Should the male characters be more sexualized?
posted05/09/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
There are these frequent complaints of the female characters being dressed like two dollar whores (such a remark reeks of sexual hang ups to me, but that's another story) and overall being too sexualized. But I like them this way, so to me, the solution is just to sexualize the men more, for the sake of gender equality.

It's true that some of the human/human-like guys, like Johnny, Nightwolf, and of course Shao Kahn, already show plenty of flesh. But I'm talking skimpier outfits, like Chris Redfield's sailor outfit in Resident Evil: Revelations (which actually made him more fun to play as, imo), even for some of the conservatively dressed men, as well as design that puts a little more emphasis on a man's sexy features.

For Stryker, I have two ideas for sexy alts. One is a Miami Vice-based suit, with Stryker wearing nothing under the vest, and the other a skimpy police uniform, with short-sleeved, unbuttoned shirt, shorts, and cop boots.

I am perfectly aware that some will consider this whole thread trollish and worthy of hankypanky, but I am serious about this. I'm not suggesting that they do away with the "respectable" designs, what I suggested above are just alts. And what would be so bad about catering to straight female gamers, gay male ones, and bisexuals with optional alts?
04/29/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
04/29/2014 08:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Why not?

I do remember you saying in the She-kan thread about Sheeva, how you liked Sheeva's MK3 design, because she didn't look all that flattering. If I remember correctly, you were saying that her "ugliness" made her look more fierce. Something along those lines.

I always find remarks like these to be quite...ignorant. What exactly makes an heavily sexualized character unconvincing as a fighter? Why wouldn't such a character know how to fight?

And for the record, Sheeva in MK3 was gorgeous.
04/29/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)

People are not equal. It's okay for women to be sexualized, men aren't supposed to be sexy.

All this equality shit gets on my nerves to no end.

04/29/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why not?.

Double standard mostly. The male characters in this game don't need to be more sexualized, I think they're fine at where they're at when it comes to appearances. I really wouldn't be too pleased if I see Sub-Zero wearing something more flattering to the eye that makes me go googly eye for him. Even if these were to be joke costumes, I'd laugh at them but then I'd probably wouldn't use them again.

DG1OA Wrote:
I do remember you saying in the She-kan thread about Sheeva, how you liked Sheeva's MK3 design, because she didn't look all that flattering. If I remember correctly, you were saying that her "ugliness" made her look more fierce. Something along those lines..

I don't really get why you bought this up, and I was also arguing with a user here who thought that Sheeva needed to be sexualized when she very well doesn't. Unfortunately, they decided to give her more of a feminine face, which defeats the purpose of what the Shokan look like. I mean, both Kintaro and Goro are flat out ugly, I'd expect Sheeva to be the same. There's no such thing as a cute dragon (unless you refer to Spyro but that's a different story). Sheeva didn't need to be sexualized, even her body shouldn't get slimmer or anything. She was fine with the way she looked, heck she looked even uglier in Armageddon. Then they cutsty her up. Blah.

DG1OA Wrote:
I always find remarks like these to be quite...ignorant. What exactly makes an heavily sexualized character unconvincing as a fighter? Why wouldn't such a character know how to fight?.

Deceiving looks. If I saw someone dressed like Mileena in real life, I really wouldn't expect her to know how to fight back if I decide to throw a punch at her. (Well, I'd mostly expect her flying back at me and try pulling my hair, women always go for the hair in fights) Not to mention, most of their outfits look like they can't hold the goods up at all. Despite that Mortal Kombat loves to defy physics, I can certainly say for a fact that there's no way Mileena's ta-ta's would be able to be kept in her outfit. There's just no way.

wdm6789 Wrote:

People are not equal. It's okay for women to be sexualized, men aren't supposed to be sexy.

All this equality shit gets on my nerves to no end.

Men can be sexy. But as I said earlier, double standard gets in the way. It shouldn't be, but that's how I've been seeing it.
04/29/2014 11:08 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

People are not equal. It's okay for women to be sexualized, men aren't supposed to be sexy.

