Sindel and Kitana
posted02/28/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)by
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04/03/2004 08:12 AM (UTC)
Both of their paths have reached the same end. One, the Queen of Edenia, the other, Princess of Edenia. Their stories are now essentially the same. They merely protect their realm while aiding the heroes.

Curious.... If both of them were to return, how do you guys think this should be worked out? Cuz I'd hate to see them continue sharing the exact same position in MK.
01/21/2010 06:00 AM (UTC)
I don't know, in my honest opinion, I think they're done. I can't really see anything on how they would fit into the game if they've basically came to the same end. I don't know, maybe a good rivalry between Tanya could do something but, yet again we've already seen that with Jade.
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01/21/2010 06:31 PM (UTC)
Personally, I don't see either of these two characters returning for a good long while, but of the two of them, Kitana seems more likely. Then again, maybe I'm just biased. I've never been a big Sindel fan. I'd probably like her more if they changed her look and made her more regal/attractive instead of... I dunno, bride of frankenstein/space hooker.

I know, that's a bit harsh, but that's what her outfit always seemed like to me. That's actually nothing against her specifically, as I thought all of the outfits in MK3 were flat out awful except for Kabal's. Sektor and Cyrax look like they're wearing painted catchers uniforms, Sub Zero's redo was terrible... I could go on, but I won't.

Still, as for what Sindel's character does (queen of Edenia), I don't think that she has to be written out. I just think that she needs to be completely repackaged. Perhaps Kitana does as well.

If they were used, I'd like to see something involving Sindel ressurecting Jerrod and having a plot going with him. Perhaps her love and longing makes her go all dark side in doing this or Jerrod comes back evil or twisted from being in the netherealm for so long. There's a better story in there than what I'm describing, but you get the idea.

As for Kitana, I'd REALLY like to see her get killed by Milleena so that Milleena can take over Kitana's identity. I'd also like to see Tanya involved in this plot, but not necessarily as a playable character in the game.

I thought that this was a cool idea, but of course, who knows whether it really happened thanks to the "what if" endings and I don't care who thinks they know this or that about the story, they're all what if endings and the only definitive info you get from game to game is the opening cinema.

That HAS to change.
01/23/2010 04:50 AM (UTC)
Baraka407, that is actually a really cool concept. I think it would make a tremendous buffer-game between MK: Armageddon and the next fighter installment. Perhaps some sort of action game where you take reigns of Kitana, and just finish the last clean-up of Edenia. The game can tie-up the many plot lines left from Armageddon -- with characters such as Taven, Daegon, Argus, Delia, Blaze, Goro, Mileena, Jade, Tanya, Baraka, Rain and some new ones involved.

A story which ultimately reveals that Sindel has dabbled in dark sorcery, and has revived her husband, King Jerrod, but that the taint her obsession is leaving on her is poisoning her position as Queen, would be amazing, in my opinion. I guess they could do that in a new installment of the fighting series, though, which could also work, and would be the only way I can think of to bring both characters back.

As the original post implies, having both characters is completely redundant right now. One has to turn on the other, or die, to propel the other's story forward. Kitana dealing with being Queen gives her an arc to master. She could also refuse to be Queen because "she is not ready." Sindel losing her passionate daughter and only heir to the throne could also make a tremendously poignant story. I do find it hard to imagine the MK Team choosing Sindel over Kitana, though. It could be a very awesome surprise for the series, though. Are people willing to accept Sindel as a lead protagonist, though?
01/25/2010 06:16 PM (UTC)
Kitana should be the next queen and Jade should fight along side with her. As for Sindel, I'd want her to return too so I'll say that she should do some dark magic to revive Jerrod and have her be punished by losing her position as a queen for doing such acts. Not just that, but Jerrod also comes back like an evil zombie or demon that Sindel has released. Similar to what some of you guys are talking about. The Jerrod would make a good final boss.
01/26/2010 03:08 AM (UTC)
I would not mind seeing Sindel die, which means that Kitana is meant to take over Queen. She just can't do it, however, so she relinquishes the throne to her long-trusted ally, Jade. As much as I am not a big fan of her character, Jade is very, very popular for some reason. It's just that she's never had an interesting story. Her suddenly leading the realm of Edenia under Kitana's wishes would be interesting. Jade has a warrior's mind, and perhaps not that of a natural leader's. She could be partially trying to convince Kitana to return as ruler, and partially trying to rally Edenia behind her (because she has to have their faith to lead them if Kitana does not return).

