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04/06/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Honestly it's just 3D Era fanboys and loref*gs looking for any excuse to bitch about what appears to be the best entry to the series to date

You like deep story and excellent continuity?

MK is not for you and never has been.

Honestly set aside the petty squables and nitpicking and just enjoy MKX it's another entry in one of the best fighting franchises in history.

I can't wai to get my hands on the game and MANY AND I DO MEAN MANY whiny tunes here on MKO will change once they peel away the layers of content that MKX has in store.

I guess I'm one of these "lore-f***" then.....

The story is what has kept me a fan for so long, but MKX has been one of the few MK games where my excitement has been pretty consistent.

Guess what? That's completely okay because that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

In all seriousness when in the history of fighting games has the story ever been the main focal point?

I'm sorry but that train of thought is extremely laughable in my opinion.

fighting games are an outlet for human competitiveness it's about a mano a mano chess match of human wit and execution.

Variation system? Tourney catering

Kung Lao? Tourney catering

16bit popping up on stream? Tourney catering

How people can still whine about "story fluff" when the audience NRS is trying to cater too now is the Tournament scene it's been right in front of our eyes the whole time.

Story in a fighting game...come on man...

It is perfectly acceptable, and it IS the recommended way of going about making a good MK game.

The notion that lore and game mechanics are somehow competitive aspects in a gameás development is bullshit. Nothing of value would have changed if we have gotten an entirely different roster and story and here is why:

the competitive players do not really care about characters as characters themselves. They check everyone out and eventually form a tier list, of which they will play the top characters in tourneys.

To competitive players it does not matter wether it is Kung Lao or a hypothetical Dairou is their favourite, they will use characters they can win with. I do not really see that Kung Lao's inclusion would be catering to the EVO players... If I want to win a Warhammer tournament, what is very crunch and numbers heavy (aka tier list) I will bring the armies I have the best chance of winning with, not the army I LIKE...


Again, gameplay and story is not competitive elements ina game. Besides they are done separately. And guess what, it is not exactly WHAT happens that pisses people off, it is the DISREGARD towards the original material and the general uncaring towards it that is revolting...

Why? Because we have seen better from them, and expect better from them. Lapsing in your quality cannot be forgiven just because you delivered a better software or rendering. You have to live up to your own standards....

ALSO, it is perfectly fine, the game has to be a solid fighting game, because that is the mission of the game. And it probably delivers there. NO question about it, but do keep in mind that competitive play is a niche market, a very small portion of the fanbase.

There are people who do not have time, energy, money, resources or even ability to play extensively. I cannot play MK as much as I want because of reasons. Also, it is certainly within my right to not like certain games from the developer.

Competitive play is not my objective. What remains is basically nothing. It is a good game, albeit one I do not find appealing.

All they had to do, was to pay attention and respect. MKX is not as bad -so far- when it comes to logical inconsistencies as MK9. When I watch story mode, I cannot really forgive stuff like that because it ruins the experience.

And no, that does not mean the previous canon and the changes to it. MK9 could have been rendered moot by changing one word in Raiden's message. Bad writing is bad writing no matter how you look at it....

People seem to have this notion of just shutting your brain up and enjoy the ride, but no, there are fallacies big enough to prevent that.

Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/06/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
it's not always easy to not look at the negativity, i'm trying to not spoil the story mode for myself so all the spoiler tags/highlights i won't touch, i just want to see the costumes of the characters and even in those type of threads someone is bitching

so people bitching about the bitching is negative.
people bitching cause their favorite is not in negative
so and so gameplay looks like crap negative
why is noob not in but kung lao even after he died negative

maybe i wasn't checking much on here for mk2011 when it was first out but since mkx leaked roster its been majority people not happy

so in a way yeah i think not everyone is a MKFan but more of a Noob, Reiko, Fujin fan.

i like Kitana yes but after seeing people's gameplay and how the guys actually move better in this game i want to try everyone, the variation ok i admit could be abit better people have better ideas than NRS but they make the games different every time so for most people who want more then just fighting they add more stuff.

but i mean there is much anger/disappointment with this game its out in 8 days either buy it and just enjoy or wait 4-5 yrs and see what mk11 brings cause you never know your favorites might not be in that game who knows they might show up as NPC or in mk12 or mk13

if your a mkfan then enjoy the game and try people out you never know you might like erron, or jacqui or whatever

also don't bitch too much about ed we all know he trolls, he says things to make people happy or excited and basically breaks what he says alot so why is it such a surprise. he promised new characters we got them he did say it be more or the same as deception. the returnees yes its a safe thing but they might be our fan favorites but could also be NRS team favorites so what can we do really? the game got gold before it was even out wth, so either people all the people saying I'M NOT BUYING THIS GAME i think the game will sell good even without you buying it (and by you i mean in general)

04/06/2015 04:01 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
More then half the MK fandom are lorefags i guess. I know i am. You can't fucking tell me that everyone played Deception and Deadly Alliance just for the fucking thrill of that chunky ass gameplay. I play those games because i like the lore of them.


