So are all MK1 characters coming back?
Or at least the playable ones? It seems likely that Liu Kang, Sonya and Johnny Cage might be appearing, I'm trying to remember didn't a magazine sorta "confirm" them? I'd be curious to see their dialogue openings.
01/22/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
I doubt Sonya and Cage will make it.
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01/22/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
Didn't a Dev let slip you could fight Johnny in a stage demo?
Johnny Cage and Sonya will appear in the game, for sure. Whether they are playable, or just story cameos is another question altogether though. It would be a missed opportunity to just have Cassie show up and say "Oh yeah, my parents are dead" and just have everyone forget about them like it's no big deal. My instincts say at least one will be playable though.
01/22/2015 12:43 AM (UTC)
During an interview back in August Boon said himself

"To me personally, part of the magic of introducing Cassie Cage is to see her interact with her mother, Sonya and father, Johnny Cage. I think it would be, story-wise, a lost opportunity if we didn't show that. So we haven't announced the characters, but because Cassie Cage is in it doesn't mean that her parents are not in the game."

So Johnny & Sonya are likely to be revealed at some point.

What about the rest of the Mortal Kombat 1 characters:

Goro- is DLC/Pre-Order

Kano- Revealed

Liu Kang- Mentioned in several interviews (along with Johnny & Sonya) about characters looking older & having three variations based off them having aged. Was also supposedly seen by people who were visiting NRS's office.

Raiden- Revealed

Reptile- Fan favourite and liked by NRS; most likely going to be revealed as main roster.

Scorpian- Revealed

Shang Tsung- Mentioned in an instore GameStop commercial; likely to be in main roster because he wasn't popular online in MK9 so him as DLC doesn't make sense.

Sub-Zero- Revealed.

So yeah, I think we're going to see all of the original MK1 characters in MK X.
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
During an interview back in August Boon said himself

"To me personally, part of the magic of introducing Cassie Cage is to see her interact with her mother, Sonya and father, Johnny Cage. I think it would be, story-wise, a lost opportunity if we didn't show that. So we haven't announced the characters, but because Cassie Cage is in it doesn't mean that her parents are not in the game."

So Johnny & Sonya are likely to be revealed at some point.

What about the rest of the Mortal Kombat 1 characters:

Goro- is DLC/Pre-Order

Kano- Revealed

Liu Kang- Mentioned in several interviews (along with Johnny & Sonya) about characters looking older & having three variations based off them having aged. Was also supposedly seen by people who were visiting NRS's office.

Raiden- Revealed

Reptile- Fan favourite and liked by NRS; most likely going to be revealed as main roster.

Scorpian- Revealed

Shang Tsung- Mentioned in an instore GameStop commercial; likely to be in main roster because he wasn't popular online in MK9 so him as DLC doesn't make sense.

Sub-Zero- Revealed.

So yeah, I think we're going to see all of the original MK1 characters in MK X.

Really, what did they say Liu Kang looked like?
01/22/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
I'm just praying they haven't killed Sonya off. I want middle aged grizzled hard ass Sonya. Reptile seems like a sure thing. So does Johnny with all his potential Seidan-ness. The only two I have my doubts about are Shang Tsung and Sonya. And I'm not even that doubtful about Shang Tsung because he's such a schemer, he always finds a way. But I'm nervous about Sonya.
01/22/2015 12:58 AM (UTC)
There wasn't any details given of what characters they saw looked like; it was classed as a leak so there's a chance it was BS.

But looking at Boot 3, and with Boon's hint at Boots 3 & 4 being connected- the whole two images of Jack Nicholson thing, I think he was hinting at boots 3 & 4 being a pair/couple... Liu Kang & Kitana, and we already know that Kitana is boot 4.
No. Definitely not.

Then again Raiden, Kano and Goro are in the game....Johnny Cage and Reptile are surely in the roster as well....Sonya Blade is a maybe.

And Shang Tsung and Liu Kang are rumored to be in as well.

Yeah I guess so, fuck.
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01/22/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)
I've heard those leaks about the tours at NRS. Mentioned something about boss form Liu Kang.
01/22/2015 06:35 AM (UTC)
I think they'll all be back other than Shang Tsung with Liu Kang as a boss. Despite the Gamestop rumors, I still thank Shang Tsung's chances are slim.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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01/22/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
Yes duh, this is the same predictable series that recycles those seven characters relentlessly.
01/22/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Yes duh, this is the same predictable series that recycles those seven characters relentlessly.