This could lead to a taste for power in Jade. Or perhaps Havik could get in her ear, and inform her that her family are meant to be the true rulers of Edenia, but Jerrod overthrew them. A Kitana/Jade feud down the line could be interesting.
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01/26/2010 04:00 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
bride of frankenstein/space hooker.

I know, that's a bit harsh, but that's what her outfit always seemed like to

That's not harsh at all. That's why I love her. Sindel has old-school horror written all over her.

You-Know-Who Wrote:
Jade is very, very popular for some reason. It's just that she's never had an interesting story.

I think Jade is popular for the same reason Smoke is popular, in that in terms of story, she's the ally of a fan-favorite character. For Jade, it's Kitana; for Smoke, It's Subzero.

Though sex appeal has a lot to do with it too, I guess.
01/26/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I would not mind seeing Sindel die, which means that Kitana is meant to take over Queen. She just can't do it, however, so she relinquishes the throne to her long-trusted ally, Jade. As much as I am not a big fan of her character, Jade is very, very popular for some reason. It's just that she's never had an interesting story. Her suddenly leading the realm of Edenia under Kitana's wishes would be interesting. Jade has a warrior's mind, and perhaps not that of a natural leader's. She could be partially trying to convince Kitana to return as ruler, and partially trying to rally Edenia behind her (because she has to have their faith to lead them if Kitana does not return).

This could lead to a taste for power in Jade. Or perhaps Havik could get in her ear, and inform her that her family are meant to be the true rulers of Edenia, but Jerrod overthrew them. A Kitana/Jade feud down the line could be interesting.

Jade FTW!
01/26/2010 07:54 AM (UTC)
The most satisfying solution for me would be if they both retained their current royal positions but took different paths. So while one goes to assist the heroes (most likely Kitana), one should go do something else.

I despise the idea of Sindel, a charismatic and unique character, dying for the mere sake of another's "progression." And ultimately, how would Kitana even progress? She'd still be assisting the heroes and protecting her realm, so it'll be killing an enjoyable character for nothing.

Now that I think of it, I think the most simple solution would be to split the responsibilities. Since they merely aid the heroes while protecting their realm, one could more concretely be the assistant of Earth while the other remains the active protector of Edenia.

I think Edenia's storyline needs to take a next step. It is still the "invaded land of beauty." It should face a threat that causes permanent change, and Sindel should be the primary dealer of this important threat while Kitana is off aiding the Earth heroes in their own drama.

Kitana is very much an Earthrealm hero despite being Edenian, so why not just make Sindel a hero for Edenia along with Jade? Even if this unfolds as a subplot, like the Chaos and Orderrealm stories, it would be great, imo.

As for Sindel delving into sorcery, as many are suggesting, that could be her primary weapon against a major threat. It could be what helps her save Edenia for destruction, dominance, or whatever, but not enough to keep it from being radically changed forever. And if elaborated upon, this change could affect the mentality or outlook of her character.

I don't know. I think the idea of Edenia falling into a sort of "dark age" would open up a flood of possibilities, and be suitable for a grittier, bloodier MK. Besides, it needs something of the like. It's been pretty for too long.
01/26/2010 09:02 PM (UTC)
I really didn't want to look at this thread because I knew it would depress me.
So the best ideas we got for Kitana & Sindel is to promote Kitana to Queen (and have her continue to blandly help the heroes) and for Sindel to resurrect Jerrod (even though people constantly complain about lame resurrections).

If they're going to keep one or both of these two around, first and foremost...above all priority: BURN EDENIA TO THE FUCKING GROUND. The realm itself is redendant and holds down every character involved. It's the other, prettier, Earth. I think we're fine with one Earth as it is. Not to mention the game of musical chairs with the throne has become painfully boring. That's one of the reasons this sub-plot has been sinking...the characters are all being defined by what relation they share to the fucking throne.
Kitana's the Princess and she leads the armies. So make her the Queen and she can....lead the armies some more, I guess. And while Kitana does that, we'll have Jade defend the throne by.....fighting with the armies. And Sindel can step down, but still advise the Queen and help by....doing something. Meanwhile Mileena wants the throne and she's trying to get it by pretending to be Kitana. And Rain wants the throne and he's trying to get it by being a god and Tanya.....AAAARRRGGH! Enough with the God damn throne for fuck's sake.