But you basically proved my point by bringing up 3D era story telling.

I'm not here to police your or anybody elses thoughts. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO LIKE MK FOR THEIR OWN REASONS.

But do not shit all over a game you haven't played because NRS didn't cater to your particular reason for fandom.

I'm not just directing this at you Brady infact I don't even know if you whined about the story or not and I don't care.

I just happened to use your quote as a chance to express this point.

MKX should be something that brings the whole MK community together even if it's just for a little bit it's what we all share in common it shouldn't be what divides us.

THIS 10000%

I used to be on these forums when mk9 was out... It wasn't bad but now there's just straight up sh*t talkers who have nothing better to do with their lives but give the creators of an awesome fighting game a hell-of-a-lot-of BS.

I LOVE this Video Game, I'm here to DISCUSS not fight over some opinions... Besides trading mean words over the Internet is so cowardly.
04/06/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
@ Reptile_896

You're right everyone has different opinions. You're reason for liking the game is as good as mine.

cornholio Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I do have to push the buttons because I'm forced to if i want to unlock an ending that's apart of the lore. The gameplay is not my main focus while I'm playing those games. MK9 is a game i can play for hours because the gameplay is a lot smoother and fun. After i get the ending or buy a bio in the 3D games i shut that shit off because the shits not very good gameplay wise

Okay I get you, I was gonna say most of the bios and story endings are online to see but I'm assuming you want to unlock all of them on your own... I would want to do the same lol glasses

Yeah lol
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/06/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Honestly it's just 3D Era fanboys and loref*gs looking for any excuse to bitch about what appears to be the best entry to the series to date

You like deep story and excellent continuity?

MK is not for you and never has been.

Honestly set aside the petty squables and nitpicking and just enjoy MKX it's another entry in one of the best fighting franchises in history.

I can't wai to get my hands on the game and MANY AND I DO MEAN MANY whiny tunes here on MKO will change once they peel away the layers of content that MKX has in store.

I guess I'm one of these "lore-f***" then.....

The story is what has kept me a fan for so long, but MKX has been one of the few MK games where my excitement has been pretty consistent.

Guess what? That's completely okay because that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

In all seriousness when in the history of fighting games has the story ever been the main focal point?

I'm sorry but that train of thought is extremely laughable in my opinion.

fighting games are an outlet for human competitiveness it's about a mano a mano chess match of human wit and execution.

Variation system? Tourney catering

Kung Lao? Tourney catering

16bit popping up on stream? Tourney catering

How people can still whine about "story fluff" when the audience NRS is trying to cater too now is the Tournament scene it's been right in front of our eyes the whole time.

Story in a fighting game...come on man...

It is perfectly acceptable, and it IS the recommended way of going about making a good MK game.

The notion that lore and game mechanics are somehow competitive aspects in a gameás development is bullshit. Nothing of value would have changed if we have gotten an entirely different roster and story and here is why:

the competitive players do not really care about characters as characters themselves. They check everyone out and eventually form a tier list, of which they will play the top characters in tourneys.

To competitive players it does not matter wether it is Kung Lao or a hypothetical Dairou is their favourite, they will use characters they can win with. I do not really see that Kung Lao's inclusion would be catering to the EVO players... If I want to win a Warhammer tournament, what is very crunch and numbers heavy (aka tier list) I will bring the armies I have the best chance of winning with, not the army I LIKE...


Again, gameplay and story is not competitive elements ina game. Besides they are done separately. And guess what, it is not exactly WHAT happens that pisses people off, it is the DISREGARD towards the original material and the general uncaring towards it that is revolting...

Why? Because we have seen better from them, and expect better from them. Lapsing in your quality cannot be forgiven just because you delivered a better software or rendering. You have to live up to your own standards....

ALSO, it is perfectly fine, the game has to be a solid fighting game, because that is the mission of the game. And it probably delivers there. NO question about it, but do keep in mind that competitive play is a niche market, a very small portion of the fanbase.