Gee... Maybe because their great characters.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

01/22/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Yes duh, this is the same predictable series that recycles those seven characters relentlessly.

Gee... Maybe because their great characters.

They were great characters in MK1 and 2.

Have they remained consistently great throughout the series? Not in my opinion.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/22/2015 07:12 AM (UTC)
I thought the point of Cassie Cage, was to replace Sonya and John. Hence MKX, moving foward. Nope lets put the parents in with gray hair to watch over Cassie. Nice.
John and Sonya are icons sure, but that doesnt mean they cant sit out a game.

Boon also said they wanted to bring about the element of New as much as possible for MKX. Yeah right.
Its too early to call it yet, but they might bring back Everyone from MK9 for all we know which includes everyone from MK1 obviously. Are all these old characters great? Yes. Nobody is saying they arent great, but a new direction would be a little bit unpredictably refreshing. Specially after more then 13 years. Atleast kill off Kano damn. Give me a knife, an alcoholic-wife-beating-beard, and red-eye then BOOM. I could be Kano for hire.
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01/22/2015 09:44 AM (UTC)
Honestly johnny and sonya shouldn't be playable. Only in story scenes cause of Cassie. They will appear in the comic for sure. And I, don't want them dead but cassie has moves from, both so we, don't need them taking a slot this time around
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01/22/2015 09:55 AM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Honestly johnny and sonya shouldn't be playable. Only in story scenes cause of Cassie. They will appear in the comic for sure. And I, don't want them dead but cassie has moves from, both so we, don't need them taking a slot this time around

They would be a serious waste of roster spots.
01/22/2015 10:32 AM (UTC)
I kind of believe Sonya will be in the game. But the voice actress isn't at liberty to discuss it at this time.

I'll admit, it bothers me a little to see people constantly complain about not wanting her in the game because we "need a break from her." And yet no one bats an eyelash over Scorpion who has been in every single game (minus the original MK3). It's hypocritical and quite annoying.
01/22/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
I remember a dev spilling the beans on cage when he was asked about him performing a fatality on Cassie. I think she replaces Sonya though.
01/22/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
I definitely see Reptile and Shang Tsung(sadly) making the main roster.

I want Sonya and Johnny to be a major part of the story, but i really dont want them playable. DLC? Sure.
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01/22/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
I could absolutely see Liu Kang coming back as a boss, as Ed Boon said that the final boss will be someone we don't expect. I personally hope he's a little OP, angry god and that he's kept off of the main roster. Maybe make him the last DLC character.

I'd love to see Shang Tsung came back as a reluctant anti-hero who does what he needs to do to survive, even if it's stuff Raiden wouldn't approve of.

Reptile... I'm kinda indifferent. I like him a lot, but if he comes back, is it just as a henchmen... Again? I feel like Boon's been hinting at him for a while now. My guess is that he's the next reveal. But even if he looks and plays great, I'm still tempering my expectations a little story-wise, and kinda hope he sits this one out because of that. I feel the same way about Baraka and he's my favorite character. Just tired of characters being in the story just to be punching bags, side kicks or lackeys.

Cage and Sonya should absolutely not be playable in this game. It'd be like going to a dance where your parents are both chaperones. It lessens Cassie's impact and takes some of her spotlight away, which is a garbage way to introduce a new character.

I mean sure, have them in the story. But have Jax in the story of the woman he's training, but putting him in the game would take away from her IMO. If you put next generation characters in, let them shine.
01/24/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
I think the original 7 should return, but I don't see Cage or Blade coming back
01/24/2015 04:59 PM (UTC)
Will they be in? Yes.

Will I be happy about it? NO!

Liu, Sonya and Cage should sit this one out.

While I would like Seido Johnny still.
01/24/2015 05:27 PM (UTC)
Unfortunately, yes. I think the MK1 vet lineup in MKX is perfect as is.
01/24/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Honestly johnny and sonya shouldn't be playable. Only in story scenes cause of Cassie. They will appear in the comic for sure. And I, don't want them dead but cassie has moves from, both so we, don't need them taking a slot this time around

They would be a serious waste of roster spots.

This kind of talk infuriates me. Both are unique and crucial characters. What some people describe as boring human characters, I see as my way of getting into the MK universe. Who relates with sorcerers, tarkatans, or Demi gods? Cage and Blade are mere humans who stumbled upon great danger and imminent threat, and had the courage to face these time and again. They walk into battle outmatched facing monsters and creatures with abilities they never knew existed, because they are heroes and have the strength to stand up for their freedom and world. That's relatable and honorable.
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