And I'm sorry, but I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in seeing Jerrod. I'm about as interested in seeing him as I am in seeing Scorpion's son and Johnny Cage's ex-wife Cindy. He brings nothing to the table worth bringing. Leave him dead and don't waste Sindel's time with this schmuck.

Anyway, going back to the nuking of Edenia.
Remove that stone from around the characters' necks and they are free to find new pursuits. After spending so much time and effort freeing and restoring the realm, only for it to torched, will they really be willing to start all over again? Especially is there's a massive number of casualties, reducing the Edenian race to an endangered species. Now here's a thought, maybe Kitana isn't willing to try again. She's already gone though enough shit restoring and defending Edenia and it's been established in the past few games she's getting sick of it. Suppose Edenia goes down the shitter and Kitana simply says "Fuck it. I'm done." and turns her back on the realm and whatever's left of her people. That's opens up new possibilities as well as allowing her to take on a darker disposition.
See that's what creaters are supposed to do with characters. Have respond and react to the situations around them. I realize I'm asking for a lot from the MK team right then and there, but one of the reasons Kitana's story has lost so much steam is because they're having her act like some meaningless heroic cypher...doing only what the "good guys" do because that's what "good guys" do.

Let's focus on Sindel. Okay, so Edenia's gone and Kitana's abandoned the realm....which right there, creates some interesting potential friction between the two. What's Sindel to do now as a Queen with no realm? Maybe she's a little more willing to try to restore the realm again, but maybe she reflects on just why Edenia got fucked. Maybe she ponders why guys like Shinnok and Onaga were able to just waltz into her realm and conquer without making a Mortal Kombat challenge? Maybe she's a little upset her god(s) haven't been doing shit to keep the realm safe.

Speaking of which, let's look at Edenia's god Argus. Here's a guy who was perfectly fine letting everyone...hero or villain...burn during Armageddon. Here's a guy who turned the fate of his realm and Armageddon itself into a bizarro contest to see which of his sons was better. One of said sons, by the way, is a sociopath. And because of this genius' master plan, Sindel's kingdom....which, by the way, wouldn't even be around anymore if not for Kitana and in ruins, her daughter's abandoned her, and her people are crippled. And now she's got some punk she doesn't even know calling himself Edenia's new god.

If I'm Sindel....I'm a little pissed off.

So what does she do about this? Maybe she decides she needs to take matters into her own hands, and tries to assume god-hood herself? How would she do this? Let's say somewhere along that line, she crosses paths with Raiden...who's been getting kind of pissy himself. Maybe he wants her to join him with his plans. And maybe she agrees and this leads her down a darker path. Or maybe, while she holds a grudge against her gods, she thinks Raiden is going to far and she opposes him.

Either way, now we've got Sindel involved in an entirely new plot and interacting with different characters that don't revolve around Kitana and who's trying to conquer Edenia this week.

Meanwhile, with Kitana...
As said, she's bitter...and with good reason...and she's renounced her title as princess and abanoned Edenia.

She becomes more pessimistic and cynical about the world. We could pick up on Kitana in the next generaton stewing in the shadows, wanting nothing to do with anything. And naturally this would create the excitement of seeing her forced to fight once again. The next tournament or threat emerges and Kitana finds herself drawn into the battle even though she doesn't really want to or care.

Thematically...yeah, I'm getting deep now...this makes sense in creating a "trilogy" of sorts with Kitana's overall storyline. Her first story arc, MK2 to MK4, was "Kitana the rebel," and this depicted her rise to Princess of Edenia...escaping Shao Kahn's control and freeing the realm from him. Her second arc, MK:DA to MK:A, was been "Kitana the Princess," defending the realm from evil and trying to ensure peace though the realms...and this culminating in her fall from grace as she abandons the realm and renounces her title.