There are people who do not have time, energy, money, resources or even ability to play extensively. I cannot play MK as much as I want because of reasons. Also, it is certainly within my right to not like certain games from the developer.

Competitive play is not my objective. What remains is basically nothing. It is a good game, albeit one I do not find appealing.

All they had to do, was to pay attention and respect. MKX is not as bad -so far- when it comes to logical inconsistencies as MK9. When I watch story mode, I cannot really forgive stuff like that because it ruins the experience.

And no, that does not mean the previous canon and the changes to it. MK9 could have been rendered moot by changing one word in Raiden's message. Bad writing is bad writing no matter how you look at it....

People seem to have this notion of just shutting your brain up and enjoy the ride, but no, there are fallacies big enough to prevent that.

LOL, guy who by his own admission doesn't care about fighting games and don't play them much, actually has audacity to talk about competetive scene. What a joke.
I've got news for you, hon. Even some FG drones do care about characters. However, it's the casual players who care about them the most. Most of the classic characters ended up in this game, because they are instantly recognizable by majority of the casual players, in many ways because of success of MK9.

Yeah, they could've easily replace a lot of the old chars with new one, but normal players would've missed Kitana, Liu Kang, Kung Lao more than FGPs. So, roster caters to recognizability and marketability, first and foremost. So, there, self-proclaimed "competitive scene specialist" your answer about strange roster.

Also, MKX is respectful because it's seemingly good game. Developers put a lot of care and creativity into it and dismissing or outright hating it, because of one single aspect...it's fanatical stupidity at its finest.

Your opinion is not absolute truth and, regardless of how much this MK fails to cater to your twisted fantasies, some people can genuinly enjoy it and its story.

Also, there were genuinly only two good stories in MK series - MKM and MKDA. The rest were either basic or mediocre.

2 out of 10. This should give you a hint about how great your expectations should be. But because you are an inane lunatic, who lives in his imaginary world, where MK always was pinnacle of storytelling or something like that, you always will be in state of permanent dissappointenment.

Though, given your nature, I won't be surprised, if a person like you, just wants to be dissappointed (by anything), to play victim card and attract attention, you seemingly missing in RL.

You are free to do it, just don't spoil fun for other people and don't tell them what opinion they should have of a game and its story. Any opinion coming from you is sort of dubious, anyway.
04/06/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
My only complaint is the short length of the story.

And that's about it.

What is everyone else bitching about?
04/06/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Again, gameplay and story is not competitive elements ina game. Besides they are done separately. And guess what, it is not exactly WHAT happens that pisses people off, it is the DISREGARD towards the original material and the general uncaring towards it that is revolting...

Why? Because we have seen better from them, and expect better from them. Lapsing in your quality cannot be forgiven just because you delivered a better software or rendering. You have to live up to your own standards....

ALSO, it is perfectly fine, the game has to be a solid fighting game, because that is the mission of the game. And it probably delivers there. NO question about it, but do keep in mind that competitive play is a niche market, a very small portion of the fanbase.

There are people who do not have time, energy, money, resources or even ability to play extensively. I cannot play MK as much as I want because of reasons. Also, it is certainly within my right to not like certain games from the developer.

Competitive play is not my objective. What remains is basically nothing. It is a good game, albeit one I do not find appealing.

All they had to do, was to pay attention and respect. MKX is not as bad -so far- when it comes to logical inconsistencies as MK9. When I watch story mode, I cannot really forgive stuff like that because it ruins the experience.

And no, that does not mean the previous canon and the changes to it. MK9 could have been rendered moot by changing one word in Raiden's message. Bad writing is bad writing no matter how you look at it....

People seem to have this notion of just shutting your brain up and enjoy the ride, but no, there are fallacies big enough to prevent that.

Well said
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/06/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't be Mortal Kombat if 90% of the fanbase wasn't bitching and moaning about something. In all honesty, the reason Mortal Kombat was a laughing stock amidst the fighting game genre for years and years was only partially due to the game itself - most of it was due to how utterly pathetic and embarassing the fanbase was. I always distanced myself from the fanbase because...frankly...I hate it. And this negativity is mainly why.

Here's examples:

People wanted new characters - we got 8 of 'em. People still bitch.

People wanted all the characters from the previous game to return - we got most of 'em. They still bitch.

People wanted Tremor - they finally got that reject. They still bitch.

People wanted updated visuals and a darker tone for the game - they got it. They still bitch.

People wanted Jason - they got him. They still bitch.

