02/25/2010 06:49 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Both of their paths have reached the same end. One, the Queen of Edenia, the other, Princess of Edenia. Their stories are now essentially the same. They merely protect their realm while aiding the heroes.

Curious.... If both of them were to return, how do you guys think this should be worked out? Cuz I'd hate to see them continue sharing the exact same position in MK.

I like both, but I prefer Sindel over Kitana any day. There is more mystic and unexplored potential in Sindel’s amazing character that should definitely be developed (plus, we just have to see her supernatural hair attacks in next-gen).

I hate the idea of resurrecting Jerrod however, I hope they never go that way. But I would absolutely adore if they gave Sindel a new purpose outside of being Queen. Have her renounce her title, give it to Kitana who will probably end up doing the same she’s been doing since Mk3, and make Sindel go on a totally new direction. Her MKD ending was truly interesting, but the sad thing was that her story wasn’t as original.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Personally, I think if they're not going to give Kitana her balls back and continue to shackle her to Edenia's defence and the other jackass Superfriends then they should just kill her off.

Because if her portrayal in MK vs. DC is REALLY how the MK team sees her character and how she's to be portrayed....then you know what, she already is dead. That ain't the Kitana I know and it sure as shit ain't the Kitana I want.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:

Now even though Shaolin Monks & MK vs. DC were non-canon and out-of-continuity games....Kitana's portrayal was really fucking awful in both of them. Only story purists and hardcore Kitana fans who truly understand her character are going to look at those games and say "They don't matter. That's non-canon...it doesn't count. That's not how Kitana is supposed to be."
Everyone else, meanwhile, is looking at those games and thinking "Is that really how Kitana is? Man, she's a fucking wuss."


Canon or not, I consider MK vs. DC a major wake-up call, because like I alluded to earlier, if that's really how the MK team sees her and how they think she should be portrayed....there's something very wrong. Now I'm not saying they should regress the story and pretend Kitana's years as Princess didn't happen....but she needs to go back to her roots and basically, she needs to be a bad ass again.

I’m sorry but you keep saying the same thing over and over again almost as if you still didn’t believe it. Not to sound like an asshole, but like it or not the way Kitana was portrayed in those games IS the way she’s been seen by the team and other fans (not everyone obviously) ages before you made her be the character you make her out to be.

Whether the games are canon or not it doesn’t matter shit because the essential characteristics, personalities and development of the characters are “accurate” (or closest to accurate, at least) to what they are “supposed to be”. That was one of the main crucial goals of MkvsDC, wasn’t it? To bring back those iconic characters and portray them as best as possible not just for their fans but also for MK outsiders. Its safe to say that all the characters of that game were portrayed accurately to what they are in their worlds, they weren’t all perfect, but accurate enough. Of course, its all debatable.

It doesn’t matter if the games aren’t canon or if you say “it doesn’t count” because she is not what you want her to be, because the fact is that it does count. Her personality, role, and characteristics in that game are what they are because that’s how she’s been seen and portrayed in the past. It’s like saying that Superman’s characteristics in that game are wrong or “don’t count” just because the game is not canon.

Anyway, I do like your ideas for improving her character, but honestly, just because she isn’t being portrayed in this big quest of redemption that you want her to be in so much, doesn’t mean she sucks as much as you make her out to be. Nuking Edenia would probably be a good start to take her away from the role she's been in and make her walk a new path with a different personality and characteristics. It could shape her character into something else.
02/28/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)
I completely get what Xia is saying, though. You do bring up a reasonable point -- whether or not it makes sense, or whether or not it is good, Kitana is this "damsel in distress" these days. I do not fault Xia at all for wanting to see the original vision for Kitana explored, though.

She's an assassin. Over the years, she has probably killed countless people in the name of Shao Kahn. She is a woman brave enough to betray everything she knew to restore a fairy tale land she could not have known would even exist. She's an inspiring leader, and managed to turn vicious enemies into loyal allies.

Say what you want about her, but I think there is gold in some elements of Kitana's story. She's one of the most tragic and conflicted characters when you look at her through one light. When you look at her through another, though, she gets "soft." The films have been the greatest detriment to her character, in my opinion, because they've created this "horny cougar" Kitana, who falls for Liu Kang, and needs him to fight her battles for her. I'm far more interested in Kitana's relationship with Kung Lao than with Liu Kang, because there seems to be more tension there. The differences in their patience levels and such, for example.

Going forward, I'd like to see Kitana's darker elements explored. I get that they want Kitana to be this symbol of purity within the MK games -- but they have other female characters that can do that. Ashrah, or even Li Mei (more innocence than purity). They could easily create a new character. Kitana's thing was never meant to be "pure." It was a theme of redemption and, in some ways, vengeance. Kitana returning to those roots would make her a far more entertaining character, in my opinion.

One thing I'd like to see in the next game -- besides Kitana being left to rule Edenia (and keep in mind that although Kitana has been the focus of the storyline, Sindel has probably been the one calling the shots), and finding out that she may not be as good at sitting on a throne as she though -- is a new character coming in who knows what Kitana did in her life with Shao Kahn and is not willing to forgive her for it. Someone to hold a grudge against Kitana for killing a family member, or something, and someone that forces Kitana to reflect on her sins.

That would give her a new rival, and give a new character a pretty strong tie-in to the story. The motivations behind the rivalry would also be different, based so much in classic MK storylines, and wouldn't be the tradition good vs. evil dynamic we see. In some ways, this new character could be more "pure" than Kitana is.
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