All this equality shit gets on my nerves to no end.

Awww, poor little idiot. "Men aren't supposed to be sexy" ha, whatever, I don't care for stupid rules made up up by sexist idiots.

I disagree with you about Goro and Kintaro. I thought Goro was sexy in MK4, though I might agree about his other designs. As for Kintaro, I never thought he was ugly.

And well, to be honest, your argument really seems to come down to believing stereotypes. But I don't have much time to say more, so I'll leave it at that for now.
04/29/2014 11:25 PM (UTC)
Fuck it, why not?

Seriously this is a genre that has Voldo. NRS could never beat that one without delving into furry erotica.
No, well it depends on the character and what you find sexy I suppose? Lemme think about that.

Mileena's third alt was stupid as shit but if Baraka had that instead?

......Hmm no it'd still be dumb (plus blatant Bara(ka) pandering).
Regardless if it's sexy or not I just see it as a waste of what could have been something else..ANYTHING else.

And shit like Mileena getting toilet paper for a costume whereas her MK2 Klassic is STILL not released for consoles annoys me to no end.

I think what would be nice but what would never happen because of the amount of work is a third alternate costume for everyone. Kinda like Injustice.

For the purpose of shits and giggles like slapping a Mocap suit on Cage or "Hey look at this cool thing we wouldn't have put in the game otherwise" like say Earthrealm God Liu Kang or Kabal from his ending or that Human Reptile concept. But that's a whole other thing I still wouldn't want sexy alts for.

I welcome stuff like Sexy Baraka, Sexy Stryker, Sexy Goro, Sexy Jax as fanart but I'd probably draw the line at that.
04/30/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I disagree with you about Goro and Kintaro. I thought Goro was sexy in MK4, though I might agree about his other designs. As for Kintaro, I never thought he was ugly.

And well, to be honest, your argument really seems to come down to believing stereotypes. But I don't have much time to say more, so I'll leave it at that for now.

I do and I don't believe in stereotypes for this situation. I do think that maybe sometimes males should have a more "sexualized" look, but the problem is that there's hardly any male character that has that in this game. I ask, why start now? I get what you're saying that it should also have some appeal to females and the gay community, but the problem is that I just don't think they'll ever do that. And I can't really give an answer as to why they can't. I don't think it would be a problem, I still stand on that they shouldn't. But if it happens it happens. I just don't see it happen.

The only thing though with Kintaro is that I'll give you that he looks cute. That pwecious kitty meow meow look that he got in 2011 was just adorable.
That and his earring, What a way to make him un-threatening plus his slow speed/predictable a.i

Cute yes..scary and intimidating Fuck no.
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04/30/2014 03:48 AM (UTC)
04/30/2014 05:12 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

People are not equal. It's okay for women to be sexualized, men aren't supposed to be sexy.

All this equality shit gets on my nerves to no end.

Awww, poor little idiot. "Men aren't supposed to be sexy" ha, whatever, I don't care for stupid rules made up up by sexist idiots.

I disagree with you about Goro and Kintaro. I thought Goro was sexy in MK4, though I might agree about his other designs. As for Kintaro, I never thought he was ugly.

And well, to be honest, your argument really seems to come down to believing stereotypes. But I don't have much time to say more, so I'll leave it at that for now.

U ask for opinions and them crap on them. Such a shitty way of having a conversation.

And no u wanna sexy girl looking men, head to Namco's.
04/30/2014 11:31 AM (UTC)

If you want to look at homoerotic dudes, go to Abercrombie. We don't need Stryker dressed up as Officer Dangle.

04/30/2014 11:43 AM (UTC)
It can be applied where it fits I would say. Isn't a shirtless costume already a "sexy" look? Maybe not with the Black/Red Dragons but with the Allies of Light. On another note, sexiness doesn't always equal nakedness — even though some say that it is the sexiest look for a man — Cage's MK9 alt could be an example of that. Sexualizing for proper reasons should be OK.
04/30/2014 01:02 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

If you want to look at homoerotic dudes, go to Abercrombie. We don't need Stryker dressed up as Officer Dangle.