Thus, the stage is set for her third arc, where everything would come full circle. We pick on Kitana in MK9, hiding herself away from the rest of the world...stewing in her bitterness. Maybe the other heroes...such as Sindel, as resent her now for abandoning her realm. But she doesn't care and just wants to be left alone. And this of course is when she's forced to fight again. But what exactly is drawing Kitana out of her self-imposed exile?

Going along with the three-arc "trilogy" idea, let's start by looking to some unresolved questions and issues from her past, such as...for exactly did she learn the truth about her past? Were other, unrevealed, characters involved? And if so, who are they and why? Perhaps these characters, and the agenda they're a part of, isn't necessarily benign. Maybe there was a darker and sinister reason behind the discovery that led to Kitana turning against Kahn that she's not aware of.

Now suppose in MK9, these mysterious figures emerge to make their move and part of it involves forcing Kitana out of hiding. Now she finds herself forced to return and fight again to find out what these people want with her and why they've manipulated her life...even though she doesn't really want to. And this could be the start of her next journey which could go as far as they want it to. It could just be a personalized story for Kitana...but maybe it extends to even beyond her involving other characters that tie into the Mortal Kombat mythology. And maybe this secret agenda could be or lead to the next major threat.

Or maybe this, as we know, Kitana spent a large part of her life loyally serving Shao Kahn. Therefore, killing people who opposed him. Now suppose, a new character...lets call him/her Bobbie-Joe....who was the son or daughter of someone Kitana assassinated while she served Kahn. This could also tie into the full circle thing, where Kitana is confronted head-on with the sins of her past.
Maybe, Bobbie-Joe, was even willing to give her a chance when she turned against Kahn, but when she abandoned Edenia at the end of Armageddon, Bobbie-Joe now bares a grudge. Not just over her years serving Kahn, but her abandoning her realm when it needed her most?

But all this would be the journey of her third story arc, where she picks up the pieces of her life again and rebuilds herself. The fallen Princess forced to regain her lost honor...thus coming back to redemption....which has always been Kitana's theme.

It would be nice, but we all know none of this will happen. Because, you know, some of it my actually be interesting.
01/27/2010 05:09 AM (UTC)
I like both ideas. And we both agree that Edenia needs to fall.

Sindel reaching for god status would be perfect. Afterall she carries that goddess aura... bigtime. A relationship with Raiden would also be interesting, especially if it took a romantic path. They'd make the most interesting couple, hands down.

On Kitana, yes, that would be great, and it is necessary for her (and Sindel) to have personal conflict lead their stories as in the 2D era. This generic "save the day" nonsense is why their both dead.

Thing is, I think it's way too elaborate considering the MK team. They don't seem to like change for their star characters. Look at Liu Kang, Sonya, and Scorpion, for example. So I think it's unlikely. They don't have the guts.

I'd be the first to cheer if Kitana went down a dark, bitter path. I vomit at her current presentation. She's become such a cliche and the injustice is just atrocious.

Anyway, those would be excellent ideas for both characters. Sadly I think they fall beyond the team's limits. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
01/27/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
Good job, Xia. You almost made me care about Sindel. Her trying to achieve godliness is a unique step for her. Similar to what Rain, Taven, Daegon and many have been doing, but it's got its own edges in that she is doing it out of love for her realm -- and not merely for selfish reasons or because it is destined, or whatever. It also has similarities to Scorpion's problem with the gods, but Sindel seems like less of an idiot.

I have to poke a little fun, though: Replace deity-like ambition with sorcerous scheming, and you pretty much have similar concepts to what was suggested earlier. Minus the undead husband, of course. tongue

Kitana going moody is pretty much what I suggested when left with being Queen. I am hoping she goes back to having darker edges, but in mine the death of her mother and a lot of close allies triggers it, as she loses faith in herself as a leader, and perhaps just doesn't care anymore. But I have seen you suggest that many times before me. I wholeheartedly agree it is the way to go.

I still maintain that it is a little redundant keeping both characters, though. Look, they are mother and daughter -- separate their stories all you want, but even with Kitana wanting to go her own way, and Sindel doing her pissed off thing, they've still got that mother/daughter thing going on. The MK universe, in my personal opinion, does not feel big enough for the both of them. It's just not streamlining the story. I could think of ways to make Nightwolf awesome. Should he return? Probably not.
01/28/2010 06:45 AM (UTC)
Killing off one or the other merely because they're mother and daughter is not a good excuse.

