Should scorpion become human again?
posted12/08/2006 03:27 PM (UTC)by
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03/18/2006 01:07 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is always being from hell and trying to kill quain chi and protect sub-zero. Thats getting OLD. i think he should finaly tear quain in half and become mortal. and sence midway is running out of ideas for sub-zero, noob could become sub again and he and new sub-zero could become rivals. your comments?
11/19/2006 11:03 PM (UTC)
I agree Scorpion is in deperate need of something to do other than revenge. Not sure though if I'd want to see him human though. Regression is rarely good and I don't see Scorpion becoming human again improving him any. He just needs a new purpose.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again: hell no.
11/19/2006 11:20 PM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:
Scorpion is always being from hell and trying to kill quain chi and protect sub-zero. Thats getting OLD. i think he should finaly tear quain in half and become mortal. and sence midway is running out of ideas for sub-zero, noob could become sub again and he and new sub-zero could become rivals. your comments?

I completely concur about Scorpion avenging his clan and family once and for all. The whole vengence thing is fucking dull and as XD84 said, he needs a new purpose. Eh, I don't really know what to think about Scorpion being human again.

I completely disagree part of about Noob Saibot turning back into Sub-Zero.
11/19/2006 11:32 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I agree Scorpion is in deperate need of something to do other than revenge. Not sure though if I'd want to see him human though. Regression is rarely good and I don't see Scorpion becoming human again improving him any. He just needs a new purpose.

As for Noob Saibot becoming Sub-Zero again: hell no.

Couldn't agree more.
11/20/2006 01:27 AM (UTC)
I think his son should take his place in the next gen.
11/20/2006 02:40 AM (UTC)
Scorpion turning human could also improve his story. It can go either way, but I bet people would probably (especially hardcore fanboys) be angry at the fact that he couldn't remove his face and breathe fire anymore.

I prefer hell Scorpion instead of human, but I wouldn't mind a twist. As far as Scorpion's clan and family being ressurected.....I don't necessarily see the problem here. He can still be the same guy, but having his family back ends his rivalry with Quan Chi which is a good thing. Having the kidnapping of his son only horrifies the story; he shouldn't send his clan after him anyway.....if anything, his clan should be warriors in training to help fulfill his wishes/goals. IMO their shouldn't be too deep involvement with his clan, but they should still get a mention and/or help out with certain taks. For future, I would like to see Scorpion be some sort of netherealm slayer or he can also help protect Earthrealm from danger.
11/20/2006 02:43 AM (UTC)
He wil NEVER turn human simply because he will lose all his moves! No more flaming skull.
11/22/2006 04:51 AM (UTC)
if anything he should become more evil and take the shape of a more demonic creature and try for relm domination. he could be the new foe that all the relms will fear.
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11/22/2006 03:15 PM (UTC)
No way! His move where he takes off his mask and it ́s a skull and he burns the enemy is real awesome, they should use it in the next MK game...

11/22/2006 03:59 PM (UTC)
No, Scorpion shouldn't be human again.

I do have an idea. He's always been the aggressor, looking to seek vengeance on someone. I think it would be a good Idea if for once, he was being hunted down.

For example, after Armageddon, I'd have Scorpion kill Quan Chi. Then, since pretty much everybody that could pose a threat to the realms is dead, the Elder God's would no longer need a champion. So Scorpion's just a spectre again.

However, this time, nobody in Hell's letting him out to kill somebody. He's free, but he shouldn't. He was an assassin during his life, and has earned a place in Hell.

So, I'd have it so that a force (an archangel or maybe the Grim Reaper), would be set loose to return Scorpion to where he belongs. Obviously, Scorpion wouldn't want to return to burning in Hell, even if he has no vengeance to wreak.

That would lead to Scorpion trying to do something to redeem himself. In MK1, he killed Sub-Zero purely for vengeance. He chased after Quan Chi, for vengeance. He was sent to kill Onaga, mainly because he was the most convenient choice for the Elder Gods. So, all the good things he's done were either with malicious intent, or because he was told to.

In MK7, I'd have him realize that he has done evil, and that in order to not go back to hell, he'd need redemption. It could be fighting the big boss just because they're evil, it could be helping Sub-Zero. Just no more vengeance.

