sick of the negativity
posted04/08/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/12/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
Fuck all that negative shit at the end of the day it's still an awesome looking fighting game and how some feel about story mode won't deter how I feel about the FIGHTING aspect..

I'm ready to choose hanzo and whoop some ass
04/06/2015 03:14 PM (UTC)
Yeah seems like some are out here just nitpicking this game to death. I don't have any complaints besides having to play mobile to unlock skins on my console version lol
04/06/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
Don't worry this happens before the release of every new MK.
04/06/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
You choose to read the negativity, you can choose to not open that topic you know. besides that ppl here are fans of the game and story. pherhaps you dont care what happens to the story etc. but mko is known for loving the story. maybe tym is more your thing. not trying to dis you bro, but mko is like this like forever.

Im happy you like the game, i cant wait to play it to man, but let the forums be forums.
04/06/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
I'm sick of the people who are sick of the negativity
04/06/2015 03:17 PM (UTC)
I can't wait for this fighting game bruh

Thank God Im working all this week, I'm gonna be playing this in no time gringringlasses
04/06/2015 03:17 PM (UTC)
Couldn't agree more, I can't even be on these forums anymore because of it. These past few months made me realize I no longer want kids because I forgot how much I hated whining and crying.

Now that I'm not checking for MKX new every 10min it's time to switch to TYM/Shoryuken for tournament tips!
04/06/2015 03:18 PM (UTC)
What pisses me off:

MK2011 - they pulled a bold one with cyber sub zero everyone went nuts the sheer level of the shitstormm was saddening

2014 - MKX - new gen fighters new chars - "no kitana no buy" "why did they leave Sonya out?" Shitstorm was intense

2015 MKX leaked roster mostly fan service less bold - OMG no Noob fuck this i wont buy the game. NRS playing safe. NRS lied !!1!!1!1

If the amount of whiners would just STFU and leave in silence without bitching about EVERYTHING this place would be zen finally. There is no pleasing you people.
04/06/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)

Honestly it's just 3D Era fanboys and loref*gs looking for any excuse to bitch about what appears to be the best entry to the series to date

You like deep story and excellent continuity?

MK is not for you and never has been.

Honestly set aside the petty squables and nitpicking and just enjoy MKX it's another entry in one of the best fighting franchises in history.

I can't wai to get my hands on the game and MANY AND I DO MEAN MANY whiny tunes here on MKO will change once they peel away the layers of content that MKX has in store.

04/06/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Yeah seems like some are out here just nitpicking this game to death. I don't have any complaints besides having to play mobile to unlock skins on my console version lol

Lol that does seem kinda wack but I get bored at work so I'll probably do it
04/06/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
You choose to read the negativity, you can choose to not open that topic you know. besides that ppl here are fans of the game and story. pherhaps you dont care what happens to the story etc. but mko is known for loving the story. maybe tym is more your thing. not trying to dis you bro, but mko is like this like forever.

Im happy you like the game, i cant wait to play it to man, but let the forums be forums.

You know what that's true
04/06/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Honestly it's just 3D Era fanboys and loref*gs looking for any excuse to bitch about what appears to be the best entry to the series to date

You like deep story and excellent continuity?

MK is not for you and never has been.

Honestly set aside the petty squables and nitpicking and just enjoy MKX it's another entry in one of the best fighting franchises in history.

I can't wai to get my hands on the game and MANY AND I DO MEAN MANY whiny tunes here on MKO will change once they peel away the layers of content that MKX has in store.

I guess I'm one of these "lore-f***" then.....

The story is what has kept me a fan for so long, but MKX has been one of the few MK games where my excitement has been pretty consistent.

04/06/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
I'm not a 3D era fanboy, but I am a "Lorefag" and so far this game's story looks good to me (I haven't read the spoilers yet) but still I don't think its just story fans brining up all the negativity.

Sometimes I wonder if these "No Kitana no buy" type of people are fans of MK, or just fans of a few MK characters.
04/06/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
You choose to read the negativity, you can choose to not open that topic you know. besides that ppl here are fans of the game and story. pherhaps you dont care what happens to the story etc. but mko is known for loving the story. maybe tym is more your thing. not trying to dis you bro, but mko is like this like forever.