So much can happen with Edenia (and Earth and Outworld for that matter) to keep their stories going. And lets not forget the "game" portion of this video game series. They both offer loads of fun creativity for costumes, moves, finishers, etc.
01/28/2010 01:54 PM (UTC)
One word: JERROD

In my opinion Kitana and Sindel both have a great deal of potential for future games, although it will depend on the upcoming events that happen in MK9. I'm one of those fans who think it's about time Jerrod gets part of the MK cast and I don't mean that he should be brought back to life in some lame way. I don't know, for example, make it a MAJOR deal, like I think if the Edenian characters realize somehow that bringing him back to life would mean peace or victory over a threat, or whatever, and they join forces and go on a quest to restore his soul through the powers of someone (an encounter with a new character: an old sage, an old friend, whatever). Anyway I think that Jerrod could be the spice that gives Edenia a new breath (okay that can have a weird sense but whatever).

Even though this thread isn't directly about Jade, Mileena and Tanya, I think they are (or should be) connected somehow so I will list the storyline possibilities I could imagine for every one of them if Jerrod was to ever come back:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

KITANA ~ The princess is one of Mortal Kombat's most important characters, she went through dramatic changes over the years, and she made many allies (and enemies) in every game she was included. She has had interesting and complex relationships with many characters (Shao Kahn, Mileena, Sindel, Liu Kang, Goro, Jade, Tanya, Bo'Rai Cho, Reptile, Rain, Quan Chi, Marge Simpson, etc...). Of course the death of Sindel would make her queen but I think something more interesting should happen to her. She has turned evil again (because of Onaga's influence) and they kinda screwed on this one.
LINK TO JERROD: If Jerrod was to ever be brought back to life, I think she should be the one who tries to protect Edenia while Sindel finds a way to bring him back. Show that she still has guts, and use her diplomacy, fighting skills and contacts to protect what she loves the most: Edenia.

SINDEL ~ Although I'm not a hardcore fan of Sindel, I think she may be the most powerful female character of Mortal Kombat. She has superpowers, she has knowledge and she has wisdom. It would be a shame just to waste her, since she is very original. One thing I dislike (and don't understand) is why they took away her levitation special move in latter games. That was her signature (along with the banshee scream).
LINK TO JERROD: As the wife of Jerrod, she should be the one who goes on a quest to meet the man (or woman) who has the power to resurrect him. She should face many challenges, and she should do that alone, to give more depth to her character.

JADE ~ Jade is the sexiest character of Mortal Kombat (after Mileena, unless you count the teeth hah!) and she went from being a mere pallette swap to a very unique character. She has been part of many storylines, but what she lacks is something that truly defines her. Okay she has a feud with Tanya (which should be developed) and yeah she turned on Reptile to help Kitana, but she is one of these characters who have the most potential for the future games, whether you like it or not.
LINK TO JERROD: In my opinion, Kitana should stay home and protect her kingdom, Sindel should go on a quest to resurrect Jerrod, but Jade should be the one who initiated all the plot. She should be the reason of all this. I don't know, maybe have her find that Jerrod can be brought to life somehow and then she tells Sindel and Kitana, maybe something like while she's protecting Edenia from invaders or Shadow Priests she finds a grimoire from which she learns about Edenia's past, and also that Jerrod can be revived or whatever... I think that even though Sindel and Kitana should be thrown into the story, Jade should be the reason of why it all began. That would give her even more of an interesting background and personality in my opinion.

MILEENA ~ I honestly don't understand why people are saying Mileena should get over Kitana and go her own way... damn that's EXACTLY what she did in MK:Deception! She put aside her desire to confront Kitana in Mortal Kombat and instead used her appearance to take control control of her army. She reveled in it, she felt what it was to have power! She even turned her back on her former ally Baraka, she was willing to kill him. She also instructed Bo'Rai Cho and Li Mei to attack, meaning she is more clever than one would think. After all, she is just Kitana... with a sadistic yet loyal taint.
LINK TO JERROD: I don't think Mileena should be directly linked to this plot, but hell I would like to see her interact with Jade, Tanya and Sindel... they say they are Mileena's enemies but we never saw them interact! What about Sindel? Does she think of her as her mother or what? What about Jade? That turncoat followed Kitana and betrayed her ''father'' Shao Kahn and what about Tanya? They are both evil in their own way, but we never saw them interact directly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but anyway I really wanna know what are Sindel's, Jade's and Tanya's relationship with Mileena, and also what the grotesque clone Mileena thinks about them.