What's wrong with Abercrombie besides the fact that you need a flashlight to roam around in their stores?
04/30/2014 02:08 PM (UTC)
No, simply because nothing will ever match the sexiness that is MKDA Blaze. Why? DAT METAL UNDERWEAR! tongue
04/30/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I disagree with you about Goro and Kintaro. I thought Goro was sexy in MK4, though I might agree about his other designs. As for Kintaro, I never thought he was ugly.

And well, to be honest, your argument really seems to come down to believing stereotypes. But I don't have much time to say more, so I'll leave it at that for now.

I do and I don't believe in stereotypes for this situation. I do think that maybe sometimes males should have a more "sexualized" look, but the problem is that there's hardly any male character that has that in this game. I ask, why start now? I get what you're saying that it should also have some appeal to females and the gay community, but the problem is that I just don't think they'll ever do that. And I can't really give an answer as to why they can't. I don't think it would be a problem, I still stand on that they shouldn't. But if it happens it happens. I just don't see it happen.

The only thing though with Kintaro is that I'll give you that he looks cute. That pwecious kitty meow meow look that he got in 2011 was just adorable.

I disagree that just because certain guys weren't sexualized before doesn't mean they can't ever be sexualized. I've heard some use that argument as justification not to give Luigi and Ganondorf in the Smash Bros games, or K/Chameleon, moves of their own, on account that they've been clones for too long now to change. Unlike individualized special moves, those alts I'm suggesting are optional. Stryker could still get all of his previous designs, along with what I suggested. That's two out of seven designs, five of them unsexualized. FIVE. And I wouldn't see them create an abundance of sexy looks for him, not in the same game, at least.

What you're saying about sexy alts being a waste of space, one could make the same argument for the classic ninja ones. I liked them, but I can see why one would find it wasteful to give so many characters identical designs, instead of giving them other individualized alts. The problem isn't that Mileena's nearly nude design made it in instead of the classic MK2 design, it's that they didn't include her classic MK2 design. We easily could have had both.

I don't see why you think the ear rings and his "cuteness" made Kintaro less scary (though bad AI is understandable). In that case, actual tigers aren't scary either, since they are cute. I thought he looked fierce, then there was his intro, and personally, I thought his voice was a bit...frightening. His dialogue was simple, yet effective. The way he burned Kabal to a crisp as he slowly approached him and Stryker, and said "Humans. Less ugly when they burn". How calm he sounded after he just roasted a man alive. I think his facial features contributed to his scariness in that scene. It'd be different (not necessarily worse, just different) if he had his old face at that moment.

Basically, to me, sexiness/cuteness is not incompatible with scariness.

And can someone translate ErmaSco's second paragraph? I'm getting a small idea of what he means, but I'm not completely sure.
04/30/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
Don't know about you guys but if a girl doesn't want them sexualized, then I'll agree with her.

And now I have a horrible mental picture of Sryker in a speedo and vest for some reason. How does one bleach his brain?
04/30/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
Chimera Wrote:
Don't know about you guys but if a girl doesn't want them sexualized, then I'll agree with her.

And now I have a horrible mental picture of Sryker in a speedo and vest for some reason. How does one bleach his brain?

You don't want guys sexualized, just because a girl doesn't want that, either? Way to think for yourself.

I admit I like the irony of it. I, a straight guy, want the men sexualized, while a gal doesn't. Though I don't know if she's straight.

I have an even better picture for you: Baraka in a speedo. Though I don't see why Stryker in a speedo and vest disturbs you. Did Drahmin's primary design disturb you, as well? He was nearly the male equivalent of the old woman in The Shining, design-wise. If you could bear that, then you should be able to handle Speedo Stryker.

I feel it'd be incomplete without a few more suggestions.