Im happy you like the game, i cant wait to play it to man, but let the forums be forums.
04/06/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
dont want negativity?

maybe NRS should stop making shit games, raping their lore, and shoving the shit trilogy era down our throat.
04/06/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
I'm more pissed that people are playing it already. jealousy is a fickle bitch.
04/06/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Honestly it's just 3D Era fanboys and loref*gs looking for any excuse to bitch about what appears to be the best entry to the series to date

You like deep story and excellent continuity?

MK is not for you and never has been.

Honestly set aside the petty squables and nitpicking and just enjoy MKX it's another entry in one of the best fighting franchises in history.

I can't wai to get my hands on the game and MANY AND I DO MEAN MANY whiny tunes here on MKO will change once they peel away the layers of content that MKX has in store.

I guess I'm one of these "lore-f***" then.....

The story is what has kept me a fan for so long, but MKX has been one of the few MK games where my excitement has been pretty consistent.

Guess what? That's completely okay because that's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

In all seriousness when in the history of fighting games has the story ever been the main focal point?

I'm sorry but that train of thought is extremely laughable in my opinion.

fighting games are an outlet for human competitiveness it's about a mano a mano chess match of human wit and execution.

Variation system? Tourney catering

Kung Lao? Tourney catering

16bit popping up on stream? Tourney catering

How people can still whine about "story fluff" when the audience NRS is trying to cater too now is the Tournament scene it's been right in front of our eyes the whole time.

Story in a fighting game...come on man...
04/06/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
dont want negativity?

maybe NRS should stop making shit games, raping their lore, and shoving the shit trilogy era down our throat.

Dude you need a girlfriend
04/06/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
More then half the MK fandom are lorefags i guess. I know i am. You can't fucking tell me that everyone played Deception and Deadly Alliance just for the fucking thrill of that chunky ass gameplay. I play those games because i like the lore of them.
04/06/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
dont want negativity?

maybe NRS should stop making shit games, raping their lore, and shoving the shit trilogy era down our throat.

04/06/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
More then half the MK fandom are lorefags i guess. I know i am. You can't fucking tell me that everyone played Deception and Deadly Alliance just for the fucking thrill of that chunky ass gameplay. I play those games because i like the lore of them.

When you play those said games, what are you doing.... Reading a story about the lore or pushing buttons on your controller to input a combo/fatality?

Idk man it seems pretty dumb I love the lore too, but this and mk9 still plays better than all the 3d era games.
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04/06/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
Im happy you like the game, i cant wait to play it to man, but let the forums be forums.

It's not "forums being forums", it's bunch of unpleasable tools swimming in the pile of their own vomit, occasionally splashing it at anyone who dare to has his own opinion.
04/06/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
I do have to push the buttons because I'm forced to if i want to unlock an ending that's apart of the lore. The gameplay is not my main focus while I'm playing those games. MK9 is a game i can play for hours because the gameplay is a lot smoother and fun. After i get the ending or buy a bio in the 3D games i shut that shit off because the shits not very good gameplay wise
04/06/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
More then half the MK fandom are lorefags i guess. I know i am. You can't fucking tell me that everyone played Deception and Deadly Alliance just for the fucking thrill of that chunky ass gameplay. I play those games because i like the lore of them.


But you basically proved my point by bringing up 3D era story telling.

I'm not here to police your or anybody elses thoughts. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO LIKE MK FOR THEIR OWN REASONS.

But do not shit all over a game you haven't played because NRS didn't cater to your particular reason for fandom.

I'm not just directing this at you Brady infact I don't even know if you whined about the story or not and I don't care.

I just happened to use your quote as a chance to express this point.

MKX should be something that brings the whole MK community together even if it's just for a little bit it's what we all share in common it shouldn't be what divides us.
04/06/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I do have to push the buttons because I'm forced to if i want to unlock an ending that's apart of the lore. The gameplay is not my main focus while I'm playing those games. MK9 is a game i can play for hours because the gameplay is a lot smoother and fun. After i get the ending or buy a bio in the 3D games i shut that shit off because the shits not very good gameplay wise

Okay I get you, I was gonna say most of the bios and story endings are online to see but I'm assuming you want to unlock all of them on your own... I would want to do the same lol glasses
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