TANYA ~ Tanya is a bitch. I like her... Cause she's a bitch. Total, uber-bitch. Every game needs a bitch, and Tanya's the worst. Nuff said.
LINK TO JERROD: While I think Tanya would selfishly think only about her own ass, I think she should have a key role in Jerrod's story. Maybe a concrete face-to-face with Jade, maybe an alliance/rivalry/feud/hatred with Mileena, maybe her death by the hands of Kitana... whatever, she has lots of potential.

So what do you guys think ?
01/28/2010 10:30 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Killing off one or the other merely because they're mother and daughter is not a good excuse.

So much can happen with Edenia (and Earth and Outworld for that matter) to keep their stories going. And lets not forget the "game" portion of this video game series. They both offer loads of fun creativity for costumes, moves, finishers, etc.

To me, it is. Sorry. You can come up with so many creative ways to bring her back -- sure. But at this point in the story Sindel is completely redundant. We are at a point in the story where redundant characters go. Sindel also moves a lot forward with her death. Kitana is suddenly queen when she perhaps doesn't want to be. It's more mental anguish for the so-close-to-snapping Kitana. That could be interesting. You can take each character as the focal-point of their own stories, sure, but it almost seems like the focus of Sindel's has been other characters and never herself. She's just something that hangs off Shao Kahn's clothesline, or Kitana's.

You say that she adds so much for costumes, moves, etc., but I disagree. I don't want to insult your tastes, as you are entitled to them, but I think what you are stating about Sindel is subjective.

Stryker is my favourite character. A lot of people would ridicule me for that. I could find ways to make Stryker a still relevant character, or whatnot. It could very easily be done. But should it? No. It's not crucial enough he return, and anything that I can give to him I can give to someone else. The same goes for a character like Sindel (although she is slightly more important to the overall story).
About Me

01/28/2010 11:46 PM (UTC)
Everything stated outside fighting mechanics is subjective.

As for me, they invoke apathy toards them.
01/29/2010 01:26 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Everything stated outside fighting mechanics is subjective.

As for me, they invoke apathy toards them.

My point exactly.
About Me
New sig on the way
01/29/2010 01:33 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Everything stated outside fighting mechanics is subjective.

Not necessarily. I think it's objectively true that, say, Subzero has a better story than Jarek. Just in the same way it's objectively true that Shakespear's Othello is a better story than Porky's 2.

Maybe I'm not understanding your comment.
01/29/2010 03:04 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
We are at a point in the story where redundant characters go.

False. Lots of unnecessary characters are still lingering due solely to their popularity.

Sindel also moves a lot forward with her death. Kitana is suddenly queen when she perhaps doesn't want to be. It's more mental anguish for the so-close-to-snapping Kitana. That could be interesting.

Who says that's a guarantee?

How do you know the team will automatically send Kitana down this path if Sindel dies? That's foolish.

The "so-close-to-snapping" Kitana? Where do you get that from? Last time she appeared she was in her typical princess mood, as always. Don't pass your speculation off as fact.

You can take each character as the focal-point of their own stories, sure, but it almost seems like the focus of Sindel's has been other characters and never herself.

So things never change? Even if she continued being a supporting character, a good story is a good story. Not everyone can take a lead role anyway. And supporting characters are necessary.

You say that she adds so much for costumes, moves, etc., but I disagree. I don't want to insult your tastes, as you are entitled to them, but I think what you are stating about Sindel is subjective.

True, but still... I can't act like a Stryker fan knows anything about good taste, so sorry... I'll just dismiss that. No offense, that's just me.

No. It's not crucial enough he return, and anything that I can give to him I can give to someone else. The same goes for a character like Sindel (although she is slightly more important to the overall story).

Shows how much you like him...

