see as my way of getting into the MK universe. Who relates with sorcerers, tarkatans, or Demi gods? Cage and Blade are mere humans who stumbled upon great danger and imminent threat, and had the courage to face these time and again. They walk into battle outmatched facing monsters and creatures with abilities they never knew existed, because they are heroes and have the strength to stand up for their freedom and world. That's relatable and honorable.


Well put, JohnnyCage5.

They are amazing heroes. Always have been, always will be. People are so cynical.

Nobody would have mind them, if Cassie wasn't born.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/25/2015 01:20 PM (UTC)
Well we've already got all of the characters I would of said no to. Either confirmed or strongly hinted at (Cage/Kang). So at this point, I don't mind lol. They just better include Reptile, and technically Ermac by that logic.
01/25/2015 01:28 PM (UTC)
Well according to a dream I had last night
Mileena, jade and Shang hsun come back
I also so Tanya in story mode walking with Shinnok
01/26/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
JohnnyCage5 Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Honestly johnny and sonya shouldn't be playable. Only in story scenes cause of Cassie. They will appear in the comic for sure. And I, don't want them dead but cassie has moves from, both so we, don't need them taking a slot this time around

They would be a serious waste of roster spots.

This kind of talk infuriates me. Both are unique and crucial characters. What some people describe as boring human characters, I see as my way of getting into the MK universe. Who relates with sorcerers, tarkatans, or Demi gods? Cage and Blade are mere humans who stumbled upon great danger and imminent threat, and had the courage to face these time and again. They walk into battle outmatched facing monsters and creatures with abilities they never knew existed, because they are heroes and have the strength to stand up for their freedom and world. That's relatable and honorable.

I back that up 100% Well said, I feel this user is looking at the game mainly from the gameplay perspective and not really evaluating the story or how the story is meant to be told. You need your core protagonists, in Mortal Kombat those protagonists have been Liu Kang, Sonya, and Johnny Cage, every single installment has built on the original plotline of the tournament on Shang Tsung's island. I feel like characters such as Kung Lao, Kitana, Jax, and Raiden have been supportive characters to the main three, that's not to say that these characters should no have their own agendas but in terms of the grander story it started with these three, and that is crucial because these characters and their point of views about these mystical and magical foreign worlds have really shaped the way we as fans interpret the story as well.

Naturally, people are going to pick favorites and their opinion may be weighed based on who they feel is the protagonist. For some, Scorpion is the main guy, to others Sub-Zero is, and there's that very small percentage of folks that may think that Stryker is the main protagonist tongue, what I am getting at is try to look at the story based upon the first game and then each installment as a continuation of that same story and you'll change the way you look at both Sonya and Johnny Cage, who are very important characters for the story.
01/26/2015 03:24 PM (UTC)
The fact of the matter is, with Kung Lao and Kitana back, NRS is clearly taking fan feedback into consideration for the playable roster. Cage and Sonya fans were 100% sure and happy their favorites would be in the game seeing how the previous game ended, but yet we got Cassie (she is a fan service character in a way) who not only is not a clone of them and barely borrows any techniques from them, but also nor Sonya's neither Cage's fans asked for them to be replaced with their daughter that would be a mix of their fighting styles.

Cage and Sonya survived the MK9 mess and both were popular characters (both inside the most used characters top 10, Johnny maybe even top 5, and Sonya being an EVO winning character just like Kung Lao) yet they still got the short end of the stick, because even if they are playable in the game, the backlash from some people will be big, and if they are indeed replaced by Cassie, she only has like 30% of their moves for Cage/Sonya players to be comfortable playing her.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

01/26/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
It would be a safe bet.

The mk1 roster was mostly present in MKvsDC, except Jax and Baraka replaced Cage and Reptile.

MK4 was supposed to be a fresh start of the franchise. They were all present, except for Jarek, who was just Kano anyway. QuanChi replaced Shang.

MK5 was another refresh. All the MK1 guys were present except KungLao replaced LiuKang.

This tells me the high regard NRS has for the MK1 roster. If any of them were not to be included, it's probably gona be Sonya. Not just becuz of Cassie, but her position in the Special Forces might be too valuable to go out on adventures in other realms these days.
01/27/2015 06:30 AM (UTC)
A lot of people are of the opinion that Sonya will die in MKX. Though I would truly hate to see this happen, I'm now seeing the reality of it. Sonya is a clean cut (despite the thongs they constantly put her in) and focused American soldier. With that comes a sense of pride, and at points blind devotion. She strikes me as the one person from Earthrealm that is most similar to the Shokans (and now the line from Sheeva to her about dishonoring herself by trying to escape and Sonya's smirk in reaction is a lot more fun). I'd prefer to see her have a long and happy life with Johnny and Cassie, but that seems unrealistic. She hasn't seemed to soften up from becoming a mother and it looks as though her romantic relationship with Johnny has ended. She remains a focused and cut throat individual. The most likely ending to her story, and one that it seems she would prefer, is death on the battlefield.

Back on topic, to not include Blade or Cage in this game would be truly disappointing. If it's their last go around, that would be a tough pill to swallow, but I feel this game specifically, with its generational gaps, is the Mortal Kombat to resolve their stories, not the one to pass them by.
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