People wanted Predator - they got it. They still bitch.

See a pattern? The fan base is pathetic.
04/06/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
Some of the complaints are valid, some aren't. Especially those concerning roster choices (which I've personally grown to like) and the actual gameplay which looks the best it's ever been.

The story however... no comment.
04/06/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
It wouldn't be Mortal Kombat if 90% of the fanbase wasn't bitching and moaning about something. In all honesty, the reason Mortal Kombat was a laughing stock amidst the fighting game genre for years and years was only partially due to the game itself - most of it was due to how utterly pathetic and embarassing the fanbase was. I always distanced myself from the fanbase because...frankly...I hate it. And this negativity is mainly why.

Here's examples:

People wanted new characters - we got 8 of 'em. People still bitch.

People wanted all the characters from the previous game to return - we got most of 'em. They still bitch.

People wanted Tremor - they finally got that reject. They still bitch.

People wanted updated visuals and a darker tone for the game - they got it. They still bitch.

People wanted Jason - they got him. They still bitch.

People wanted Predator - they got it. They still bitch.

See a pattern? The fan base is pathetic.

This is the only 100% accurate post I've ever seen.

I spend more and more time thinking "They're just not real MK fans..."
About Me

Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/06/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
It wouldn't be Mortal Kombat if 90% of the fanbase wasn't bitching and moaning about something. In all honesty, the reason Mortal Kombat was a laughing stock amidst the fighting game genre for years and years was only partially due to the game itself - most of it was due to how utterly pathetic and embarassing the fanbase was. I always distanced myself from the fanbase because...frankly...I hate it. And this negativity is mainly why.

Here's examples:

People wanted new characters - we got 8 of 'em. People still bitch.

People wanted all the characters from the previous game to return - we got most of 'em. They still bitch.

People wanted Tremor - they finally got that reject. They still bitch.

People wanted updated visuals and a darker tone for the game - they got it. They still bitch.

People wanted Jason - they got him. They still bitch.

People wanted Predator - they got it. They still bitch.

See a pattern? The fan base is pathetic.

frabn Wins.
I am only honest with my opinion because MK9 hasn't held up well while the original Trilogy is still interesting to play. MKX looks to be better than MK9 but time will tell if it holds ground as a klassic.
04/06/2015 05:27 PM (UTC)
I love the game. But like said before every time a new game is gonna be released this happens
04/06/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
It wouldn't be Mortal Kombat if 90% of the fanbase wasn't bitching and moaning about something. In all honesty, the reason Mortal Kombat was a laughing stock amidst the fighting game genre for years and years was only partially due to the game itself - most of it was due to how utterly pathetic and embarassing the fanbase was. I always distanced myself from the fanbase because...frankly...I hate it. And this negativity is mainly why.

Here's examples:

People wanted new characters - we got 8 of 'em. People still bitch.

People wanted all the characters from the previous game to return - we got most of 'em. They still bitch.

People wanted Tremor - they finally got that reject. They still bitch.

People wanted updated visuals and a darker tone for the game - they got it. They still bitch.

People wanted Jason - they got him. They still bitch.

People wanted Predator - they got it. They still bitch.

See a pattern? The fan base is pathetic.

This is the only 100% accurate post I've ever seen.

I spend more and more time thinking "They're just not real MK fans..."

Im a real MK fan and i complain if something is just wrong. incontrorary, i think ppl that are just ok with everything thats given them " are not real MK fans..."
04/06/2015 09:48 PM (UTC)
Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. So I respect any that is being posted. I just wish they would've worded them more "eloquently" lol.
04/06/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Honestly it's just 3D Era fanboys and loref*gs looking for any excuse to bitch about what appears to be the best entry to the series to date

You like deep story and excellent continuity?

MK is not for you and never has been.

Honestly set aside the petty squables and nitpicking and just enjoy MKX it's another entry in one of the best fighting franchises in history.

I can't wai to get my hands on the game and MANY AND I DO MEAN MANY whiny tunes here on MKO will change once they peel away the layers of content that MKX has in store.

Couldn't agree more.
04/07/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
It wouldn't be Mortal Kombat if 90% of the fanbase wasn't bitching and moaning about something. In all honesty, the reason Mortal Kombat was a laughing stock amidst the fighting game genre for years and years was only partially due to the game itself - most of it was due to how utterly pathetic and embarassing the fanbase was. I always distanced myself from the fanbase because...frankly...I hate it. And this negativity is mainly why.
Here's examples:

People wanted new characters - we got 8 of 'em. People still bitch.

