03/20/2007 01:36 AM (UTC)
Going from Deception to Armageddon, I really missed Hara Kiris. Having both create a fatalities and preset fatalaties would be nice, too. Create a fatality could be the new brutality, sort of like how in Shaolin Monks brutalities were just a bunch of ultrapowerful moves.
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Your Soul is mine

03/20/2007 05:01 AM (UTC)
DarkLotusSociety Wrote:
Going from Deception to Armageddon, I really missed Hara Kiris. Having both create a fatalities and preset fatalaties would be nice, too. Create a fatality could be the new brutality, sort of like how in Shaolin Monks brutalities were just a bunch of ultrapowerful moves.

Hara Kiris should definally come back since Hira Kira is Dark. You can get any darker then killing yourself and besides it keeps the game fun even when you lose.
03/20/2007 10:44 PM (UTC)
Reneo Wrote:
Well I want to see something other then plain Factalities. Furthermore as far as factalities go I say they should turn it back to the regular Factalities instead of Kreate a factality, it was cool but basically everyone had the same possiable out come

It's Fatality, not Factality...
About Me

Your Soul is mine

03/21/2007 07:51 PM (UTC)
Should they add a new way to humilate your oponent. Meaning more types of alitys. Os far I cant think of anything new.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/01/2007 10:31 PM (UTC)
UlcaTron Wrote:
legend_armlet Wrote:

Including more savage animalities should be interesting.

That's all!

Deaf? Animalities were mearly jokes

So lions and bears eating your guts out are jokes? Would you like to be eatin by a lion? Didn't think so. Maybe some of them were jokes, like scorpion turning into a penguin out of all things and laying an egg that happens to be a bomb that explodes,(lol) but aside from that I would actually like to see Animalities again that are more gruesome. Maybe Subby would turn into a bear stand up on his two feet and when he grabs you rip your torso from your legs. Maybe Nightwolf can turn into his obvious animal (a wolf for you slow mothafuckas) and tear your intestines from your belly and carry it into the woods, who knows what kinda sick things these animals would do. Besides Ed Boon did say he likes to go beyond reality. I would also love to see the brutalities come back because since the game is gonna be dark that would be sumthin extra and sumthin good for the game. Just make it more realistic thats all. I mean I would love to see my victim await his/her fate when they hear FINISH HIM/HER and you just decide to beat the living shit out of them until they die. Blood flying every where teeth being lost, bones breaking, now that 's Mortal Kombat for you, who wouldn't love that? If you're a hardcore MK fan in the first place you already have a sick mind anyway or somewhat at least am I right or wrong?grin
04/02/2007 10:14 PM (UTC)

They should'nt bring back friendships and babalities. The opponent's face is completely damaged at the end of the match. How could you spare your opponent or turn him into a baby in these conditions? This does'nt make sense.

Hara-Kiris sould'nt come back as we never know when the cpu performs them and it's very boring to see an opponent we don't like peforming his hara-kiri.

Brutalities should be replaced by ultra combos.

Animalities must come back if they are more savage.

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