Anyway, Sindel's death promises no progession for anybody. I think it's smarter to make her the protagonist of Edenia since Kitana is more associated with Earth and its hereos.
01/29/2010 05:07 AM (UTC)
I'm not game to toggle with all the quote options and stuff, so I will be my quoting in bold format. Forgive me.

False. Lots of unnecessary characters are still lingering due solely to their popularity.

What? The story is not constantly writing itself. Granted, things can change, and the MK Team is not the most consistent with their statements, but everything we have heard about MK9 suggests that we will only have a very select few characters returning.

Who says that's a guarantee?

How do you know the team will automatically send Kitana down this path if Sindel dies? That's foolish.

I don't know that, I was merely talking hypothetically. I assume that Kitana's strongest ally dying (who just happens to be her mother) would have some sort of effect on her storyline.

The "so-close-to-snapping" Kitana? Where do you get that from? Last time she appeared she was in her typical princess mood, as always. Don't pass your speculation off as fact.

Her story suggested it in MKD. Goro had turned on Edenia, Liu Kang had been killed, she had been captured and enslaved by Onaga, Blaze had told her about Armageddon. A lot of stuff was stressing this bitty out. I wouldn't call it baseless speculation. Besides, I am only talking hypothetically again. Kitana could be pregnant or something equally ridiculous by the next game, for all I know.

So things never change? Even if she continued being a supporting character, a good story is a good story. Not everyone can take a lead role anyway. And supporting characters are necessary.

I disagree that Sindel has got a "good story." I'm sorry, but it seems like her goals are exactly the same as Kitana's. It's redundant. Yes, that could change, but it's making the shoe fit the foot. In a new era of the MK story, I don't see why you would do this when Sindel is one those perfect "give the rub" characters. She is kileld by someone -- story advances. So simple.

And yes, supporting characters are needed, but having so many supporting acts is what got the MK universe cluttered in the first place. I love MK's story, but I think most will agree with me that it needs to be streamlined to some sort of degree. I would maybe keep one Edenian storyline going, if that. Kitana, as the central protagonist of that story seems like the best pick. I'm sorry I wouldn't pick your favourite character.

True, but still... I can't act like a Stryker fan knows anything about good taste, so sorry... I'll just dismiss that. No offense, that's just me.

To each their own. I think Stryker's "poor guy caught up in a fight he wants no part of" story is intriguing. It'd be interesting to see what Stryker would do if his back was against the wall. We still know very little about what sort of character he has. You have to assume he is disciplined, given his mastery of martial arts, but how much does he really hate Outworld and such?

Shows how much you like him...

No, it doesn't. I love the Stryker character. I'm just not the kind of person who lets my biases clog logic. Stryker is neither popular enough nor developed enough to warrant coming back. Chalk him off as wasted potential.

Anyway, Sindel's death promises no progession for anybody. I think it's smarter to make her the protagonist of Edenia since Kitana is more associated with Earth and its hereos.

Nothing is promised ever. I think it is more likely that Sindel returning would be "more of the same," however. Sindel dying would logically effect Kitana, it would logically effect Edenia, and that could have ramifications throughout all the realms of MK. Kitana is the protagonist of Edenia. That is her thing. You can have her ditch the realm or whatever, and that could be cool, but eventually you have to address that relationship with the realm.

To me, it also makes no sense to have Kitana's story line take a massive shift, just so Sindel can keep her's going. It just seems needlessly messy to me. Please keep in mind that I am not trying to bash the Sindel character. I just think that weighing up the pros and cons of her returning, she just doesn't warrant much of a future. That's not to say she did not serve an important part of the story -- I just think that the returning characters should be more crucial.
01/29/2010 07:38 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
What? The story is not constantly writing itself. Granted, things can change, and the MK Team is not the most consistent with their statements, but everything we have heard about MK9 suggests that we will only have a very select few characters returning.

No, it's not constantly writing itself. There's no way to determine where they're gonna direct stale characters like Sonya and Kitana. They can keep them doing the same thing with minor changes (most likely, imo) or change them. We don't know.

I don't know that, I was merely talking hypothetically. I assume that Kitana's strongest ally dying (who just happens to be her mother) would have some sort of effect on her storyline.