So there we have it. Scorpion gets a new purpose (redemption), and a new nemesis (Grim Reaper).
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11/23/2006 01:33 AM (UTC)
Just because he turns human does not mean he won't be able to kick ASS.glasses
11/23/2006 03:28 AM (UTC)
KiliKia18 Wrote:
Just because he turns human does not mean he won't be able to kick ASS.glasses

You mean Scorpion will get his ass kicked. He will lose all his moves! He might keep his spear move...that's about it.
11/23/2006 03:41 AM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:
Scorpion is always being from hell and trying to kill quain chi and protect sub-zero. Thats getting OLD. i think he should finaly tear quain in half and become mortal. and sence midway is running out of ideas for sub-zero, noob could become sub again and he and new sub-zero could become rivals. your comments?

He's never protected Sub-Zero. In fact, he's always been after him until around the end of MK4.

I think that Scorpion should fufill his revenge and have a different story. He needs to stay far away from revenge as possible, and they need to drop the whole "revenge against the Elder Gods" thing as that only shits on his character even more. So basically, he's been dipped in shit, rolled in bread crumbs, and sold for $3.50 to the Lochness Monster.

Scorpion becoming human again is something that should happen when his story is finished. Midway is running out of ideas for Sub-Zero? Since when?

Noob Saibot should NOT EVER become the older Sub-Zero again. He's fine as he is, and his storyline should continue. He and Sub-Zero are already rivals.

Btw, it's Quan Chi, not Quain Chi. wink
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"I have betrayed my homeland and joined forces with the man that murdered my father. Now nothing shall calm my rage as I seek to demolish this ruthless parasite and to restore my family's former glory as General of Edenia's Army,"

These are the words of Rain
11/23/2006 04:13 AM (UTC)
I say you have problems. Scorpion being human is like Snoop Dogg without weed. It's just like no, so please don't ask a dumb question like that.
11/23/2006 04:37 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
He's never protected Sub-Zero. In fact, he's always been after him until around the end of MK4.

Nope, they un-retconned it.
When Midway posted pages for Scorpion and Sub-Zero on myspace they mention his vowing to protect Sub-Zero and that being the reason he fought against Shao Kahn in MK3.

Since it was Midway that made them, it would suggest that the vow is canon once again.
11/23/2006 09:36 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
He's never protected Sub-Zero. In fact, he's always been after him until around the end of MK4.

Nope, they un-retconned it.
When Midway posted pages for Scorpion and Sub-Zero on myspace they mention his vowing to protect Sub-Zero and that being the reason he fought against Shao Kahn in MK3.

Since it was Midway that made them, it would suggest that the vow is canon once again.

Since when has or been a reliable source of info? Any site where ANYONE can make edits is not a reliable source.

Anyways, I see Suz-Zero's ending comming true. I see him as an ice god who will go against the elder gods.
11/23/2006 04:53 PM (UTC)
MK_The_Pit Wrote:
Since when has or been a reliable source of info? Any site where ANYONE can make edits is not a reliable source.

Once again: the two pages were made or approved by Midway.
And no, not ANYONE can make edits on myspace pages. Only the people who created the page can edit them.
11/29/2006 11:21 PM (UTC)
Scorpion should become more evil and more powerful. Kinda like he was in MK:SM, kinda towards Monster.

If anyone should become Human Again make it Reptile.
11/29/2006 11:23 PM (UTC)
reptilz Wrote:

If anyone should become Human Again make it Reptile.

If that happens, I'll probably go insane, considering how much people want "human" versions of characters.
11/30/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)
well if you noticed reptil has become more and more reptilian until the last mk is has went back to more human, so the next game he could be back to human. but who knows.

my favorite is MKG alt costume, where it was his ninja costume but you could see his scale like arms.
12/04/2006 10:53 PM (UTC)
i find this so ironic first you boo the human characters off the stage (stryker anyone?) then you want some of the best characters (not neccesarily best storyline) to be human you are all fuc*in crazy
12/04/2006 11:27 PM (UTC)
i think the mk team should kombine scorpion and sub-zero like noob-smoke in mkd....

seriously though, no he shouldn't become human imo and he clearly needs something other than revenge...
12/05/2006 12:31 AM (UTC)
I don't care. Anything to make him interesting.
Scorpion hasn't used the skull for any moves for a while now.

It's not a big deal, they could give him a lot of other cool stuff.

Scorpion's pretty nice the way he is though, so I'd keep him dead. furious
12/06/2006 01:05 PM (UTC)
HELL NO!!! Scorpion is cool as a specter.furious
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