Jarek: Pasty white skin, shaved head (with the pinch beard remaining), red paint across one of his eyes, golden fleece on one of his arms, shin guards, gauntlets, and apron belt.

Nightwolf: Nothing but a feathered hat, Native American apron belt, and sandals.

Baraka: Nothing but his apron belt, and sandals. Would look best on his MK2 design, if only because it had the best facial design for him, with the teeth that could close. And when you think about it, his MKG outfit is pretty revealing.

Scorpion: naked skeleton. Still wears his mask though, with the fake human flesh and all.

Smoke: The outfit he wore in his non-robotic form in MKD. Imagine his human self wearing that.
04/30/2014 04:45 PM (UTC)
No. Nor should the females. This is a game and story about a fantasy martial arts tournament, not an adult film. Let's please try to keep those seperate. Half naked characters, mixed with bruises and splatters of blood all over them, just do not mix well. This is a game that is supposed to be about fighting, not flaunting.
04/30/2014 05:21 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
No. Nor should the females. This is a game and story about a fantasy martial arts tournament, not an adult film. Let's please try to keep those seperate. Half naked characters, mixed with bruises and splatters of blood all over them, just do not mix well. This is a game that is supposed to be about fighting, not flaunting.

I have to agree with this, but I really don't understand WHY over sexualizing any gender is a big importance in fighting games general. If it's to please the male fans... isn't the fighting alone pleasing already?

And a lot of people as of recently has been asking to spare the over sexualizing, I've noticed, since 2011. Unless they have been asking that before this game and I just was too blind to notice.
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04/30/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
No. Not at all.
"What you're saying about sexy alts being a waste of space, one could make the same argument for the classic ninja ones."

One could if it wasn't MK9, a game filled with nostalgia for the old trilogy. In fact I hope they don't push for retros again come MK2. Older Costumes but Updated/Improved would be great but straight up retros? No thanks..

"I don't see why you think the ear rings and his "cuteness" made Kintaro less scary (though bad AI is understandable). "

I just prefer the MK2 version of him since it makes him look like a legitimate threat. Also it gives him enough of his own unique traits while still having similar features to a Shokan. No Goro ponytail, no Kitten nose.

There's always that sense of dread when you're reminded of him. Kintaro in MK2 was such a motherfucker in terms of difficuty that there's always been an "Oh shit He's in this game?!" feeling the rare times he made an appearance. This included MK9 before he was actually shown. And what damaged him further was that his AI was terribly slow, somehow more predictable and less powerful than he should have been.

"Well, I thought he looked fierce"

Hey, it's just my opinion "Your Mileage May Vary" and all that. I just thought he was very underwhelming. It's a shame because he's honestly my favorite sub-boss but oh well...At least they didn't kill him so they might do something neat with him in the future that'll win me over. And I am easily won over.

"Basically, to me, sexiness/cuteness is not incompatible with scariness."

If that means "scary looking characters can be sexy/cute too" then yes I would agree (though I won't list any examples on here). Just not about Kintaro, I think it's weird how adorable he looks now but yet not intimidating.

All I can see are the males being Over-sexualized like Sonya's primary outfit aka Liutenant "Where's my undershirt?" Tits. So even if it were to happen, I have no faith in NRS when it comes to making any sort of Sexy Alt because they tend to go further than they should have stopped. That's in addition to me feeling like it's a waste anyway.
05/01/2014 08:16 AM (UTC)
The genders are attracted to different things, is the thing. Girls do like beefcake, but they aren't nearly as driven towards skimpy clothing on their objects of desire as men are.

A woman in hot pants is supposed to inspire boners. A dude in short-shorts doesn't get girls wet though, it inspires laughter.
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05/01/2014 12:14 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The only thing though with Kintaro is that I'll give you that he looks cute. That pwecious kitty meow meow look that he got in 2011 was just adorable.


Hes the ULTIMATE (censored) and the epic fail in this game.
What the hell ?He looks like transsexual 4 armed kitty!!! OMG! One of my favs ruined.Crappy moves as well...trololololol
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