Emotionally, yes, of course it'll have an effect. But on her story and progression, not necessarily. She'll cry, that's for sure. Other than that, there's no way of telling what she'll do.

I disagree that Sindel has got a "good story." I'm sorry, but it seems like her goals are exactly the same as Kitana's.

I know that. I never said her story was good. I state in the first post that she's as stale and dead-end as Kitana.

What I mean is, if they give her a good story, then she's worth keeping, even if it's still from a supporting angle.

I love MK's story, but I think most will agree with me that it needs to be streamlined to some sort of degree. I would maybe keep one Edenian storyline going, if that. Kitana, as the central protagonist of that story seems like the best pick.

How would this work if Kitana is mostly an Earth hero? She can't be at 2 places at once. They're obviously gonna team her up with Liu, Raiden, and Sonya like they always do since the Earth story is usually the main one and well... she's one of the main protagonists.

I don't see how she can be an earthrealm hero and be bound to Edenia due to being the only protector/leader it has. Reason why Kitana can leave whenever the hell she wants and go with her Earth friends is because Sindel stays behind to watch over Edenia.

If the responsibility becomes entirely hers, how will she still be an Earth hero? Wouldn't that mean no more Liu and Raiden, for the most part?

No, it doesn't. I love the Stryker character. I'm just not the kind of person who lets my biases clog logic. Stryker is neither popular enough nor developed enough to warrant coming back.

Nor does he fit into MK's "dark fantasy" theme. Sindel, on the other hand, has dark fantasy written all over her, and is one of the few females that even looks dark. Sareena, Nitara, and maybe Sheeva are the only other ones.

To me, it also makes no sense to have Kitana's story line take a massive shift, just so Sindel can keep her's going. It just seems needlessly messy to me. Please keep in mind that I am not trying to bash the Sindel character. I just think that weighing up the pros and cons of her returning, she just doesn't warrant much of a future. That's not to say she did not serve an important part of the story -- I just think that the returning characters should be more crucial.

Well, even if Sindel's death would progress Kitana's and/or the Edenian story, I think it is very unlikely that she'll die for 2 reasons.

First, and this is more on a personal note, I think Kitana and the princess title she carries are pasted. It seems like the team likes having a pretty little princess running around, and turning her into a queen will require serious changes in her image and demeanor to establish that. Somehow I don't think they'll enjoy doing that to her.

And second, like I said, I don't think they'll keep one of their star characters bound to a sub-plot. Kitana having to babysit Edenia seems very unlikely to me since she's known for leaving that chore to her mother while she goes off to interact with other, more important realms.

But we'll see, I guess. Luckily MKA and MKDC didn't burn the series entirely down to the ground. MK9 is on its way so we'll see how they dabble with Kitana. Personally, I think Sindel will remain alive, if not to help further Edenia's story in some way, then merely for her the sake of her daughter's princess title and freedom.
01/29/2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
Personally, I think if they're not going to give Kitana her balls back and continue to shackle her to Edenia's defence and the other jackass Superfriends then they should just kill her off.

Because if her portrayal in MK vs. DC is REALLY how the MK team sees her character and how she's to be portrayed....then you know what, she already is dead. That ain't the Kitana I know and it sure as shit ain't the Kitana I want.
02/02/2010 12:57 PM (UTC)
In black and white:

To keep both around, they'd need to go with the Jerrod resurrection bit.

To keep one around, and this is more likely, they will kill off Sindel and promote Kitana to queen, possibly sending her on a path of revenge.

They won't kill Kitana off, Boon knows better. Kitana's fan base > Sindel's fan x 10.
02/02/2010 05:44 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
To keep both around, they'd need to go with the Jerrod resurrection bit.

To keep one around, and this is more likely, they will kill off Sindel and promote Kitana to queen, possibly sending her on a path of revenge.

02/02/2010 08:30 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
In black and white:

To keep both around, they'd need to go with the Jerrod resurrection bit.

To keep one around, and this is more likely, they will kill off Sindel and promote Kitana to queen, possibly sending her on a path of revenge.

They won't kill Kitana off, Boon knows better. Kitana's fan base > Sindel's fan x 10.

If they both return, Sindel is more likely to remain an inconspicuous background character than die.

The chances of them letting go of their one and only delicate flower are slim. That's just me though.
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