People wanted all the characters from the previous game to return - we got most of 'em. They still bitch.

People wanted Tremor - they finally got that reject. They still bitch.

People wanted updated visuals and a darker tone for the game - they got it. They still bitch.

People wanted Jason - they got him. They still bitch.

People wanted Predator - they got it. They still bitch.

See a pattern? The fan base is pathetic.

No, I don't see a pattern. I see no correlation between any of these things. People that wanted Tremor are presumably not the same people complaining about him.

The people who wanted Jason and Predator are presumably not the same people complaining about them. I don't see any logic in listing a bunch of different things people critiqued, because if anything not everyone critiqued the same things.

If it is anything to be sick of, it is people getting their panties in a twist because not everyone feels satisfied with everything happening here.

Someone not liking the roster of THIS game, does not make them "NOT A FAN" and equate to them needing to go away forever. Anyone who throws that bs out there needs to take their ignorant fanboying somewhere else.
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04/07/2015 02:00 AM (UTC)
People spoil their fun themselves, negativity seems like a cop-out, it's all about dealing with other's opinions, if we're going to be fair, let's criticize all types of opinions, positive and negative, since they're about game that most of us haven't even played. They are all speculation and prejudgement. Why does praise get a free pass?

If anything, advising for more constructive criticism would be far more useful, but it was never about that isn't? is about taking things personal.

And criticizing something you like is no excuse to resort to personal attacks. You aren't satisfied with X aspect of the game I like? then you're:

Not a true MK fan
3D fanboy
Loref*g (I prefer the term Lorewhore)

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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/07/2015 04:37 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
No, I don't see a pattern. I see no correlation between any of these things. People that wanted Tremor are presumably not the same people complaining about him....

Not, it is a pattern. It was evident after reveal of Tanya as DLC character, when some MK fans, who craved to see her in the game, started hating on her face and costume, despite her look in the teaser was clearly unfinished.
No logic.
No sense.
Just hatred.

The same with everything else. Some people are just unpleasable idiots, who want everything here and now and can't even use modicum of logic, to make obvious conclusions.
MKX isn't really what I wanted out of a MK9 sequel, but there's no reason for me to be mad about it. I'm sure it's a good game, and they obviously worked hard on it. It's just not my type of game, but that doesn't mean I should go on the internet and bitch about it. I'll just check it out and play the older ones I like too.

People stay cryin' over pointless shit but I don't remember performing any babalities.
04/07/2015 04:43 AM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
No, I don't see a pattern. I see no correlation between any of these things. People that wanted Tremor are presumably not the same people complaining about him....

Not, it is a pattern. It was evident after reveal of Tanya as DLC character, when some MK fans, who craved to see her in the game, started hating on her face and costume, despite her look in the teaser was clearly unfinished.
No logic.
No sense.
Just hatred.

The same with everything else. Some people are just unpleasable idiots, who want everything here and now and can't even use modicum of logic, to make obvious conclusions.

Have u been to the tanya super thread lately? Also people discussing about what they think is wrong with the game can make it better. To me it's just short of being perfect.
04/07/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat means a lot of things to me. I'm huge on the lore, love the core gameplay, I even like MOST of the characters. Movies, web series, cartoons, comics etc. it's all fun in some way. I personally wanted a good amount of 3D era characters in this game, but that aside, this game is looking good. Granted, Kitana, Liu Kang, Kung Lao and maybe even Jax don't really need to be playable, but we got them and they don't look half bad. Mortal Kombat's lore has been waning in quality for quite some time now, but this game seems to be doing an okay job with what it has to work with (the fallout of MK9). Gameplay wise everything seems solid, but obviously we won't know for sure until we play it. With all the extra content in this game, along with story mode and the actual fighting aspect, we are in for a damn good game by the looks of it.
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04/07/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
People are entitled to their opinions. The game could be flawless from an objective standpoint but if it doesn't fit someone's liking then that's their business.

You could make me a suit from all the most expensive fabrics from the top designer in the world and if it doesn't fit me, then I'm not wearing it.
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


04/07/2015 05:21 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
My only complaint is the short length of the story.

And that's about it.

What is everyone else bitching about?
The wait man!
04/07/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
The complaints I have is that some of the dead characters were brought back. Now don't get me wrong I was happy when Kitana and the rest of the dead returned especially in their middle age skin but I was hoping some more new characters would be playable. But I guess since fans were so pissed their favorites died and demanded them to returned that's what happen
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